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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Haung, Yen-yen 12 August 2009 (has links)
The analysis of the large-scale international multi-sports event and city development¡Ðtaking the 2009 World Games pre-events as examples. Since winning the right to host the 2009 World Games in June 2004, Taiwan has been making numerous preparations for the big event. During the preparation period, intense preparations and the support of human resource as well as material resource are essential. However, Taiwan is currently lacking of experienced organizations on hosting large-scale international sports events and un-unified affair right. The promotion of the central policy rarely takes into account the diverse local public opinion over an extended period of time, which causes the inappropriate resource allocation for local development. The preparation is full of difficulties because the central and local resources could not bring out the full beneficial result. This research aims to analyze the 2009 World Games pre-events by using the data and literature review analysis. It does not only improve the hardware and software of city¡¦s structure. It also offers the opportunity for citizens to interact with various cultures. The most important thing is increasing the centripetal force of the people in a short time and promoting Taiwan into the international stage. The key factor is the marketing tactics brought out by the sports event, which expresses concretely the cultural integration, united harmony and state consciousness of Taiwan. The marketing tactics brought out by sports event pushes the rapid development of the city appearance, creative and artistic livelihood, and sustainable environment and tourism industries. We hope to drive the economic development by hosting large-scale sports event. Our goal is to promote the city and show the vitality of entire city. The global participative sports event will bring the long-term benefit for the city economy. Kaohsiung should work harder in the future, striving actively for the right to host international event which helps internationalize the city, expand commercial possibilities, and gain people recognition.

Contributions of Event Water to Streamflow in an Agricultural Catchment / Eventvattens bidrag till flodströmning i ett jordbruksavrinningsområde

Hagby, Johannes January 2018 (has links)
In agricultural catchments, hydrological processes play an important role in the export of nutrients. Water that enters a catchment during a rain event (event water) can have different flow paths and residence times. These affect the transport and biogeochemical transformation of nutrients until the water discharges at the outlet where catchments are usually monitored.This work focused on the contributions of event water and pre-event water (water that was already stored in the catchment before a rainfall event) to the stream. The work is necessary for further studies to develop an understanding of the relation of nutrients export and water flow paths. The method was based on isotopic hydrograph separation and performed on existing data. The stable isotope signature of oxygen in water (δ18O) was used as a tracer. A new study is planned using δ18O to distinguish different flow paths and residence times of water, and therefore a sequential rainfall collector was tested and improved for this purpose.The results of the hydrograph separation show that up to 54% of an increased discharge from a rainwater event is event water, but also that data in a higher temporal resolution is needed to quantify contributions of event water to the runoff for all the events. Additional and more advanced experiments of the rainfall collector would be an advantage, but it can also be used in the field as it is today. Based on the analysis and the revised sequential rainfall collector, a sampling strategy for future work is described. / I ett jordbruksavrinningsområde spelar hydrologiska processer en viktig roll vid export av näringsämnen. Vatten som adderas till ett avrinningsområde från ett regnevent (eventvatten) kan ha olika flödesvägar och olika uppehållstider. Dessa påverkar transporten och omvandlingen av biogeokemiska näringsämnen olika tills det att vattnet lämnar avrinningsområdet via ett utlopp.Arbetet har fokuserat på vilket bidrag eventvatten och vatten som redan lagrats i avrinningsområdet före regnhändelsen (pre-eventvatten) har till avrinningen till en flod. Arbetet är viktigt för att utveckla en förståelse för vattenflödesvägar som är nödvändiga för ytterligare undersökning av export av näringsämnen. Metoden baserades på en isotopisk hydrograf-separation och utfördes på existerande data. Spåraren som användes var den stabila isotopen av syre i vatten (δ18O). Eftersom en ny studie planeras med användning av δ18O för att skilja olika flödesvägar och uppehållstider för vatten, har en sekventiell regnuppfångare också testats och förbättras.Resultaten av den hydrografa separationen visar att upp till 54% av en ökad avrinning i floden som resultat av ett regnevent är eventvatten, men även att det finns behov av data med högre tidsmässig upplösning behövs för att kunna kvantifiera bidrag från eventvatten till avrinningen för alla event. Fler och mer avancerade tester av regnfångaren skulle vara en fördel, men den kan även i dagsläget användas i fält. Baserat på resultat från experiment av regnuppfångaren föreslås kort en provtagningsstrategi för framtida arbeten.

