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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilzation of antenatal care (ANC) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services in east Ekurhuleni sub-district, Gauteng Province, South Africa

Tshabalala, Maureen Fatsani 02 1900 (has links)
This study sought to determine if ANC and PMTCT services are utilized within the first trimester of pregnancy by the women in East Ekurhuleni sub-district. Quantitative descriptive research was conducted on 390 eligible pregnant women and data collection was done using structured questionnaires. The results indicated that women start ANC late despite their knowledge of first trimester as the best time to start ANC. Actions that would motivate them to start ANC early were explored and barriers were identified. / Health Studies / MA (Public Health)

Knowledge and utilisation of antenatal care services by pregnant women at a clinic in Ekurhuleni

Matyukira, Sesedzai Peggie 01 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge and utilisation of antenatal care (ANC) services by pregnant women at a clinic in Ekurhuleni. A quantitative, descriptive correlational study was carried out on 90 eligible pregnant women. Data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire and analysed with the help of a statistician using the Epi Info version 7 computer program. The results of the study indicate that most women initiated ANC later than the recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO). Over half of the respondents had overall good knowledge of ANC, but lacked knowledge of medication and screening tests done during pregnancy, some danger signs during pregnancy and of exclusive breastfeeding. Factors that were identified as associated with late initiation of ANC were current employment status, number of children, transport costs to clinic and number of antenatal visits. / Department of Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Factors influencing the utilisation of PMTCT services in the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria

Chukwukaodinaka, Nkwakaego Ernestina 07 September 2015 (has links)
This study investigated the factors influencing the utilisation of PMTCT of HIV services and proposed measures to promote service utilisation by HIV positive pregnant women in the FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. Effective interventions exist that can reduce the transmission of HIV infection to the baby. The study is a quantitative descriptive one, with 190 HIV positive pregnant women from 20 health Centres in three area councils in Abuja, who were interviewed using structured questionnaire to get their opinion. The findings revealed that the majority (90.4%) of the respondents were aware of PMTCT and how HIV can be transmitted from mother-to-child. The respondents (95.9%) were of the opinion that all pregnant women should be tested. Notably, PMTCT services will be hindered by the following: permission from spouse before being tested, couple counselling not done, group post test counselling, non-incorporation of family planning and low support group enrolment. Recommendations made include emphasis on couple counselling, confidentiality and friendly environment / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

HIV positive pregnant women's experiences of the antenatal care at a regional referral hospital in Swaziland

Gule, Wendy Patience 02 1900 (has links)
In its efforts to reduce maternal mortality and prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV, the government of Swaziland developed and implemented several programmes including a special antenatal care package for HIV-positive pregnant women in line with the WHO (2009) guidelines. Since the implementation of this latest special ANC package for HIV-positive women, little is known about how these services are experienced by the intended recipients. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the actual experiences of HIV-positive women with the antenatal care services provided at a regional referral hospital in Swaziland, with the view of providing more insight into the quality of ANC services from the users' perspectives. A qualitative descriptive, exploratory design was used to address the above purpose. The researcher used purposive sampling to select the participants who met the inclusion criteria for the study. Semi-structured individual interviews were used and saturation was reached after 18 individual face-to-face interviews. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse the collected data. Forteen themes related to the participants experiences with the ANC services and seven related to measures for improvement emerged from data. In general HIV positive pregnant women expressed positive views towards ANC services they received at the target institution. The results give an indication on the quality of the focussed ANC package provided at the hospital and specific recommendations for improvement are outlined. / Health Studies / M. A. (Nursing Science)

