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Lokale Verstärkung metallischer Bauteile mit duroplastischen Faserverbundhalbzeugen im KarosserieentstehungsprozessThomas, Robert 29 June 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden die Grundlagen für einen neuartigen robotergestützten Fertigungsprozess erarbeitet, bei dem duroplastisch vorimprägnierte, glasfaserverstärkte Faserverbundhalbzeuge lokal auf metallische Bauteile gepresst und ausgehärtet werden, um mit geringem Materialeinsatz deren Eigenschaftsniveau wesentlich zu steigern. Diese Technologie ist nach aktuellem Stand einzigartig und ermöglicht erstmals das voll-automatisierte Fertigen von Metall-Faserverbund-Hybridstrukturen im automobilen Großserienmaßstab. Diese Arbeit verfolgt auf Grund der hohen Komplexität der Aufgabenstellung einen durchgängigen Ansatz von der Materialauswahl und Prozessbeschreibung über die Struktur- und Prozesssimulation bis zur Bewertung der Eigenschaften am komplexen Bauteil. Als Randbedingung ist in Anlehnung an eine bestehende Karosseriefertigung eine Taktzeit unter 60 s festgelegt. Weiterhin muss aufgrund der begrenzten Presskraft der Industrieroboter und der vorgesehenen Applikationsfläche der notwendige Pressdruck gegenüber dem Stand der Technik wesentlich reduziert werden.
Durch die ganzheitliche Betrachtungsweise der Problemstellung von der Materialauswahl und dessen Fertigungsparametern über die simulative Betrachtung des Herstellungsprozesses und den strukturellen Material- und Bauteileigenschaften hin zur Bewertung wesentlicher Einflussfaktoren wie Temperatur und Korrosionsbeständigkeit auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften, werden grundlegende Fragestellungen hinsichtlich der Machbarkeit dieser neuartigen robotergestützten Technologie beantwortet. Weiterhin wird durch die industrielle Umsetzung des Fertigungsprozesses im Rahmen einer vollautomatisierten robotergestützten Applikationszelle ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung Großserienfähigkeit von Faserverbundstrukturen bewältigt.:1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Motivation und Zielstellung
1.2 Anforderung an Material und Prozess
1.3 Vorgehensweise und Methodik
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Faserverbundwerkstoffe im Automobil
2.2 Metall-Faserverbund-Hybridbauweisen: Stand der Technik
2.3 Verwendete Werkstoffe und Halbzeuge
2.4 Literaturüberblick
3 Materialspezifikation und Herstellungsprozess
3.1 Probekörper, Fertigungsvorrichtungen und Prüfmethoden
3.2 Bewertung ausgewählter Prepregs und Auswahl einer Vorzugsvariante
3.3 Ermittlung von Fertigungsparametern zur Erzeugung einer ausreichenden
3.4 Haftfestigkeit hybrider Verbunde in Abhängigkeit der Fertigungsparameter
3.5 Bewertung des Einflusses eines zusätzlichen Klebstoffs
3.6 Potenzialbewertung von Metall-Faserverbund-Hybridbauteilen
3.7 Bewertung der Lagenanzahl der Faserverbundverstärkung
4 Modellbildung und Struktursimulation
4.1 Strukturanalyse des Faserverbundmaterials
4.2 Strukturanalyse der Grenzschicht zwischen Metall und Faserverbund
4.3 Strukturanalyse des Hutprofils im 3-Punkt-Biegeversuch
5 Modellbildung und Prozesssimulation
5.1 Mathematische Beschreibung der Reaktivität der Matrix
5.2 Thermo-chemische Kopplung der Materialkennwerte
5.3 Thermo-chemo-mechanische Kopplung der Materialkennwerte
5.4 Simulation des Herstellungsprozesses der Faserverbundplatte
5.5 Simulation des Herstellungsprozesses des Metall-Kunststoff-Hybrid-Streifenprobekörpers
5.6 Sensitivitätsanalyse der Materialkennwerte
5.7 Simulation des Herstellungsprozesses des hybriden Hutprofils
6 Ergänzende Bewertung automobilspezifischer Einflüsse
6.1 Prüftemperatur
6.2 Belastungsgeschwindigkeit
6.3 Klimawechsel und Korrosion
7 Robotergestützter Applikationsprozess
7.1 Konzeptionierung, Aufbau und Inbetriebnahme des Fertigungsprozesses
