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VPS Administration on Android OSJavanmardi, Tahereh, Malekzadeh, Negin January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Androidutveckling med slutanvändarens idéer som fokusBendtsen, Marcus January 2011 (has links)
Under slutet av 2010 och våren 2011 har ett utvecklingsprojekt pågått hos AlexIT AB. Målet var att skapa en mobilapplikatioin för individer som vill bokföra sin alkoholkonsumtion. Som en del utav arbetet önskade projektgruppen bjuda in slutanvändare till processe, för att ta del utav deras idéer och feedback. Genom att låta en grupp slutanvändare själva skissa och beskriva sina lösningar och en annan grupp jobba fram en pappersprototyp tillsammans i en workshop gavs utvecklaren ett brett stöd för val i designprocessen. Det visar sig att de som individuellt skissa har inte låtit sig begränsas av antingen kravspeciifikationen eller mediet (mobiltelefon), utan har istället beskrivit funktionalitet framför design. Tvärtom har de som jobbat i workshop hållit sig inom ramarna för kravspecifikationen och mediet och skapat en komplett och implementerbar pappersprototyp.
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Feature StoreLundvall, Oskar January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of an internal web based tool for Ericsson AB in Linkoping. The problem addressed in this work is finding and managing new sales opportunities. The tool consists of an extensive structure of websites written in PHP and JavaScript with the database connection handled through MySQL. The content is a register of products but also has the ability of automatic generation of statistics. The purpose of the tool is to make the work with Ericsson’s customers more efficient, the tool will make it easier for the sales person to find a sales opportunity. The work structure consisted of two phases, an Alpha-stage to determine if there was value in developing the product and after that was evaluated the project went on to a Beta-stage to set the foundations for the proper product.
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Innovative User Interfaces in the Industrial DomainJutterström, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to explore how the HMI of a process control system can be improved by applying modern interaction technologies. Many new interaction possibilities are arising on the market, while the interaction in the industrial domain still is quite conservative, with computer mouse and keyboard as the central method of interaction. It is believed that by making use of technology available today, the user interface can provide further assistance to the process control operators and improve the effectiveness of the HMI. A user study was conducted targeting a distributed control system to identify how they work with process control and to find improvement possibilities. The findings of the user study served as input for developing a number of concept ideas. The concept ideas were influenced by user interfaces that use other type of input channels, such as gestures, sound and touch. One design concept was further explored by developing a concept demonstrator. Finally, the proposed concept was evaluated by a usability test. The concept demonstrator and other proposed concepts will serve as input to potential future projects.
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End User Programming and Perceiving the EnvironmentSINGH, GARIMA, Mohammadiliyas, Mohammad Umar January 2010 (has links)
The current mobile technology is growing very fast, and it has already included many excellent features on mobile phones. Current mobile technology research mainly aims at fast execution and enriching mobile phone with more and more portable features. This thesis aims at a thorough investigation of Android enabled mobile phone’s capabilities. Mobile devices today may utilize several types of sensors. These sensors may be used to sense the environment, in which, the device is situated, directly or indirectly. The main idea is to connect sensing with end‐user programming (EUP). We enumerate some challenges that will be addressed in this thesis. This thesis is exploratory, which implies that it contains a survey of available techniques, tools, and approaches particularly in the mobile device domain. In addition the thesis will also explore and identify the limits with focus on the Android platform. Thesis Implementation languages are mainly Core Java, Android 2.1 programming language and XML. We have developed Sensors framework using Android API, which gives latest value of all possible sensors used in mobile phones, and notify end user programming about sensor value change. We have also developed ECA (Event Condition Action) framework, for end user programming to handle end user configuration changes. The thesis research and implementation results helped us to find answers for various challenges on mobile phone domain. Few of them to mention are, gathering information about different kinds of sensors, how they can be used for sensing real time environment, how we can combine different sensing results to identify particular action, identifying framework and domain language for end user programming.
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Application Framework for Snow Removal Routing ProblemIslam, Sajjadul January 2010 (has links)
Road maintenance during the heavy snowfall is an important problem. In Sweden the government and municipalities together spend close to 0.3 thousand million SEK every year for winter road maintenance. Approximately half of it is snow removal cost, which in turn to a large extent depends on the routing of the snow-ploughing vehicles. In this thesis work, we wish to develop an application framework for optimized routing operation for these vehicles so that the total operational cost can be reduced at a significant level. In general, there are different characteristics of snow ploughing depending on the routing procedure, one is done after the snowfall and the other is during the snowfall. In this thesis work, we are only interested to find the set of routing paths during the snowfall where duration of snowfall is unknown. We present a new way of generating an initial solution that deals with the real operational network. The optimization algorithm works upon this initial solution and try to reduce the number of periodic paths.