Development of guidelines to improve client-centred childbirth services in Ghana

Avortri, Gertrude Sika 11 1900 (has links)
This study was carried out as part of efforts to better understand the factors that impinge on childbirth service delivery and to develop guidelines to help improve the quality and safety of childbirth services in Ghana. The objectives were to: assess the factors that influence client-centredness; explore women’s and health professional’s views of and experiences with client-centred childbirth services; and develop guidelines to assist improve client-centred childbirth services in hospitals. The fixed mixed methods design comprising both quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. Structured questionnaire and exit interviews were used to gather data from 754 women who delivered in the hospitals. Furthermore, in-depth interviews were used to examine the experiences of women, doctors and midwives. STATA MP Version 13 was used to analyse the data by generating frequencies, chi-square and binary logistic regression results. Qualitative data analysis was analysed through data reduction, data display and generation of themes and categories. The process of developing the guidelines comprised: drafting based on the findings of the study and additional literature review, and a number of reviews by senior health professionls to build consesnsus on the content. With a response rate of 97.8%, the results indicated average performance. A number of the items examined under demographic characteristics, ante-natal, labour and postnatal care were significantly associated with the experience of excellent client-centred care. These included: number of weeks pregnant before delivery; health professional who assisted with delivery; mode of delivery; labour pain management; and length of stay after delivery. On the whole, the findings of the quantitative study were support by that of the structured interviews. Most of the themes from in-depth interviews with women were had to do with the relationship between health care provider and clients. Issues of support during childbirth; decision-making and informed choice; and continuity were raised. Themes deduced from the doctors’ and midwives’ interviews demonstrated a fair understanding of principles of client-centred care and delineated relational as well as client, health care worker and organisational factors that facilitate or limit effective implementation of client-centred care. The findings of the studies were used to develop guidelines to help improve services. It is recommended that the Ministry of Health, Ghana adopt the guidelines and provide the enabling environment for its effective implementation. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Contraintes psychosociales au travail et symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes

