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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactive Search-Based Testing of Embedded Software : Understanding the Benefits and Difficulties of Industrial Application

Marculescu, Bogdan January 2014 (has links)
The ubiquity of software has wide-ranging consequences for its development and testing. Increasingly often, software is developed and tested by engineers specialized in other areas. Embedded software, for example, is developed ad-hoc, for each product, by systems and domain engineers. Supporting testing activities in this context requires a highly flexible approach, powerful enough to create useful test cases, yet simple enough to not require specialized training in software testing. Search-based software testing promises the ability to generate and evaluate large numbers of test cases at minimal cost. It is, however, a set of complex techniques that cannot be used off-the-shelf as part of the software development process of a company. The objective of the work presented in this thesis is to investigate the applicability of Search-Based Software Testing in an industrial environment. A second objective was identifying additional knowledge gaps relating to integrating such techniques in existing software development processes. Investigating how meaningful interaction is to take place, what information is needed in order for both stakeholders to be able to achieve their objectives is a third goal. The findings are obtained by means of a series of case studies in a company developing both embedded software and the tools to enable embedded software development. A prototype Interactive Search-Based Software Testing (ISBST) system was developed that uses user interaction to drive the search-based component towards interesting test cases. The ISBST system was evaluated constantly, and improved based on the findings of each case study. The latest case study was an empirical evaluation of the system with the engineers, both software engineers and domain specialists, in the company. The empirical work includes both qualitative and quantitative data, with a focus on the exploratory study of the practical factors affecting the use of the ISBST system. A key early finding is that interactivity is essential when implementing search-based techniques in the industrial context described above. Repeated validations conducted with the company yielded additional information on the practicalities of interaction. The strength of SBST proved useful in investigating areas of the test space that were normally overlooked due to limitations in terms of resources. At the same time, developers were able to use their experience and intuition to guide the SBST system towards test cases that were more likely to be problematic. Overall, the results obtained indicate that the search-based techniques provide a useful complement to existing testing techniques. SBST, in its interactive form, can be a useful complement to existing testing techniques. An Interactive SBST (ISBST) system has been developed as a result of this research. Results show that this system is usable by the developers of embedded software, that often specialize on acquiring domain knowledge rather than software engineering expertise.

Customizing UML with Stereotypes

Staron, Miroslaw January 2003 (has links)
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual modeling language for documenting and specifying software. It is gaining popularity as a language for a variety of purposes. It was designed as a result of a unifying activity in the last decade. Since this general purpose language cannot suit all possible needs, it has built-in mechanisms for providing extensibility for specific purposes. One such mechanism is the notion of stereotype, which is a means of branding the existing model element with a new semantics. Such extended elements can then act as new model elements as if they were standard model elements. This notion is only one of the possible ways of customizations of the language. The other, more powerful technique is metamodeling, which enables to change UML by directly changing its specification. The thesis investigates the notion of stereotype in UML both from theoretical and practical perspectives. It examines the notion of stereotype as it originally appeared in object-oriented software development as a means of branding objects according to their secondary classification in the system. The initial intent behind stereotypes is compared with the view of stereotypes in UML and similar languages, which later on provides a basis for an understanding of a stereotype in the thesis. The thesis elaborates on a classification of stereotypes from the perspective of their usage. The classification categorizes different usages of stereotypes in different situations. Based on the classification, one such usage is evaluated in an empirical way. The evaluation is done in the form of an experiment on how the stereotypes influence the understanding of UML models. An example of a customization of UML for a conceptual database model is presented. It is a basis for a study on the expressiveness of stereotypes in the context of persistency modeling in objectoriented software. Two ways of the introduction of the stereotypes into the software development process (dependent and independent of UML tools) are outlined.The thesis contains also a presentation of how the knowledge expressed as ontology can be imported into domain models expressed in UML. This research can be seen as a further study on the customization of UML towards usage of ontology-based knowledge.

