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Rozvoj algoritmického myšlení u žáků druhého stupně základní školy / The Development of Algorithmic Thinking among the Pupils of Lower Secondary SchoolsFiala, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the development of algorithmic thinking among the lower-secondary students as one of their digital competences. It is based on the principle of algorithmic thinking related to the concept of computational thinking and it searches for the ways how to develop it in pupils. The theoretical part is supported by Skinner's concept of programmed learning and with the help of gamification proposes the research based on the students' observation in one school year in which the competence is developed. The raised issue is solved by setting a complex set of teaching materials and learning activities (both in the digital environment and unplugged activities) and their partial transfer into the teaching to a virtual, algorithmic environment of the specially designed application called Prográmko. The goal of the thesis is the analysis of the possibilities of how to include the gamification and the programmed learning into the practice of the development of algorithmic thinking taught at the lower-secondary schools. The research also evaluates the applicability of the application Prográmko and the proposed set of materials provided with methodological guidelines in the practice.
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Programmed Learning for Primary Choirs in Southern Baptist ChurchesBridges, Fred M. (Fred Marvin) 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to program cycles or units of study which may be used with the Cyclo-Teacher Learning Aid, a commercial teaching machine produced by the Field Enterprises Educational Corporation of Chicago. The program will consist of the mechanics of music and will be designed for use with the seven- and eight-year-old child in primary choirs of the graded choir program of Southern Baptist churches.
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Моделирование и разработка системы программированного обучения : магистерская диссертация / Modeling and development of a programmed learning systemПырин, А. В., Pyrin, A. V. January 2019 (has links)
The relevance of the research is due to the realization of new educational technologies in the system of general education, including programmed learning. The main drawback of the development of training programs is the imperfection in IT-technologies. The purpose of the master's thesis is to create a programmed learning system. The novelty of the thesis is obtaining a package of semi-formalized and mathematical models of an automated system of programmed learning. Training programs applied in the educational process and showed an increase in the level of student learning. / Актуальность темы обусловлена реализацией в системе общего образования новых педагогических технологий, одна из которых – программированное обучение. При этом основной недостаток разработки обучающих программ – несовершенство в поддержке ИКТ. Целью магистерской диссертации является создание системы программированного обучения. Научная новизна работы заключена в получении пакета полуформализованных и математической моделей автоматизированной системы программированного обучения. На основании этих моделей получены обучающие программы, примененные в учебном процессе и показавшие рост уровня обученности учащихся. Экономическая эффективность предлагаемого решения доказана методом NPV: прогнозируемое значение показателя NPV за 12 месяцев реализации проекта перешло нулевой порог.
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Concordância verbal: uma proposta de ensino de discriminações condicionais utilizando software educativo / Verbal agreement: a proposal for teaching discrimination conditional using educational softwareCézar, Elisabete Honório Custódio 26 November 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The failure of school continues to be part of the reality of our country, mainly in elementary school in São Paulo. Many students present performance deficient, so we need to search new methodologies to help students. Behavioral researchers have conducted studies based on the equivalence of stimuli model, with positive results. The present work proposes to teach adequate use of verbs to 20 students retained at the end of the elementary school. The teaching program is based in the equivalence of stimuli model and was applied with educational software Mestre® (Goyos e Almeida, 1996). First, there was the assessment of the Repertoire of Verbal Agreement by the Repertoire in Verbal Agreement (DRCV) which evaluated different relationships between name/number/pronoun/person of verbal/verb conjugation present perfect/past tense/ future with regular conjugation. Some relations were teached and, after than, emergence of other not trained and held the Test of Generalization for other verbs not taught. Finally, the DRCV was applied again, to measure performance after the experimental treatment.
