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Hidrossedimentologia e sua relaÃÃo com atributos de solos e sedimentos em agroecossistemas do semiÃrido brasileiro. / Hydrosedimentology and the relation with attributes of soil and sediment in agroecosystems of brazilian semiaridMÃrcio AntÃnio Sousa da Rocha Freitas 07 February 2014 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Piauà / O Nordeste do Brasil onde predomina o clima semiÃrido se caracteriza por ambientes de exploraÃÃo intensiva dos recursos naturais como a exploraÃÃo agrÃcola por pequenos produtores na forma de subsistÃncia. AÃÃes antropogÃnicas tÃm provocado limitaÃÃes na exploraÃÃo dos recursos naturais com consequentes perdas de solo e Ãgua e comprometimento da sustentabilidade ambiental das bacias hidrogrÃficas. Neste sentido, à fundamental a compreensÃo dos processos hidrossedimentolÃgicos, biolÃgicos e bioquÃmicos na definiÃÃo de estratÃgias para o melhor gerenciamento de pequenas bacias hidrogrÃficas e na definiÃÃo de planos de sustentabilidade dos agroecossistemas. Assim, teve-se como hipÃteses: (1) ecossistemas naturais do semiÃrido apresentam poucas perdas de sedimentos e nutrientes em decorrÃncia das chuvas, e tais sedimentos tÃm alta atividade microbiolÃgica em relaÃÃo aos solos de agroecossistemas tradicionais; (2) o estabelecimento de relaÃÃes entre variÃveis sedimentolÃgicas, microbiolÃgicas e bioquÃmicas à essencial para o entendimento e adoÃÃo de tÃcnicas de manejo sustentÃvel em agroecossistemas do semiÃrido; (3) a composiÃÃo mineralÃgica e os atributos fÃsicos dos sedimentos de arraste sÃo determinados pela erosividade das chuvas sobre os solos dos agroecossistemas. Para testar tais previsÃes objetivou-se: (a) quantificar a produÃÃo e caracterizar quÃmica, fÃsica e mineralogicamente os sedimentos de arraste de diferentes agroecossistemas do semiÃrido; (b) avaliar alteraÃÃes da atividade microbiolÃgica, da biomassa microbiana e da atividade enzimÃtica e quantificar a populaÃÃo de fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares de sedimentos de arraste de diferentes agroecossistemas; (c) avaliar a granulometria dos sedimentos de arraste levando em consideraÃÃo a erosividade das precipitaÃÃes pluviomÃtricas; (d) relacionar a qualidade dos solos e dos sedimentos de arraste com os processos de degradaÃÃo, visando subsidiar o manejo mais sustentÃvel de agroecossistemas. Foram considerados os agroecossistemas de quatro microbacias hidrogrÃficas: (1) vegetaÃÃo de mata raleada (MR), com a manutenÃÃo de espÃcies vegetais com diÃmetro basal ≥ que 10 cm, e espÃcies de crescimento herbÃceo; (2) vegetaÃÃo nativa (MN), representando as condiÃÃes naturais de pequenas bacias rurais do semiÃrido brasileiro; (3) agrossistema com capim Andropogon gayanus Kunt (PAST); (4) agroecossistema com prÃtica usual da agricultura de subsistÃncia (AGRS). As microbacias estavam instrumetadas com pluviÃmetro tipo âVille de Parisâ, calha Parshall, coletores de sedimentos tipo armadilha (bed load), e pluviÃgrafo automÃtico. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir: (1) a maior erodibilidade dos Vertissolos (das Ãreas de mata e pastagem) em relaÃÃo ao Luvissolo do sistema de agricultura de subsistÃncia promove maior produÃÃo de sedimentos de arraste, independentemente da vegetaÃÃo tÃpica do semiÃrido e dos sistemas tradicionais, e do nÃmero de eventos que geraram escoamento superficial; (2) a biomassa, a atividade microbiana e a perda de esporos de fungos micorrÃzicos arbusculares em sedimentos de arraste apresenta sensibilidade Ãs mudanÃas de uso da terra; (3) as fraÃÃes de quartzo e feldspato permite identificar neste mineral maior diversidade nos sistemas com Vertissolos (MN, MR e PAST) em relaÃÃo ao Luvissolo de AGRS, enquanto a identificaÃÃo de esmectitas e vermiculita em argilas tratadas de sedimentos das matas (MR e MN) e pastagem (PAST) caracteriza a drenagem deficiente daqueles em relaÃÃo a este sistema, cuja argila tratada revelou presenÃa de caulinita com picos mais elevados; (4) o Ca++ e K+ em quantidade nos sedimentos de arraste constitue uma importante reserva mineral para sua exploraÃÃo; (5) nÃo se verifica uma relaÃÃo direta entre a erosividade das chuvas (EI30) e a produÃÃo de areia e argila em sedimentos de arraste nos agroecossistemas de mata (MR e