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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Work-related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment / Christelle Coetzer

Coetzer, Christelle January 2014 (has links)
South Africa currently has one pharmacist per 3849 of the population, which is considerably below the recommendation of one per 2300 of the population. Pharmacists are under a lot of pressure to perform at a certain level with not much to aid them in their day-to-day duties and their psychological needs. If pharmacists‟ stress levels are not managed, their physical and mental health may be compromised, as may their patients‟ safety. The construct of basic need satisfaction may be useful to gain insight in employees‟ functioning and to examine the motivational potential of organisational factors. Information about the need satisfaction of pharmacy employees is important as it may heighten the functioning and productivity of employees to a degree which will reduce costs connected with stress and turnover. This information will aid organisations to create environments that lessen the stress and turnover intentions of employees, thereby reducing the costs related to stress and turnover. The aims of this research were divided into general and specific aims. The general aim of this study was to investigate work related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Data was collected through questionnaires in the empirical investigation, namely the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale (W-BNS) and the Mental Health Continuum Short-Form (MHC-SF). The study sample was compiled from a corporate retail pharmacy group. The satisfaction of the need for relatedness reflected as the most prominent result of the three basic psychological needs. Respondents mostly chose “agree” (mean = 3.9) on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 which is totally disagree to 5 which is totally agree. This indicates that employees feel that their need for relatedness is being satisfied. Respondents that flourish and are moderately mentally healthy differ in how they feel with regard to the satisfaction of their needs for autonomy and relatedness. It was thus shown that the levels of need satisfaction for autonomy and relatedness of flourishing employees are higher than those of the moderately mentally healthy employees. Recommendations for further research are made. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

An evaluation of some cognitive, affective, and school variables as predictors of the academic achievement of standard 10 pupils in Kwazulu schools / Daniel Mfana Gumede