Formulating Disaster Recovery Plans for New Zealand: using a case study of the 1931 Napier Earthquake

Hollis, Melanie January 2007 (has links)
Worldwide, the risks from natural and technological hazards has been mounting at an accelerating rate, improvements in forecasting and warning systems have reduced deaths, however monetary losses from disasters are overwhelming (Burby, 2004). Pre event planning for recovery helps to resolve issues before a disaster so recovery is more efficient and effective. It also ensures that the window of opportunity can be used to implement hazard mitigation measures to reduce the vulnerability of the area with the aim of improving resilience for the next disaster. International case studies were examined, the Northridge earthquake being the most successful recovery while Hurricane Katrina the least. The recovery of the Napier 1931 earthquake was chosen as a New Zealand case study; to date this is the country's worst disaster. Overall the recovery of Napier was a success, shops were opened in temporary premises to keep the economy going and mitigation measures were included in the rebuilding. The earthquake has had important flow on effects on the way that disasters are managed in New Zealand. To create pre event plans in New Zealand legislation needs to be modified, including recovery plans and development of shortcuts to reduce some procedures which lengthen the recovery process. These plans need to take into account our national vulnerability as well as regional vulnerabilities.

Formulating Disaster Recovery Plans for New Zealand: using a case study of the 1931 Napier Earthquake

Hollis, Melanie January 2007 (has links)
Worldwide, the risks from natural and technological hazards has been mounting at an accelerating rate, improvements in forecasting and warning systems have reduced deaths, however monetary losses from disasters are overwhelming (Burby, 2004). Pre event planning for recovery helps to resolve issues before a disaster so recovery is more efficient and effective. It also ensures that the window of opportunity can be used to implement hazard mitigation measures to reduce the vulnerability of the area with the aim of improving resilience for the next disaster. International case studies were examined, the Northridge earthquake being the most successful recovery while Hurricane Katrina the least. The recovery of the Napier 1931 earthquake was chosen as a New Zealand case study; to date this is the country's worst disaster. Overall the recovery of Napier was a success, shops were opened in temporary premises to keep the economy going and mitigation measures were included in the rebuilding. The earthquake has had important flow on effects on the way that disasters are managed in New Zealand. To create pre event plans in New Zealand legislation needs to be modified, including recovery plans and development of shortcuts to reduce some procedures which lengthen the recovery process. These plans need to take into account our national vulnerability as well as regional vulnerabilities.

Development of a semi-automatic approach to estimate pre-event soil moisture for Flash Flood Guidance in low mountain ranges (Saxony)

