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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Schwarzenberská primogenitura. Hlubocko-krumlovská větev / Schwarzenberg's Primogeniture. The Hluboká and Krumlov Branch

Spalová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the primogeniture (the Hluboká and Krumlov Branch) of the distinguished Schwarzenberg dynasty of princes. The Schwarzenberg originally come from the German Lower Franconia and they became permanently rooted in Bohemia as late as in the half of 17th century. The division of the dynasty into the primogeniture (the Hluboká and Krumlov Branch) and the secundogeniture (the Orlík Branch) occurred in 1802 by virtue of the stipulation of the last will of Ferdinand of Schwarzenberg from 1703. The Schwarzenberg's primogeniture owned an extensive landed property, whose greatest part was situated on the territory of Bohemia. Its members were renowned mainly for being exceptionally capable landlords who succeeded in creating a perfectly sophisticated economic system on their estates, belonging among the most advanced in Europe at the time. Their activity culminated in the second half of the 19th century and also at the beginning of 20th century. However, the ensuing years were not so successful for the Hluboká and Krumlov Schwarzenberg Branch. After the origination of an independent Czechoslovakia, the family lost a great part of their property in Bohemia due to a land reform. During the Second World War, their entire property was confiscated by Gestapo on behalf of the Greater German...

In the Name of the Britons: Historia regum Britanniae and the 12th Century Cultural Change

Wu, Ching-yuan 29 July 2009 (has links)
This thesis finds that Geoffrey of Monmouth¡¦s Historia regum Britanniae includes political arguments that support kingship government and primogeniture. Through analysis of existing academic literature, and through the perspective of cultural change theory, this thesis argues that Geoffrey employs three elements¡Xthe Norman writer Dudo of Saint-Quentin¡¦s work De moribus et actis primorum Normannorum ducum, the historical progress of the Normans after their conquest of Britain, and the Geoffrey¡¦s own support for kingship and primogeniture¡Xto compose diverse information into a political argument. This thesis also discovers that Geoffrey¡¦s political argument for kingship government and primogeniture is discussed by the Anonymous author of The Oldest Anglo-Norman Prose Brut Chronicle. The Anonymous author proposes the idea of contract as solvency for the civil wars which the combination of kingship and primogeniture alone cannot resolve.

The firstborn son in ancient Judaism and early Christianity : a study of primogeniture and Christology

Kim, Kyu Seop January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Three essays on the economic theory of mating and parental choice

Antrup, Andreas Hermann January 2012 (has links)
Chapter 1: Relative Concerns and the Choice of Fertility Empirical research has shown that people exhibit relative concerns, they value social status. If they value their children's status as well, what effect will that have on their decisions as parents? This paper argues that parents and potential parents are in competition for status and rank in the generation of their children; as a consequence richer agents may cut back on the number of children they have and invest more in each child to prevent children of lower income agents from mimicking their own children. This effect need not be uniform so that equilibrium fertility may e.g. be a U-shaped function of income, even when agents would privately like to increase fertility when they receive greater income. These findings have wide ramifications: they may contribute to our understanding of the working of the demographic transition; they also suggest that the low fertility traps seen in some developed countries are rather strongly entrenched phenomena; and they o er a new explanation for voluntary childlessness. Chapter 2: Relative Concerns and Primogeniture While pervasive in the past, differential treatment of children, i.e. different levels of attention and parental investments into children of the same parent, has become rare in modern societies. This paper offers an explanation based on technological change which has rendered the success of a child more uncertain for a parent who is deciding on how much to invest into each of his children. Within a framework of concerns for social status (or relative concerns), agents decide on how many children to have and how much to invest in each child. When their altruism towards each child is decreasing in the total number of children, it is shown that they may solve the trade-off between low investment, high marginal return children (that come in large numbers and hence hurt parental altruism) and high investment, low marginal return children (that come in low numbers) by demanding both types and hence practice differential treatment. Uncertainty over status or rank outcomes of children reduces the range of equilibrium investment levels intro children so that the difference in the numbers they come in is reduced. Eventually the concern for return dominates and differential treatment disappears. Chapter 3: Co-Evolution of Institutions and Preferences: the case of the (human) mating market This paper explores the institutions that may emerge in response to mating preferences being constrained in their complexity in that they can only be conditioned on gender not other characteristics of the carrier of the preferences. When the cognitive capacity of the species allows a sophisticated institutional setup of one gender proposing and the other accepting or rejecting to be adopted, this setup is shown to be able to structure the mating allocation process such that preferences evolve to forms that, conditional on the setup, are optimal despite the constraint on complexity. Nature can be thought of as delegating information processing to the institutional setup. In an application to humans it is shown that the mechanism of the model can help explain why men and women may exhibit opposed preferences in traits such as looks and cleverness. The anecdotal fact that women do not marry down while men do can be interpreted as a maladaptation of female preferences to modern marriage markets.

