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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Role pisatele ve vybraných autotematických románech / Role of a writer in selected metafictional novels

Šulcová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The role of a writer in selected metafictional novels Bc. Eva Šulcová Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the genre of metafictional novel. The aim of the diploma thesis is to identify various internal motivations for the usage of metafiction technique in literature and to describe the role of a writer. The first part summarizes the theoretical background of the genre and formulates some characteristic features of metafictional novel (emphasized vicariousness of the narrative, reflection of the creative act, personality of the writer, or the problematized relationship between reality and fiction), which were all illustrated by the analysis of André Gide's novel The Counterfeiters. The second part consists of interpretations of three metafictional novels. The interpretations aim at a complex analysis of the author and at a description of various functions of the metafiction technique as a constituent of the work's meaning. Gide uses metafiction to display the discrepancy between reality and illusion, thus uncovering hypocrisies of society and passing judgement on it. To Čapek, metafiction is a tool for applying multiperspectivity to his storyline, thus creating a metaphor of varying epistemic principles. Metafictional genre was further utilized by Řezáč in his novel Rozhraní to illustrate the polarity...

Význam pravdy ve vztahu adoptivních rodičů a osvojeného dítěte / Importance of Truth in Relation Adoptive Parents and the Adopted Child

Pospíšilová, Radka January 2013 (has links)
The fundamental theme is the communication between the adoptive parents and an adopted child especially choosing the appropriate way of telling the truth and right timing of the fact of adoption. This thesis compares the attitudes of psychologists and other professionals, especially social workers with experiences with adoptive parents and adopted children through the casuistries. Another significant theme in this thesis is an identity of the adoptive parents and adopted children. The thesis describes some methods and techniques that find easier way of telling the truth to the child which are contemporaneusly facilitating with the developmental psychology. In detail then I am describing the concrete methods and techniques, especially art psychotherapy, bibliotherapy, autogenous training.

Česko - německý dialog v životě a díle vlastence, kněze a vychovatele Františka Pravdy / The Czech - German dialog at life and writings of nationalist, priest and educator František Pravda

BÍLKOVÁ, Martina January 2012 (has links)
Submitted diploma thesis describes the life of priest František Pravda, born Vojtěch Hlinka. He was well-known writer and founder of short stories with rural theme. The thesis introduces Hlinka as a writer, but primarily as a man of many other professions and interests. The way of life brought him to Hrádek u Sušice to work for an aristocratic family of Sturmfeders. Attention is concerned with mutual relations between the Czech patriot and four generations of German baronial family. Hlinka worked as an educator of feeble-minded Ottokar Sturmfeder in Hrádek´s castle. His extraordinary psychopaedics talent is compared with usual provincial and European contemporary standards. There is also depicted Hlinka´s political, writing and religion career and his other interests. The thesis doesn´t overlook Hlinka´s contacts with important representatives of artistic and political life, which helps to complete the picture of Hlinka´s personality.

Blízká pravda vzdálených metafor: Jak metafory tvoří svět / Close Truth of Distant Metaphors: How Metaphors Create the World

Picková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with a metaphor and its place in philosophy. It engages in a concept of metaphor as a transference with a help of Aristotle, Nietzsche, Ricoeur, and others, and explores consequences which follow from such a concept in the perspective of truth conditions. Firstly, it focuses on an exploration of a nature of the metaphor with a relation to an earlier philosophical tradition. Secondly, it examines categories of similarity, reference and imagination as fundamental constituents of metaphorical utterances. Furthermore, it also re-evaluates the distinction between literal and figurative meaning and living and dead metaphors to uncover the metaphor as a creative principle of language, which is characteristic by its actualizing and approaching power.

