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Die voorspelbaarheid van akademiese prestasie deur die verskille tussen nie-verbale toetsintelligensieprestasies / Hendrik Barnardus KrugerKruger, Hendrik Barnardus January 1972 (has links)
In this study the possibility of predicting academic success at first year
university level by means of the discrepancy between nonverbal and verbal
intelligence test scores, is investigated. Firstly the problem is stated and
the purpose and programme of the research are outlined. A closer look at
various points of view on intelligence is given in the next chapter.
Nonverbal and verbal intelligence is discussed. The hypotheses is that nonverbal
intelligence relates more closely to the concrete in the field of intellectual
activity, while the verbal intelligence deals with the symbolic and abstract.
It is further stated that nonverbal intelligence resembles more closely
the hereditary intelligence than the verbal, which is to a greater extent the
result of non- genetic factors.
Academic achievement and the various influences on it are described. The
relationship between factors influencing the verbal intelligence and factors influencing
academic achievement is pointed out. It is reasoned that negative
influences will prevent the verbal intelligence from developing to the same or
a higher level than the nonverbal intelligence. The same influences will
prevent the student from achieving academically as could have been expected
from his I. Q. Positive environmental influences will stimulate the actualisation
of genetic intelligence and will also lead to relative better academic
In the empirical research first year students with a discrepancy of 10+
between nonverbal and verbal I. Q. scores are grouped. Groups with a higher
nonverbal score are designated as negative groups and those with higher verbal
scores as positive groups. By means of the Wilcoxon Matched- Pairs Signed Ranks
Test these groups are compared with groups consisting of students with
a discrepancy of less than 10 between nonverbal and verbal I.Q. scores.
The results show that only the largest negative group, which is a combination
of men and women groups from various degree courses, achieves academically
lower than the control group. The result is reliable within the 0, 05 level of
confidence. / Proefskrif (DEd)--PU vir CHO, 1973
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Die verband tussen enkele nie-kognitiewe faktore en akademiese prestasie van studente in Bybelkunde / Antonie Gysbert WeidemanWeideman, Antonie Gysbert January 1989 (has links)
Researchers have been trying for years to determine why such a large
percentage of first-year university students fail or terminate their
courses. There is a need for research about the identification of factors
which have a negative influence on the academic achievement of students.
With regard to the factors which influence academic achievement, one can
distinguish between cognitive and non-cognitive factors.
In this study intelligence was referred to as a cognitive factor, and its
link with academic achievement pointed out. Research has proved that
intelligence is one of the best predictor's for academic achievement.
Non-cognitive factors selected for this research include the family, the
school, interests, motivation and adjustment. From the literature survey
which was undertaken (chapter 2) about students in general (practically
all fields of study), it was deduced that there is a link between academic
achievement and some non-cognitive factors. There is thus a wide spectrum
of factors which can affect the individual's total existence positively
or negatively.
The objective with this study was to identify those variables (non-cognitive)
which have the greatest influence on the academic achievement
of Biblical students. All the final-year education students (N = 70) in
Biblical Studies who had started their studies in 1981 and completed their
courses in 1984 were used as population. The students had all completed
a degree at the end of 1983 and then completed the HED(P) diploma at
the end of 1984.
The measuring instruments which were used were the 19-Field Interest
Questionnaire, the PHSF-Relationship Questionnaire and Standard 10
The 19-FIQ was compiled for the measurement of professional interests
of senior secondary school pupils, students and adults in 19 broad fields
of interest. The purpose of the PHSF was to measure the personal, home,
social and formal relationships of high school pupils, students and adults
in order to determine their measure of adjustment. As criterion of
previous achievement, performance in the subjects' Standard 10
examination was taken.
In the empirical study the ex post facto approach was used. The data
were analysed by means of a multiple regression analysis in order to
identify those non-cognitive variables which influence academic
achievement. The BMDP9R computer programme was used for this
Fifteen independent variables were selected because they made the
biggest contribution to the R2, and because these different fields and
components are very closely linked to the teaching profession. The
contribution of the selected independent variables to the R2 indicated a
very good correlation, viz. R2 = 0,61, or 61%. The selected independent
variables which made the best contribution to the square of the multiple
correlation co-efficient (R2) is Standard 10 achievement, with 0,319 or
31,9%, 19-FIQ 10 (congeniality) with 0,277 or 27% and PHSF 4
(nervousness) with 0,044 or 4,4%.