Gumede, Daniel Mfana January 1989 (has links)
1. DIE DOEL VAN DIE NAVORSING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie (dit is persentasie slaag) onder die kognitiewe, affektiewe en skoolveranderlikes vas te stel. Die teikengroep het uit standerd 10 leerlinge in Kwazulu skole bestaan. 2. DIE BEVINDINGE UIT DIE LITERATUUR: Om die voorgemelde doel te bereik 1s die oorsig van literatuur met verwysing na die vermelde onafhanklike veranderlikes gedoen, en die volgende gevolgtrekkings is bereik. 2.1 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDES VAN DIE KOGNITIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van die kognitiewe veranderlikes, het die literatuur daarop gewys dat die kognitiewe veranderlikes ongeveer 25 persent van die variansie in die akademiese prestasie verklaar. Belangrik in hierdie verband is die bevindinge deur Lavin (1967), Bloom (1979) en talle ander wat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie en aanleg ondersoek het. Die ander belangrike bevinding, in verband met intelligensie as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie, is dat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie daal as die leerlinge die hoer klasse bereik. Met ander woorde, intelligensie is volgens die literatuur 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in die primêre klasse. Sowel Lavin (1967) as Jensen (1980) het hierdie bewering gemaak. Die voorspellingswaarde van vorige deur die literatuur te bestudeer. literatuur daarop gewys dat voorspeller van akademiese prestasie is. Wat aanleg as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie betref, wys die literatuur daarop dat variansie wat grater as 25 persent in akademiese prestasie is, verklaar kan word op grond van aanleg. In hierdie verband kan die werke van Von Mollendorf (1978) en Vander Westhuizen (1987) genoem word. 2.2 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE AFFEKTIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Die affektiewe veranderlikes wat hier betrokke is, is persoonlikheid en beroepsbelangstelling. Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van persoonlikheid is teenstrydige bevindinge in die literatuur verkry. Enersyds het ondersoeke wat in Amerika gedoen is, getoon dat die byvoeging van die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes by die kognitiewe veranderlikes in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie 'n toename in die verklaring van variansie meebring. Andersyds het die navorsing wat in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, nie 'n duidelike beeld gegee nie. In die algemeen het die Suid-Afrikaanse ondersoeke daarop gewys dat die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes van min waarde is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie. Uit die studie van die literatuur, betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van beroepsbelangstelling, het dit geblyk dat beroepsbelangstelling van minder waarde is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie is as beroepsbelangstelling. 2.3 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE SKOOLVERANDERLIKES: Die skoolveranderlikes is in twee groepe verdeel: die fisiese wat skoolgrootte, klasgrootte, skoolligging en skool fasiliteite behels, en die sosiale wat die prinsipaal en die onderwysers behels. Die oorsig van die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die fisiese fasiliteite belangrik is vir opvoeding, maar hulle uitwerking op die kwaliteit van onderrig afhanklik is van hulle benutting deur die onderwysers. Byvoorbeeld, kleiner klasse het nie beduidend bygedra tot beter prestasie as die grater klasse nie. Die gevolgtrekking wat deur Bloom (1976) onder andere, bereik is, is dat die hele skoolomgewing belangrik is vir onderrig en n1e net die fisiese fasiliteite nie. Ongeveer 5 persent van die variansie in akademiese prestasie is volgens Bloom (1979) deur die skool verklaar. Dit was om hierdie rede dat die hele skool in hierdie ondersoek bestudeer is. Literatuur het ook deurgaans daarop gewys dat die verskille tussen die skole in akademiese prestasie verdwyn as intelligensie en die sosio-ekonomiese status gekontroleer is. 2.4 DIE INVLOED VAN GESLAG OP AKADEMIESE VOORSPELLING: Die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die twee geslagte se akademiese prestasie verskil. Die dogters, byvoorbeeld, presteer beter as seuns in toetse wat verbale aanleg verg, terwyl die seuns beter as dogters in wiskunde presteer: Die twee geslagte het geen verskille in intelligensie getoon nie. 3. DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK 3.1 DIE FORMULERING VAN HIPOTESES: 3. 1. 1 Hoof hipotese HOOF HIPOTESE 1 - Die aanleg veranderlikes is die beste voorspellers van standerd 10 akademiese prestasie in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die skoolveranderlikes. HOOF HIPOTESE 2 - Die affektiewe veranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word. HOOF HIPOTESE 3 - Die skoolveranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word. 3.1.2 Onderhipotese ONDERHIPOTESE 1 - Die gehalte van die skool het beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 3 - Die ligging van die skool het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 4 - Skoolsoort het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 5 - Geslag het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 6 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen koshuis en dagskole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. ONDERHIPOTESE 7 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen stedelike en plattelandse skole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. 