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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enabling Accurate Analysis of Private Network Data

Hay, Michael 01 September 2010 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the challenge of enabling accurate analysis of network data while ensuring the protection of network participants' privacy. This is an important problem: massive amounts of data are being collected (facebook activity, email correspondence, cell phone records), there is huge interest in analyzing the data, but the data is not being shared due to concerns about privacy. Despite much research in privacy-preserving data analysis, existing technologies fail to provide a solution because they were designed for tables, not networks, and cannot be easily adapted to handle the complexities of network data. We develop several technologies that advance us toward our goal. First, we develop a framework for assessing the risk of publishing a network that has been "anonymized." Using this framework, we show that only a small amount of background knowledge about local network structure is needed to re-identify an "anonymous" individual. This motivates our second contribution: an algorithm that transforms the structure of the network to provably lower re-identification risk. In comparison with other algorithms, we show that our approach more accurately preserves important features of the network topology. Finally, we consider an alternative paradigm, in which the analyst can analyze private data through a carefully controlled query interface. We show that the degree sequence of a network can be accurately estimated under strong guarantees of privacy.


Zitao Li (14135316) 18 November 2022 (has links)
<p>Data is considered the "new oil" in the information society and digital economy. While many commercial activities and government decisions are based on data, the public raises more concerns about privacy leakage when their private data are collected and used. In this dissertation, we investigate the privacy risks in settings where the data are distributed across multiple data holders, and there is only an untrusted central server. We provide solutions for several problems under this setting with a security notion called differential privacy (DP). Our solutions can guarantee that there is only limited and controllable privacy leakage from the data holder, while the utility of the final results, such as model prediction accuracy, can be still comparable to the ones of the non-private algorithms.</p> <p><br></p> <p>First, we investigate the problem of estimating the distribution over a numerical domain while satisfying local differential privacy (LDP). Our protocol prevents privacy leakage in the data collection phase, in which an untrusted data aggregator (or a server) wants to learn the distribution of private numerical data among all users. The protocol consists of 1) a new reporting mechanism called the square wave (SW) mechanism, which randomizes the user inputs before sharing them with the aggregator; 2) an Expectation Maximization with Smoothing (EMS) algorithm, which is applied to aggregated histograms from the SW mechanism to estimate the original distributions.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Second, we study the matrix factorization problem in three federated learning settings with an untrusted server, i.e., vertical, horizontal, and local federated learning settings. We propose a generic algorithmic framework for solving the problem in all three settings. We introduce how to adapt the algorithm into differentially private versions to prevent privacy leakage in the training and publishing stages.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Finally, we propose an algorithm for solving the k-means clustering problem in vertical federated learning (VFL). A big challenge in VFL is the lack of a global view of each data point. To overcome this challenge, we propose a lightweight and differentially private set intersection cardinality estimation algorithm based on the Flajolet-Martin (FM) sketch to convey the weight information of the synopsis points. We provide theoretical utility analysis for the cardinality estimation algorithm and further refine it for better empirical performance.</p>

Analyzing and Improving Security-Enhanced Communication Protocols

Weicheng Wang (17349748) 08 November 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Security and privacy are one of the top concerns when experts select for communication protocols. When a protocol is confirmed with problems, such as leaking users’ privacy, the protocol developers will upgrade it to an advanced version to cover those concerns in a short interval, or the protocol will be discarded or replaced by other secured ones. </p><p dir="ltr">There are always communication protocols failing to protect users’ privacy or exposing users’ accounts under attack. A malicious user or an attacker can utilize the vulnerabilities in the protocol to gain private information, or even take control of the users’ devices. Hence, it is important to expose those protocols and improve them to enhance the security properties. Some protocols protect users’ privacy but in a less efficient way. Due to the new cryptography technique or the modern hardware support, the protocols can be improved with less overhead and enhanced security protection. </p><p dir="ltr">In this dissertation, we focus on analyzing and improving security-enhanced communication protocols in three aspects: </p><p dir="ltr">(1) We systematically analyzed an existing and widely used communication protocol: Zigbee. We identified the vulnerabilities of the existing Zigbee protocols during the new device joining process and proposed a security-enhanced Zigbee protocol. The new protocol utilized public-key primitives with little extra overhead with capabilities to protect against the outsourced attackers. The new protocol is formally verified and implemented with a prototype. </p><p dir="ltr">(2) We explored one type of communication detection system: Keyword-based deep packet inspection. The system has several protocols, such as BlindBox, PrivDPI, PE-DPI, mbTLS, and so on. We analyzed those protocols and identified their vulnerabilities or inefficiencies. To address those issues, we proposed three enhanced protocols: MT-DPI, BH-DPI, and CE-DPI which work readily with AES-based encryption schemes deployed and well-supported by AES-NI. Specifically, MT-DPI utilized multiplicative triples to support multi-party computation. </p><p dir="ltr">(3) We developed a technique to support Distributed confidential computing with the use of a trusted execution environment. We found that the existing confidential computing cannot handle multiple-stakeholder scenarios well and did not give reasonable control over derived data after computation. We analyzed six real use cases and pointed out what is missing in the existing solutions. To bridge the gap, we developed a language SeDS policy that was built on top of the trusted execution environment. It works well for specific privacy needs during the collaboration and gives protection over the derived data. We examined the language in the use cases and showed the benefits of applying the new policies.</p>