MN) e tradicionais (PAST e AGRS); (6) os agroecossistemas de mata (MR e MN) apresentam maiores teores de agregados estÃveis (AE) em relaÃÃo aos sistemas tradicionais (PAST e AGRS), favorecendo a qualidade biolÃgica dos solos; (7) tÃcnicas de manejo sÃo de grande importÃncia para o desenvolvimento de estratÃgias para a gestÃo de bacias hidrogrÃficas e na definiÃÃo de planos de sustentabilidade na regiÃo semiÃrida. / The Northeast of Brazil wich predominantes semiarid climate is characterized by intensive exploitation of natural resources and the environment for small farm producers in the form of subsistence. Anthropogenic activities have caused limitations in the exploitation of natural resources with consequent losses of soil and water and environmental sustainability commitment watershed. In this sense, it is fundamental to understanding the hydrosedimentological, biological and biochemical definition of strategies for better management of small watersheds and defines plans for sustainability of the agroecosystems. Thus, it was taken as hypotheses: (1) natural vegetation systems have small losses of sediment and nutrients due to rain, and the sediments have high microbial activity in relation to soils traditional agroecosystems; (2) the establishment of relationships between sedimentological, microbiological and biochemical variables is essential for the understanding and adoption of sustainable management techniques in semiarid agroecosystems; (3) the mineral composition and physical properties of the sediments produced by drag are determined by rainfall erosivity on soils of agroecosystems. To test these predictions the objectives were: (a) quantify the production and characterization of chemical, physical and mineralogical sediments by drag of differents semiarid agroecosystems; (b) evaluate changes in microbial activity, microbial biomass and enzyme activities and quantify the population of mycorrhizal fungi in sediment of differents agroecosystems; (c) evaluate the size of the sediments by drag considering the erosivity of rainfall; (d) relate the quality of soils and sediments by drag with degradation processes, to support sustainable management of agroecosystems. Systems the four watersheds were considered: (1) vegetation thinned forest (MR), with the maintenance of plant species with basal diameter ≥ 10 cm, and species of herbaceous growth; (2) native vegetation (MN), representing the natural conditions of small rural basins of the Brazilian semiarid; (3) agroecosystem with pasture Andropogon gayanus Kunt (PAST); (4) agroecosystem with usual practice subsistence agriculture (AGRS). The watersheds were instrumented with rain gauge type "Ville de Paris", gutters type Parshal, sediments collectors (bed load), and automatic meters. The results show: (1) the higher erodibility of Vertisols (forested areas and grassland) compared to Luvisol of subsistence agriculture promotes greater sediment produced by drag, regardless of typical vegetation of semiarid systems and traditional system and the number of events that promoted surface runoff ; (2) the biomass, microbial activity and the loss of spores of mycorrhizal fungi in sediments produced by drag shows sensitivity to changes in land use; (3) the fractions of quartz and feldspar mineral allows identifying this greater diversity in systems with Vertisols (MN, MR and PAST) in relation to Luvissol in the, while identification of vermiculite and smectite clays in sediments of treated samples of MR, MN and PAST characterizes those deficit drainage in relation to this system, which treated clay showed the presence of kaolinite with higher peaks; (4) the Ca+ + and K+ on sediment produced by drag constitutes an important reserve for mineral exploitation; (5) are not note a direct relationship between rainfall erosivity (EI30) and the production of sand and clay sediments produced by drag in agroecosystems (MR and MN) and traditional (PAST and AGRS); (6) the forest agroecosystems (MR and MN) have higher levels of stable aggregates (AE) compared to traditional systems (PAST and AGRS), favoring the biological quality of the soil; (7) management techniques are of great importance for the development of strategies for watershed management plans and the definition of sustainability in the semiarid region.