3.2 DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK: Die empiriese ondersoek is ingestel om die geformuleerde hipoteses te toets. 3.2.1 Die teikengroep en die steekproef Die KwaZulu 1983 standerd 10 leerlinge is die teikengroep. Om die invloed van die ~kool op voorspelling vas te stel is 'n 10 persent ewekansige steekproef uit 170 sekondêre skole geneem (dit is 17 skole). As gevolg van die ewekansige steekproef is 'n monster van 1912 leerlinge gevorm. Die vermindering van die steekproef tot 1615 leerlinge in sommige analises, is 'n gevolg van onvolledige data van sekere leerlinge. 3.2.2 Die veranderlikes wat gebruik is Die onafhanklike veranderlikes wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is die volgende: a. Aanlegtoetsresultate (AAT) b. Persoonlikheidsresultate (HSPQ) c. Belangstellingsresultate (VIQ) d. Skoolveranderlikheidstotaal (SVTOT) Die afhanklike wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is die volgende: e. Standerd 10 geslaag persentasie. Die modererende veranderlikes wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, is die volgende: f. Die skoolgehalte; g. Die vakgroepe wat die leerlinge leer; h. Die ligging van die skool (stedelik of plattelands); i. Skooltipe (koshuis of dag); en j. Geslag. In hierdie ondersoek is gebruik gemaak van gestandardiseerde meetinstrumente om kognitiewe, en affektiewe veranderlikes te meet. Om die "skool" te meet is verskeie skoolveranderlikes eers geoperasionaliseer en daarna punte volgens rangorde deur die inspekteurs toegeken. Geslag is in hierdie ondersoek as modererende veranderlike gebruik om die invloed daarvan op voorspelling te bestudeer. Om die invloed van die skool as 'n modererende veranderlike te bestudeer is die steekproef verder verdeel volgens skoolgehalte, skoolligging en skooltipe. Die leerlinge was ook gegroepeer volgens die vakgroepe wat hulle geneem het (dit is algemeen, natuurwetenskap en handel). 4. STATISTIESE TEGNIEKE WAT IN HIERDIE NAVORSING GEBRUIK IS EN DIE RESULTATE VAN DIE ONDERSOEK: 4.1 MEERVOUDIGE REGRESSIE-ANALISE: Deurgaans toegepas is die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR program) om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie te identifiseer. Die resultate van die analise het daarop gedui dat: i. die kognitiewe veranderlikes die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie is, in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die skoolveranderlikes; ii. die affektiewe veranderlikes van min voorspellingswaarde is; en iii. die skoolveranderlike 'n beduidende effek op voorspellings het. As gevolg van meervoudige regressie-analise is die kognitiewe en skoolveranderlikes gebruik as kontrole veranderlikes in die moderatorveranderlike studie. Die affektiewe veranderlikes is weggelaat weens hulle geringe bydrae tot R2 . 4.2 VARIANSIE ANALISE: Die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR) is ook gebruik by die moderatorondersoek. Die resultate van die ondersoek het daarop gedui dat: i. die skoolgehalte 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie het; ii. die vakgroepe wat leerlinge leer 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling het; iii. die skoolligging 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voor spelling het; iv. die skooltipe 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling het; v. geslag geen beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van algehele akademiese prestasie het nie; vi. die verskil in akademiese prestasie tussen die koshuisskole en dagskole bly steeds dieselfde selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is; en vii. die verskil in die akademiese prestasie van stedelike en plattelandse leerlinge steeds dieselfde bly selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. 5. IMPLIKASIES VIR VERDERE ONDHRSOEK: In hierdie studie is gevind dat aanleg 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in goeie skole is, maar nie in swak skole nie. 'n Geldigheidsstudie is nodig om swak voorspelbaarheid in swak skole vas te stel. Sulke geldigheidstudies moet die sistematiese veranderlikes ook bestudeer sodat hulle invloed op R2 verklaar kan word. In hierdie studie is ook gevind dat die plattelandse skole akademies beter as stedelike skole presteer. Die bevinding is teenstrydig met die bevindinge van die vorige navorsers. 'n Verdere studie is dus ook nodig om die bevindinge van hierdie studie te bevestig of te verwerp. Die moontlikheid bestaan dat hierdie bevinding die invloed van die onrus wat gedurende daardie jare plaasgevind het, weerspieël. Verdere navorsing is ook nodig om die invloed van die groepvakke op akademiese prestasie te bevestig en o.a. die geldigheid van die resultate van hierdie navorsing te toets. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die waarde van die insluiting van 'n toets in moedertaal in die AAT battery vir voorspellings van akademiese prestasie vas te stel. Die resultate van hierdie studie (kyk tabel 6 • 2 ) het getoon dat die AAT die swakste met Zulutaal korreleer. 'n Toets in moedertaal blyk dus nodig te wees. 6. OPVOEDKUNDIGE IMPLIKASIE: Die kruisvalidasie van die beste stelveranderlikes het daarop gewys dat dit goed by goeie skole kan voorspel en nie by swak skole nie. Om al die skole se akademiese prestasie te verbeter, word dit aanbeveel dat die toetse aan die begin van die jaar toegepas moet word en dat die nuwe snitpunte (kyk paragraaf 6.7) by die verwagtingstabel gebruik moet word. Die vroegtydige beskikbaarheid van die toetsresultate kan help om leerlinge en die onderwysers te motiveer om beter te presteer. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1989