Individanpassad marknadsföring : En kvalitativ studie om individanpassad marknadsföring ur ett integritetsperspektiv

Wallin, Gustav, Sundqvist, Linus January 2024 (has links)
Individanpassad marknadsföring blir ett allt mer kraftfullt verktyg för företag. Den fortsatta framväxten av digitala medier leder till en ökad insamling av konsumenters persondata som används för att skräddarsy individuella erbjudanden. Företagens användande av individanpassad marknadsföring ger dock upphov till problematik gällande konsumentens integritet. Marknadsförare måste beakta flertalet faktorer för att undvika en integritetskränkande respons hos konsumenterna och istället frambringa marknadsföring som upplevs gynnande. Genom fokusgruppsintervjuer ämnar denna studie att undersöka diverse faktorer som påverkar hur konsumenter upplever individanpassad marknadsföring. Med teoretisk grund rotad i privacy paradox och privacy calculus, undersöker denna studie faktorerna som påverkar konsumenters inställning ur ett integritetsperspektiv. Resultaten belyser hur en majoritet av intervjudeltagarna anser att individanpassad marknadsföring medför vissa gynnande aspekter, dock i ganska låg utsträckning, samt hur allt för personlig och direkt marknadsföring upplevs integritetskränkande i större grad.

New Approaches for Ensuring User Online Privacy

Bian, Kaigui 03 January 2008 (has links)
With the increase of requesting personal information online, unauthorized disclosure of user privacy is a significant problem faced by today's Internet. As a typical identity theft, phishing usually employs fraudulent emails and spoofed web sites to trick unsuspecting users into divulging their private information. Even legitimate web sites may collect private information from unsophisticated users such as children for commercial purposes without their parents' consent. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998 was enacted in reaction to the widespread collection of information from children and subsequent abuses identified by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). COPPA is aimed at protecting child's privacy by requiring parental consent before collecting information from children under thirteen. In this thesis, we propose two solutions for ensuring user online privacy. By analyzing common characteristics of phishing pages, we propose a client-side tool, Trident, which works as a browser plug-in for filtering phishes. The experiment results show that Trident can identify 98-99% online and valid phishing pages, as well as automatically validate legitimate pages. To protect child's privacy, we introduce the POCKET (parental online consent on kids' electronic privacy) framework, which is a technically feasible and legally sound solution to enforce COPPA. Parents answer a questionnaire on their privacy requirements and the POCKET user agent generates a privacy preferences file. Meantime, the merchants are required to possess a privacy policy that is authenticated by a trusted third party. Only web sites that possess and adhere to their privacy policies are allowed to collect child's information; web sites whose policies do not match the client's preferences are blocked. POCKET framework incorporates a transaction protocol to secure the data exchange between an authenticated client and a POCKET-compliant merchant. / Master of Science

Τεχνολογίες ταυτοποίησης ατόμου με σεβασμό της ιδιωτικότητας του : Θεωρία και εφαρμογές

Τόμουζου, Λοΐζος 13 October 2013 (has links)
Η καθημερινή χρήση ηλεκτρονικών υπηρεσιών έχει αυξηθεί σημαντικά. Για την διεκπεραίωση τέτοιου είδους συναλλαγών δεν υπάρχει άλλη επιλογή από το να παρέχουμε πλήθος προσωπικών πληροφοριών για σκοπούς εξουσιοδότησης (authorization), διεκπεραίωση χρηματικών συναλλαγών ή απλά επειδή το απαιτούν οι όροι χρήσης της υπηρεσίας από το πάροχο. Η έλευση τεχνολογιών όπως τα Big Data, τα διάχυτα περιβάλλοντα(pervasive environments) και τα πανταχού παρόντα συστήματα(ubiquitous systems), ευνοούν ακόμα πιο πολύ την διασπορά όλων αυτών των προσωπικών πληροφοριών. Ως αποτέλεσμα, αποδυναμώνεται η ιδιωτικότητα (privacy) του ατόμου-χρήστη και επομένως δημιουργούνται κίνδυνοι κατάχρησης αυτής της πληροφορίας. Η εργασία αυτή εστιάζει στην μελέτη Privacy by Design τεχνικών προστασίας της ιδιωτικότητας που ενσωματώνονται σε τεχνολογίες ταυτοποίησης. Ένας αποδοτικός και διαδεδομένος τρόπος προστασίας της ιδιωτικότητας επιτυγχάνεται με την χρήση συστημάτων ανωνύμων credentials. Η επικρατούσα τεχνολογία στην κατηγορία των ανώνυμων credentials είναι το σύστημα Identity Mixer(idemix) το οποίο αναπτύχθηκε από την IBM Research με σκοπό την παροχή ισχυρών μηχανισμών αυθεντικοποίησης (authentication) και προστασίας της ιδιωτικότητας ταυτόχρονα. Επιλέξαμε την τεχνολογία Idemix για να παρουσιάσουμε ένα σενάριο χρήσης της τεχνολογίας για υλοποίηση εφαρμογών που σέβονται την ιδιωτικότητα του χρήστη. Τέλος, παρουσιάζεται η αξιολόγηση ευχρηστίας της διεπιφάνειας χρήστη, για ένα υποθετικό σενάριο online αγοράς όπου ενσωματώνονται αρχές προστασίας της ιδιωτικότητας / At this thesis we study Privacy by Design techniques used in identification technologies. We focus on implementing an easy way to issue and embed the use of anonymous credentials in applications, by using the existent protocols for anonymous credential systems and libraries. While there are already protocols describing anonymous credential systems there is lack of applications using these systems. In our use case we use Idemix open source library, which provide strong authentication mechanisms in a privacy preserving way. Our java based application, provide user control over his data without affecting systems functionality and usability.