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Caracterização e avaliação do fluxo produtivo de habitação em madeira de plantios florestais segundo indicadores de sustentabilidade: consumo de energia e resíduos gerados / not availableBarbosa, Juliana Cortez 23 October 2003 (has links)
O setor da construção civil é hoje considerado não somente o maior consumidor de recursos e energia, mas também o maior gerador de resíduos nos centros urbanos. Uma reformulação no setor faz-se necessária para a melhoria dos processos de produção e prevenção dos efeitos da poluição. Estas mudanças são essenciais para que se desenvolvam tecnologias construtivas mais limpas e mais eficientes, que reduzam os impactos ao meio ambiente através de um uso mais racional dos recursos naturais (com menor consumo energético e diminuição dos resíduos gerados), minimizando o desperdício de matéria-prima já escassas. Este trabalho foi realizado a partir de dados coletados em 10 serrarias que processam madeira serrada de pinus na região administrativa de Sorocaba. Nesta região concentra-se atualmente o maior potencial madeireiro do Estado de São Paulo, 42,3% de toda a área de florestas plantadas do Estado, sendo também o maior centro produtor de pinus do Estado, com 58,5%. Esses dados foram convertidos para o cálculo do consumo energético no processamento do eucalipto. Dada a relevância do consumo de energia e a quantidade de entulhos gerados pelo setor da construção civil, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar, dentro da cadeia produtiva da madeira serrada, o consumo energético e os resíduos gerados na produção de componentes construtivos utilizados em painéis de vedação para casas de madeira. Foram analisadas peças de seções comerciais utilizadas em três tipos diferentes de painéis. Dois destes sistemas pré-fabricados, executados na cidade de São Carlos - SP, possuem sistema estrutural em madeira serrada de eucalipto com paredes duplas de pinus. Um deles possui na face interna, lambri e, na externa, deck horizontal, enquanto o outro sistema construtivo possui na face interna, lambri e, na face externa, tábua mata-junta. O terceiro sistema de vedação, construído em Campos do Jordão - SP, é composto por estrutura em pórticos de madeira serrada de pinus com paredes externas de fechamento duplo de lambri de 2,2 cm de espessura. A parede interna é simples com apenas uma camada de lambri de igual espessura. O consumo de energia foi medido para cada tipologia de painel construído, calculando-se o número de operações de corte e a potência de cada equipamento envolvido. Os resíduos gerados foram obtidos a partir do cálculo da área de material particulado removido. O índice de desempenho energético foi aferido em kWh por metro quadrado de painel (energia) e em metros cúbicos por metro quadrado de painel (resíduo). Estes resultados poderão vir a ser comparados com diferentes materiais de construção utilizados em sistemas de vedação, assim como fornecer informações para análise do grau de sustentabilidade na produção de um edifício de madeira em relação ao consumo energético. / The civil construction sector today is considered not only the greatest consumer of material and energy resources in urban centres, but also a major generator of waste. The sector needs a reformulation for the improvement of production and for the prevention of pollution. It is therefore essential to consider cleaner and more efficient technological processes, i. e., to decrease environmental impacts through a more rational use of resources (with lower consumption of energy anbd less production-related waste), minimizing the squandering of scarce resources. The study reported on here was based on data collected from ten pine sawmills in the region of Sorocaba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. This region currently possesses the greatest potential for sawed wood in the state of São Paulo, 42.3% of all the forest planted in State, and is the state\'s largest pinewood producer, about 58.5%. Those datas were also aplicated to calculate the energy consumed for sawn eucalyptus pieces. Given the relevance of energy consumption and the quantity of produced rubbish by the construction sector, the purpose of this work is to analyse the consumption of energy and the produced waste in the productive cycle of boards for wooden housing, from the cutting stage, processing, and prefabrication of componentes to the assembly of wall panels. This study involved wooden boards of commercial dimensions applied in three different types of panelling in three buildings. Two of theseprefabricated systems, executed in the city of São Carlos, have a structural system made of sawn eucalyptus wood with double walls of pine. One of them is lined internally with wainscoting and externally with horizontal decking, while the other system has internal wainscotting and external match boarding. The third system, built in Campos de Jordão, is composed of a structural framework of sawed pine, with external double shutter walls of 2.2 mm match boarding and simple internal walls consisting of a single layer of 2.2 mm thick match boarding. The consumption of energy was measured for each kind of board produced, calculated from the number of cutting operations and the power of each machines involved. The produced waste was calculated by the area of removed particulate material. The energy performance index were expressed in kWh consumed per square meter of wood panel produced (enegy) and in m3 produced per square meter of wood panel produced (waste). These data will serve as the basis for a comparison with various types of construction materials used in wall systems (concrete, brick and others), and provide information for the analysis of the sustainability of wooden construction systems from the standpoint of energy consumption.