Enkele persoonlikheidsaspekte by drie groepe eerstejaarstudente / Heinrich Wilhelm Röth

Röth, Heinrich Wilhelm January 1982 (has links)
MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY - At present there is a growing need for empirical information in the study and career counselling process especially with regard to the statistical comparison of successful students' aptitudes. interests and personality profiles in various courses. There also is a growing demand for data regarding the predictive validity of the psychometric instruments regularly used. In an attempt to improve the effectiveness of the counselling process. mean profiles for three groups of first year students on the grounds of their mean scores on three psychometric, instruments. were drawn up and were compared with each other on a statistical basis. Secondly the predictive validity of each instrument as well as for two instruments combined was investigated. AIM OF THE RESEARCH - Firstly the aim of this study was to compare the three experimental groups' mean interest aptitude and adaptation profiles as measured by the 19 Field Interest Inventory (19 FII), the Senior Aptitude Tests (SAT) and the PHSF Relations Questionnaire on a statistical basis with each other. in order to detect statistical differences among the profiles of the three groups. The second aim of this study can be put as follows: - To determine the predictive value of each variable (psychometric instrument) with the criterion (average academical achievement); - To determine the relation between two of the variables, namely the 19 Field Interest Inventory and the Senior Aptitude Tests. combined and the criterion by means of the multiple correlation technique. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION - In the first place, a study of the relevant literature was undertaken, concerning the concepts of interest, aptitude and adaptation. Among these attention was especially focused on some definitions as well as the measurement of each concept. The psychometric instruments used in this research was discussed thoroughly regarding their development, contents, reliability and content and predictive validity. The sample used in this study consisted of 93 first year students assigned to the groups in the following way: 33 BA(Communication), 30 BA(Education) and 30 B(Law) students. Statistical operations were done for the total group by means of a computer. This included the drawing-up of mean profiles on each variable for each group as well as the statistical comparison of these profiles with each other. In the second place multiple regression was performed. CONCLUSIONS - With regard to the first aim of this study, the following can be concluded: - The experimental groups' mean interest profiles differed statistically from each other on the following fields of the 19 FII, namely FII 4 (Historical), FII 5 (Service), FII 7 (Sociability), FII 8 (Public Speaking), FII 9 (Law), FII 10 (Creative Thought), FII 13 (Practical Female) and FII 15 (Business). - The experimental groups' mean aptitude profiles differed statistically from each other on one test of the SAT and that is SAT 1 (Verbal Comprehension). - The experimental groups' mean adaptation profiles differed statistically from each other on one component of the PHSF, namely PHSF 9 (Sociability-S). With regard to the multiple regression analysis, the following can be concluded: - With regard to aptitude, three tests of the SAT with the best regression weights were selected for the BA(Communication) group by means of Mallows' CP-regression analysis, namely Disguised Words, Comparison and Pattern Completion. For the BA(Education) group four tests of the SAT with the best regression weights were selected, namely Verbal comprehension, Calculations, Figure Series and Spatial 3-D. Three tests of the SAT with the best regression weights were selected for the B(Law) group, namely Calculations, Pattern Completion and Memory (Paragraph). - With regard to interest, four fields of the 19 FII with the best regression weights were selected for the BA(Communication) group by means of Mallows' CP-regression method, namely Public Speaking, Science, Numerical and Travel. For the BA(Education) group six fields of the 19 FII with the best regression weights were selected, namely Law, Creative Thought, Business, Clerical, Nature and Sports. Only one field with the best regression weight was however selected for the BA(Law) group, namely Business. - With regard to adaptation, three components of the PHSF Relations Questionnaire with the best regression weights were selected for the BA(Communication) group by mean of the same method, namely Health, Sociability-S and Formal Relations. For the BA(Education) group two components were selected, namely Selfcontrol and Nervousness. Four components of the PHSF with the best regression weights were selected for the B(Law) group, namely Health, Personal Freedom, Moral Sense and Desirability Scale. As for the last aim of this study, namely the determination of the relation between the 19 FII and the SAT combined, and the criterion, the following can be concluded: With regard to the BA(Communication) group, four predictors with the best regression weights were statistically selected, namely one test of the SAT (Comparison) and three fields of the 19 FII (Science, Numerical and Travel). - As far as the BA(Education) group is concerned, four predictors with the best regression weights were statistically selected, namely two tests of the SAT (Verbal Comprehension and Spatial 3-D) and two fields of the 19 FII (Social Work and Creative Thought). With regard to the B(Law) group, a combination of twelve predictors with the best regression weights were selected, namely four tests of the SAT (Calculations, Figure Series, Spatial 2-D and Memory Symbols ) and eight fields of the 19 FII (Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Historical, Service, Creative Thought, Clerical and Travel). RECOMMENDATIONS - It is recommended that more extensive research be undertaken with successful students in every course of study regarding their interests, aptitudes, adaptation and personalities, in order to detect their similarities and differences. In order to increase the reliability of such findings, it is also recommended that the size of the experimental groups be increased. Research should also be undertaken concerning the selection and composition of relevant test-batteries in order to achieve optimum prediction of academic achievement. However, the selection of psychometric tests as used in this study should be extended with at least a personality test. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1983