Luong, Thanh Thi 12 August 2022 (has links)
This thesis is written as a cumulative dissertation based on peer-reviewed papers and supplemented by yet unpublished results. It presents methods and results that contribute to a novel approach for estimating water storage within the soil-water-plant system at a single site or in a small catchment (< 100 km2). The focus is on estimating the current/pre-event condition of a study area using simulated soil moisture and applying it as an indicator for flash flood forecasting. These two steps were combined in a semi-automatic framework that was used as a tool for flash flood monitoring after the Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) concept. This includes catchments for which Hydro-meteorological data and reliable site characteristics are not available. The overall objective was to demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of the regionally applicable modeling framework based on a lumped-physical model and open-source input data. The questions to be answered are: How reliable are the model outputs estimated by an uncalibrated-lumped model based on regional parameterization and forcing data? What are the potential uncertainties and limitations of such a framework? What are the potential applications of water storage in flood monitoring? The data were derived from freely available datasets. Meteorological input data can come from various sensor networks integrated in an open sensor web, mainly from the German Meteorological Service (DWD) and e.g., the forest climate stations of Sachsenforst. The model description required datasets for elevation (10 m, State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology-LfULG), land cover (Copernicus: Land Cover 100m), soil characteristics (BK50, LfULG) and soil profiles from the German National Forest Inventory (NFI). In addition, satellite-based soil moisture product (SMAP-L4-GPH from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration-NASA), water gauges data (LfULG) and eddy covariance flux cluster sites of the chair Meteorology at TU Dresden were used for validation. The first publication provides the framework and elaborates on the integration of a model into the open-data platform. The BROOK90 model (R version) was embedded in an open sensor web to estimate daily water balance components for more than 6,000 (sub-) catchments in Saxony. The model performance was validated with stream gauge observations in ten selected head catchments for discharge and with SMAP-L4-GPH for evapotranspiration and soil moisture. The results indicate that the framework is able to provide reliable soil retention estimates in high resolution. The second publication addresses the potential use of radar precipitation in this framework. Here the focus is on examining long-term radar-derived precipitation to improve water balance estimates due to its advantages in spatial coverage. The DWD’s re-analysis radar product, RADKLIM, was applied and aggregated for daily model input. A comparison between radar and rain gauge precipitation was performed to evaluate the quality of the product at the study sites, including the compensation for the catch loss in precipitation using the Richter correction. The results show the satisfactory performance of the framework with radar precipitation. The third publication demonstrates the application of model output to flood warnings. FFG was modified and applied to estimate rainfall thresholds considering the effects of antecedent soil moisture. Once rainfall threshold curves are calculated, only information on rainfall and soil moisture information is needed to issue a warning of a potential flash flood. The method was applied in the Wernersbach catchment in the Tharandt Forest and validated with historical events. The results of the contingency table show the potential of this tool for flash flood warning, but it should be tested with other rainfall runoff models and more catchments prone to flash floods.:Abstract/Zusammenfassung/Tóm tắt 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation and scope 1.2 Problem formulation 1.3 Target setting 1.4 Structure of the thesis 2. Adjusted Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) framework 2.2 Terminology and definitions 2.2.1 Flash flood 2.2.2 Small catchment 2.3 FFG concept 2.4 Adjusted FFG framework 3. Core publications of the PhD thesis 4. Major findings 5. Conclusions and outlook References List of Abbreviations List of figures List of the author’s publication Appendixes including the core publications Erklärung / Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine kumulative Dissertation, die auf begutachteten Arbeiten basiert und durch bisher unveröffentlichte Ergebnisse ergänzt wird. Sie stellt Methoden und Ergebnisse vor, die zu