Fall, Aïssatou 03 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse de doctorat a pour but d’évaluer les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes. Plus spécifiquement, il est question d’identifier les facteurs associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs, à une tension psychologique au travail ou travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job), à un travail "tendu" avec un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"), et enfin d’évaluer l’association entre ces contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Les données analysées sont issues de l’Étude Montréalaise sur la Prématurité, une étude de cohorte prospective menée entre mai 1999 et avril 2004, auprès de 5 337 femmes enceintes interviewées à 24-26 semaines de grossesse dans quatre hôpitaux de l’île de Montréal (Québec, Canada). L’échelle CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) a été utilisée pour mesurer les symptômes dépressifs majeurs (score CES-D ≥23). L’échelle abrégée de Karasek a été utilisée pour mesurer les contraintes psychosociales au travail. La présente étude a conduit à la rédaction de quatre articles scientifiques qui seront soumis à des revues avec comité de pairs. Le premier article a permis de comparer la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs dans différents sous-groupes de femmes enceintes : femmes au foyer, femmes au travail, femmes en arrêt de travail, femmes aux études et de rechercher les facteurs de risque associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs pendant la grossesse. À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs était de 11,9% (11,0-12,8%) pour l’ensemble des femmes enceintes à l’étude (N=5 337). Les femmes enceintes au travail avaient une proportion de symptômes dépressifs moins élevée [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] par rapport aux femmes enceintes au foyer qui avaient les prévalences les plus élevées [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], suivi des femmes enceintes en arrêt de travail [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] et des femmes enceintes aux études [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265]. Les caractéristiques personnelles (non professionnelles) associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs étaient, après ajustement pour toutes les variables, le statut d’emploi, un faible niveau d’éducation, un faible soutien social en dehors du travail, le fait d’avoir vécu des événements stressants aigus, d’avoir manqué d’argent pour les besoins essentiels, les difficultés relationnelles avec son partenaire, les problèmes de santé chronique, le pays de naissance et le tabagisme. Le deuxième article avait pour objectif de décrire l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail et d’identifier les facteurs qui y sont associés chez les femmes enceintes de la région de Montréal, au Québec (N=3 765). Au total, 24,4% des travailleuses enceintes se trouvaient dans la catégorie travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job) et 69,1% d’entre elles avaient eu un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"). Les facteurs de risque associés à un travail "tendu" étaient : un faible soutien social au travail, certains secteurs d’activité et niveaux de compétences, le fait de travailler plus de 35 heures par semaine, les horaires irréguliers, la posture de travail, le port de charges lourdes, le jeune âge des mères, une immigration ≥ 5 ans, un bas niveau d’éducation, la monoparentalité et un revenu annuel du ménage <50 000$. Le troisième article a évalué l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail (N=3 765). Dans les analyses bivariées et multivariées, les femmes enceintes qui avaient un "high-strain job" ou un "Iso-strain" présentaient davantage de symptômes dépressifs majeurs que les autres sous-groupes. Les contraintes psychosociales au travail étaient associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs lorsqu’on prenait en compte les autres facteurs organisationnels et les facteurs personnels auxquels elles étaient confrontées à l’extérieur de leur milieu de travail. Notre étude confirme les évidences accumulées en référence aux modèles théoriques "demande-contrôle" et "demande-contrôle-soutien" de Karasek et Theorell. L’impact de ce dernier et le rôle crucial du soutien social au travail ont été mis en évidence chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Cependant, l’effet "buffer" du modèle "demande-contrôle-soutien" n’a pas été mis en évidence. Le quatrième article a permis d’évaluer l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail chez les femmes enceintes au travail et en arrêt de travail pour retrait préventif et de mesurer l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs en fonction du moment du retrait préventif (N=3 043). À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, les femmes enceintes en retrait préventif du travail (31,4%) avaient été plus exposées à un "high-strain job" (31,0% vs 21,1%) et à un "Iso-strain" (21,0% vs 14,2%) que celles qui continuaient de travailler (p<0,0001); et elles avaient des proportions plus élevées de symptômes dépressifs majeurs. Après ajustement pour les facteurs de risque personnels et professionnels, "l’Iso-strain" restait significativement associé aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes qui continuaient de travailler tout comme chez celles qui ont cessé de travailler, et cela quel que soit leur durée d’activité avant le retrait préventif du travail (4 à 12 semaines/ 13 à 20 semaines/ ≥ 21 semaines). Les contraintes psychosociales au travail représentent un important facteur de risque pour la santé mentale des travailleuses enceintes. Malgré