Work-related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment / Christelle Coetzer

Coetzer, Christelle January 2014 (has links)
South Africa currently has one pharmacist per 3849 of the population, which is considerably below the recommendation of one per 2300 of the population. Pharmacists are under a lot of pressure to perform at a certain level with not much to aid them in their day-to-day duties and their psychological needs. If pharmacists‟ stress levels are not managed, their physical and mental health may be compromised, as may their patients‟ safety. The construct of basic need satisfaction may be useful to gain insight in employees‟ functioning and to examine the motivational potential of organisational factors. Information about the need satisfaction of pharmacy employees is important as it may heighten the functioning and productivity of employees to a degree which will reduce costs connected with stress and turnover. This information will aid organisations to create environments that lessen the stress and turnover intentions of employees, thereby reducing the costs related to stress and turnover. The aims of this research were divided into general and specific aims. The general aim of this study was to investigate work related basic need satisfaction and flourishing of employees in a corporate pharmacy environment. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Data was collected through questionnaires in the empirical investigation, namely the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction Scale (W-BNS) and the Mental Health Continuum Short-Form (MHC-SF). The study sample was compiled from a corporate retail pharmacy group. The satisfaction of the need for relatedness reflected as the most prominent result of the three basic psychological needs. Respondents mostly chose “agree” (mean = 3.9) on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 which is totally disagree to 5 which is totally agree. This indicates that employees feel that their need for relatedness is being satisfied. Respondents that flourish and are moderately mentally healthy differ in how they feel with regard to the satisfaction of their needs for autonomy and relatedness. It was thus shown that the levels of need satisfaction for autonomy and relatedness of flourishing employees are higher than those of the moderately mentally healthy employees. Recommendations for further research are made. / MPham (Pharmacy Practice, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die antropometriese sprong- en vloeritem-prestasiedeterminante van jong dogtergimnaste / Annelize Willemse