Hardening the Browser: Protecting Patron Privacy on the Internet

Phetteplace, Eric, Kern, Mary Kathleen January 2012 (has links)
As more and more time is spent accessing and producing content online, libraries need to position themselves to offer Internet privacy to patrons as well. This column reviews tactics for securing web browsers, from selecting a high-quality piece of software to strong default settings to add-ons that extend the capabilities of the browser.

Changing Privacy Concerns in the Internet Era.

Demir, Irfan 08 1900 (has links)
Privacy has always been a respected value regardless of national borders, cultural differences, and time in every society throughout history. This study focuses on the unprecedented changes in the traditional forms of privacy and consequent concerns with regard to invasion of privacy along with the recent emergence and wide use of the Internet. Government intrusion into private domains through the Internet is examined as a major concern. Privacy invasions by Web marketers, hacker threats against privacy, and employer invasion of employee privacy at the workplace are discussed respectively. Then a set of possible solutions to solve the current problems and alleviate the concerns in this field is offered. Legal remedies that need to be performed by the government are presented as the initial solution. Then encryption is introduced as a strong technical method that may be helpful. Finally, a set of individual measures emphasized as complementary practical necessities. Nevertheless, this study indicates that technology will keep making further changes in the form and concerns of privacy that possibly may outdate these findings in the near future, however, privacy itself will always remain as a cherished social value as it has always been so far.

Paradoxní zveřejňování soukromí v prostředí Facebooku / Facebooks and the puzzling publishing of the private in teenagers

Dědečková, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis was to monitor experience of users of social networking websites with privacy issues in the environment of the Facebook network. This thesis concentrated on contexts of paradox situations of releasing private information. Perspectives of communication (what information is shared and with whom) in the environment of Facebook are institutionalised into technical functions. These perspectives were extended to a subject- object level thanks to a typology of invasions of privacy and thanks to architecture of privacy.

The protection of genetic privacy in South Africa : towards a legislative response based on a cross-jurisdictional review of legal developments

Govender, Sandra 20 February 2013 (has links)
The deciphering of the human genetic code in 2003 has been widely acknowledged as a major achievement in genetic science but it has given rise to a number of legal and ethical concerns, most notably that of the protection of genetic information. Universally, there are ongoing attempts to address this concern. This research proposes a suitable approach for South African law. It proceeds from the premise that the privacy paradigm, rather than the anti-discrimination paradigm, is better suited to the protection of genetic information, hence the discourse on genetic privacy. The unique challenges posed by genetic information are identified, with a focus on forensic DNA databases, genetic research databases, life insurance, employment, and genetic research involving human participants. An in-depth analysis of the South African privacy protection framework is undertaken in order to determine its adequacy for the purpose of meeting the legal and ethical demands of genetic information. Aspects of the law of privacy, insurance, labour, evidence; medical law; philosophy and bioethics are accordingly traversed. A cross-jurisdictional review is undertaken with the aim of identifying lessons to be learnt from the experiences of the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and the United States of America. Legislation, common law, codes of practice, court decisions, international conventions, legal literature, ethical guidelines, and industry developments pertaining to the selected jurisdictions, are studied with the aim of identifying strengths and weaknesses in the various approaches. It is found that the current South African position is fragmented, complex, and in urgent need of reform. Another finding is that existing national and international ethical guidelines are not entirely adequate for the protection of genetic privacy. These findings, together with the lessons gleaned from the cross-jurisdictional review, lead to the conclusion that South Africa needs a specific genetic information protection statute for the protection of genetic privacy. This research culminates with recommendations regarding the content of the proposed statute.

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