l’application du programme "pour une maternité sans danger" il s’avère nécessaire de mettre en place dans les milieux de travail, des mesures de prévention, de dépistage et d’intervention afin de réduire la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs prénataux et l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail pour prévenir les complications maternelles et néonatales. D’autant plus que, la dépression prénatale est le principal facteur de risque de dépression postpartum, de même que les enfants nés de mères souffrant de dépression sont plus à risque de prématurité et de petit poids de naissance. / The goal of our thesis was to evaluate psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among pregnant women. More specifically, we evaluated factors associated with major depressive symptoms, "high-strain" or "Iso-strain" jobs, and measure the association between those psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among pregnant workers. Data analyzed are from the Montreal Prematurity Study, a prospective cohort study conducted in Montréal from May 1999 to April 2004. The study looked at prematurity among 5337 pregnant women recruited at 24-26 weeks of pregnancy in four hospitals in Montréal (Québec, Canada). The CES-D scale (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) was used to measure major depressive symptoms (CES-D score ≥23). Karasek's abbreviated scale was used to measure psychosocial work demands. Four scientific articles have been written about the current study and will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals. The objectives of the first article were to compare the prevalence of major depressive symptoms between subgroups of pregnant women: working women, women who had stopped working, housewives and students; and to identify risk factors for major depressive symptoms during pregnancy. At 24-26 weeks of pregnancy, prevalence of major depressive symptoms was 11.9% (11.0–12.8%) for all pregnant women (N=5 337). Working women had lower rates of major depressive symptoms [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] than housewives, for whom prevalence was highest [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], followed by women who had stopped working [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] and students [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265]. Personal characteristics (non-occupational) associated with major depressive symptoms were, after adjusting for all variables, employment status, low level of education, low social support outside of work, having experienced acute stressful events, lack of money for basic needs, experiencing marital strain, chronic health problem, country of birth, and smoking. The objective of the second article was to describe the exposure to psychosocial work demands and to identify factors that are associated among pregnant women in Montréal, Québec (N=3 765). In total, 24.4% of pregnant women were exposed to "high-strain" jobs and the proportion of workers exposed to "Iso-strain" was 69.1%. Risk factors associated with "high-strain" jobs were as follows: low social support at work, some sector of activity and skill level, working over 35 hours a week, irregular schedules, posture at work, lifting loads, young age of mothers, immigration ≥ 5 years, low level of education, single parenthood, and annual household income <$50,000. The third article evaluated the association between psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among working pregnant women (N=3 765). In bivariate and multivariate analyses, pregnant women who had "high-strain" or "Iso-strain" jobs were more likely to have major depressive symptoms. Psychosocial work demands were associated with the mental health of pregnant women, when other organizational and personal factors which they encountered outside the work settings were taken into account. Our study confirms accumulated findings related to Karasek and Theorell's "demand-control" and "demand-control-support" theoretical models. The impact of the "demand-control-support" model and the critical role of social support at work have been demonstrated among working pregnant women. The "buffer" hypothesis of "demand-control-support" model was refuted. The objectives of the fourth article were as follows: assess exposure to psychosocial work demands among working pregnant women and women on preventive withdrawal from work; and measure the association between psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms, according to time of withdrawal from work (N=3 043). At 24-26 weeks of pregnancy, women on preventive withdrawal from work (31.4%) had been more exposed to "high-strain" jobs (31.1% vs. 21.1%) and "Iso-strain" (21.0% vs. 14.2%) than those who continued to work (p<0.0001), and had higher proportions of major depressive symptoms. After adjustment for personal and professional risk factors, "Iso-strain" remained significantly associated with major depressive symptoms in working women and women on preventive withdrawal from work, regardless of duration of activity before withdrawal (4 to 12 weeks/ 13 to 20 weeks/ ≥21 weeks). Psychosocial work demands are an important risk factor for the mental health of pregnant workers. Despite the application of preventive measures during pregnancy, screening and intervention measures should be implemented in workplaces to reduce the prevalence of prenatal mental health problems and exposure to psychosocial work demands so as to prevent maternal and neonatal complications. In addition, prenatal depression is the main risk factor for postpartum depression, and infants born of mothers who suffer from depression are at higher risk of prematurity and low birth weight.