7.2 Prüfung der hybriden Hutprofile, hergestellt im robotergestützten Applikationsprozess
7.3 Ermittlung der Zykluszeit und Abschätzung für den Serienprozess
8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
A Grundlagen
B Materialspezifikation und Herstellungsprozess
C Modellbildung und Struktursimulation
D Prozessmodellierung und Simulation
E Bewertung automobilrelevanter Einflüsse
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Investigation of Processing Conditions and Viscoelastic Properties on Frictional Sliding Behavior of Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Epoxy PrepregChan, Kathleen Joyce 18 December 2018 (has links)
The quality of continuous fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite parts and structures depends strongly on the friction during the composite forming process. The two major types of friction that cause deformations during this process are ply-ply friction and tool-ply friction. One of the challenges in the composite forming process is the occurrence of wrinkling and shape distortion of the fabric caused by the surface differences between the forming tool and surface of the laminate. Frictional measurements of composites can vary widely depending on processing parameters, measurement technique, and instruments used.
In this study, a commercial rheometer was used to evaluate tool-ply friction of unidirectional carbon fiber epoxy prepreg at various contact pressures, temperatures and sliding velocities. Viscoelastic properties such as the complex viscosity (η*), storage modulus (G'), loss modulus (G"), and loss factor (tan δ) were used to determine the critical transition events (such as gelation) during cure. An understanding of changes in viscoelastic properties as a function of time, temperature, and cure provides insight for establishing a suitable processing range for compression forming of prepreg systems.
Surface imaging results were coupled with rheological results to qualitatively examine the effects of processing parameters on prepreg distortions. Changes in gap height over the measurement interval qualitatively describe the changes in contact area and contact mechanisms between the tool-ply surfaces. The results indicate that friction behavior of the prepreg system is a contribution of adhesive and frictional forces, where increase in viscosity, reduction in gap height, and cure of the sample correlate to higher friction values. / Master of Science / The quality of composite parts and structures depends strongly on the friction present during the composite forming process. One of the major challenges in the forming process is the occurrence of wrinkling and shape distortions of the fabric caused by the surface differences between the forming tool and material. The presence of these defects can compromise the final material property and lead to failure when in use. Frictional measurements of composites can vary widely depending on processing parameters, measurement technique, and instruments used. The extent of interaction between the tool and surface of the material depends on the tooling height, and by extension, contact area, which cannot easily be monitored with traditional test designs. A commercial rheometer was used in this study to evaluate tool-ply friction of unidirectional carbon fiber epoxy prepreg at various contact pressures, temperatures, and sliding velocities. Gap height and torque were monitored to provide information on the frictional dependence of processing parameters. In addition, surface-imaging results were coupled with rheological results to examine the relationship between friction and fiber distortions. The understanding of changes in material property with respect to the tooling process is the key to optimizing the composite forming process.