Primogeniture Made Me Do It: Finding The Motivation Behind Oliver's Tragic Actions In As You Like It

Kemper, Joseph 01 January 2008 (has links)
As an actor, it is absolutely imperative to resist the urge to pass judgment on the characters we portray. True, that as people, we sometimes judge ourselves, and deem our conduct as right or wrong, but usually after finding the justification in the action first. We understand why we do the things we do. Therefore, it is as important to find our character s point-of-view as well. When I was cast as Oliver de Boys in the Orlando Shakespeare Theater s mainstage production of William Shakespeare s As You Like It, I knew the biggest challenge before me was to avoid playing him as the villain. I had to discover the reasoning and the humanity behind his heinous actions. Most importantly, I had to try to understand why he would attempt to murder his brother Orlando. Growing up with three sisters whom I considered my best friends, I had no personal frame of reference for this extreme action. This thesis will examine the research and creation of Oliver de Boys. A thorough historical analysis will present the life of William Shakespeare, with specific focus on the relationship with his own siblings. Also included will be the production history of the As You Like It and the times in which it was written. Particular emphasis will be placed on the Elizabethan s preoccupation with primogeniture, the system of inheritance or succession by the firstborn, traditionally the eldest son ( Primogeniture 1). Finally, this section will contain a look at two literary figures that greatly influenced the evolution of Oliver: Saladyne, the eldest brother in Sir Thomas Lodge s Rosalynde, of which As You Like It is largely based on and Cain, the archetype of fratricide. The next chapter will explore Oliver s journey in As You Like It, from villain to lover to brother; ultimately, his conversion from evil to good. It will also document the director s concept for the production and his vision for the portrayal of Oliver. A comprehensive character analysis or character autobiography will examine the psychological motivations behind Oliver s actions, such as sibling rivalry, jealousy, resentment and greed. This thesis will culminate in a comprehensive rehearsal journal, which will document and address challenges, discoveries, failures and victories during the production process.

Primogeniture in the Old Testament : towards a theological-ethical understanding of patriarchy in Ancient Israel