An investigation into the factors affecting the utilization of mother to child tramission services by human immuno-deficiency virus positive women in Onitsha, Anambra State Nigeria

Nnamdi-Okagbue, Rosemary U. 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate and identify the factors that affect utilisation of prevention mother to child transmission of HIV services and propose measures to promote utilisation of services by HIV positive pregnant women in Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV accounts for over 90% of infections in children under 15 years. Infected pregnant women can pass on the infection to their babies during pregnancy, delivery or through breastfeeding. There are effective interventions now reduce of the infection to the baby. However some infected women still do not avail themselves of these services due to several reasons. A quantitative descriptive study, using the Health Belief Model as the conceptual framework was used to conduct the research. A structured interview schedule was used to interview 102 pregnant women at two health facilities in Onitsha, Anambra state, Nigeria. The findings from the study reveal that majority of the respondents knew about HIV transmission but not about ways the infection can be transmitted from mother-to-child. The respondents recognise that HIV/AIDS is a very serious threat in Nigeria and the study site and were of the opinion that all pregnant women should know their HIV status. The attitude of health care workers and fears about disclosure of HIV status to others was a setback. Revealing their status to the spouse was feared.

Contraintes psychosociales au travail et symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes

Fall, Aïssatou 03 1900 (has links)
Notre thèse de doctorat a pour but d’évaluer les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes. Plus spécifiquement, il est question d’identifier les facteurs associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs, à une tension psychologique au travail ou travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job), à un travail "tendu" avec un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"), et enfin d’évaluer l’association entre ces contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Les données analysées sont issues de l’Étude Montréalaise sur la Prématurité, une étude de cohorte prospective menée entre mai 1999 et avril 2004, auprès de 5 337 femmes enceintes interviewées à 24-26 semaines de grossesse dans quatre hôpitaux de l’île de Montréal (Québec, Canada). L’échelle CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) a été utilisée pour mesurer les symptômes dépressifs majeurs (score CES-D ≥23). L’échelle abrégée de Karasek a été utilisée pour mesurer les contraintes psychosociales au travail. La présente étude a conduit à la rédaction de quatre articles scientifiques qui seront soumis à des revues avec comité de pairs. Le premier article a permis de comparer la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs dans différents sous-groupes de femmes enceintes : femmes au foyer, femmes au travail, femmes en arrêt de travail, femmes aux études et de rechercher les facteurs de risque associés aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs pendant la grossesse. À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs majeurs était de 11,9% (11,0-12,8%) pour l’ensemble des femmes enceintes à l’étude (N=5 337). Les femmes enceintes au travail avaient une proportion de symptômes dépressifs moins élevée [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] par rapport aux femmes enceintes au foyer qui avaient les prévalences les plus élevées [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], suivi des femmes enceintes en arrêt de travail [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] et des femmes enceintes aux études [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265]. Les caractéristiques personnelles (non professionnelles) associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs étaient, après ajustement pour toutes les variables, le statut d’emploi, un faible niveau d’éducation, un faible soutien social en dehors du travail, le fait d’avoir vécu des événements stressants aigus, d’avoir manqué d’argent pour les besoins essentiels, les difficultés relationnelles avec son partenaire, les problèmes de santé chronique, le pays de naissance et le tabagisme. Le deuxième article avait pour objectif de décrire l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail et d’identifier les facteurs qui y sont associés chez les femmes enceintes de la région de Montréal, au Québec (N=3 765). Au total, 24,4% des travailleuses enceintes se trouvaient dans la catégorie travail "tendu" ("high-strain" job) et 69,1% d’entre elles avaient eu un faible soutien social au travail ("Iso-strain"). Les facteurs de risque associés à un travail "tendu" étaient : un faible soutien social au travail, certains secteurs d’activité et niveaux de compétences, le fait de travailler plus de 35 heures par semaine, les horaires irréguliers, la posture de travail, le port de charges lourdes, le jeune âge des mères, une immigration ≥ 5 ans, un bas niveau d’éducation, la monoparentalité et un revenu annuel du ménage <50 000$. Le troisième article a évalué l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes enceintes au travail (N=3 765). Dans les analyses bivariées et multivariées, les femmes enceintes qui avaient un "high-strain job" ou un "Iso-strain" présentaient davantage de symptômes dépressifs majeurs que les autres sous-groupes. Les contraintes psychosociales au travail étaient associées aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs lorsqu’on prenait en compte les autres facteurs organisationnels et les facteurs personnels auxquels elles étaient confrontées à l’extérieur de leur milieu de travail. Notre étude confirme les évidences accumulées en référence aux modèles théoriques "demande-contrôle" et "demande-contrôle-soutien" de Karasek et Theorell. L’impact de ce dernier et le rôle crucial du soutien social au travail ont été mis en évidence chez les femmes enceintes au travail. Cependant, l’effet "buffer" du modèle "demande-contrôle-soutien" n’a pas été mis en évidence. Le quatrième article a permis d’évaluer l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail chez les femmes enceintes au travail et en arrêt de travail pour retrait préventif et de mesurer l’association entre les contraintes psychosociales au travail et les symptômes dépressifs