einem neuartigen Ansatz zur Abschätzung der Wasserspeicherung im System Boden-Wasser-Pflanze an einem einzelnen Standort oder in einem kleinen Einzugsgebiet (< 100 km2) beitragen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Abschätzung des aktuellen/vor einem Ereignis herrschenden Zustands eines Untersuchungsgebiets unter Verwendung simulierter Bodenfeuchte und deren Anwendung als Indikator für die Vorhersage von Sturzfluten. Diese beiden Schritte wurden in einem halbautomatischen Modell zusammengefasst, das als Werkzeug für die Überwachung von Sturzfluten nach dem Konzept des Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) verwendet wird. Dies schließt Standorte/Einzugsgebiete ein, für die keine hydrometeorologischen Daten und/oder zuverlässige Standortmerkmale verfügbar sind. Das Gesamtziel bestand darin, die Fähigkeiten und Grenzen des regional anwendbaren Modells auf der Grundlage eines pauschalen physikalischen Modells und von Open-Source-Eingangsdaten zu demonstrieren. Die zu beantwortenden Fragen lauten: Wie zuverlässig sind die von einem unkalibrierten eindimensionalen Modell auf der Grundlage regionaler Parametrisierungs- und Antriebsdaten geschätzten Modellergebnisse? Was sind die potenziellen Unsicherheiten und Grenzen eines solchen Modells? Welches sind die möglichen Anwendungen der simulierten Komponenten des Wasserhaushalts bei der Überwachung von Hochwasser? Die Daten werden aus frei verfügbaren Datensätzen abgeleitet. Die meteorologischen Eingangsdaten stammen aus verschiedenen Sensornetzwerken, die in einem Open Sensor Web integriert sind, hauptsächlich vom Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD) und z.B. den Waldklimastationen von Sachsenforst. Für die Modellbeschreibung wurden Datensätze für Geländehöhe (10 m, Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie - LfULG), Landbedeckung (Copernicus: Land Cover 100m), Bodeneigenschaften (BK50, LfULG) und Bodenprofile aus der Bundeswaldinventur (BWI) benötigt. Darüber hinaus werden satellitengestützte Bodenfeuchteprodukte (SMAP-L4-GPH der National Aeronautics and Space Administration-NASA), Pegeldaten (LfULG) und Eddy-Kovarianz-Flusscluster-Standorte des Lehrstuhls für Meteorologie der TU Dresden zur Validierung verwendet. Die erste Veröffentlichung liefert den Rahmen und erläutert die Integration eines Modells in die offene Datenplattform. Das Modell BROOK90 (R-Version) wurde in ein offenes Sensornetz eingebettet, um tägliche Wasserhaushaltskomponenten für mehr als 6,000 (Teil-)Einzugsgebiete in Sachsen zu schätzen. Die Leistung des Modells wurde anhand von Pegelbeobachtungen in zehn ausgewählten Einzugsgebieten für den Abfluss und mit SMAP-L4-GPH für die Evapotranspiration und Bodenfeuchte validiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das System in der Lage ist, zuverlässige Schätzungen der Bodenretention in hoher Auflösung zu liefern. Die zweite Veröffentlichung befasst sich mit der möglichen Nutzung von Radarniederschlägen in diesem Rahmen. Hier liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Untersuchung des langfristigen, vom Radar abgeleiteten Niederschlags zur Verbesserung der Wasserbilanzschätzungen aufgrund seiner Vorteile bei der räumlichen Abdeckung. Das Reanalyse-Radarprodukt des DWD, RADKLIM, wurde verwendet und für tägliche Modelleingaben aggregiert. Es wurde ein Vergleich zwischen Radar- und Regenmesser-Niederschlag durchgeführt, um die Qualität des Produkts an den Untersuchungsstandorten zu bewerten, einschließlich der Kompensation des Niederschlagsverlusts durch die Richter-Korrektur. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die zufriedenstellende Leistung des Rahmens mit Radarniederschlag. Die dritte Veröffentlichung demonstriert die Anwendung der Modelldaten auf Hochwasserwarnungen. Der Leitfaden für Sturzflutwarnungen wurde modifiziert und zur Schätzung der Niederschlagsschwellen unter Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen der vorherrschenden Bodenfeuchte angewandt. Sobald die Niederschlagsschwellenkurven berechnet sind, werden nur noch Informationen über Niederschlag und Bodenfeuchte benötigt, um eine Warnung vor einer möglichen Sturzflut auszusprechen. Die Methode wurde im Einzugsgebiet des Wernersbachs und im Tharandter Wald angewandt und mit historischen Ereignissen validiert. Die Ergebnisse der Kontingenztabelle zeigen das Potenzial dieses Werkzeugs für die Sturzflutwarnung, es sollte jedoch mit anderen Niederschlagsabflussmodellen und weiteren Einzugsgebieten, die für Sturzfluten anfällig sind, getestet werden.:Abstract/Zusammenfassung/Tóm tắt 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation and scope 1.2 Problem formulation 1.3 Target setting 1.4 Structure of the thesis 2. Adjusted Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) framework 2.2 Terminology