Comparing the prior performance with performance obtained with of the teaching procedure, except one participant, all the others presented have improved performance, getting the desirable goal, which was 80% correct answer at their least. The results show the adequate use of relations between name, number, pronoun, person of verbal conjugation by participants and point out that equivalence relations can be use with efficacy to improve the adequate use of verbs by individuals / O fracasso escolar continua a fazer parte da realidade de nosso país, principalmente em alunos concluintes do Ciclo II do Ensino Fundamental. Muitos apresentam desempenho deficitário para a relação série/idade, por isso é necessário realizar pesquisas com novas metodologias que auxiliem os alunos em seu aprendizado. Pesquisadores da abordagem comportamental têm realizados estudos baseados no paradigma de equivalência de estímulos, com resultados positivos. O presente trabalho teve como propósito aplicar uma programação de ensino de Concordância Verbal em alunos retidos no final do Ciclo II do Ensino Fundamental, tendo como base o paradigma de equivalência de estímulos e utilizando o software educativo Mestre® (Goyos e Almeida, 1996). Participaram 20 alunos do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola estadual da grande São Paulo. Inicialmente, ocorreu a avaliação do repertório de Concordância Verbal, por meio do Diagnóstico do Repertório em Concordância Verbal (DRCV), no qual se avaliaram diferentes relações entre nome/número/pronome/pessoa da conjugação verbal/verbo no presente/verbo no pretérito perfeito/ verbo no futuro do presente, sendo os verbos no Modo Indicativo com terminações AR, ER, IR com conjugação regular. Ocorreu o ensino de diferentes relações, e testou-se a emergência de outras relações não treinadas e realizou-se o Teste de Generalização para outros verbos não ensinados. Por fim, reaplicou-se o instrumento de avaliação do repertório de Concordância Verbal após encerrado o procedimento de ensino.
Comparando o desempenho prévio com o apresentado após finalizado o ensino programado, verificou-se que todos os participantes melhoraram o desempenho, sendo que, com exceção de um deles, todos chegaram ao patamar desejável de 80% de acertos no mínimo. Os resultados mostrando o uso adequado das relações entre nome, número, pronome, pessoa da conjugação verbal e declinações do verbo pelos participantes, evidenciam que propostas de ensino com base na equivalência de estímulos, são eficazes no aperfeiçoamento do repertório de Concordância Verbal
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Ефикасност програмиране наставе биологије уз помоћ компјутера у основној школи / Efikasnost programirane nastave biologije uz pomoć kompjutera u osnovnoj školi / Efficiency of Computer Assisted Programmed Learningin Biology Teaching at Primary SchoolŽupanec Vera 13 September 2013 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је најпре сагледана теоријска основа програмиране наставе и проучена њена заступљеност у настави природних наука. Након тога је реализовано педагошко истраживање са паралелним групама(експерименталном и контролном) током кога је сагледана ефикасност примене програмиране наставе уз помоћ компјутера(ПУПК) у настави биологије у односу на традиционалну наставу. Експеримент је реализован на узорку од214 ученика(106 ученика у Е групи и108 ученика у К групи). Ученици Е групе су садржаје наставне подтеме Хордати према програму биологије у6. разреду основне школе током19 часова реализовали применом програмиране наставе уз помоћ компјутера, док су ученици контролнe групе исте садржаје у исто време обрадили традиционалном наставом. </p><p>Инструменти примењени у истраживању су иницијални тест, финални тест и ретест. Свa три теста су обухваталa питања из три когнитивна домена(нивоа знања): ниво познавања чињеница (нивоI), ниво разумевања појмова(нивоII) и ниво анализе и резоновања− примене знања(нивоIII). Осим тестова знања инструмент коришћен у истраживању је анкета за ученике Е групе и наставнике биологије о примени ПУПК у настави биологије у основној школи. Статистичка обрада података добијених на тестовима знања и анкетама извршена је применом програмског пакетаSPSS 14.0. </p><p>Експериментална и контролна група ученика су уједначене на почетку истраживања према општем успеху, оцени из биологије и резултатима иницијалног теста. Просечно постигнуће ученика Е групе на иницијалном тесту било је68,18 поена, а ученика К групе68,80 поена. Остварена разлика између две групе на иницијалном тесту није статистички значајна. Након реализације наставне подтеме Хордати применом различитих одела наставе у Е и К групи ученици обе групе су тестирани финалним тестом знања. На финалном тесту ученици Е групе имали су просечно постигнуће85,82 поена, а ученици К групе68,87 поена. Након90 дана ученици обе групе тестирани су истим тестом(ретестом). Ученици Е групе имали су на ретесту просечно остигнуће85,16 поена, а ученици К групе67,71 поена. Анализа резултата финалног теста и ретеста је показала да су ученици Е групе остварили већи квантитет и квалитет знања на сва три когнитивна домена и на тестовима знања у целини, у односу на ученике К групе. Остварене разлике у постигнућу ученика Е и К групе на финалном тесту и ретесту на сва три когнитивна домена и на тестовима у целини у корист Е групе су статистички значајне. Од посебног је значаја знатно бољи резултат ученика Е групе у односу на К групу, у решавању тежих питања и задатака(нивоII иIII) и на финалном тесту и ретесту у целини у односу на иницијални тест, односно испољена већа способност ученика Е групе у решавању комплекснијих питања и задатака у односу на ученике К групе.