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<p>There is an increased discharge of produced water in the USA, which is causing decrease in the amount of usable water and is being rendered useless by refinery and extraction operations. Produced water that is obtained from these activities is usually not feasible to be used in any form. So, it becomes necessary to get the water to a quality standard, as per the US EPA, which will make this water suitable for both commercial as well as household purposes.</p><p> </p><p>There have been a number of studies on Au, Ag and Carbon Nanotubes solar enabled steam generation with potential applications in water purification, distillation and sterilization of medical equipment. The key challenge with these nanoparticles is cost of production, hence limiting its wide application for clean water production. This work, for the first time, reports on activated carbon enabled steam generation hence addressing the cost limitations of metallic nanoparticles. Activated carbon has high solar absorptivity at various wavelengths of visible light.</p><p> </p>This work uses Activated Carbon coated Polyurethane foam to simultaneously adsorb oil from the produced water and also yield surface vapors under application of solar light to get a clean distillate which can be used in various ways be it commercial or household. The given fabricated system will be an inexpensive and simple method to get clean water. The temporal evolution of the distillate has been measured as well as the temperature characteristics. Experiments were carried out using activated carbon and CNT nanofluids and polyurethane membrane with immobilized activated carbon and CNT. A simulated solar light of 1 KW ~1 Sun was used. The rate of evaporation, temporal and spatial evolution of bulk temperature in the water were monitored automatically and recorded for further data reductions. Parametric studies of the effect of nanoparticle concentration, water quality and salinity were performed. Experimental evidence showed that activated carbon has potential. Previous work reported for the first time that optimal activated carbon concentration for maximum steam generation is 60 % vol. There was a 160 % increase in steam production rate at 60 % concentration of activated carbon when compared with D.I. water.Different atmospheric conditions were varied and the concentration of the sun to see the effects on the production of water. The recovery capacity of the foam was also tested so as to determine the waste oil that can be obtained from the foam and if the foam can be reused without being disposed of. More than 95% oil can be recovered The quality analysis has been performed and is an integral focus of the work as the comparison with the USA EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) will make it more robust and real world ready. The inclusion of Polyurethane foam, which is a major accumulating waste in the environment because of its use in packaging industry, and solar light as the energy source, to drive the distillation process, makes this a very clean and green process to treat produced water.
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Värdering och systematisk allokering av egentillverkade anläggningstillgångar / Valuation and systematic allocation of own produced fixed assetsEriksson, Patrik, Mathiessen, Mi January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: The basis for a price valuation of a company is dependent on both its assets net worth and earnings calculations. While the assets are an important part of the valuation of a company, it is important that the valuation is reliable and resource usage can be measured and allocated to each time period. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the difficulties when valuating and allocating own produced fixed assets. </p><p>Accomplishment: We have chosen a case study where the aims are to understand and explain the difficulties with valuating and allocating own produced fixed assets. The research is based on nine personal interviews. </p><p>Result: To obtain a reliable value on own produced fixed asset it requires an accurate project record and a well functioning time management system. The systematic allocation should reflect the actual usage period. An incorrect valuation or systematic allocation of usage can imply that the accounting loses its information value.</p>
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The study examines the phenomenon of purchasing locally produced foods in retail grocery stores. Theoretical foundations from the theory of planned behavior and from the stimulus-organism-response framework were used to support and test a model that hypothesized relationships between attitude, subjective norms, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived product availability, intention to purchase, store atmospheric responsiveness, price consciousness, and extent of purchase behavior in a retail grocery setting.
An online survey methodology was used to collect 600 responses across the United States. A two-step approach to structural equation modeling was used to test the relationships. Confirmatory factor analysis with measurement model development supported the hypotheses of store atmospheric responsiveness as a multidimensional construct reflected in four specific dimensions (1) product assortment responsiveness, (2) display factors responsiveness, (3) customer service responsiveness, and (4) store promotions responsiveness. The construct of perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE) was found to highly correlate with attitude and PCE was subsequently dropped as an independent latent construct.
Results from analysis of the fitted structural model indicated that attitude and perceived product availability were significant positive indicators of intention to purchase, while subjective norms indicated a significant negative relationship to intention to purchase. A significant positive direct effect between intention to purchase and extent of purchase and a significant positive indirect effect through that of store atmospheric responsiveness was found, suggesting that store atmospheric responsiveness partially mediates the relationship. Consumer price consciousness was found to not significantly moderate the relationship between intention to purchase and extent of purchase. From the results, academic and managerial implications were suggested. For future research directions, four distinct categories emerged; they included (1) a focus on store atmospherics, specifically store atmospheric responsiveness when shopping for locally produced foods, (2) analysis of group differences between shoppers of locally produced foods, (3) category analysis of locally produced food items, and (4) research on the pricing of locally produced foods.
