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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

På jakt efter gyllene generationer : En kvalitativ studie om hur Smålands fotbollförbund arbetar med talangidentifikation och talangutveckling

Blomqvist, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur Småland fotbollsdistriktsförbund arbetar och organiserar talangverksamheten för pojkar i Småland, samt att söka klarhet i hur fotbollsinstruktörers tidigare erfarenheter och definitioner av vad som är en bra eller mindre bra fotbollsspelare påverkar deras syn på talangidentifikation och talangutveckling.   Sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer har gjorts med personer på alla de nivåer som finns i förbundet. Resultatet visar att talangprocessen fungerar som en pyramidmodell där chanserna att bli involverad i denna har ökat i och med de förändringar som gjorts under tid. Sett till hur de ser på begreppet talangidentifikation visar studiens resultat på att det handlar om hur respondenterna ser på sin omgivning, vad de anser vara bra sett utifrån deras tankar om vad som krävs för att bli en elitfotbollsspelare. Vad gäller deras syn på talangutveckling visar resultaten på att det handlar om att stötta spelarna samt hjälpa dem hitta de bästa miljöerna att utvecklas i. Enligt respondenterna är styrkan med förbundet att man har en samsyn vid olika urvalssituationer. Svagheterna är enligt respondenterna att nivån på klubblagstränare och instruktörer runt om i distriktet är för låg sett till hur mycket av spelarnas utveckling som sker där.

Le bon sens dans l’organisation / Common sense in organization

Németh Bongers, Diane Ella 11 July 2017 (has links)
Si le bon sens est fréquemment invoqué au cœur des préoccupations organisationnelles, il n’existe pas de théorie du bon sens en sciences de gestion. Nous avons, grâce aux travaux de Bourdieu (1980), exploré le bon sens comme un concept dyadique, comprenant deux dimensions, le sens commun et le sens pratique. Diverses perspectives dépendant de l’importance relative qui est accordée à chacune de ses deux dimensions, montrent que le bon sens est multiple. Il est une dynamique qui articule ensemble le sens commun, attaché au jugement, et le sens pratique, attaché à la réflexivité. Afin de comprendre les mécanismes fondamentaux du bon sens dans l’organisation, nous avons conduit une étude en trois phases, inductive, longitudinale, d’un cas paradigmatique.La dynamique du bon sens dans l’organisation résulte de la combinaison et de l’interaction entre la constitution du jugement et la culture de la réflexivité. Nos travaux montrent que le bon sens repose sur une l’alternance entre différents états, ouvert, fermé, en cours d’ouverture et en cours de fermeture, favorisant ainsi une « respiration » entre la constitution d’un jugement avec une culture de la réflexivité. Le bon sens peut être pleinement un outil de gestion, à condition d’être prévu et reconnu, pour une vie organisationnelle qui n’est jamais totalement accomplie. / While common sense is frequently cited as a core organizational concern, there is no common-sense theory in management science. Thanks to the work of Bourdieu (1980), we have explored common sense as a dyadic concept, comprising two dimensions, common sense and practical sense. Various perspectives depending on the relative importance given to each of its two dimensions show that common sense is multiple. It is a dynamic which articulates together common sense, attached to judgment, and practical sense, attached to reflexivity.To understand the fundamental mechanisms of common sense in organization, we conducted a three-phase, inductive, longitudinal study of a paradigmatic case.The dynamics of common sense in organization results from the combination and interaction between the constitution of judgment and the culture of reflexivity. Our work shows that common sense is based on an alternation between different states, open, closed, opening and closing, thus promoting a "breathing" between the constitution of a judgment and a culture of reflexivity. Common sense can be fully a management tool, provided it is planned and recognized, for an organizational life that is never fully accomplished.

Un festival de jazz en monde rural : analyse sociologique d’un conflit qui dure : le cas français d'Uzeste Musical et de ses relations conflictuelles avec la localité qui l'accueille

Lartigue, Benoît 05 1900 (has links)
L’étude de cas qui compose ce mémoire de maîtrise cherche à expliquer sous l’optique sociologique la pérennité des relations conflictuelles qu’entretiennent le festival permanent Uzeste Musical et le village du même nom, peuplé de 450 habitants et dans lequel il se déroule depuis plus de 35 ans. Fondée sur une enquête de terrain mêlant approche ethnographique et entretiens semi-dirigés au sein de ce village du sud ouest de la France, l’analyse combine in vivo une description ethnographique du conflit à différents éléments théoriques susceptibles d’en rendre raison. Principalement, le recours à la théorie des champs et des sens pratiques de Bourdieu et à celle, pragmatique, de Boltanski et Thévenot, permet de saisir dans le discours des différents acteurs du conflit les raisons pour lesquelles un festival de jazz comme celui-ci se révèle être à bien trop d’égards étranger aux structures et à la culture d’un tel village pour s’y faire pleinement accepter. Il permet également de rendre compte de la manière par laquelle ces mêmes acteurs tendent à redéfinir un conflit – dont la longévité pourrait a priori sembler insoutenable – en des termes qui leur sont familiers, posture qui leur permet alors de relativiser une conflictualité qu’ils assimilent à l’histoire ordinaire de leur village et avec laquelle ils sont ainsi en mesure de composer. / This master’s thesis is a case study that uses a sociological perspective to seek the reasons of the persistent conflict between the Uzeste Musical festival and a village of 450 inhabitants going by the same name, and last for the past 35 years. Based on a fieldwork, it combines an ethnographical approach and semi-structured interviews within this southwest village of France. The analysis mixes in vivo an ethnographical description of the conflict to different theoretical elements. The field and the practical sense theory of Bourdieu, in addition to the Boltanski & Thévenot’s pragmatic theory will help us understand the true implication of this problematic cohabitation. Through discussions with the different actors of the conflict rise the very reasons why this jazz festival seems foreign to the structures and the culture of the village, thus not being accepted by its inhabitants. Furthermore, it demonstrates the way the actors will try to redefine the conflict itself with familiar terms, even thought the latter seems unsustainable. This position allows them to put the conflict into perspective like it was always a part of the village’s history, thus redefining a way to cope with this problematic cohabitation.

Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet

Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd January 2014 (has links)
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the subject field (pedagogical authority). Selection is explained by the concept of habitus. Another conclusion is the tendency to “nuanced” co-optation similar to when appointments were made by self selection and teaching ability was important in early 19th century. A final conclusion is that in positioning of arguments in shared beliefs (doxa) in questioning the appointment process, researchers in the early years of this century represent heterodox opinions.

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