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Moving Towards Component Based Software Engineering in Train Control ApplicationsRiaz, Sajid January 2012 (has links)
Software industry deals with a vital challenge that is caused by a rapidly growing demand for speedy and cost-effective development of large and complex software systems. To overcome this challenge, software community is moving towards the component based software engineering (CBSE). The major inspiration for software industry, to adopt CBSE as its software development paradigm, is to rapidly build and deploy complex and trustworthy software systems with enormous savings, least engineering effort, cost, and time. CBSE provides the technical facilities that enable the easy assembly and upgrading of the software systems out of independently developed pieces of the software. As the demand for new software increases, software reuse has become an attraction point for the many organizations because in a competitive environment, every organization wants to increase its productivity, reduce the development cost and time to market. Organizations also want to achieve a systematic software reuse in order to ensure a higher reliability, better maintenance and quality by exploiting reusability. Software reuse has become an important objective for every organization that is developing the software systems. CBSE is the systematic approach to achieve the systematic software reuse. The aim of this thesis is to present a precise study of the CBSE advantages, available CBSE lifecycle models in literature, component models, CBSE cost benefits analysis (CBA), and comparison of CBSE economics with another software reuse strategy named as copy paste strategy in the railway industry. This thesis also defines a method to identify the reusable software components from the existing systems. A case study was performed at train control management system (TCMS) supplier organization to define a suitable CBSE lifecycle, a component model for TCMS, and apply the defined method for the identification of reusable software from the existing system in real-time environment. The detailed cost benefits analysis was performed on real data to justify the upfront cost of the CBSE.
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The PythonNeural Simulation Technology Graphical User InterfaceHaglund, Nicklas January 2009 (has links)
This report is about the thesis work PyNestGUI which goal was to make a graphical interface to the neuron simulator NEST. The report's first part is about how NEST works well as which graphical interface that where selected. The report then continues go through what a neuron is and how it works superficial. The final section of the report will cover how PyNestGUI is build and how the program works. The problem that the program solves is that it builds a model in NEST with user settings and connects neurons in a similar way as a minicolumn are interconnected. The programs purpose was that it would help the user to change the variables in an easy manner and produce results that can be visualized and save for later analysis. Results that the the program can plot from the simulation is from voltmeters and a spike detector connected all neurons. The program can also display an animation of the simulation so that the user will be able to see when and which neurons spikes and their connections. / Den här rapporten handlar om examensarbetet PyNestGUI som gick ut på att göra ett grafiskt gränssnitt till neuronsimulatorn NEST. Rapportens första del handlar om hur NEST fungerar samt vilket grafiskt gränssnitt som valdes ut. Sedan fortsätter rapporten med att ytligt gå igenom vad en neuron är och hur den fungerar. Sista delen av rapporten går igenom hur PyNestGUI är uppbyggt och hur programmet fungerar. Problemet som programmet löser är att den bygger upp en modell i NEST med användarens inställningar och kopplar ihop neuroner på liknande sätt som en minikolumn är sammankopplad. Programmets syfte var att det skulle hjälpa användaren kunna ändra på variabler på ett lätt sätt samt ge resultat som kan visualiseras och som användaren skulle kunna spara. Resultat som programmet kan visa av simuleringen är voltmätare och spikdetektor på samtliga neuroner. Programmet kan också visa en animation av simuleringen så att användaren ska kunna se när neuroner spikar och vilka dessa neuroner är sammankopplade med.
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Analysis and Monitoring of Team Collaboration in Emergency Response Training supported by a Web Based Information Management SystemAli, Asif, Ramzan, Faheem January 2009 (has links)
Our objective in this thesis work is to analyze and manage the log files which are generated after a number of experiments series on different groups using C3Fire simulation environment. It includes analyzing and extracting information from log files, and then maintaining this information in a database. This should be presented with a web interface through ICEfaces Ajax framework for Java. Log Files are generated after a number of experiments series on the different groups. All sequences and information related to task performed by team in group is organized in session log files. The work is divided into different steps; first step is to analyze and extract data from log files, and properly arrange it in several different tables in a database, for this MySQL database is used to store the information. The web interface of log file management system is implemented using ICEfaces Ajax framework, and is based on the statistics of log files generated from the C3Fire environment. User would be able to add/remove the log files, also can view or edit the details of each session log file in database through web interface. Different events can be generated, and logged for the session information. C3Fire is an environment that supports training and research in team collaboration. The environment is mainly used in command, control and communication research, and in training of team decision making. Many humanitarian relief operations are doing their work without having any practice. When some disaster events occur, they cannot perform their jobs effectively. Effective and efficient relief operation is the need of humanity; even that’s not enough to move teams to the disaster place at right time; communication and co-ordination among the team members is the big factor to make effective and well-organized work. C3Fire is a simulation system which provides the training for team members to handle such type of disaster events, and makes the work more proficient at that time by doing effective coordination.
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Training Communication and Self Organization in a Team Training EnvironmentNazir, Qamar, Shahzad, Khurram January 2009 (has links)
C3Fire is a micro-world that provides the simulation system, which is use to improve team management skills in fully controlled enviroment. C3Fire system can be used in research process where researcher can select some characteristics of the real world and create the well controlled simulation system. Training is used for developing skills to tackle with emergency situation. The purpose of our thesis is to develop and test, Communiacation and Self Organization cofigurations in a team training environment. Success of dealing with emergency management situation mostly depends on these training factors. In the first step we had studied different theories and research work relevant to Communication and Self Organization. In second step we studied the structure of the C3Fire then we developed different configurations based on communication and self-organization. In third step we test these training session with the real world participants. Finally we analyze the behavior of the participants while playing the game.
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