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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvorba Davida Jařaba a Dušana D. Pařízka v Divadle Komedie / David Jařab and Dušan D. Pařízek´s work in Komedie Theatre

Fleyberková, Klára January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the work of David Jařab and Dušan D. Pařízek - two of the leading figures in Komedie Theatre from years 2002 to 2012. It tries to capture some of the principles of both author´s work and focuses on their work on Komedie´s scene only. After a brief introduction to the history of Komedie Theatre and Pražské komorní divadlo (Prague theatre ensemble), this thesis analyses the theatre´s further dramaturgy, both author´s topic selection and their working with text. In the next part it gets to the formal elements in the authors´s plays - successively it describes stage design, costumes, music or visual effects. Last part of this thesis is about some common specific points that we could find in Jařab and Pařízek´s production, about their approach to acting and combining space and text. And in the very end there is a general reflection of Komedie Theatre under the lead of Pražské komorní divadlo besides trying to find possible reasons why these two figures helped to create such acclaimed scene. The objective of this thesis is to describe the work of David Jařab and Dušan D. Pařízek in Prague´s Komedie Theatre and to detect principles of their production and mutual collaboration.

Vybrané samizdatové časopisy let 1980 až 1987 / Selected samizdat magazines 1980-1987

Kučerová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the thesis "Selected samizdat magazines 1980 - 1987 (X Desítka (Ten)/Violit and Jednou nohou (One Foot)/Revolver Revue)" is to give a picture of how these magazines were created and how they functioned in the context of the time. The first part of the thesis gives a general description of historical events, especially the period surrounding Gustáv Husák's rise to become the head of the Czechoslovak Communist Party and the start of normalisation. This change brought about issues such as political cleansing and trials and the development of opposition. The second chapter is devoted to the phenomenon of Charter 77, its origins, the response to it by the party and state apparatus and what it meant to be a Charter 77 member in everyday life. The concept of samizdat is briefly defined in chapter three. The fourth and fifth chapters deal with the magazines themselves. In the sixth chapter they are compared mainly in terms of production and distribution.

Institucionální tlak na práci novináře a jeho autocenzurní aktivity v kontextu reforem konce šedesátých let / Institutional Pressure On the Work of a Journalist and His Self-Censorship Activities in the Context of the End of 1960s Reforms

Fencl, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this work is to present the daily working routine of Czech journalists employed in newspapers in the years 1965-1974, with an emphasis on examining the institutional level of external pressure on journalists, in contrast to self- censorship. The Prague Spring is seen as a milestone, which divide the work into three stages: The 'thawing' period before 1968, a period of relative freedom of expression from January 1968 to mid-1969 and then the following period characterised by the stabilization of the 'normalization regime' in the first half of 1970s.

Utopia e disincanto. Československo a Mitteleuropa v poetických prózách Magrise, Ripellina a Sermontiho / Utopia e disincanto. Czecoslovachia and Middle Europe in the poetic proses by Magris, Ripellino and Sermonti

Morozová, Fedora January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to trace the utopia and disenchantment of four selected Italian writers who spent some time in Czechoslovakia and testified about their experiences. We try to achieve that by using a conception presented by Claudio Magris in his essay Utopia e disincanto. Firstly, the substance of the terminological pair utopia and disenchantment is explicated. The analysis is based on following works: Il pane rosso by Giovanni Passeri, Praga: appunti dalla memoria by Orazio Pizzigoni, I fatti di Praga (as well as L`Ora di Praga) and Praga magica by Angelo M. Ripellino and Il tempo fra cane e lupo by Vittorio Sermonti. Passeri and Pizzigoni arrived in Czechoslovakia at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s to ascertain how real socialism functioned. Ripellino and Sermonti arrived at the time of the Prague Spring, therefore their writings relate to this period. The thesis is divided into two parts according to historical stages and different motivations of the authors. There are four subheadings, one for each writer, containing analysis of the selected writings, biography of the author and characterization of their dreams, expectations and subsequent disenchantment. These findings are summarized through a brief recapitulation in the last chapter.

Rekatolizace v městech pražských v době pobělohorské. Nové Město pražské v kontextu procesu katolické konfesionalizace / Catholic Reformation in the Prague Towns after the Battle of the White Mountain. Prague's New Town in a context of the process of the catholic confessionalisation

Fejtová, Olga January 2011 (has links)
Catholic Reformation in the Prague Towns after the Battle of White Mountain. Prague's New Town in a context of the process of the catholic confessionalisation Abstract Olga Fejtová This thesis' methodological ground is a conception of both clerical and secular politics of recatholisation in a relation to Prague's New Town within the Post-White-Mountain period as part of a process of confessionalisation, i. e catholic confessialisation, within the paradigm that was introduced into European historiography in 1980s . The recatholisation within Bohemian lands in relationship to the paradigm of confessionalisation invokes a strategy of state and clerical power. Its enforcement and exercise in political practice were illustrated by normative materials that represented attendant signs of a development of the catholic confessionalisation. The target of this thesis is firstly to describe the progress of politics concerning recatholisation in a relationship to one of Prague's towns by using contemporary decrees of both secular and clerical origin. Furthermore, it shall investigate issues echoing within and from life of the New-Prague-Town's society of the 17th century. This within both public and private spheres of burgess' life. In order to reveal a correct reflection of the whole structure of the progression...