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Värdering och systematisk allokering av egentillverkade anläggningstillgångar / Valuation and systematic allocation of own produced fixed assetsEriksson, Patrik, Mathiessen, Mi January 2002 (has links)
Background: The basis for a price valuation of a company is dependent on both its assets net worth and earnings calculations. While the assets are an important part of the valuation of a company, it is important that the valuation is reliable and resource usage can be measured and allocated to each time period. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the difficulties when valuating and allocating own produced fixed assets. Accomplishment: We have chosen a case study where the aims are to understand and explain the difficulties with valuating and allocating own produced fixed assets. The research is based on nine personal interviews. Result: To obtain a reliable value on own produced fixed asset it requires an accurate project record and a well functioning time management system. The systematic allocation should reflect the actual usage period. An incorrect valuation or systematic allocation of usage can imply that the accounting loses its information value.
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Gill EROD Activity in Fish : A Biomarker for Waterborne Ah-receptor AgonistsAbrahamson, Alexandra January 2007 (has links)
Induction of the cytochrome P450(CYP)1A protein and the connected increase in 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity are common biomarkers in fish. Enhanced activity of this protein signals exposure to Ah-receptor agonists such as chlorinated dioxins, co-planar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The EROD biomarker is commonly analyzed in liver microsomes. However, the gill is directly exposed to waterborne pollutants, and in this thesis the gill filament EROD assay was therefore evaluated as a monitoring tool for waterborne CYP1A inducers in fish. Originally developed in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), the assay was here applied in various limnic and marine species. Following exposure to low waterborne concentrations of the readily metabolized CYP1A inducers benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and indigo, a strong EROD induction was observed in the gill but not in the liver. This likely reflected metabolic clearance of the inducers in gill and other extrahepatic tissues. The high sensitivity of the gill was confirmed in studies of fish caged in waters in urban and rural areas in Sweden where the gill consistently showed a more pronounced EROD induction compared with the liver and the kidney. Fish caged in the reference waters showed surprisingly strong gill EROD induction and CYP1A immunostaining. Consequently, there may be CYP1A inducers present in the aquatic environment that are not yet identified. The assay was further applied in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) as a biomarker of exposure to crude oil and produced water (PW) from oil fields in the North Sea. The assay was finally adapted to detect inhibiting compounds, and an imidazole, a triazole and a plant flavonoid turned out to be potent gill EROD inhibitors. The overall conclusion from the studies of this thesis is that the gill filament EROD assay is a practical and sensitive biomarker of exposure to waterborne CYP1A inducers in various fish species. The induction of gill EROD activity in fish also at the reference sites in the field studies calls for further studies on background contamination in Swedish waters.
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La chanson sociale québécoise et nicaraguayenne de 1960 à 1980.Hastedt, Slawomira 08 June 2008 (has links)
L’étude qui suit a pour le but une juxtaposition des textes de chansons sociales produites au Québec et au Nicaragua de 1960 à 1980. Les auteurs choisis sont : Raymond Lévesque, Georges Dor, Carlos Mejía Godoy et Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy car leurs textes reflètent les inquiétudes et les attitudes populaires de l’époque de la Révolution tranquille et de la fin du régime somoziste, deux périodes cruciales dans l'histoire récente de ces deux collectivités. Il s’agit d’une prise de parole dont la forme reflète le caractère social de chaque nation comme l’explique Raymond Williams et il s’agit de l’utilisation de tactiques qui relèvent d’occasions comme l’explique Michel de Certeau. La chanson sociale, une des formes de la prise de parole, constitue une réaction contre -culturelle contre le bricolage proposé par les producteurs de la culture officielle. Dans les détails que cette étude examine, le texte de la chanson sociale fait découvrir toute une manière de vivre de chaque nation. En effet, la chanson sociale se sert des éléments de la culture officielle de façon à exposer l’essence de ce que la société réellement éprouve. Notre analyse textuelle touche plus particulièrement les thèmes de la pauvreté et de l’espoir pour l’avenir. La juxtaposition Québec-Nicaragua révèle que les auteurs-chanteurs-compositeurs de chaque nation trouvent des moyens de prendre la parole en accord avec les exigences du caractère social de la culture d’origine.
