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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identity in transformation : re-programming Pretorius Square

Khan, Radhia 30 November 2010 (has links)
The experiences of the past can serve to enrich the knowledge of the present and progression to future generations. As such architecture should be viewed in accordance with literature, music, art and film as a collective depiction of the transition from past ideals to the contemporary values and future aspirations of a living city. Sites of historic importance within the Central Business District (CBD) will be investigated as qualitative research to determine the significance of these sites to current citizens. This will be used to determine the best location and manifestation of an intervention that will create a dialogue between the citizens of today and the urban landscape, encapsulating Pretoria’s history of social transition which indicates heritage as a living time line. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Architecture / unrestricted

Spanning stad/land soos vergestalt in die poësie van S.J. Pretorius

Gerber, Engela-Laura January 1992 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Spanning tussen stad en platteland is 'n belangrike tema in die oeuvre van S.J. Pretorius. In sy digkuns vergestalt hy en kom die ontwortelde, oorwegend landelike Afrikaanssprekende na die depressie en oorlogsjare aan die woord. Voortdurend word beelde van die "heerlike, gesonde" platteland gevolg deur beelde van die "bedrukkende" stad met al sy sleur en ellendes en die negatiewe uitwerking wat dit op sy inwoners het. As gevolg van die skrille kontraste groei die spanning in intensiteit. Sedert 1953 vind daar 'n mate van houdingsverandering plaas by die sprekers in Pretorius se poesie. Die digter aanvaar in die periode die stad as deel van die Afrikaner se aardse bestel en ontdek die landelike in die stad. vanaf 1963 word nie meer op nostalgiese wyse ge1dealiseer nie, maar word dit gemeld om aan te toon dat die Christelike heilsboodskap hol klink midde die ellende wat in die stad heers. / The tension that exists between country and city is a characteristic theme of the poetry of S.J. Pretorius. In particular, he deals with the "physical-concrete" destiny of the Afrikaans speaking people of the platteland in the city, Johannesburg. Images of a "beautiful and healthy" countryside are contrasted with the "dejected" city, full of tedium and misery. The negative portrayal of the latter serves to heighten the tension between the two. The year 1953 marks a slight change in attitude. From then on the poet accepts the city as part of the Afrikaner identity and strives to find the country within the city. The former is no longer idealized in a nostalgic way. Instead, the poet exposes the hollowness of the Christian promise of salvation in the face of urban poverty and tribulation. / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Spanning stad/land soos vergestalt in die poësie van S.J. Pretorius

Gerber, Engela-Laura January 1992 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Spanning tussen stad en platteland is 'n belangrike tema in die oeuvre van S.J. Pretorius. In sy digkuns vergestalt hy en kom die ontwortelde, oorwegend landelike Afrikaanssprekende na die depressie en oorlogsjare aan die woord. Voortdurend word beelde van die "heerlike, gesonde" platteland gevolg deur beelde van die "bedrukkende" stad met al sy sleur en ellendes en die negatiewe uitwerking wat dit op sy inwoners het. As gevolg van die skrille kontraste groei die spanning in intensiteit. Sedert 1953 vind daar 'n mate van houdingsverandering plaas by die sprekers in Pretorius se poesie. Die digter aanvaar in die periode die stad as deel van die Afrikaner se aardse bestel en ontdek die landelike in die stad. vanaf 1963 word nie meer op nostalgiese wyse ge1dealiseer nie, maar word dit gemeld om aan te toon dat die Christelike heilsboodskap hol klink midde die ellende wat in die stad heers. / The tension that exists between country and city is a characteristic theme of the poetry of S.J. Pretorius. In particular, he deals with the "physical-concrete" destiny of the Afrikaans speaking people of the platteland in the city, Johannesburg. Images of a "beautiful and healthy" countryside are contrasted with the "dejected" city, full of tedium and misery. The negative portrayal of the latter serves to heighten the tension between the two. The year 1953 marks a slight change in attitude. From then on the poet accepts the city as part of the Afrikaner identity and strives to find the country within the city. The former is no longer idealized in a nostalgic way. Instead, the poet exposes the hollowness of the Christian promise of salvation in the face of urban poverty and tribulation. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

Behavioral-ecology of the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in the Willem Pretorius Game Reserve

Jordaan, Hermanus Lukas 06 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to classify and describe the plant communities in the home range of white rhinoceros in order to understand the animal seasonal foraging ecology. To provide a detailed habitat description, forty sample plots were stratified randomly. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, was carried out on the Viewpoint section of the reserve. Ten plant communities, grouped into five major community types, were identified. The veld condition and ecological carrying capacity in these communities were measured, stating an abundance of food on long grass while the short grass equal the number of short grass feeders. A number of behavioural aspects such as activity data, home range utilization and dietary usage were examined. Statistical methods such as the Spearman rank-order correlation, Wilcoxon sign test and Student T-test were used on rhino data. The difference in usage of the home range during wet and dry seasons was insignificant. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

Behavioural-ecology of the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in the Willem Pretorius Game Reserve

Jordaan, Hermanus Lukas 06 1900 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to classify and describe the plant communities in the home range of white rhinoceros in order to understand the animal seasonal foraging ecology. To provide a detailed habitat description, forty sample plots were stratified randomly. A TWINSPAN classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, was carried out on the Viewpoint section of the reserve. Ten plant communities, grouped into five major community types, were identified. The veld condition and ecological carrying capacity in these communities were measured, stating an abundance of food on long grass while the short grass equal the number of short grass feeders. A number of behavioural aspects such as activity data, home range utilization and dietary usage were examined. Statistical methods such as the Spearman rank-order correlation, Wilcoxon sign test and Student T-test were used on rhino data. The difference in usage of the home range during wet and dry seasons was insignificant. / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