Willemse, Annelize January 2006 (has links)
Although the available literature mentions a variety of anthropometric performance determinants for gymnastics, no one has until now made an attempt to determine the performance determinants of more advanced, young, South African (SA), female gymnasts. The purposes of this study were, therefore, firstly to determine the anthropometric variables that differ significantly @ 5 0,05) between successful and less successful young, SA, female gymnasts in the vault and floor item and secondly, to determine the anthropometric variables that contribute to the performance of young, SA, female gymnasts in the vault and floor item. Twelve young, female gymnasts (13,39 f 2,14 years) from a gymnastics club in the North-West Province of South Africa participated in this study. Only gymnasts who participated at level 6-9 and junior as well as senior olynlpic level were selected to participate in this study. Sixty one anthropometric variables were measured on the dominant side of the body according to the methods of Norton et al. (1996). Firstly, the descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) of the gymnastics population were calculated. This was followed by an analysis which intended to arrange the gymnasts in a ranking order according to the vault and floor performances (marks) that were reached during the South African Gymnastics Championships. Due to differences in the participation level, data was normalised by making use of correction factors. Independent t-tests and effect sizes revealed that the gymnasts who obtained the highest marks (top 5) during the execution of the vault and floor item during the South African Gymnastics Championships had statistical and practical significantly (p 5 0,05) larger relaxed and flexed upper arm, wrist and ankle circumferences as well as mesomorph values than the less successful gymnasts. The cluster analysis-reduced variables were used to perform a forward, stepwise multiple regression analysis which showed that flexed upper arm (53,93%) and chest circumference (3,6996); midstillion dactillion (12,38%), trochanterion-tibia1 lateral (5,77%) and foot length (1 1,50%); fat percentage (8,93%), ectomorphy (l,96%), bideltoied breadth (1,54%), triceps skinfold (0,23%) and iliospinal box height (0,07%) contributed 100% to the variance in gymnasts' vault performances. Bi-trochanterion- (34,86%), femur- (17,07%) and bi-deltoied breadth (4,93%); front thigh skinfold (19,71%); fat percentage (7,68%); acromial-radial (4,09%) and foot length (0,05%) as well as waist- (6,68%), chest- (2,92%) and gluteal thigh circumference (2;02%) were the anthropometric variables which contributed 100% to the variance in gymnasts' floor performances. Flexed upper arm circumference, fat percentage, ectomorphy, iliospinal box height and bitrochanterion and femur breadth as well as gluteal thigh circumference and foot length were, however, the only anthropometric variables which contributed significantly to gymnasts' vault and floor performances, respectively. The conclusion that can, therefore, be drawn is that larger upper arm and upper body circumferences; hand, foot, upper and total leg lengths; triceps skinfolds, fat percentages and ectomorphy as well as larger limb and torso circumferences; waist breadths; fat percentages and front thigh skinfolds as well as upper arm and foot lengths are the respective, important anthropometric vaulting and floor performance determinants for young, South African, female gymnasts and should be included in the sport scientific testing protocols of gymnasts. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Die howe se benadering tot die metode van betaling en die toepassing van die aedilisiese aksies by inruiltransaksies (Afrikaans)

Van Wyk, A.S.L. (Andries Stephanus Louwrens) 15 July 2009 (has links)
Die hoeksteen vir die sluiting van 'n koopkontrak is die bedoeling van een party om te koop en die ander om te verkoop. Dit is belangrik om die aard van die ooreenkoms vas te stel om te bepaal watter remedies effektiewelik tot die beskikking van die benadeelde party is. Die vraag wat beantwoord moes word is of die actio quanti minoris tot die beskikking is van 'n benadeelde party waar die ooreenkoms gesien is as 'n inruiltransaksie. Dit is van belang omdat die actio quanti minoris net van toepassing was by koopkontrakte. Die uitgangspunt in Janse van Rensburg v Grieve Trust is dat gelyke regte gegee moet word aan beide koper en verkoper en dat die actio quanti minoris toepassing vind op beide inruiltransaksies en koopkontrakte. Dit is tot op datum ons howe se benadering tot toepassing van die aedilisiese aksies. Copyright / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

Die verband tussen emosionele intelligensie en die akademiese prestasie van eerstejaarkoshuisstudente