and definitions 2.2.1 Flash flood 2.2.2 Small catchment 2.3 FFG concept 2.4 Adjusted FFG framework 3. Core publications of the PhD thesis 4. Major findings 5. Conclusions and outlook References List of Abbreviations List of figures List of the author’s publication Appendixes including the core publications Erklärung / Luận án tiến sĩ này được viết như một luận án tích lũy dựa trên các bài báo đã được bình duyệt và được bổ sung bởi các kết quả chưa được công bố. Nó trình bày các phương pháp và kết quả góp phần vào một cách tiếp cận mới để ước tính trữ lượng nước trong hệ thống đất-nước- thực vật tại một địa điểm hoặc trong một lưu vực nhỏ (<100 km2). Trọng tâm là ước tính tình trạng hiện tại / trước sự kiện của khu vực nghiên cứu bằng cách sử dụng độ ẩm đất mô phỏng và áp dụng nó như một chỉ báo để dự báo lũ quét. Hai bước này được kết hợp trong một khuôn khổ bán tự động được sử dụng như một công cụ để giám sát lũ quét dựa theo khái niệm Hướng dẫn về lũ quét (FFG). Điều này bao gồm các địa điểm / lưu vực không có sẵn dữ liệu khí tượng thủy văn và / hoặc các đặc điểm thiếu thông tin mô tả chia tiết đáng tin cậy. Mục tiêu tổng thể là chứng minh các khả năng và hạn chế của khung mô hình áp dụng trong khu vực dựa trên một mô hình vật lý tổng hợp và dữ liệu đầu vào nguồn mở. Các câu hỏi cần được trả lời là: Các kết quả đầu ra của mô hình được ước tính bằng một mô hình gộp chưa hiệu chỉnh dựa trên tham số vùng và dữ liệu đáng tin cậy đến mức nào? Những điểm không chắc chắn và hạn chế tiềm ẩn của một khuôn khổ như vậy là gì? Các ứng dụng tiềm năng của thành phần cân bằng nước mô phỏng trong giám sát lũ lụt là gì? Dữ liệu được lấy từ các bộ dữ liệu miễn phí và có sẵn. Dữ liệu đầu vào về khí tượng đến từ các mạng cảm biến khác nhau được tích hợp trong một Open Sensor Web, chủ yếu từ Cơ quan Khí tượng Đức (DWD) và các trạm khí hậu rừng của Sachsenforst. Mô tả mô hình yêu cầu bộ dữ liệu về độ cao (10 m, Văn phòng bang về Môi trường, Nông nghiệp và Địa chất-LfULG), lớp phủ đất (Copernicus: Land Cover 100m), đặc điểm của đất (BK50, LfULG) và cấu hình đất từ Kiểm kê Rừng Quốc gia Đức (NFI). Ngoài ra, sản phẩm độ ẩm của đất dựa trên vệ tinh (SMAP-L4-GPH từ Cơ quan Hàng không và Vũ trụ Quốc gia-NASA), dữ liệu các trạm thủy văn (LfULG) và các cụm địa điểm eddy covariance được giám sát bởi khoa Khí tượng học tại TU Dresden được sử dụng để xác nhận kết quả mô hình đầu ra. Ấn phẩm đầu tiên cung cấp khuôn khổ và trình bày chi tiết về việc tích hợp một mô hình vào nền tảng dữ liệu mở. Mô hình BROOK90 (phiên bản R) được nhúng vào một trang web cảm biến mở để ước tính các thành phần cân bằng nước hàng ngày cho hơn 6000 lưu vực (phụ) ở Sachsen. Hiệu suất của mô hình đã được xác nhận với các quan sát bằng dữ liệu dòng chảy ở mười lưu vực đầu nguồn được chọn và với SMAP-L4-GPH cho thành phần thoát hơi nước và độ ẩm của đất. Kết quả chỉ ra rằng khung có thể cung cấp các ước tính đáng tin cậy về khả năng giữ nước của đất ở độ phân giải cao. Ấn phẩm thứ hai đề cập đến khả năng sử dụng lượng mưa radar trong khuôn khổ này. Ở đây, trọng tâm là kiểm tra lượng mưa dài hạn có nguồn gốc từ radar để cải thiện ước tính cân bằng nước do lợi thế của nó trong phạm vi bao phủ không gian. Sản phẩm radar phân tích lại của DWD, RADKLIM, đã được áp dụng và tổng hợp để nhập mô hình hàng ngày. So sánh giữa lượng mưa bằng radar và máy đo mưa đã được thực hiện để đánh giá chất lượng của sản phẩm tại các điểm nghiên cứu, bao gồm cả việc bù đắp cho lượng mưa thất thoát bằng cách sử dụng hiệu chỉnh độ Richter. Kết quả cho thấy hiệu suất khả quan của khung với lượng mưa radar. Ấn phẩm thứ ba trình bày việc áp dụng đầu ra mô hình để cảnh báo lũ lụt. Hướng dẫn về lũ quét đã được sửa đổi và áp dụng để ước tính ngưỡng lượng mưa xem xét ảnh hưởng của độ ẩm đất trước đây. Khi đường cong ngưỡng mưa được tính toán, chỉ cần thông tin về lượng mưa và thông tin về độ ẩm của đất để đưa ra cảnh báo về khả năng xảy ra lũ quét. Phương pháp này đã được áp dụng ở lưu vực Wernersbach, trong Rừng Tharandt và được xác nhận với các sự kiện lịch sử. Kết quả của bảng dự phòng cho thấy tiềm năng của công cụ này để cảnh báo lũ quét, nhưng nó nên được thử nghiệm với các mô hình dòng chảy lượng mưa khác và các lưu vực dễ xảy ra lũ quét hơn.:Abstract/Zusammenfassung/Tóm tắt 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation and scope 1.2 Problem formulation 1.3 Target setting 1.4 Structure of the thesis 2. Adjusted Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) framework 2.2 Terminology and definitions 2.2.1 Flash flood 2.2.2 Small catchment 2.3 FFG concept 2.4 Adjusted FFG framework 3. Core publications of the PhD thesis 4. Major findings 5. Conclusions and outlook References List of Abbreviations List of figures List of the author’s publication Appendixes including the core publications Erklärung