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Konceptarbete om skidbalk i kompositutförande till BVS10 / Concept work of making a skid beam in composite material for a BVS10Bohm, Markus January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has been performed at BAE Systems Hägglunds, which is located in Örnsköldsvik. Hägglunds has a wide background of engineering, where they have manufactured all from airplanes to lifting cranes. Currently they only produce track vehicles at Hägglunds, where they manufacture the CV90 and BVS10 models. This thesis concerns the BVS10 which is an all-terrain-vehicle. The main purpose with the BVS10 is to enable transportation of material and personnel thru tough terrain. It isn’t designed for hard combat because of its lack of armor in favour of mobilityThe background of this work is that the BVS10 in recent years has been used more and more in close combat. It has also driven over many IED’s in Afghanistan. Because of this a change in the design of the BVS10 had to be carried out, which led to more armor. This resulted in that the total weight increased from 10.5 tons to 15 tons. This caused unacceptable reduction in lifetime of the torsion springs and the vehicle had to be sent back for repair. BAE Systems then decided to put a lot of effort in decreasing the weight of the vehicle by using light weight material in some components.This work is about the development of a concept for the skidbeam where steel is replaced by a composite material. Due to lack of knowledge about fiber composite and their manufacturing processes, a pre-study was made. After the pre-study the concept work on the beam was initiated, but this was only the beginning. When the material in the beam was switched to composite it was required to redesign the components that’s attached to the beam in order to function correctly.Due to limitations in the geometry it was impossible to use glass fiber as the material. Glass fiber is much cheaper than carbon fiber but the strength and E-modulus is lower. Instead it was decided to use carbon fiber combined with epoxy, which is the most common use for structural applications. To minimize the weight of the beam it was decided to use adhesive bonding as much as possible.The concept work was carried out by a single person but it quickly became clear that cooperation with composite manufacturers was needed in order to come up with a good solution to the problem. A large number of Swedish companies were contacted. Nordic Aircraft was one of the most cooperative companies that also had good knowledge of prepreg materials. The prepreg manufacturing method was chosen for its high quality of the final products, and because they are relatively easy to handle.After much discussion and simulations, a final concept was developed whish Nordic Aircraft later on used to calculate a quotation. The concept was met with approval by BAE Systems. Nordic Aircraft claimed to have the knowledge and the experience to manufacture the beam. / Det här examensarbetet har utförts på BAE Systems Hägglunds beläget i Örnsköldsvik. Hägglunds har bred erfarenhet av ingenjörsarbete och de har tillverkat allt ifrån flygplan till lyftkranar. I nuläget produceras endast bandvagnsfordon hos Hägglunds, de tillverkar modellerna CV90 och BVS10. Detta arbete handlar om BVS10 som är ett allterrängsfordon. BVS10 huvudsyfte är att den ska kunna transportera materiel och personal genom svår terräng. Den är inte avsedd som attackfordon, då dess bepansring är lätt till förmån för mobilitet.Arbetets bakgrund är att den på senare år allt mer har använts i ”close combat” och därmed blivit mycket beskjuten. Den har även fått utstå IED:s (improvised explosive device) i Afghanistan. P.g.a. dessa faktorer krävdes det en förändring av fordonet och den blev allt mer bepansrad. Detta medförde att totalvikten ökade från 10.5ton till ca 15ton, vilket ledde till att fjäderbussningarna slets ut snabbare och behövdes bytas allt oftare. Därmed beslöt man att försöka sänka fordonets totala vikt med hjälp av att byta material i vissa komponenter.Det här arbetet handlar om att ta fram ett koncept till att byta ut stål mot kompositmaterial i skidbalken. Eftersom kunskapen om kompositer var begränsad gjordes en förstudie på detta, men också hur tillverkningsmetoderna för kompositer ser ut. Efter förstudien påbörjades konceptarbetet för balken men detta var endast början. Då materialet i balken byttes ut var komponenterna runt balken tvungna att designas om för att fungera.P.g.a. begränsningar i geometrin var det inte möjligt att använda glasfiber som material. Glasfiber är mycket billigare än kolfiber men har också lägre e-modul och styrka. Istället valdes kolfiber i kombination med epoxy, vilket är den mest använda kompositen för strukturella delar. För att begränsa viktökning på balken valdes limning så mycket som möjligt.Konceptlösningarna utfördes till en början individuellt, men man insåg snabbt att det krävdes samarbete med komposittillverkare för att komma fram till en bra lösning. Ett stort antal företag i Sverige kontaktades. Nordic Aircraft var ett av de mest samarbetsvilliga företagen som också hade bra kunskap om prepreg material. Prepreg som tillverkningsmetod valdes för dess höga kvalité på slutprodukterna och att de är relativt enkla att handskas med.Efter mycket diskussion och simuleringar var ett koncept framtaget för beräkningar av priset. Konceptet gillades hos BAE Systems och Nordic Aircraft ansåg sig ha kunskapen att tillverka detaljen. Nordic Aircraft gjorde en grov offert baserad på de krav som BAE Systems hade.