The following six independent variables seem, according to the Cp
criterion, to be the best predictors of academic achievement in this study:
Standard 10 performance, 19-FIQ 10 (congeniality), PHSF 3 (self-control),
PHSF 4 (nervousness), PHSF 6 (family influences) and PHSF 7
(personal freedom). The contribution of the six best predictors to the
R2 = 0,52 or 52%. The predictors which made the best contribution to the
R2 are Standard 10 performance, with 0,31 or 31% and the 10-FIQ 10
(congeniality), with 0,28 or 28%. The results indicate that the
independent variables separately and in conjunction had a significant
influence on the prediction of academic achievement. The independent
variables (non-cognitive factors) thus had a direct influence on the
academic achievement of university students.
From the results of the study it emerges that the independent variables
separately and in conjunction have a significant influence on academic
achievement, and the hypothesis is supported that there is a link between
the non-cognitive factors and academic achievement. / Skripsie (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1990
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Die invloed van onderrigstrategieë op die skolastiese prestasie van ʼn leerder wat gediagnoseer is met Asperger-sindroomKotzé, Bianca January 2015 (has links)
Die beleidsdokument oor inklusiewe onderwys (South Africa. Department of Education, 2001) is in 2001 onderteken en in Suid-Afrika geïmplementeer. Die dokument beveel aan dat alle leerders die mees geskikte onderrig ontvang, maar as gevolg van die gaping wat tussen die ontwikkeling en implementering van die inklusiewe beleid bestaan, word nie alle leerders suksesvol in skole ingesluit nie. Sommige ouers besluit op alternatiewe skoolplasings en onderrig hulle kinders tuis, juis as gevolg van die onsuksesvolle insluiting van sommige leerders.
Die doel van die studie is om die invloed van sekere onderrigstrategieë op die skolastiese prestasie van ʼn leerder met Asperger-sindroom te bepaal. Hierdie studie is in die interpretatiewe paradigma ingebed, ʼn enkel gevallestudie is as navorsingsontwerp aangewend en die metodologie is kwalitatief van aard. Inhoudsanalise is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Die leerder in hierdie studie is gediagnoseer met Asperger-sindroom. Hierdie leerder is om verskeie redes nie suksesvol in skole ingesluit nie en daarom is die leerder tuis onderrig. Tydens die tuisonderrigproses het die navorser-opvoeder besef dat hierdie leerder op ʼn spesifieke manier leer en dink. Onderrigstrategieë is geïmplementeer en aangepas volgens die leerder se individuele onderrigbehoeftes. Die navorsingbevindinge dui aan dat die ontwikkeling en aanpassing van onderrigstrategieë wel ʼn positiewe invloed op die leerder in die studie se skolastiese prestasie gehad het. In hierdie studie is dit duidelik dat leerders met Asperger-sindroom wel ʼn spesifieke manier van dink en leer toon en dat opvoeders so ʼn leerder se spesifieke denkpatrone in ag moet neem tydens die aanpassing van onderrigstrategieë. Die onderrigstrategieë wat tydens hierdie studie ontwikkel is, kan moontlik vir ander leerders wat op die outistiese spektrum gediagnoseer is ook voordelig wees.
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Enkele nie-kognitiewe faktore en akademiese prestasie van HOD(N)-studente met 'n geesteswetenskaplike agtergrond / Cornelius Petrus SchutteSchutte, Cornelius Petrus January 1986 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of non-cognitive factors on the
academic achievement of student teachers.
Two methods of enquiry were used to investigate the influence of non-cognitive factors
on students.
(i) A study of the literature was made to establish the different views on the relative
influence of cognitive and non-cognitive factors on academic achievement.
(ii) An empirical method was used to determine the influence of different independent
variables (non-cognitive factors) on the academic achievement of student teachers.