Рехабилитација лица осуђених из политичких или идеолошких разлога и њене правне последице / Rehabilitacija lica osuđenih iz političkih ili ideoloških razloga i njene pravne posledice / Rehabilitation of Persons Convicted for Political and Ideological Reasons and Consequences of such Rehabilitation

Samardžić Stefan 20 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Rehabilitacija kao pojam u pravu, izuzetno je slojevita i vi&scaron;eznačna. Tako je, jedan od ciljeva ove disertacije upravo sagledavanje upotrebe termina rehabilitacija, prevashodno u krivičnom pravu, uz nastojanje da se instituti koji se isto nazivaju, međusobno uporede i ra&scaron;člane. U tradicionalnom smislu pod rehabilitacijom se podrazumevaju dva instituta koji pripadaju krivičnom materijalnom odnosno krivičnom procesnom pravu, te treća, ne&scaron;to novijeg porekla, rehabilitacija lica osuđenih iz političkih ili ideolo&scaron;kih razloga.</p><p>U disertaciji se obrađuju pitanja pravnih posledica osude, ali i upisa osude u kaznene evidencije, te njihovo brisanje odnosno poni&scaron;tavanje rehabilitacijom. Takođe, radi diferencijacije u odnosu na specijalnu, odvojeno su analizirane redovna i vanredna, kao u teoriji krivičnog prava tradicionalni pojmovi rehabilitacije osnovano, odnosno neosnovano osuđenih lica. Treći i četvrti deo rada posvećeni su specijalnoj rehabilitaciji osuđenih iz političkih ili ideolo&scaron;kih razloga. U trećem delu obrađuju se uporednopravni i međunarodnopravni aspekti specijalne rehabilitacije na evropskom kontinentu, sa kojim na&scaron; pravni sistem uglavnom deli srodnu pravnu tradiciju, ali ovde značajnije od toga, deli i zajedničko istorijsko iskustvo iz perioda totalitarizma. Četvrti deo bavi se specijalnom rehabilitacijom u srpskom pravu, odvojeno posmatrajući re&scaron;enja prvog i drugog zakona o rehabilitaciji. Poslednji deo rada posvećen je upravo istraživanju sudske prakse specijalne rehabilitacije, koje je obuhvatilo ukupno 4.189 re&scaron;enja o specijalnoj rehabilitaciji, koja se odnose na 5.402 lica. Uzorak je obuhvatio re&scaron;enja, sa manjim ili većim odstupanjima, svih sudova na teritoriji Srbije u periodu od 2006. do 2016. godine, obuhvatajući svih deset godina primene dva zakona o specijalnoj rehabilitaciji.</p><p>&Scaron;iri, dru&scaron;tveni značaj zaključaka o rehabilitaciji lica osuđenih iz političkih ili ideolo&scaron;kih razloga ogleda se u činjenici da svi nosioci vlasti moraju imati u vidu da zloupotreba prava u cilju ustanovljavanja vlasti jedne ideologije, ne može biti solidan temelj države. Krivično pravo je moćan mehanizam, ali se upravo zato mora voditi računa kako se koristi, i u kojoj meri je podobno sredstvo za svojevrsnu reviziju istorije. Unapređenjem i pobolj&scaron;avanjem procesa rehabilitacije lica osuđenih iz političkih ili ideolo&scaron;kih razloga suzbija se političko manihejstvo i potencijalno usporava lanac podela u dru&scaron;tvu koje razaraju srpsko nacionalno biće.</p> / <p>Rehabilitation as a legal concept is extremely complex and multifaceted. Consequently, one of the goals of this dissertation is to grasp the meaning of the term rehabilitation, primarily within the criminal law context, and in doing so to try to examine and dissect various legal terms that are often given similar meaning. Traditionally, the rehabilitation refers to two principles of substantive and procedural criminal law, and as the third, to the rehabilitation of a person convicted for political or ideological reasons.<br />In terms, here we makes the distinction between ordinary, extraordinary, and special rehabilitation. The ordinary rehabilitation refers to rehabilitation of justly convicted persons, after certain period of time has lapsed, since the time they have served their punishment, provided they have improved their behavior. The term extraordinary, rehabilitation refers to rehabilitation of person wrongfully convicted or detained.