</p><p>Експериментално доказани, статистички знатно бољи резултати ученика Е групе на тестовима знања(финалном тесту и ретесту) у односу на ученике К групе, као и резултати анкета за ученике Е групе и наставнике биологије препоручују већу заступљеност програмиране наставе уз помоћ компјутера у настави биологије и других природних и друштвених наука на свим нивоима образовања, са циљем повећања њиховог квалитета и ефикасности.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je najpre sagledana teorijska osnova programirane nastave i proučena njena zastupljenost u nastavi prirodnih nauka. Nakon toga je realizovano pedagoško istraživanje sa paralelnim grupama(eksperimentalnom i kontrolnom) tokom koga je sagledana efikasnost primene programirane nastave uz pomoć kompjutera(PUPK) u nastavi biologije u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. Eksperiment je realizovan na uzorku od214 učenika(106 učenika u E grupi i108 učenika u K grupi). Učenici E grupe su sadržaje nastavne podteme Hordati prema programu biologije u6. razredu osnovne škole tokom19 časova realizovali primenom programirane nastave uz pomoć kompjutera, dok su učenici kontrolne grupe iste sadržaje u isto vreme obradili tradicionalnom nastavom. </p><p>Instrumenti primenjeni u istraživanju su inicijalni test, finalni test i retest. Sva tri testa su obuhvatala pitanja iz tri kognitivna domena(nivoa znanja): nivo poznavanja činjenica (nivoI), nivo razumevanja pojmova(nivoII) i nivo analize i rezonovanja− primene znanja(nivoIII). Osim testova znanja instrument korišćen u istraživanju je anketa za učenike E grupe i nastavnike biologije o primeni PUPK u nastavi biologije u osnovnoj školi. Statistička obrada podataka dobijenih na testovima znanja i anketama izvršena je primenom programskog paketaSPSS 14.0. </p><p>Eksperimentalna i kontrolna grupa učenika su ujednačene na početku istraživanja prema opštem uspehu, oceni iz biologije i rezultatima inicijalnog testa. Prosečno postignuće učenika E grupe na inicijalnom testu bilo je68,18 poena, a učenika K grupe68,80 poena. Ostvarena razlika između dve grupe na inicijalnom testu nije statistički značajna. Nakon realizacije nastavne podteme Hordati primenom različitih odela nastave u E i K grupi učenici obe grupe su testirani finalnim testom znanja. Na finalnom testu učenici E grupe imali su prosečno postignuće85,82 poena, a učenici K grupe68,87 poena. Nakon90 dana učenici obe grupe testirani su istim testom(retestom). Učenici E grupe imali su na retestu prosečno ostignuće85,16 poena, a učenici K grupe67,71 poena. Analiza rezultata finalnog testa i retesta je pokazala da su učenici E grupe ostvarili veći kvantitet i kvalitet znanja na sva tri kognitivna domena i na testovima znanja u celini, u odnosu na učenike K grupe. Ostvarene razlike u postignuću učenika E i K grupe na finalnom testu i retestu na sva tri kognitivna domena i na testovima u celini u korist E grupe su statistički značajne. Od posebnog je značaja znatno bolji rezultat učenika E grupe u odnosu na K grupu, u rešavanju težih pitanja i zadataka(nivoII iIII) i na finalnom testu i retestu u celini u odnosu na inicijalni test, odnosno ispoljena veća sposobnost učenika E grupe u rešavanju kompleksnijih pitanja i zadataka u odnosu na učenike K grupe.</p><p>Eksperimentalno dokazani, statistički znatno bolji rezultati učenika E grupe na testovima znanja(finalnom testu i retestu) u odnosu na učenike K grupe, kao i rezultati anketa za učenike E grupe i nastavnike biologije preporučuju veću zastupljenost programirane nastave uz pomoć kompjutera u nastavi biologije i drugih prirodnih i društvenih nauka na svim nivoima obrazovanja, sa ciljem povećanja njihovog kvaliteta i efikasnosti.</p> / <p>The first part of doctoral thesis gives a theoretical basis for programmed classes and studies the presence of such classes in teaching of natural sciences. After that, pedagogical research was conducted with parallel groups (an experimental one and a control one) during which the efficiency of applying computer assisted programmed learning (CAPL) in biology classes was analysed in relation to the traditional classes. The experiment was realised onthe sample of 214 students (of which 106 were in the experimental group and 108 in the control group). With the students from the experimental group, 19 lessons of Chordates teaching subunit, placed in the 6th grade of primary school according to the programme for biology, was done by using computer assisted programmed learning, while the students form the control group covered the same content in a traditional way.