Bevolkingsdinamika van die vlakhaas, lepus capensis L. 1758, in die Willem Pretorius-wildtuin

Wessels, Theunis Cornelius January 1978 (has links)
'n Studie is op die vlakhaas in die Willern Pretorius-wildtuin vanaf Januarie 1975 tot September 1977 uitgevoer. Tydens die studie is aspekte soos reproduksie, enkele morfologiese en fisiologiese aspekte, habitatsvoorkeure, aktiwiteite, loopgebiede en territoria onder soek. Uit 'n monster van vlakhase wat maandeliks versamel is, is gevind dat die vlakhaas die hele jaar teel maar 'n duidelike hoof-teelseisoen kom tussen Julie en Desember voor waartydens 76,72 persent van die jaarlikse dragtigheid voorkom. Die hoof-teelseisoen van die mannetjie, gebaseer op testisvolume, strek van Junie tot Januarie. Die verandering in dagliglengte is die vernaamste omgewingsfaktor wat 'n invloed op die teelseisoen het. Hormoonkonsentrasies van LH, FSH, ISH, estrogeen en testosteroon in die bloedstroom is ook bepaal. Tydens ovulasie word 'n maksimum van drie ova afgeskei maar die meeste werpsels (76,5 persent) het slegs een embrio gehad. 'n Volwasse wyfie produseer gemiddeld 4,13 werpsels en 4,69 kleintjies per jaar. Die volwasse wyfie is gerniddeld 225 g swaarder as die volwasse rnannetjie. Beide geslagte toon 'n toenarne in die niervetindeks voor die hoof-teelseisoen. Volgens die bynierindeks is die vlakhaasbevolking aan spanning onderhewig gedurende die maande Mei, Junie en Julie. Weens groot variasie binne en tussen die maande kon geen tendense in die miltindeks verkry word nie. Die vlakhaas kom slegs in agt van die sewentien veldtipes in die Willem Pretorius-wildtuin voor. Hierdie veldtipes kom hoofsaaklik op die vlaktes en lae rante voor. Die kolhaas daarenteen kom hoofsaaklik op die vlaktes en lae rante voor en gee hoofsaaklik vir veldtipes in bebosde dele en rante voorkeur. Binne 'n veldtipe gee die vlakhaas voorkeur aan 'n lae plantdigtheid en planthoogte. Uit 'n uurlikse aktiwiteitsopname is gevind dat die vlakhaas geen voorkeur aan 'n bepaalde gedeelte van die nag gee nie. 'n Hoër intensiteit in aktiwiteite asook relatief meer pare is egter gedurende die hoof-teelseisoen gevind. Die gemiddelde loopgebiede van 'n vlakhaaswyfie is 8,25 ha teenoor die 6,49 ha vir 'n vlakhaasmannetjie. Die loopgebiede het slegs op die grense oorvleuel. Die afstande tussen die middelpunte van die loopgebiede was groter tussen die mannetjies as tussen die wyfies of tussen mannetjies en wyfies. / Dissertation / gm2013 / Zoology and Entomology

Institute for African Language Studies – an exploration of the constant and transformative

Novellie, Jacqueline 12 October 2006 (has links)
No abstract available / Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Architecture / unrestricted

A psychobiographical study of Sybrand Gerhardus(Brand)Pretorius

Harwood, Craig Sean January 2016 (has links)
The South African businessman, Brand Pretorius, was born in the rural Orange Free State town of Steynsrus in 1953. Pretorius rose to prominence in the motor industry in South Africa and he retired in 2011 as Chairman of McCarthy Motor Holdings Limited the largest motor retailer in South Africa. Pretorius was selected for this psychobiographical study by means of purposive sampling, given his extraordinary business achievements. Pretorius is publicly recognised as one of South Africa’s most successful businessmen and leaders. Psychobiographical research typically takes into consideration the entire life of an individual with the aim of uncovering the story of an individual’s life through the lens of a particular theory. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the leadership development of Brand Pretorius juxtaposed against the model of authentic leadership proposed by Avolio and Luthans (2003). The life history of Brand Pretorius was studied using a qualitative single-case study design. The psychobiographical research method allowed the single-case to be studied spanning his entire career. Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. Conceptual matrices were used to organise and integrate the findings against the model of authentic leadership. The use of multiple data sources increased the validity and reliability of the research process and findings. To ensure ethical integrity the researcher obtained informed consent from Pretorius. The findings of this research study indicate that Pretorius was able to successfully display the authentic leadership dimensions of self-awareness, internalised moral perspective, balanced processing, relational transparency and positive psychological capacities throughout the course of his career.

Stadsleer - 'n Skool in die Pretoria Middestad (Afrikaans)

Roos, Jaco-Ben 28 May 2004 (has links)
The study entails the design of a public school in the Pretoria inner city that will serve the needs of a growing number of residents in the area. Influences that shaped the design include the school’s connection with the urban context, needs set by the current educational system and a commitment to sustainable development. A mutualistic relationship between school and city is created. The inner city serves as an energetic and sustaining growth medium for the school. The school becomes a beacon of education for the urban community. Architecture creates the opportunity for a positive flow of information and inspiration between school and city. Functions of the school and city blend. Boundaries between the two become blurred. Architecture becomes flexible. Urban or educational needs can lead to a re-shaping of the building’s function or internal organisation. A temporary stability is provided. Architecture makes the user aware of is or her place in the physical and social context of the environment, just as the user makes the architecture aware of its place. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Architecture / unrestricted

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