<br />The term special rehabilitation is defined as annulment, based on a special law, of a court or administrative decision that served as a basis for conviction or deprivation of rights of a person for political or ideological reasons, or declaration that a person was deprived of rights without a decision of a state organ. The scope of application of the special rehabilitation is very wide and uncharted. First of all, the very legal nature of this type of rehabilitation is completely undefined, hence, causing considerable confusion among the legal profession, and leaving the general public entirely bemused. A completely distorted impression surrounds rehabilitation of political convicts, not only among general public, but also among the legal profession, and even within academic circles, which is even more dangerous. A wrong image was created, most likely due to rehabilitation of several well-known political convicts that the rehabilitation means to rehabilitate the figure and work, i.e. political activities, of a certain individual. We are of the opinion that a completely wrong perception of the goals, as well as, the possibilities of the special rehabilitation was created and that is fully reflects the fact that the lawmakers where not sure themselves about the legal nature and certain aspects of this special rehabilitation. It seems that jurisprudence, as well as courts desperately need answers to numerous questions concerning this type of rehabilitation, and legal principles associated with it.<br />This dissertation covers issues of legal consequences of conviction, registration of conviction in a person&rsquo;s criminal record, and the expungement or annulment by means of rehabilitation, of such conviction. Also, in order to differentiate special rehabilitation from other types of rehabilitation, we have offered a separate analysis of the ordinary and extraordinary rehabilitation, as the latter two are traditionally associated with rehabilitation of justly and generally wrongfully convicted persons. The third and fourth<br />chapter of this dissertation are dedicated to the special rehabilitation of persons convicted for political and ideological reasons. The third chapter deals with comparative and international law aspects of the special rehabilitation in Europe, since our legal system shares, to a considerable extent, common legal tradition with the rest of the European continent, as well as, a common historic experience of the totalitarian period. In the fourth chapter, we explored the special rehabilitation in the Serbian legal system by providing distinct analysis of norms of the first and the second law on rehabilitation. The final chapters of this dissertation are dedicated to the research of case law dealing with the special rehabilitation. The research covered 4.189 decisions on special rehabilitation that involved 5.402 persons. The research sample included decisions, with minor deviations, from all the courts within the territory of the Republic of Serbia in the period between 2006 and 2016, thereby covering the entire ten-year period of application of two laws regulating special rehabilitation. Each rehabilitation decision was examined based on more than fifty criteria. Consequently, the research provides data, concerning persons seeking rehabilitation, i.e. composition of rehabilitated persons based on various personal criteria; moreover shows the time, place and organ of a political conviction; regulations and specific criminal and other offences on which the conviction rests; criminal sanctions that were used, etc.<br />Wider, social significance of a decision on rehabilitation of a person convicted for political or ideological reasons lies in a fact that all agents entrusted with governmental authority must bear in mind that miscarriage of justice with a purpose of establishing government of a certain ideology does not serve as a solid cornerstone on which the state may be founded. Criminal law is a powerful mechanism, and it is precisely for that reason that it must be used cautiously and to the extent, it is an appropriate mechanism to serve the process of revision of history. By advancing and improving the process of rehabilitation of persons convicted for political and ideological reasons, we curb the political Manichaeism and potentially slow down the process of division that is eroding the Serbian society.</p>