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Výroba vícevrstvých desek s plošnými spoji / Production of Multilayer PCBJanda, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis introduces the problematics of multilayer printed circuit boards. Theoretical part is focused on materials used for production of multilayer PCB and their parameters. At the same time, it focuses on the pressing process of multi-layered PCB, the types of presses used and their advantages and disadvantages. Practical part describes the methodology and testing of the PCB to identify the reliability of chosen electrical parameters. Testing is aimed to simulate thermal stress during machine soldering and during thermal stress in the target environment.
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Fracture and Friction Characterization of Polymer InterfacesVu, Ivan 18 December 2015 (has links)
Understanding the interactions of polymer interfaces is essential to improve polymer-based designs, as the properties of the interface are often different than those of the bulk material. This thesis explores the interfacial interactions of polymer interfaces for two classes of materials, additive manufacturing materials and fiber-reinforced composites.
Additive manufacturing (AM) refers to a number of processes which rely on data generated from computer-aided design (CAD) programs to construct components by adding material in a layer-by-layer fashion. AM continues to generate a substantial amount of interest to produce fully functional products while reducing tooling costs associated with traditional manufacturing techniques such as casting and welding. Recent advancements in the field have led to the production of multi-material printing that has the potential to create products with enhanced mechanical properties and additional functionality. This thesis attempts to characterize the fracture resistance of AM materials produced by the PolyJet process. Test standards established for mode I fracture testing of adhesive joints are adapted to evaluate the fracture resistance and interface between two printed acrylic-based photopolymers. Significant differences in fracture energy and loci of failure between the selected test configurations were observed depending on the print orientation. Failures were nominally seen to occur at the interface, alternating from one adherend interface to another in a random fashion. Results demonstrated a decreasing trend in fracture energy at slower crack propagation rates, indicating that such dependency is associated with the fracture resistance of the interface. T-peel tests conducted on specimens prepared with both constant and graded interlayers revealed enhanced peel resistance with gradient interlayers, suggesting design opportunities of enhanced fracture toughness by implementing intricate material patterns at the interface of the two photopolymers.
Fiber reinforced composite (FRCs) materials have become increasingly desirable in a number of industrial applications where weight reduction is critical for increased payloads and higher performance. When manufacturing structures from these materials, the presence of friction in the composite forming process is seen to have a major effect on the finished quality. Friction between the plies, or between the composite laminate and forming tool, can be undesirable as shape distortions such as wrinkles can appear and compromise the structural integrity of the finished product. To evaluate these frictional processes, a standard rheometer is used to evaluate tool-ply friction on dry textile fabrics and graphite/epoxy prepregs over a range of temperatures, pressures, and sliding velocities. The results provide some general insights into the frictional response of composite prepregs as a function of the manufacturing environment. The materials tested are shown to have different mechanisms that govern the frictional processes. In particular, the results of friction testing on the prepreg indicate that friction comes from a contribution of both Coulomb and viscous-related mechanisms, the latter which become especially at higher temperatures. / Master of Science
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Élaboration de pièces composites complexes par consolidation autoclave à partir de préformes textiles thermoplastiques renforcées fibres de carbone / Complex composite parts manufacturing by autoclave consolidation with carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic textile preformsPatou, Julien 16 October 2018 (has links)