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La chanson sociale québécoise et nicaraguayenne de 1960 à 1980.Hastedt, Slawomira 08 June 2008 (has links)
L’étude qui suit a pour le but une juxtaposition des textes de chansons sociales produites au Québec et au Nicaragua de 1960 à 1980. Les auteurs choisis sont : Raymond Lévesque, Georges Dor, Carlos Mejía Godoy et Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy car leurs textes reflètent les inquiétudes et les attitudes populaires de l’époque de la Révolution tranquille et de la fin du régime somoziste, deux périodes cruciales dans l'histoire récente de ces deux collectivités. Il s’agit d’une prise de parole dont la forme reflète le caractère social de chaque nation comme l’explique Raymond Williams et il s’agit de l’utilisation de tactiques qui relèvent d’occasions comme l’explique Michel de Certeau. La chanson sociale, une des formes de la prise de parole, constitue une réaction contre -culturelle contre le bricolage proposé par les producteurs de la culture officielle. Dans les détails que cette étude examine, le texte de la chanson sociale fait découvrir toute une manière de vivre de chaque nation. En effet, la chanson sociale se sert des éléments de la culture officielle de façon à exposer l’essence de ce que la société réellement éprouve. Notre analyse textuelle touche plus particulièrement les thèmes de la pauvreté et de l’espoir pour l’avenir. La juxtaposition Québec-Nicaragua révèle que les auteurs-chanteurs-compositeurs de chaque nation trouvent des moyens de prendre la parole en accord avec les exigences du caractère social de la culture d’origine.
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Measurements and Three-Dimensional Modeling of Air Pollutant Dispersion in an Urban Street CanyonTsai, Meng-YU 06 June 2005 (has links)
In this study, Three-dimensional (3D) airflow and dispersion of pollutants were modeled under various excess wall temperature and traffic rate using the RNG k-£` turbulence model and Boussinesq approximation, which was solved numerically using the finite volume method. The street canyon is 60 m long (=L) and 20 m wide (=W). The height of five-story buildings on both sides of the street are about 16 m (=H). Hence, the street canyon has an aspect ratio (AR=H/W) of 0.8 and a length to width ratio of 3 (=L/W). Vehicle emissions were estimated from the measured traffic flow rates and modeled as banded line sources.
3D simulations reveal that the vortex line, joining the centers of cross-sectional vortices of the street canyon, meanders between street buildings. Notably, there is also a horizontal vortex within street canyon. Pollutant concentrations decline as the height increases, and are higher on the leeward side than on the windward side. The ratio of CO pollutants between leeward side and windward side is related to wind velocity. As wind smaller than 0.7 m/sec , the ratio is 1.23¡Fhowever, the ratio is 2.03 with more wind speed above 1.2 m/sec. The CO concentration reveals that the predicted values generally follow the hourly zigzag traffic rate, indicating that CO is closely related to the traffic emissions in a street canyon.
The 3D airflow in the street canyon is dominated by both wind fields on buildings top and street exit. The 3D simulations reveal that air flux is 50% higher than 2D. Entrainment of outside air reduces pollutant concentrations, thus reducing concentrations of CO¡BNOx¡Band SO2 by about 51%¡B68% and 70% ,respectively.
Thermal boundary layers are very thin. Entrainment of outside air increases and pollutant concentration decreases with increasing heating condition. For T = 5 K, the upward velocity on leeward side increases by about 10%, Also, the downward velocity on windward side decreases by about 28 %. Furthermore, simulation showed that the averaged inflow speed in the lateral direction increases by about 100% as compared with T = 0 K. Hence, the pollutant concentrations with T = 5 K is ony 50% of those without heating.
Simulations are followed measurements in street canyon. The averaged simulated concentrations with no heating conditions are about 11~24% and 22~36% lower than measured for CO and NOx , respectively. For heating conditions and without outside traffic source, the averaged simulated concentrations with T = 2 K are 29~36% lower than the measurements. Even at T = 5 K , the concentrations are only about 54% of those without heating, due to the fact that pollutant dilution is enhanced by buoyancy force as to having more outside air entrained into the canyon. However, when traffic emissions outside two ends of canyon were considered, the simulated CO concentrations are 23% and 19% higher than those without outside traffic sources at T = 0 K and T = 2 K, respectively.
Traffic-produced turbulence (TPT) enhances the turbulent kinetic energy and the mixing of temperature and admixtures in the canyon. Although the simulated means with the TPT effect are in better agreement with the measured means than those without the TPT effect, the average reduction of CO concentration by the TPT is only about 5% at a given height and heating conditions. Factors affecting the variations between this work and other studies are addressed and explained.
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