Swart, Amanda Rene January 1997 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die moontlike verband tussen die emosionele intelligensie en akademiese prestasie van eerstejaarkoshuisstudente aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Verder is bepaal of subgroepe van die eerstejaarkoshuispopulasie betekenisvolle verskille ten opsigte van die komponente van emosionele intelligensie toon. Hierdie studie kan van waarde wees ten opsigte van die mentorstelsel van die Studentevoorligtingsdepartement aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Die inligting verkry in hierdie studie kan aangewend word om psigo-opleidingsprogramme en dienste van Studentevoorligting so te rig ten einde akademiese uitsakking te verminder en studente in die akademiese en sosiale aanpassingsproses op universiteitsvlak by te staan. Verskillende teoriee van emosionele intelligensie word bespreek, met die fokus op Reuven Bar-On se siening van emosionele intelligensie. Die komponente van emosionele intelligensie word in detail bespreek. Die uitsakking van eerstejaarstudente, faktore wat akademiese prestasie be"invloed, faktore uniek tot kultuurandersoortige studente en faktore bepalend vir akademiese sukses word bespreek. Die verband tussen akademiese sukses en die verskeie komponente van emosionele intelligensie word aangedui. Die literatuur toon dan ook dat die 15 komponente van emosionele intelligensie 'n bepalende invloed op akademiese prestasie het en akademiese sukses betekenisvol be"invloed. 'n Opname-ontwerp is in die studie gebruik. Die finale steekproef het uit eerstejaarkoshuisstudente bestaan wat die Emotional Quotient Inventory (Bar-On, 1996c), 'n vraelys wat emosionele intelligensie en die komponente van emosionele intelligensie meet, voltooi het. 'n Biografiese vraelys is ingesluit vir doeleindes van steekproefbeskrywing. Die statistiese verwerkings van die resultate is deur middel van variansie-analise en t-toetse gedoen. Verskeie statisties betekenisvolle intergroepverskille is tussen die geslagsgroepe en taalgroepe aangedui. Alhoewel daar nie 'n betekenisvolle verband tussen die saamgestelde emosionele intelligensie-skaal en akademiese prestasie verkry is nie, toon die resultate verkry deur variansie-analise en t-toetse vir die vergelyking van prestasiegroepe, dat die volgende subskale van die EQ-i tussen goeie en swak presteerders onderskei en as voorspellers van akademiese prestasie beskou kan word: selfaktualisering, realiteitstoetsing, strestoleransie, optimisme, probleemoplossing en kwaliteit van lewe. Hipotese 1, wat stel dat daar 'n verband tussen emosionele intelligensie en die akademiese prestasie van eerstejaarkoshuisstudente bestaan, word verwerp. Hipotese 2, 3 en 4 wat stel dat beduidende verskille tussen verskillende geslags-, taal- en prestasiegroepe verkry sal word ten opsigte van sommige van die emosionele intelligensie-komponente, word aanvaar. Die resultate verkry in die studie kan gebruik word ten einde dienste wat deur middel van die mentorstelsel van die Studentevoorligtingsdepartement van die Universiteit van Pretoria aan eerstejaarkoshuisstudente gebied word, te rig. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / gm2014 / Psychology / unrestricted

Die rol van die biokenetikus en die bestuur van aandagtekort-hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (ATHV)

Calitz, Margaretha January 2013 (has links)
Aandagtekort-hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (ATHV) is een van die deeglikste nagevorste opvoedkundig-sielkundige versteurings. Dit is ook een van die versteurings waarvan die voorkoms drasties vermeerder het oor die laaste drie dekades, met ʼn voorkoms by skoolkinders van 3 tot 17%. Dit kom ook by volwassenes voor. Stimulantmedikasie word algemeen in die behandeling van ATHV voorgeskryf. Ander algemene behandelingsmodaliteite sluit onder andere gedragsterapie, dieët aanpassings en arbeidsterapie in. Oefening as hulpmiddel in die bestuur van ATHV, word goed in die literatuur beskryf, maar word ten spyte hiervan nie algemeen voorgeskryf in die behandeling van ATHV nie. Die primêre doel van die studie was om die rol wat die biokinetikus as oefenkundige te speel het in die bestuur van ATHV, te ondersoek. Die hipotese was dat ATHV-pasiënte wat deelneem aan ʼn oefenprogram onder leiding van ʼn biokinetikus, ʼn verbetering sal toon in akademiese prestasie en gedrag. Die verband tussen ATHV-simptome, aërobiese fiksheid, soepelheid, liggaamsamestelling en balans is ook ondersoek. Deur middel van ʼn meervuldige gevallestudieontwerp is die rol van die biokinetikus in dié verband ondersoek. ʼn Gemengde benadering, met kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe elemente, is gebruik ten einde ʼn ryk en omvattende studie te kon doen. Riglyne vir die assessering van ATHV-pasiënte, asook beste oefenpraktyke, is uit die literatuur afgelei. Vyf deelnemers het vir ʼn tydperk van twee tot drie skoolkwartale aan die studie deelgeneem. Die intervensie het bestaan uit ʼn oefenprogram van ongeveer 30 minute per dag, vyf dae per week. Al die deelnemers is vooraf, asook tydens en na die studie getoets aan die hand van die volgende: Liggaamsamestelling, aërobiese fiksheid, soepelheid en balans. Onderhoude met onderwyseresse en ouers, skoolrapporte en vraelyste is verder gebruik om inligting in te samel. Deelnemers het ook narratiewe verslae gelewer oor die belewenis van hulle deelname. Die resultate van hierdie studie het die hipotese ondersteun. Die deelnemers het verbeterings ten opsigte van akademiese prestasie en gedrag getoon. Hulle aërobiese kapasiteit, liggaamsamestelling, soepelheid en balans het ook verbeter en die verband tussen die onderskeie parameters en die ATHVsimptome van elke deelnemer, is aangetoon en individueel bespreek. ʼn Gedeelde sorgooreenkomsmodel is ontwikkel om die rol van die biokinetikus duidelik aan te dui. ʼn Evaluasieprotokol vir gebruik deur biokinetici is ontwikkel en riglyne vir programontwerp vir die ATHV-pasiënt is saamgestel. Die gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die biokinetikus ʼn besliste rol te speel het in die bestuur van ATHV. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Perceptions regarding the role of social support in the academic achievement of adolescents exposed to violence / Lelanie Judeel