majeurs en fonction du moment du retrait préventif (N=3 043). À 24-26 semaines de grossesse, les femmes enceintes en retrait préventif du travail (31,4%) avaient été plus exposées à un "high-strain job" (31,0% vs 21,1%) et à un "Iso-strain" (21,0% vs 14,2%) que celles qui continuaient de travailler (p<0,0001); et elles avaient des proportions plus élevées de symptômes dépressifs majeurs. Après ajustement pour les facteurs de risque personnels et professionnels, "l’Iso-strain" restait significativement associé aux symptômes dépressifs majeurs chez les femmes qui continuaient de travailler tout comme chez celles qui ont cessé de travailler, et cela quel que soit leur durée d’activité avant le retrait préventif du travail (4 à 12 semaines/ 13 à 20 semaines/ ≥ 21 semaines). Les contraintes psychosociales au travail représentent un important facteur de risque pour la santé mentale des travailleuses enceintes. Malgré l’application du programme "pour une maternité sans danger" il s’avère nécessaire de mettre en place dans les milieux de travail, des mesures de prévention, de dépistage et d’intervention afin de réduire la prévalence des symptômes dépressifs prénataux et l’exposition aux contraintes psychosociales au travail pour prévenir les complications maternelles et néonatales. D’autant plus que, la dépression prénatale est le principal facteur de risque de dépression postpartum, de même que les enfants nés de mères souffrant de dépression sont plus à risque de prématurité et de petit poids de naissance. / The goal of our thesis was to evaluate psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among pregnant women. More specifically, we evaluated factors associated with major depressive symptoms, "high-strain" or "Iso-strain" jobs, and measure the association between those psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among pregnant workers. Data analyzed are from the Montreal Prematurity Study, a prospective cohort study conducted in Montréal from May 1999 to April 2004. The study looked at prematurity among 5337 pregnant women recruited at 24-26 weeks of pregnancy in four hospitals in Montréal (Québec, Canada). The CES-D scale (Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) was used to measure major depressive symptoms (CES-D score ≥23). Karasek's abbreviated scale was used to measure psychosocial work demands. Four scientific articles have been written about the current study and will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals. The objectives of the first article were to compare the prevalence of major depressive symptoms between subgroups of pregnant women: working women, women who had stopped working, housewives and students; and to identify risk factors for major depressive symptoms during pregnancy. At 24-26 weeks of pregnancy, prevalence of major depressive symptoms was 11.9% (11.0–12.8%) for all pregnant women (N=5 337). Working women had lower rates of major depressive symptoms [7,6% (6,6-8,7%); n=2 514] than housewives, for whom prevalence was highest [19,1% (16,5-21,8%); n=893], followed by women who had stopped working [14,4% (12,7-16,1%); n=1 665] and students [14,3% (10,3-19,1%); n=265]. Personal characteristics (non-occupational) associated with major depressive symptoms were, after adjusting for all variables, employment status, low level of education, low social support outside of work, having experienced acute stressful events, lack of money for basic needs, experiencing marital strain, chronic health problem, country of birth, and smoking. The objective of the second article was to describe the exposure to psychosocial work demands and to identify factors that are associated among pregnant women in Montréal, Québec (N=3 765). In total, 24.4% of pregnant women were exposed to "high-strain" jobs and the proportion of workers exposed to "Iso-strain" was 69.1%. Risk factors associated with "high-strain" jobs were as follows: low social support at work, some sector of activity and skill level, working over 35 hours a week, irregular schedules, posture at work, lifting loads, young age of mothers, immigration ≥ 5 years, low level of education, single parenthood, and annual household income <$50,000. The third article evaluated the association between psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms among working pregnant women (N=3 765). In bivariate and multivariate analyses, pregnant women who had "high-strain" or "Iso-strain" jobs were more likely to have major depressive symptoms. Psychosocial work demands were associated with the mental health of pregnant women, when other organizational and personal factors which they encountered outside the work settings were taken into account. Our study confirms accumulated findings related to Karasek and Theorell's "demand-control" and "demand-control-support" theoretical models. The impact of the "demand-control-support" model and the critical role of social support at work have been demonstrated among working pregnant women. The "buffer" hypothesis of "demand-control-support" model was refuted. The objectives of the fourth article were as follows: assess exposure to psychosocial work demands among working pregnant women and women on preventive withdrawal from work; and measure the association between psychosocial work demands and major depressive symptoms, according to time of withdrawal from work (N=3 043). At 24-26 weeks of pregnancy, women on preventive withdrawal from work (31.4%) had been more exposed to "high-strain" jobs (31.1% vs. 21.1%) and "Iso-strain" (21.0% vs. 14.2%) than those who continued to work (p<0.0001), and had higher proportions of major depressive symptoms. After adjustment for personal and professional risk factors, "Iso-strain" remained significantly associated with major depressive symptoms in working women and women on preventive withdrawal from work, regardless of duration of activity before withdrawal (4 to 12 weeks/ 13 to 20 weeks/ ≥21 weeks). Psychosocial work demands are an important risk factor for the mental health of pregnant workers. Despite the application of preventive measures during pregnancy, screening and intervention measures should be implemented in workplaces to reduce the prevalence of prenatal mental health problems and exposure to psychosocial work demands so as to prevent maternal and neonatal complications. In addition, prenatal depression is the main risk factor for postpartum depression, and infants born of mothers who suffer from depression are at higher risk of prematurity and low birth weight.