Fachhai, Laiu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the title suggests, this research is a study of primogeniture in the Old Testament towards a theological-ethical understanding of patriarchy in ancient Israel. Using the Ancient Near East as a wider context of the Old Testament, the research first analysed the Ancient Near East texts relating to primogeniture, i.e., texts relating to inheritance and succession. In so doing the research reveals that primogeniture was a generally practiced custom of most of the Ancient Near East societies, serving as a cornerstone for their patriarchal culture. The research also demonstrates that there were exceptions to the rule. For example, the Elamites practiced matrilineal and matrilocal customs. Within the general practice of primogeniture among most of the Ancient Near East societies, firstborns were often displaced in favour of younger sons. In some cases, daughters and wives could also inherit and own properties, although succession to the throne by daughters was rare. The central focus of the research is a socio-rhetorical criticism of the primogeniture text of Deuteronomy 21:15-17. Like in the Ancient Near East, this study also discovers that primogeniture was a generally practiced custom as well as a cornerstone of ancient Israel’s patriarchy. However, exceptions to this rule in ancient Israel seemed to be even more notorious than in those of other ancient Near East societies. The custom was often not followed. Daughters could also inherit. Firstborns were displaced by their younger brothers for prime heirship of the family as well as succession to the throne. This violation of primogeniture custom was theologically and ethically qualified and politically and ideologically appropriated. The research thus concludes that these theological-ethical qualifications as well as political-ideological appropriation of the violation of primogeniture based on socio-economic and religious-political changes of society indicate that patriarchy according to the Old Testament is not a static divine blueprint for all societies of all generations. Rather, patriarchy in ancient Israel was a dynamic socio-historical and theologicalethical process which was subjected to change, modification, reinterpretation, and re-appropriation according to socio-economic and religious-political developments of a given society. In the name of patriarchy, women had been denied their rights, robbed of their dignity and worth, and regarded as a second class image of God in many societies, then and now. Committed to correcting these wrongs, this research – arguing that patriarchy in the Old Testament is not so much a privilege as it is to a responsibility – challenges the contemporary hierarchical patriarchal ideologies, and contends for gender equality in all walks of life, remembering that we are all created equally in the image of God. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Soos die titel aandui, dek hierdie studie eersgeborenheid in die Ou Testament om 'n teologies-etiese begrip van die patriargie in antieke Israel te bewerkstellig. Teen die Antieke Nabye Ooste (ANO) as wyer konteks van die Ou Testament, analiseer die navorsing ten eerste die ONO-tekste wat betrekking het op eersgeborenheid, met ander woorde tekste wat verwys na vererwing en opvolging. In die proses het die navorsing aan die lig gebring dat eersgeborenheid 'n wydverspreide praktyk in die meeste ANOgemeenskappe was en as hoeksteen vir hul voortbestaan en patriargale stelsels gedien het. Die navorsing het ook aangetoon dat uitsonderings op hierdie reël voorgekom het. So het die Elamiete byvoorbeeld matriliniêre gebruike gehad, asook waar die man by die vrou se familie gaan woon het. In die algemene gebruik van eersgeborenheid onder meeste van die ANO-gemeenskappe, is eersgeborenes dikwels vervang ten gunste van jonger seuns. In sommige gevalle kon dogters en eggenotes ook erflatings ontvang en vaste eiendomme besit, alhoewel troonopvolging deur dogters baie selde voorgekom het. Die sentrale fokus van die navorsing is 'n sosioretoriese kritiek op die eersgeborenheidsteks in Deuteronomium 21:15-17. Soos ten opsigte van die ANO, het die studie ook vasgestel dat eersgeborenheid 'n algemeen aanvaarde praktyk en ook hoeksteen van antieke Israel se patriargie gevorm het. Maar die uitsonderings op hierdie reël in antieke Israel was skynbaar selfs meer opspraakwekkend as in ander ANOgemeenskappe. Die gebruik is dikwels nie nagevolg nie. Dogters kon ook vererf. Eersgeborenes is deur hul jonger broers vir die belangrikste erfporsie van die familie vervang, asook vir troonopvolging. Hierdie verbreking van die eersgeborenheidsgebruik is teologies en eties gekwalifiseer en polities en ideologies toegepas. Die navorsing kom dus tot die gevolgtrekking dat hierdie teologies-etiese kwalifikasies, asook die polities-ideologiese toepassing van die verbreking van eersgeborenheid, gebaseer op sosio-ekonomiese en religieus-politieke veranderinge in die gemeenskap, aandui dat patriargie volgens die Ou testament nie 'n statiese, godgegewe bloudruk vir alle gemeenskappe van alle generasies daarstel nie. Patriargie in antieke Israel was eerder 'n dinamiese sosiohistoriese en telogies-etiese proses, wat onderworpe was aan verandering, aanpassing, herinterpretasie en hertoepassing ingevolge soio-ekonomiese en religieus-politieke ontwikkelinge van 'n gegewe gemeenskap. In die naam van patriargie is vroue in baie gemeenskappe, destyds en vandag nog, ontneem van hul regte, van hul waardigheid en van hul waarde gestroop en beskou as 'n tweede klas beeld van God. Hierdie navorsing is toegewy aan die regstel van hierdie onregte en is van mening dat patriargie in die Ou testament nie sodanig 'n voorreg was nie as 'n verantwoordelikheid en daag daarmee die hedendaagse hiërargiese patriargale ideologieë uit. Dit spreek hom uit ten gunste van geslagsgelykheid in alle gebiede van die lewe, met in ag neming dat ons almal gelyk geskape is in die beeld van God.

Denial of inheritance rights for women under indigenous law : a violation of international human rights norms

Moodie, Nicolette 12 1900 (has links)
Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, women and girls are denied their right to inherit from their husbands and fathers as a result of the operation of the indigenous law rule of male primogeniture, in terms of which an heir must be male. This violates prohibitions on gender discrimination, as well as other, more specific provisions found in international human rights treaties. However, courts in both South Africa and Zimbabwe have in recent years upheld the rule. States Parties to relevant treaties have an obligation to ensure equal inheritance rights for women and girls. In the case of South Africa, provisions of the Constitution are also relevant. After discussing the operation of the indigenous law of inheritance, the international human rights provisions violated by it, as well as the recommendations of the South African Law Commission and legislative proposals on this issue, the writer suggests that legislation should be adopted to ensure equality for women and girls, while retaining the positive aspects of indigenous law and culture. / Constitutional, International & Indigenous Law / LL. M. (Law)

Denial of inheritance rights for women under indigenous law : a violation of international human rights norms