An ex post facto approach was used. The experimental group was the 1981-intake of first
year students at the PU for CHE who completed their studies at the end of 1984.
The measuring instruments used, were the standard 10--exams, the 19 Field Interest Inventory
and the PHSF Relations Questionnaire. With the aid of these psychometric tests an
attempt was made to predict academic achievement.
The validity and reliability of each of the measuring instruments are covered in this
study and it was found that they are valid and reliable in all cases.
The literature indicates that both cognitive and non-cognitive factors play an important
role in academic success.
Fran the literature extracts were taken to explain intelligence and aptitude.
The discussion of the influence of certain non-cognitive factors on academic success
includes the following important aspects: study habits, study methods, study skills,
study guidance, study attitude, achievement motivation, personality factors, interest,
emotionality, self-concept, age, sex, extra mural activities, physical factors and the
environment of the student.
According to the empirical study the following findings are of importance:
With 34 independent variables the contribution to R2 was 51,5%. Then a selection of
variables was made. Fifteen independent variables were used. These 15 variables
contributed 35,3% to R2.
The eleven best variables which were determined by means of the Cp-criterium,
contributed 58,5%, to R2. These variables were:
(i) The 19 Field Interest Inventory
(a) Fine arts
(b) Clerical
(c) Performing arts
(d) Numerical
(e) Practical-Female
(f) Service
(ii) The PHSF Relations Questionnaire
(a) Self-esteem
(b) Self-control
(c) Health
(d) Sociability G
(e) Moral sense
The empirical study makes it quite clear that all the independent variables (non-cognitive
factors) have an influence on the academic achievement of student teachers.
As it has been determined in this investigation that non-cognitive factors have an
influence on academic achievement, the conclusion is reached that students who are subject
to positive non-cognitive factors achieve better academic success than those students
who work under negative non-cognitive circumstances. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1986
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Suksesvolle eerstejaarstudente teenoor uitsakkers : 'n psigometriese ondersoek / Esmé KlopperKlopper, Esmé January 1984 (has links)
Chapter 1.
1. Introduction -
The rapid growth and development in industrial and technological
areas has created a growing need for trained manpower.
Increasingly it is expected of the universities
to supply the community in these needs. For this reason
the position of university dropouts must be regarded in a
serious light - the necessary potential is not being
utilized and furthermore the dropout rate is a burden
for both the country and the community.
2. Objectives -
The researcher has set the following overall objectives:
To determine:
a) Whether there are any significant differences between
the dropout and the successful student as regard,
aptitude, interest and personality.
b) Whether the dropout in the year course differs from
the dropout in the semester course.
c) What factors - as described in literature on this
subject - play an important part in the cessation
of studies.
d) The causes of such study cessation at the Potchefstroom
University for Christian Higher Education.
3. Hypotheses -
a) There are no significant differences between the
successful student and the dropout as regards aptitude,
personality and interest.
b) There are no meaningful psychological differences
between the dropout in the semester course and the
dropout in the year course.
Chapter 2: Survey of literature.
The phenomenon - as described in literature on this subject - is
reviewed in this chapter. In the definitions that have
been stated definite differences have been drawn between
the successful student, the unsuccessful student and the
Furthermore the extent of the dropouts in certain overseas
countries and the Republic of South Africa has been reviewed
but specifically also as relating to the Potchefstroom
University for Christian Higher Education.
Attention has also been given to the relationship between '.
sexes, faculty, residence and study cessation. The pattern
during the year of such cessation as well as its reasons
are also discussed.
The following factors which may be relevant to such cessation
of studies have been identified:
a) Psychological factors such as social withdrawal, stress,
lack of self-confidence, identity-crises and problems on
an interpersonal level.
b) Family background.
c) Socio-economical factors.
d) Social pressures.
e) Aptitude.
f) Interest.
g) Motivation'.
h) Academic accomplishments.
i) Religion.
Chapter 3: Method of investigation.
At the inception of their studies first-year students undergo
psychometric testing. The results of the psychometric
testing of 1980, 1981 and 1982 have been used in this investigation.
Certain criteria for success have been set and the
successful students identified accordingly. Of this
group a random sample has been drawn. The dropouts were
seen as a universal group.