</p><p>Instruments used in the research were: initial test, final test and retest. All three tests included questions from three cognitive domains (levels of knowledge): the level of knowing the facts (level I), the level of understanding concepts (level II) and the level of analysis and reasoning – applying knowledge (level III). Apart from tests, questionnaires for the students from the experimental group and for biology teachers on application of CAPL in teaching biologyin primary schools were used as another research instrument. Statistical processing of data obtainedfrom the tests and questionnaires was done by using SPSS 14.0 software package. </p><p>Both experimental and control student groups were balanced at the beginning of research according to overall success in school, grade from Biology and the results of the initial test. The average score of students from the experimental group on the initial test was 68.18 points, while the average score of students from control group was 68.80 points. The difference in results from the initial test for the two groups is not statistically significant. After realisation of the Chordates teaching subunit, by pplying different teaching methods in experimental and control groups, the students from both groups were tested in the final test. The average score of students from the experimental group on the final test was 85.82 points, while the average score of students from control group was 68.87 points. After 90 days, the students of both groups were tested with the same test (retest). Theaverage score of students from the experimental group on the retest was 85.16 points, while the average score of students from control group was 67.71 points. The analysis of the results from the final test andretest has shown that the students from the experimental group achieved higher quality and quantity of knowledge in all three cognitive domains and on the tests as a whole, in relation to the students from the control group. The differences in achievement of the students from experimental and control groups on final test and retest in all three cognitive domains and on tests as whole are statistically significant in favour of the experimental group. It is also important to observe the significantly better result of the students from the experimental group in relation to the control group, in answering harder questions (levels II and III), both on the final tests and retest as a whole, in relation to the initial test, i.e. students from the experimental group showed greater competence in solving complex questions and tasks in relation to the students from the control group.</p><p>Experimentally proved, statistically significant better results of the students from the experimental group on tests (final test and retest) in relation to the students from the control group, as well as the results of questionnaires for students of the experimental group and biology teachers, recommend greater presence of computer assisted programmed learning and classes of other natural sciences and humanities on all levels of education, with aim to increase their quality and efficiency.</p>
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Impacto de diferentes condições de ensino no preparo de agentes educativos.Lorena, Angela Bernardo de 28 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-28 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The present study investigated the effects of the training of psychology students in the
application of a software developed for teaching reading skills to children with reported
academic failure. This training was composed by teaching conditions proposed from the
elaboration of a teaching program. These conditions was developed for promoting those
children s learning, based on a technology derived from the experimental analysis of
behavior in the context special education. For the implementation of the training, the
students were presented with different suggested teaching conditions: presentation of
the exercises in the classroom; visit to the laboratory, which included a presentation of
how the computerized program works; simulation of settings in which the program was
applied; participative supervision of the participant s performance; reading of the
manual with written instructions. A follow up on the upholding of learning in the
participant s performance was also performed with no direct interference by the
experimenter (final observation). The teaching conditions were assessed in terms of the
contribution of each condition in the development of educational capabilities in the
participants, as well as in terms of possibilities of improvement of each condition. The
target behaviors (skills to be developed in the participants) were observed and recorded
in terms of occurrence, non-occurrence, or aided occurrence; a different set of
target behaviors were recorded as they occurred during the sessions of application of the
software. The results from 22 participants that were presented with the different
conditions of the training program were grouped by the 10 possible sequences of
presentation of the conditions. In general, all participants showed an increase in the
percentage of target behaviors performed, with a decrease in the percentage of
occurrence and aided occurrence recorded between the first and the last condition.