The impact of foam rolling on explosive strength and excitability of the motor neuron pool

Abels, Kristin Marie 03 December 2013 (has links)
To assess acute performance-related effects of foam rolling, this study investigated the immediate effects of a standard foam rolling protocol on explosive strength of the plantarflexors and alpha motor neuron excitability in the soleus. Explosive strength was measured via vertical jump height (JUMP) and the Reactive Strength Index (RSI) obtained from a single leg drop jump. Alpha motor neuron excitability was measured by H reflex amplitude as H wave to M wave ratio (HM) obtained from the soleus muscle. JUMP and RSI measures were analyzed from nineteen subjects (12 male, 7 female) HM data were analyzed from 15 subjects (9 male, 6 female). Subjects attended one day of practice and instruction for the single leg drop jump and one day for data collection. One leg was randomly assigned to be the test leg (FL) and the other as the control (NL). The reported dominant leg and gender were also recorded for each subject. Subjects performed two single leg drop jumps per leg from a box height of 30 cm and then 10 soleus H reflexes were obtained. The intervention, which followed standard professional guidelines, consisted of 2.5 minutes of foam rolling for the FL and rest for the NL, followed by a 5 minute warm up on a cycle ergometer. The best jump and the average HM ratio were chosen for analysis. For each variable a post/pre ratio was calculated for statistical analysis. A 2x2x2 factor ANOVA with repeated measures on both factors was used for each variable. Analysis revealed no statistically significant differences for any of the variables, either as main effects or any of the interaction effects. Subjects trended towards a slightly larger post-intervention decrease in JUMP and RSI for the FL than the NL but this was not significant. It was concluded that a 2.5 minute intervention of foam rolling had no acute effect on explosive strength of the plantarflexors or alpha motor neuron excitability of the soleus. / text

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