The aptitude, interest and personality scores of the
successful students have then been compared with those
of the dropouts using certain statistical methods.
The aptitude, interest and personality scores of the dropout
in the semester course have been compared with those of the
dropouts in the year course, but only by comparing their
average scores. One standard deviation is regarded as a
significant psychological difference. No further statistical
methods were used in this part of the research.
Chapter 4: Discussion of results.
1. Certain tendencies relevant to the dropout's aptitude,
interest and personality have been identified. The various
faculties however, indicate differing tendencies.
2. It would appear as if there is no material difference
between the dropout in the year course and those in the
semester course.
Chapter 5: Conclusion.
From the investigation indications are that although in the
different faculties certain tendencies are found relevant
to cessation of studies, individual differences cannot be
disregarded. To attempt to identify dropouts purely on
ground of psychological tests without considering predisposing
factors would be Unrealistic.
Cessation of studies as a psychological problem can be
reduced but never entirely eliminated. / Skripsie (MA)-- PU vir CHO, 1984
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Die voorspelling van standerd tien rekeningkundeprestasie / Sebastiaan ReinhardtReinhardt, Sebastiaan January 1985 (has links)
The aim of this research project was to determine the relative contribution
of cognitive and non-cognitive variables to accounting achievement
and to determine which variables have the greatest influence on accounting
achievement so that these variables can be used to predict accounting
To reach the aim of the study, a literature study was undertaken which
was followed by an empirical investigation. The literature study was
divided into a study of cognitive {see chapter 2) and non-cognitive
(see chapter 3) variables. It was found that cognitive variables had
the greater influence on academic achievement with previous achievement
and intelligence as the main contributors.
Research findings indicated that cognitive variables were responsible
for 25 to 50 percent of the variance in academic achievement. In search
for the remaining 75 to 50 percent, researchers included non-cognitive
variables in their research attempts. Most researchers came to the
conclusion that academic achievement could be better predicted when
both cognitive and non-cognitive variables were included in research
attempts, although no one was willing to report a definite increase in
The empirical investigation made use of the information gathered in 1980
in the Orange Free State {see chapter 4). All the Afrikaans speaking
pupils in die Orange Free State during 1980 were included in the research
program. Different measuring instruments {see par.4.4) were used to
identify a large variety of independent variables (see par. 4.5.1).
The dependent variable for this research was standard ten Accounting
(see par. 4.52). The different statistical techniques are described
in par. 4.6.2. A factor analysis was carried out to group the different
variables according to their correlation coefficients with standard
ten Accounting (see table 5.1). The 61 independent variables were
grouped into 17 different factors. On these factors, together with average
standard seven marks and six individual standard seven subjects, several
multiple regression analysis were executed to find the best collection
of predictors and their contribution to R2 {see tables 5.4 to 5.11).
The Mallows Cp-value was used as criterium in finding the best collection
of predictors.
In chapter five the results of the research were reported. The main
findings of this research are:
1) Cognitive variables contribute more than non-cognitive variables
to the prediction of standard ten accounting achievement although
non-cognitive variables contribute considerable.
2) Previous academic achievement is the single variable with the largest
contribution to the prediction of standard ten accounting
3) Study habits, attitudes and affect are the non-cognitive variables
with the largest contribution to the prediction of standard ten
accounting achievement.
4) The standard ten accounting achievement of boys and girls are influenced
by different independent variables.
5) Personality, family and school variables do not have a considerable
influence on standard ten accounting achievement, although personality
variables B contributes considerable to the standard ten
accounting of boys and schoolfactors and family circumstances to
that of girls.
In chapter six certain conclusions were made, implications of the research
findings were given, shortcomings of the research findings were
given and certain recommendations were made.
While it is true that little can be done to the intelligence of a person,
the results of this research that previous academic achievement,
study methods and intellectual factors were the three most important
factors for standard ten accounting achievement are of great value for
teachers. Teachers must make sure that every child knows each part of
the work before they carry on with new work and must help or provide
children with the best study methods. By doing so, the teacher can do
a great deal in attaining high accounting achievement. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1985
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Die voorspelling van die akademiese prestasie van Swart leerlinge / Gert Johannes van der WesthuizenVan der Westhuizen, Gert Johannes January 1987 (has links)
The aim of the research was to determine with which variables and
what measure of success the academic achievement of black pupils
can be predicted in different school subjects.