L’introduction des matériaux composites à matrices thermoplastiques est étudiée depuis quelques années par les avionneurs. Les procédés actuellement investigués, soit par placement de mèches pré-imprégnées, soit par thermo-estampage de plaques préconsolidées, sont toutefois mal adaptés pour des pièces de forme complexe telles que des capotages, des volutes ou des entrées d’air. Pour s’affranchir de cette limitation, cette thèse vise à étudier une voie d’élaboration basée sur la mise en forme de textiles qui intègre par voie comélage/cotissage les renforts de carbone et les fils de thermoplastique. Le tout est suivi d’une consolidation en autoclave. Le projet de recherche comprend deux parties distinctes et complémentaires. La première partie est dédiée à l’étude de la mise en forme textile avant consolidation. La déformabilité en cisaillement des préformes textiles comélés a été caractérisée sur la base d’un essai « Bias Extension Test » instrumenté avec un dispositif optique pour mesurer les champs de déformation par corrélation d’images (2D-DIC). La mise en forme de la préforme textile sur des éprouvettes technologiques possédant une géométrie complexe de type double courbure a été effectuée à partir d’un pilote d’emboutissage. Une instrumentation optique a permis d’évaluer les champs de déformation en cisaillement (3D-DIC). La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’étude et à l’optimisation des conditions de consolidation en autoclave, des cycles de consolidation et l’étude de leur influence sur les performances mécaniques et la santé matière du matériau. Les relations matériau/procédé sont établies à partir de deux semi-produits FC/PPS : le Pipreg ® poudré de Porcher et le TPLF ® comélé avec fibres craquées de Schappe Techniques. Les résultats de ces deux thématiques ont permis la mise en oeuvre de pièces de faisabilité à double courbure aux propriétés microstructurales compatibles aux exigences aéronautiques pour des structures semi-structurelles. Une optimisation de la mesure de champ par stéréo- corrélation d’images et la prise en compte du comportement en tension et en flexion du renfort permettraient d’améliorer l’analyse des champs de déformation lors des essais de drapage. L’amélioration du cycle de consolidation et une sélection de produits d’environnement plus performants sont également des thématiques à explorer. / Thermoplastic resin composites have been studied for some years by aircraft manufacturer. Current processes studied concerning either prepreg bundle positioning or thermo-stamping of pre-consolidated laminates are not adapted for complex shape as air inlets. To overcome this limitation, this thesis investigates a method based on the manufacturing of fabrics made in commingled/co-woven yarns of carbon and thermoplastic fibres. Then fabrics are consolidated in autoclave. This research project has been divided into two distinct parts. The first part concerns textile shaping study before consolidation. Shear strains of textile preforms have been caracterized by « Bias Extension Test » instrumented with optical device to measure strain field by digital image correlation (2D-DIC ). Textile preform shaping on a double curvature technology test specimen was performed with stamping device. It was also intrumented by cameras to assess shear strain field (3D-DIC). The second part is focused on the study and the optimization of autoclave consolidation conditions and process parameters for thermoplastic composite part manufacturing. Process impacts on composite mechanical properties and microstructure are also studied. Material/process interactions assessment was performed with two CF/PPS semi-pregs : Pipreg ® powdered impregnated fabric from Porcher and TPLF ® commingled fabric with stretch-broken carbon fibers from Schappe Techniques. Results from these two research topics allow to manufacture double curvature composite parts with microstructural properties in accordance with aviation requirements for semi-structural parts. The optimisation of field measurements by 3D-DIC and the semi-preg characterisation in tensile and bending should be developed to improve strain field analysis during fabric shaping. Manufacturing process optimisation by the selection of more efficient materials used for vacumm bagging should also be investigated.