Judeel, Lelanie January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of adolescents, who have been exposed to violence, regarding the role of social support in their academic achievement. A qualitative, collective, within-site case study design was applied to obtain baseline data. The data was gathered through consecutive in-depth individual interviews with two male and six female adolescent learners (between 15 and 17 years of age) in a secondary school in Gauteng. Collages were furthermore used to assist participants with expressing their perceptions on the role that social support played in their academic achievement, despite being exposed to violence in their communities. The study was mainly informed by Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological systems theory, but in order to better understand the adolescent as an individual who functions within the ecological systems theory, Erikson’s psycho-social development theory as well as the theory of social support were integrated to understand this complex period of development. Interview data were analysed thematically, whilst shared analysis were utilised to give meaning to the visual data presented in the collages. The results indicate that encouragement to achieve, the provision of care and support to deal with problems in a proactive manner and enabling relationships with significant others facilitated academic achievement despite exposure to violence. Furthermore, positive self-talk, self-discipline and coping behaviours were identified as self-supportive behaviour that was perceived as enabling adolescents to achieve academically. The study indicates that adolescents who achieve academically despite exposure to violence, perceive social support as playing a significant role in the facilitation of academic achievement in these contexts of adversity. It is therefore recommended that significant others in the lives of adolescents should be informed about the important role that their supportive interactions play in the adolescent’s ability to maintain academic achievement. Further research could explore the viability of social support interventions in assisting adolescent learners to achieve their full academic potential, despite exposure to violence. / MA (Research Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Intercultural communication in information systems development teams / M.E. Nhlapo.

Nhlapo, Moleboge Emma January 2013 (has links)
Communication is a critical success factor to information systems development (ISD) projects. Intercultural communication involves two or more people from diverse cultures communication and using different worldviews and context transmit messages to each other. The aim of this study is to gain an understanding on the influence of the intercultural communication on the performance of an ISD team. In order to achieve this aim one needs to understand information systems research and to justify the selection of the chosen research methodology; to understand information systems development and ISD teams; to understand culture and communication; to understand what affects communication has between different cultures; to discover how cultural misunderstandings impact upon ISD team performance and to discover the steps taken to eliminate miscommunication due to cultural issues in organizations. The interpretive research was carried out in several organizations in Gauteng province of South Africa that develop or has a department that develops information systems. A multiple case study using interviews and content analysis as research methods were instrumental in coming to the conclusion of the research. A multicultural dyad conducted interviews in three participating organizations. Diverse information systems development team members participated in this study. The results of the study describe how intercultural communication influences ISD teams in a South African environment. They also provide an understanding on culture and communication. The results of the study also report on culture and personality as determinants of behaviour, and also on different perceptions of culture. The different ISD team dynamics may be affected by team members’ culture and personality. The results also report on intercultural communication in information systems development teams and how it is affected by the different cultural context. / Thesis (MSc (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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