To achieve this aim a theoretical study was firstly made of the
phenomenon, academic achievement prediction as it is manifested
in the educational context. It was indicated that the action to
predict is of supporting value to education, and that it assumes
a central position in the teaching-learning situation. In
addition it was indicated that academic achievement prediction is
a difficult undertaking, that it demands exceptional knowledge of
the teacher, and that it is essential that the teacher should be
able to predict as accurately as possible.
Secondly a study was made of the methodology of academic
achievement prediction. It was indicated that there are
different procedures for the initial selection of predictor
variables, procedures which are mainly variations of factor
analysis. Possible usages of moderating variables for the
grouping of pupils in homogeneous groups were also discussed and
procedures for the identification of the best predictors of
academic achievement were described.
In the third instance the academic achievement of black pupils
was investigated together with the factors by which it is
influenced. The indications are that the percentages of standard
ten passes are relatively low, and that there are, inter alia,
sex differences, language group differences and also urban/rural
differences in the achievement of pupils. Then the causes of
poor academic achievement by black pupils in the school and
family environment were considered, and also the extent of
educational and cultural deprivation. It was concluded that the
family environment does not always promote academic achievement
at school.
With regard to the variables which are specifically related to
the achievement of black pupils, a limited number of
research results are available. In spite of this, there are
indications that the pupil and milieu variables are related in
the same measure to the academic achievement of black pupils as
indicated by the general tendencies in research results. This
conclusion was arrived at with some reservation, because there
are certain indications of differences in the relative weighting
of variables pertaining to achievement. In addition it was
discovered that there are non-test factors which also
co-determine the achievement of black pupils in psychometric
tests. It transpired too, that further research is necessary as
regards the sources of the unexplained variance in the academic
achievement of black pupils.
In the fourth instance a study was mad0 of the relationship
between a specific selection of variables and the academic
achievement of black pupils. An image was obtained of the
relationship between ability, previous achievement, interest and
personality, and the academic achievement of black pupils, and
then some problem questions based on the relevant literature,
were formulated. The empirical research which followed,
attempted to find some of the answers to these questions.
The aim of the empirical investigation was to determine the
extent to which the standard ten achievement of black pupils can
be predicted with the aid of cognitive, non-cognitive and
biographical variables.
Four groups of hypotheses were drafted. The group-A hypotheses
investigated the contribution of the subsets of the best
predictors from all the independent variables to R2. The groups
B, C, and D hypotheses studied respectively, the contributions of
the cognitive, non-cognitive, and biographical variables to R2 in
the dependent variables.
In the research, the data was used of 871 subjects of the 19179
students who comprised the 1980 pupil population which took part
in the Guidance Project of the Department of Education and
Development Aid. Data was compiled of three psychometric tests,
the Academic Aptitude Test, the Vocational Interest
Questionnaire, and the High School Personality Questionnaire.
This data was subjected to factor analysis and nine factors were
To test the different groups of hypotheses, 81e technique of
multiple regression analysis was applied in two ways. Firstly,
the all possible subsets multiple regression method was used so
as to identify the subset of best predictors per dependent
variable, on the basis of the Cp criterion. The group-A
hypotheses were tested on this basis.
Secondly, the remaining hypotheses were tested by calculating
differences in R2 and testing their significance. In the case of
each dependent variable R2 1 was calculated for a basic set of
control variables which varied per group hypotheses. To this set
of control variables the cognitive predictors were added and R2 2
calculated. The difference between R2 2 and R2 1 then gives an
indication of the contribution which was made by the cognitive
variables to the prediction. The same procedure was followed to
calculate the contribution of the non-cognitive and of the
biographical variables to the prediction. The sets of control
variables varied in the different analyses. In each case the
educational significance of the contributions to R2 was
calculated with the aid of the formula for the calculation of
effect sizes as drafted by Cohen (1977). With the formula of
Cohen, a more precise indication was obtained of the educational
significance of the contributions to R2. The effect sizes
indicated whether contributions to R2 were of small, medium or
large educational significance.