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Development of Robust Automated Handling of pre-impregnated Carbon FibreMartinsson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Prepreg is a fibre reinforced polymer composite material often used by the aeronautical industry. The material supplier has pre-impregnated the fibre often with an epoxy resin and cured it to a semi-viscous B-stage where the material is tacky (adhesive). Manual layup of prepreg components is still common because there are only a few automated layup techniques which has limited geometric capability and high investment cost. Swerea SICOMP is a research institute which have in collaboration with partners developed a manufacturing demonstrator for automated layup of carbon fibre prepreg components based on robotic handling. The manufacturing demonstrator is able to; feed out prepreg from a spool onto a cutting table, cut the prepreg into plies, pick the plies from the cutting table and place them on a layup table, consolidate the prepreg plies on the layup table and remove the backing paper that covers one side of the prepreg. Three robustness problems has been identified and these forms the bulk of this master’s thesis. The first problem is that the robot is unable to place the plies on the cutting table with sufficient accuracy due to fluctuating position of the prepreg on the cutting table. The second problem is that the end effector used for the pick and place operation sometimes fails to pick the adhesive plies from the cutting table. The problem originates in limited holding force by the end effectors suction cups and limited capability to perform a peeling motion when picking due to the design of the end effector. The third problem is that process variables like temperature is believed to effect the robustness of the demonstrator but has not been further studied. The first problem was solved by implementing a probing routine which measures the position of the prepreg on the cutting table with an array sensor mounted to the robot. The measurement values are used to reprogram subsequent operations. The second problem seems to be solved by designing and implementing a new pick and place end effector. The new end effector has higher holding force and better capability to perform a peeling motion while picking and placing the tacky prepreg plies. Tests with the new end effector has been promising, the pick and placeoperation performs robustly, but all ply geometries was not tested and some minor adjustment is needed to further improve the placing accuracy. The third problem has not been solved but studied. A literature study reviled that temperature, relative humidity and prepreg out of freezer age is likely to effect the prepreg adhesive properties which in turn is known to effect the robustness. A test procedure has been devised to test how these variables effect the robustnessof the demonstrator. The tests should be conducted when all process steps in the demonstrator is up and running.
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Technologie výroby uhlíkových kompozitů lisováním za tepla / Technology of manufacturing of carbon fibre composites by hot formingPřikryl, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the composite materials and especially aims on the carbon and glass fiber composites. It points out different composition types and manufacturing methods which reflect in the different mechanical properties, final quality of the manufactured part and also in the manufacturing time. The practical part includes two particular manufacturing methods using prepregs, one cured in an autoclave and one by hot compression moulding.
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Návrh a analýza rámu silničního kola z kompozitního materiálu / Design and analysis of the road bike made from composite materialDvořáková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design and analysis of road bike frame made of composite material. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, there is a research focused on the usage of composite materials in relation to making bike frames. The main emphasis is placed on fiber composites, which are most common in cycling. Manufacturing process and production technology are discussed. The aim of the second part is design and the numerical simulation of frame in relation to stand-ard, which is used for the testing of frames. Rigidity and strength are evaluated. The final frame is obtained from the initial design due to several iterations. In conclusion, results are evaluated and recommendations for future work are given.
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Process Development for Compression Molding of Hybrid Continuous and Chopped Carbon Fiber Prepreg for Production of Functionally Graded Composite StructuresWarnock, Corinne Marie 01 December 2015 (has links)
Composite materials offer a high strength-to-weight ratio and directional load bearing capabilities. Compression molding of composite materials yields a superior surface finish and good dimensional stability between component lots with faster processing compared to traditional manufacturing methods. This experimental compression molding capability was developed for the ME composites lab using unidirectional carbon fiber prepreg composites. A direct comparison was drawn between autoclave and compression molding methods to validate compression molding as an alternative manufacturing method in that lab. A method of manufacturing chopped fiber from existing unidirectional prepreg materials was developed and evaluated using destructive testing methods. The results from testing both the continuous and chopped fiber were incorporated into the design of a functionally graded hybrid continuous and chopped carbon fiber component, the manufacture of which resulted in zero waste prepreg material.
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