Vliv psychosomatické situace matek v těhotenství na prenatální vývoj dítěte / Influence of the psychosomatic situation of mothers in pregnancy on the prenatal development of the child and condition of newborn after delivery

ŠIMEČKOVÁ, Alžběta January 2019 (has links)
Pregnancy is a period full of changes. The perception of life values by the woman and her partner are varied, changes in the life style are encountered and their roles in the life are also altered. The pregnant woman feels that nothing will be like before. She is very sensitive and also easily vulnerable. Contrastingly to the routine prenatal care, prenatal psychology searches for answering questions what the feelings in the pregnancy are in terms of the psychosocial situation, and what the impacts of this course on the newborn condition after the delivery are. The scope of the work is aimed at the importance and forms of the prenatal attachment, course and its impact on the newborn. The targets of the Diploma Work entitled "Effects of the psychosomatic situation of pregnant women on the child prenatal development" are as follows: 1) to assess the pregnant woman psychosomatic situation, 2) to evaluate the influence of psychosomatic situation on prenatal development of child 3) to determine the measure of the pregnant woman (dis)comfort throughout three trimesters and 4) to evaluate the newborn condition after the delivery. Thirty pregnant women were addressed. Fifteen women reflected on the proposal and agreed with completing an anonymous standardized scale. The respondents were contacted within a period of February 2017 to February 2018. The research sample group included the women and their newborns. The choice was intentional. The women completed the Freybergh scale, which is focused on monitoring the psychosocial situation of pregnant women. It comprised 70 questions divided into seven categories. They were answered through the mediation of a compiled web reference at http://mail.scac.cz/mrIWeb/mrIWeb.dll?I.Project=V31_TEHOTENSTVI_PORIZOVANI. The statistically processed results indicated the measure of the deprivationof pregnant women in particular trimesters and condition of the newborn after the delivery based on the pregnancy experienced. The Atlas programme was employed for the qualitative research to develop an anchored statement. From the sample group of 15 women and their 405 answers, 2% of answers were recorded corresponding to an intermediate degree of deprivation. Every respondent suffered frommild deprivation. The results of the present study will find their applications particularly to branches of prenatal psychology and gynaecology. They will serve as pilot results for a CEP project planned.

Knowledge and utilisation of antenatal care services by pregnant women at a clinic in Ekurhuleni

Matyukira, Sesedzai Peggie 09 January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge and utilisation of antenatal care (ANC) services by pregnant women at a clinic in Ekurhuleni. A quantitative, descriptive correlational study was carried out on 90 eligible pregnant women. Data were collected with a self-administered questionnaire and analysed with the help of a statistician using the Epi Info version 7 computer program. The results of the study indicate that most women initiated ANC later than the recommendations by the World Health Organization (WHO). Over half of the respondents had overall good knowledge of ANC, but lacked knowledge of medication and screening tests done during pregnancy, some danger signs during pregnancy and of exclusive breastfeeding. Factors that were identified as associated with late initiation of ANC were current employment status, number of children, transport costs to clinic and number of antenatal visits. / Department of Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

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