On the basis of the results for multiple regression analyses,
selections were made of the biographical variables, and the
potential role of each as moderators of the prediction of
dependent variables were then investigated.
In the last instance a cross validation of results was made.
The results of the statistical analyses indicate in the first
instance that the subsets of best predictors of standard ten
achievement, consist of cognitive, non-cognitive and biographical
variables. The combinations of predictors vary from one school
subject to another, although certain trends were observed, like
for instance that the cognitive variables generally made the
largest contribution to R2 of all the predictors. It was also
found that the best subsets of predictors provide better
predictions for standard ten total, English, Afrikaans and
Biology, and weaker predictions for History and the Vernacular.
In the second instance the results indicate that the cognitive
variables, like aptitude and previous achievement separately and
together, made a statistical- and educational-significant
contribution to the prediction of achievement in the separate
standard ten subjects. These contributions were made in addition
to the non-cognitive and biographical variables which served as
control measures. The contributions of the cognitive variables
are larger in the case of standard ten total, Afrikaans and
English, and smaller in the case of the Vernacular, History and
Biology. It was also found that previous achievement always
rendered a larger contribution to the prediction, except in the
case of English and History.
In the third instance it was found that the non-cognitive
variables, interest and personality separately and together.
produce in isolated instances, significant contributions to the
prediction of the dependent variables. These contributions to
the prediction of dependent variables are produced in addition to
the control variables (cognitive and biographical variables), and
they are small and also (in terms of effect sizes), of small
educational significance.
In the fourth instance it was found that, sex in four cases,
living area (urban/rural) in four, language group 2
(Zulu/non-Zulu) in four, and language group 1 (Sotho/non-Sotho)
in six cases, made significant contributions in addition to the
cognitive and non-cognitive control variables) to the prediction
of standard ten achievement. These contributions vary from a
small to a large measure of educational significance. Together,
the variables contribute significantly to all the dependent
variables, and it was found that the contributions or the
biographical variables are largest with regard to History and
Biology. Finally, the results of the research on the effects of
moderator variables indicate chat sex has a modifying effect only
in the case of the Vernacular as regards the prediction. Living
area has no modifying effect and the effect of language group 1
is limited to History. Language group 2 is the variable which,
with regard to most dependent variables, has a moderating effect
on the prediction, as regards all the dependent variables except
the Vernacular.
In the validity study it was found that the degree of validity
was satisfactory, with the exception of the results relating to
The most important conclusion made on the basis of the empirical
research is that the academic achievement of black pupils and the
inclusive variables can only be predicted with limited success.
school subjects vary a great deal in their predictability, and in
each case there is a large amount of unexplained variance of
which the source probably lies outside the scope of the variables
provided for in the research. A further conclusion is that the
variables, which together with others (and also individually)
make the greatest contribution to the prediction, are the
cognitive variables. The contribution of the non-cognitive
variables, interest and personality, is quite small, even smaller
than the indications in present literature. As a whole this is
in accordance with the results of other investigations in
developing countries. In conclusion, the inference was made as a
result of the moderator study that biographical variables are
indeed potentially serviceable as moderating variables and that
language group 2 (Zulu/non-Zulu) probably has the greatest
The results of this research have implications for teaching
practice as well as for further research. Practical
recommendations have been made with regard to the use of the
results for guidance purposes, and with a view to the
manipulation of variables for the improvement of academic
achievement. Recommendations have also been made for further
research on alternative variables as well as the non-test factors
which influence the academic achievement of black pupils. / Proefskrif (DEd)--PU vir CHO, 1987
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'n Veranderde milieu vir die gedragsafwykende leerling / Jacoba Hendrina CoetzeeCoetzee, Jacoba Hendrina January 1980 (has links)
The environment, which includes the immediate milieu
of the child, influences the child in his totality.