Moodie, Nicolette 12 1900 (has links)
Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, women and girls are denied their right to inherit from their husbands and fathers as a result of the operation of the indigenous law rule of male primogeniture, in terms of which an heir must be male. This violates prohibitions on gender discrimination, as well as other, more specific provisions found in international human rights treaties. However, courts in both South Africa and Zimbabwe have in recent years upheld the rule. States Parties to relevant treaties have an obligation to ensure equal inheritance rights for women and girls. In the case of South Africa, provisions of the Constitution are also relevant. After discussing the operation of the indigenous law of inheritance, the international human rights provisions violated by it, as well as the recommendations of the South African Law Commission and legislative proposals on this issue, the writer suggests that legislation should be adopted to ensure equality for women and girls, while retaining the positive aspects of indigenous law and culture. / Constitutional, International and Indigenous Law / LL. M. (Law)

Dynastische Experimente / Genealogie und Herrschaft in deutschsprachigen Artusromanen

Stange, Carmen 09 July 2024 (has links)
Für den mittelalterlichen Menschen ist die Verwandtschaft von zentraler Bedeutung. Demensprechend wird das zeitgenössische Denken weit über das Konzept von Personenbeziehungen hinaus vom Prinzip der Genealogie bestimmt. Es erstaunt deshalb wenig, dass nicht nur historiographische, sondern auch literarische Texte von dieser Denkform bestimmt sind. Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten haben dies inzwischen gezeigt. Mit der vorliegenden Dissertation wird eine Lücke geschlossen, die trotz des großen Interesses am Thema bis heute geblieben ist, indem der Frage nachgegangen wird, welche Bedeutung der Thematik in den deutschsprachigen Artusromanen des Mittelalters zukommt. Da die Protagonisten der Romane als Einzelkämpfer erscheinen, von deren Verwandten man nur wenig erfährt, und zudem die erzählte Welt besonders wirklichkeitsentrückt wirkt, scheint die Genealogie auf den ersten Blick in diesen Texten keine Rolle zu spielen. Die Fiktionalität der Artusromane ermöglicht es aber im Gegenteil, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von dynastisch bedingtem Herrschaftsgewinn und persönlichem Leistungsstreben frei auszuloten. Die konkurrierenden Konzepte werden in den beiden ersten deutschsprachigen Artusromanen Hartmanns von Aue in ihrer Gegensätzlichkeit aufgegriffen: Erec, der Titelheld von Hartmanns erstem Roman, folgt dem Vater als einziger Sohn auf den Thron. Der Protagonist des ‚Iwein‘ hingegen erkämpft sich Ehe und Herrschaft im ritterlichen Zweikampf. Beide Artusritter verlieren aber ihre Herrschaft bis sie gelernt haben, die Schwächen dauerhaft zu überwinden, die aus ihrer dynastischen Selbstsicherheit bzw. ihrer leistungsorientierten Übermotivation erwachsen. Während in den Artusromanen Hartmanns eine Form der Herrschaftsübertragung von zentraler Bedeutung für den Weg des Protagonisten ist, wird in den nachklassischen Artusromanen ‚Wigalois‘ Wirnts von Grafenberg und ‚Wigamur‘ durchgespielt, wie sinnvolle Verknüpfungen einer erfolgreichen Herrschaft nützlich sind. / For medieval man, kinship is of central importance. Accordingly, contemporary thought was determined by the principle of genealogy far beyond the concept of personal relationships. It is therefore hardly surprising that not only historiographical but also literary texts are characterised by this form of thought. Numerous academic works have shown this in the meantime. This dissertation fills a gap that has remained despite the great interest in the subject to this day by investigating the significance of the topic in the German-language Arthurian novels of the Middle Ages. Since the protagonists of the novels appear to be lone warriors whose relatives we learn little about, and since the narrated world seems particularly removed from reality, genealogy does not appear to play a role in these texts at first glance. On the contrary, the fictional nature of the Arthurian romances makes it possible to freely explore the possibilities and limits of dynastic rule and personal ambition. The competing concepts are taken up in Hartmann von Aue's first two German-language Arthurian novels in their contradictory nature: Erec, the title hero of Hartmann's first novel, succeeds his father as the only son on the throne. The protagonist of 'Iwein', on the other hand, fights for marriage and rule in a knightly duel. However, both Arthurian knights lose their rule until they have learnt to permanently overcome the weaknesses that arise from their dynastic self-assurance and their performance-oriented over-motivation. While in Hartmann's Arthurian romances a form of transfer of rule is of central importance for the protagonist's path, the post-classical Arthurian romances 'Wigalois' Wirnt’s von Grafenberg and 'Wigamur' play out how meaningful connections are useful for successful rule.

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