Vývoj vztahu ke vzdělání v 17. století ve světle měšťanských testamentů (příklad Nového Města pražského) / Development of Relations for Education in the 17th century in the Context of Burghers' Testaments (Example of New Town Prague)

Richter Musilová, Oldřiška January 2016 (has links)
The Development of Relations to Education in the 17th Century in the Context of Burgher Testaments (the Example of New Prague Town) Abstract Early modern testaments represent a unique source of information about many areas of life at a given historical period. They are frequently used in various areas of historical research, including Czech historiography and its new cultural history. Although the cultural history covers many topics, surprisingly, the field of education has been somewhat forgotten. The testaments, which unite the official information and personal testimonies, provide a unique chance to see the attitude of the society towards education in a historical context of a certain era. The testaments might become important especially when researching those periods of the development of scholarly systems and education that have been overlooked by historians, e.g. the development of town schools; respectively, the development of urban education in the period after the Battle of White Mountain (1620). The limited interest of historians has been caused mainly by the lack of information sources that could explain the changes in the organization of the newly formed confessional educational system after the Battle of White Mountain. These changes launched the process of recatholization of the Czech lands...

Tisk a kulturní politika pardubického okresu v období normalizace / Press and cultural politics in pardubice region in times of normalization

Trestrová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation gives a comprehensive picture of the press organs of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in the district of Pardubice during the so-called normalization. The first chapter describes the historical contexts of this era, particularly changes in policy after the onset of Gustáv Husák at the head of the Communist Party in April 1969. With this change is related to another topic: extensive purges in the Communist Party, which took place in 1970. The second chapter focuses on changes in the media at the beginning of normalization, in particular the abolition of some periodicals and restoring censorship, and changes in the cultural field, especially strengthening the focus on the Soviet Union, the emergence of new artists' unions and various legal regulation in order to strengthen ideological supervision of the this sphere . The third and fourth sections are devoted East Bohemian press: daily newspaper Pochodeň, published in Hradec Králové, and Pardubice district newspaper Zář. It briefly describes the history of these newspapers and their effect during the Prague Spring and subsequent developments in normalization. Attention is then focussed mainly on their cultural sections and their scope, content and authors of articles. Analysis of the articles from the cultural sections provides...

Obraz životního stylu v období normalizace na stránkách magazínu Chatař: časopis pro chataře a chalupáře / Image of the lifestyle in the period of normalization according the Chatař journal

Červená, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Thesis The Image of the Lifestlyle in the Period of Normalization according the Chatař Journal deals with the lifestyle in Czechoslovakia from the viewpoint of magazine Chatař. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the cottage dwelling, its development and expansion in the so-called normalization period, with particular impact on the daily lives of Czechoslovakian citizens. Part of the thesis describes the development and theoretical backround of the leisure time. The thesis also emphasizes the role of media in the Prague Spring process, as well as the role in the period of so-called normalization in social-polical area. Answering of research the research questions is based on quantitative content research and historical approach to particular thematic units. Part of the research also refers to the questionnaire survey. The magazine was an extraordinary source of informations in the period of normalization.

Nástup normalizace v Československé televizi / The Onset of Normalisation in the Czechoslovak Television

Slunečková, Karin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis tackles the onset of normalisation in Czechoslovak Television between 1969-1975. Firstly the author introduces the reader to the subject through the historical context. Above all, the thesis focuses on dramatic changes that affected Czechoslovak Television in that era. Further, the thesis is dedicated to one of main players and representatives of normalisation in Czechoslovak media, general director of Czechoslovak Television Jan Zelenka, who remained in office between years 1969 and 1989. The author uses not only published sources, but also internal documents and databases of Czechoslovak Television and documents from the National Archive. In the analytical part of the thesis the author describes the function and structure of Ideological Thematic Plans which served as a foundation document for the TV broadcasting for one year to the next. Using the Ideological Thematic Plan of 1973 the author analyses their content. The author carries out an in-depth analysis of three TV programmes chosen from the Ideological Thematic Plan of 1973. These programmes represent three different genres - a broadcast targeting the young Through Young Eyes (Mladýma očima), a television series of nine episodes Mother (Matka), and a feature film, And Give My Love to the Swallows (…a pozdravuj vlaštovky)....

Teoretická východiska tzv. Šikovy reformy / Theoretical basis of the Šik's reform

Syřišťová, Adéla January 2009 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis are the economic-theoretical concepts, which in varying degrees contributed to the creation of an official government program of economic reforms in the sixties of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia. The work will mainly analyze the causes of success Šikova reform movement among economists and the Czechoslovak Communist Party leadership. The first part of the study will address the reorientation of foreign trade and economy of Czechoslovakia to the Soviet Union and its satellite countries, as well as the importance of CSR for the functioning of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in the fifties. Briefly mentioned is the first attempt at economic reform led by Kurt Rozsypal issues and other proposals for changes in central planning. The crucial part of this work will be devoted to the theoretical designs and directions, which created the preconditions for the implementation of specific economic reforms in the sixties. The treatment of the topic study should answer the questions: What were the other economic programs and their leaders? These protagonists could significantly affect the program or not?

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