Český a slovenský mediální obraz rozdělení Československa / Czech and Slovak media representation of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia

Kvítková, Alena January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis Czech and Slovak media representation of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia is concerned with the way in which media portrayed the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. Through the analysis of articles on the topic in question it examines the media image created by each newspaper respectively, by Czech and Slovak newspapers as two units and the overall image based on all of the collected data. Three Czech (Mladá fronta DNES, Rudé právo and Blesk) and three Slovak (Smena, Pravda and Nový Čas) newspapers served as the source for the analysis. Articles from two periods were collected - from the time the act on the dissolution of Czechoslovakia was passed and from the time the actual dissolution took place. The aim is to establish the overall media image of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, but also to compare and contrast the image created by Czech and Slovak newspapers and to study their differences concerning the overall positive, negative or neutral image as well as the implemented media frames. In addition, the thesis also focuses on the different portrayal of the dissolution in right-wing and left-wing newspapers and broadsheet and tabloid press. The final confrontation of the results with public opinion surveys is also important as it proves the connection between the media agenda and...

Případ Rousseau: utváření jedné existence / The case of Rousseau: Formation of an existence

Kojanová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is based on the final works of Michel Foucault (Courage of truth, Fearless peech) and it focuses on how the truth and truth-telling as an activity effects self- formation of the individual, namely self-formation of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, which is recorded in his autobiografical works (Confession of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Dialoges: Rousseau, Judge of Jean-Jacques, Reveries of a Solitery Walker). In my thesis, I have tried to decide as which true-telling person he could be considered (prophet, sage, teacher, parrhesiastes or cynic). In order to achieve that, I drew from his other philosophical works and secondary literature (Discurses, Essay on the Origin of languages, Emile or On Education, The Social Contract, Letter to M. D'Alembert on Spectacles, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Transparency and Obstruction) and I was looking for evidence of his true nature and thoughts, which I put into context of his work Confessions afterwards. Keywords: Truth, courage of truth, parrhesia, parrhesiastes, cynic, self-love, false meaning about oneself, heart, passion, imagination, human nature, social inequalities.

Pozdně wittgensteinovská etika jako projasňování, kultivace a obohacování etických způsobů vidění / Late Wittgensteinian Ethics as Clarification, Cultivation and Enrichment of Ethical Ways of Seeing

Rozen, David January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the work is to present the possibilities of ethics in late Wittgensteinian framework. In course of the investigation will be presented: (1) early Wittgensteinian ethics, (2) late Wittgensteinian anti-foundationalism and (3) its consequences for analytical meta-ethics - it will be argued (a) against epistemologization of ethics and (b) for need of more complex understanding of ethics, by which traditional meta-ethical disputes of realism with anti-realism and of cognitivism with non-cognitivism will be overcame -, which will result in (4) development of late Wittgensteinian ethics. Ethics will be presented as consisting in ethical ways of seeing of the world, through which various phenomena arise as ethically relevant and late Wittgensteinian ethical investigation will be developed as clarification, cultivation and enrichment of our ethical ways of seeing in overall - partially subjective and partially intersubjective - context of language, life forms and life stories from which they arise. Keywords Ethics, meta-ethics, Wittgenstein, anti-foundationalism, truth in ethics, aspect seeing, perspicuous representation, ethics as clarification, life forms

Občanství a autenticita / Citizenship and Authenticity

Bindásová, Juliána January 2013 (has links)
The text tries to bring a different point of view on what citizenship is and what it means, other than political or legal interpretation. It searches for pre-political and pre-legal basis of citizenship able to protect its rights and freedoms as defined by, for example, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms or as legally guaranteed in democracies. The theoretical part of the text is based on treatises of Czechoslovak dissidents who examined the phenomenon of citizenship, being themselves citizens of illiberal regime. The treatises originate mainly in the 1970s and look at the citizen through the eyes of the dissent of "normalised" Czechoslovakia. The view is broadened by further interviews focusing on the topic of citizenship with three more dissidents. The goal is to find what citizenship should carry within, what it should mean in order to be able to defend its space, the space which officially belongs to it in democratic conditions.

Mediální analýza rozpadu Československa / Media analysis of Czechoslovakian Desintegration

Vávra, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the topic of the breakup of Czechoslovakia into two independent Czech and Slovak republics at the beginning of the year 1993. With the help of secondary literature, the first section is dedicated to chronologically interpreting the history of the relationship between Czechs and Slovaks. The section also discusses the accounts of leading Czech, Slovak and other international historians relating to the end of Czechoslovakia. In the second section, the author of this thesis firstly focuses on the analysis of selected printed media, including the Czech newspapers 'Rudé právo' and 'Mladá fronta/Mladá fronta DNES', and Slovakian 'Pravda' from the months around the time of the so-called Hyphen War at the beginning of 1990. The final chapters focus on the analysis of the above-mentioned newspapers from the time of the elections to the Federal Assembly in 1992 and examine reference methods relating to the issue of the Czech- Slovak misunderstanding.

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