In addition, was analyzed the conditions individually (simulation, supervision and final
observation) independent of the sequence of conditions to which they were presented.
An evaluation of the teaching conditions by the participants was also used, with the
assessment of their opinion on the positive and negative aspects of the training. The
main conclusions on the relative contribution of each condition were: the simulation
condition seemed to be more efficient in reducing the frequency of non-occurrence of
the target behaviors; the supervision condition seemed to be more efficient in reducing
aided occurrence of the target behaviors; it was not possible to make inferences about
the impact of reading the manual, as participants that were not presented with this
condition had a similar performance when compared with the participants the were
presented with that condition performance of the participants was unstable, which
suggests the need for revising relevant aspects to the development of teaching
programs; the number of sessions might have played a more important role in the
participants performance than the sequence of conditions to which they were presented.
Finally, the present study raised important issues to be considered in the training of new
agents, and suggests further experiments to investigate the limitations observed. / Este estudo investigou o impacto da capacitação de estudantes de Psicologia na
aplicação de um programa informatizado, software especialmente desenvolvido para
ensinar leitura e escrita a crianças com histórico de fracasso escolar. A capacitação foi
composta por diferentes condições de ensino, as quais foram propostas a partir da
elaboração de um programa de ensino desenvolvido para promover a aprendizagem dos
estudantes; a proposta teve como base a tecnologia derivada da Análise Experimental do
Comportamento e sua aplicação no contexto da Educação Especial. Para a
implementação do programa de capacitação, os participantes do estudo foram exposto
às diferentes condições de ensino propostas, sendo: apresentação das atividades em sala
de aula; visita ao laboratório com demonstração do funcionamento do programa
informatizado; simulação de situações de aplicação do programa informatizado;
monitoramento participativo do desempenho dos participantes; leitura do manual com
instruções escritas. Houve ainda uma situação em que foi feita a observação da
manutenção da aprendizagem, sem interferência direta do pesquisador no desempenho
dos participantes (observação final). As condições de ensino foram avaliadas em termos
da contribuição de cada uma delas para desenvolver competências educativas nos
participantes, bem como para obter subsídios para o aperfeiçoamento destas condições.
Os comportamentos-alvo (habilidades a serem desenvolvidas nos participantes) foram
observados e registrados conforme sua ocorrência, não-ocorrência ou ocorrência com
ajuda de outra pessoa; um outro conjunto de comportamentos-alvo foi registrado
conforme a freqüência de ocorrência durante as sessões de aplicação do programa
informatizado. Os resultados são de 22 participantes nas diferentes condições do
programa de capacitação, agrupados de acordo com as seqüências de apresentação das
condições pelas quais eles passaram, num total de dez seqüências dentre as possíveis
combinações. De modo geral, todos os participantes apresentaram aumentos nas
percentagens de ocorrência dos comportamentos-alvo e redução de não-ocorrência e
ocorrência com ajuda entre a primeira e a última condição observada. Foi analisado
ainda, o desempenho dos participantes em cada condição isoladamente (simulação,
monitoramento e observação final), independente da seqüência de condições realizada
por eles. Ocorreu, também, uma avaliação feita pelos participantes sobre as condições
de ensino e os aspectos positivos e negativos da capacitação. As principais conclusões
sobre o grau de contribuição das diferentes condições, a partir dos dados de desempenho
dos participantes foram: a condição de simulação parece ter sido mais eficaz na redução
da não-ocorrência dos comportamentos-alvo; a condição de monitoramento parece ter
sido mais eficaz na redução da ocorrência dos comportamentos-alvo com ajuda; não foi
possível concluir o impacto da condição de Leitura do Manual, já que participantes que
não foram expostos a essa condição tiveram um desempenho semelhante a outros
participantes que foram expostos a essa condição; houve variações de desempenho dos
participantes que pode indicar a necessidade de rever aspectos relevantes para a
construção de Programas de Ensino; o número de sessões realizadas pelos participantes
parece ter tido maior impacto no desempenho dos participantes do que a seqüência de
condições realizadas por eles. Por fim, há a indicação de aspectos importantes a serem
considerados na capacitação de novos agentes, com sugestões de estudos futuros para
investigar algumas limitações encontradas neste estudo.
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