The environment has an influence in all spheres of
the child's life, such as in the intellectual and
mental, on those personality traits which will
develop into dominant ones, the emotional sphere,
which includes anxiety, his attitude and disposition
towards other people and towards objects, his relationships
with others and his level of academic
The aim of this study is to determine whether an
altered milieu - a change from the parental home to
a special school - will have a verifiable influence
on the personality and academic achievements of children
with behavioural deviations.
Available literature on the personality, intelligence
and academic achievement of both the well-adjusted
and maladjusted child, the origin of misbehaviour,
the manifestations of misbehaviour and the milieu as
both causative and therapeutic factor in behavioural
deviations was studied.
The sample consisted of all Standard 6, Standard 7
and Standard 8 pupils of both sexes who were referred
to the special school from their parental homes
in the course of the first term. A selected battery
of tests, consisting of standardized psychometric
tests was applied individually to the subjects upon
their arrival at the special school. After a period
of at least six months the subjects were given the
same battery of tests in a group, with the exception
of the intelligence test, which was taken down individually.
The test and background data were then tabulated and
some generally valid conclusions were reached which
could be made applicable to the group as a whole.
After a period of sojourn at the special school, for
example, the subjects did better academically and
fewer failures occurred than in previous years.
Their average intelligence quotient improved, but
their anxiety level increased and their general level
of study orientation deteriorated. Personality
traits which figured more prominently included selfconfidence,
group dependency, dominance and activity.
Lethargy as a result of increased ergic tension
decreased and the subjects were less phlegmatic
and diffident.
One could then come to the conclusion that a changed
milieu does bring about a change as r.egards the academic
achievement and certain personality traits of
the subjects. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1981
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Die verband tussen angs, aanpassing, die verhoudingslewe en skoolprestasie van kliniekskoolleerlinge / Neeltje Irene Beatrix van der WaltVan der Walt, Neeltje Irene Beatrix January 1985 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of fear,
adjustment and relationships on scholastic achievement of clinic
school pupils.
Two methods of enquiry were used. An outline of former research
on the role of fear, adjustment and relationships was made by
means of a study of the available relevant literature. This was
followed by die empirical method to test the validity of specific
In view of the fact that placement in a clinic school could be
a traumatic experience, the clinic school as such was studied.
Reasons for referral, school organisation and the admittance and
discharge of pupils were examined. Finally some advantages and
disadvantages of clinic school placement were discussed.
The literature was unanimous about the role of fear, adjustment
and relationships as possible causes for poor school achievement.
It was also evident that socio-economical factors can play a
significant role in determining fear and adjustment in pupils
as well as influencing their relationships.
In order to determine whether there is a relationship between
fear, adjustment, the relationships and school achievement of
clinic school pupils a number of hypotheses were formulated and
tested. The empirical investigation was carried out at a senior
secondary clinic school.
The test battery consisted of the P.H.S.F Relationship Questionnaire,
the Ipat Self Evaluation Questionnaire, the Bell adjustment
inventory, a socio-economic status questionnaire as well
as some personal documents and files relating to the pupils.
Scholastic achievement, the dependant variable, was operationalised
to the average percentage which was achieved by the pupil
at the end of the previous school year.
Via factor-analysis by using the computer programme DMDP4M,
the number of variables was reduced to ten. By means of multiple
regression analysis the contribution of each of fear, adjustment
and relationships to the variance in scholastic achievement was
The resultant findings revealed that according to the study which
was made of the available literature, a relationship between fear,
adjustment, relationships and school achievement does exist.
This relationship, however, could not be determined by means of
the experimental research done for this study as no significant
proportion of the variance in scholastic achievement was accounted
for by fear. However, adjustment and relationships did explain
a small proportion of the variance in scholastic achievement
which can be considered as meaningful in educational terms.
It can be concluded that fear, adjustment and relationships of
clinic school pupils are all complex matters which cannot be
easily assessed, empirically.
The study is concluded by the inclusion of a few recommendations
as well as a number of topics for further research. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1985
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Voorgraadse akademiese produktiwiteit van die PU vir CHO vir die tydperk 1962 tot 1976 / Stefanus Johannes Paul du PlessisDu Plessis, Stefanus Johannes Paul January 1978 (has links)
Proefskrif--PU vir CHO
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