Prioritization of Stakeholder Needs in Software Engineering : Understanding and Evaluation

Berander, Patrik January 2004 (has links)
In everyday life, humans confront situations where different decisions have to be made. Such decisions can be non-trivial even though they often are relatively simple, such as which bus to take or which flavor of a soft drink to buy. When facing decisions of more complex nature, and when more is at stake, they tend to get much harder. It is often possible to deal with such decisions by prioritizing different alternatives to find the most suitable one. In software engineering, decision-makers are often confronted with situations where complex decisions have to be made, and where the concept of prioritization can be utilized. Traditionally in software engineering, discussions about prioritization have focused on the software product. However, when defining or improving software processes, complex decisions also have to be made. In fact, software products and software processes have many characteristics in common which invite thoughts about using prioritization when developing and evolving software processes as well. The results presented in this thesis indicate that it is possible to share results and knowledge regarding prioritization between the two areas. In this thesis, the area of prioritization of software products is investigated in detail and a number of studies where prioritizations are performed in both process and product settings are presented. It is shown that it is possible to use prioritization techniques commonly used in product development also when prioritizing improvement issues in a software company. It is also shown that priorities between stakeholders of a software process sometimes differ, just as they do when developing software products. The thesis also presents an experiment where different prioritization techniques are evaluated with regard to ease of use, time consumption, and accuracy. Finally, an investigation of the suitability of students as subjects when evaluating prioritization techniques is presented.

Applying configuration management techniques to component-based systems

Larsson, Magnus January 2000 (has links)
Building software from components, rather than writing the code from scratch has several advantages, including reduced time to market and more efficient resource usage. However, component-based development without consideration of all the risks and limitations involved may give unpredictable results, such as the failure of a system when a component is used in an environment for which it was not originally designed. One of the basic problems when developing component-based systems is that it is difficult to keep track of components and their interrelationships. This is particularly problematic when upgrading components. One way to maintain control over upgrades is to use component identification and dependency analysis. These are well known techniques for managing system configurations during development, but are rarely applied in managing run-time dependencies. The main contribution of this thesis is to show how Configuration Management (CM) principles and methods can be applied to component-based systems. This thesis presents a method for analysing dependencies between components. The method predicts the influence of a component update by identifying the components in a system and constructing a graph describing their dependencies. Knowledge of the possible influences of an update is important, since it can be used to limit the scope of testing and be a basis for evaluating the potential damage of the update. The dependency graphs can also be used to facilitate maintenance by identifying differences between configurations, e.g., making it possible to recognise any deviations from a functioning reference configuration. For evaluation of the method, a prototype tool which explores dependencies and stores them under version control has been developed. The prototype has been used for partial analysis of the Windows 2000 platform, for which it has been important to remain aware of dynamic dependencies. Preliminary experiments indicate that most components have only a few dependencies. The method has thus given an indication that the analysis of the effects of component updates may not be as difficult as might be expected.

Continuous Integration - A comparison between theory and practice

Sandberg, Martin January 2015 (has links)
To develop software in a larger scale, some kind of software development method is needed to organize the development. Many different software development methods have emerged since the beginning of software development, and Continuous Integration (CI) is one of them. Many companies have applied, or tried to apply CI in their business. Some companies were successful, some were not. This thesis examines what CI is in the theory, and compare it to how it works in the practice in the department ”Product Development Traffic Control” (PD TC) which is a part of the ”Product Development Unit LTE Multistandard Radio” (PDU LMR) within Ericsson. The theory of CI is examined mostly through literature studies. CI in practice was examined through interviews with developers and employees working with the CI-machinery at PD TC. The comparison between the theory and the studied company revealed that it is difficult to adapt CI perfectly to a large organization. This does not imply that CI is implemented in the wrong way, but the benefits of implementing CI in large projects may not be as enormous in comparison with smaller projects.

Baking And Compression For Dynamic Lighting Data

Olsson, Tom January 2015 (has links)
This report describes the development and prototype implementation of a method for baking and compression of lightmaps, in an environment with dynamic lights. The method described can achieve more than 95 % compression eciency, and can be easily tuned with only two parameters. Even without specic tuning, the prototype consistently achieves signalto- noise ratios above 30 dB, reaching 60 dB in some scenes. Compression is achieved in four steps, rst by using image segmentation and function approximation to reduce the data-size and then using a predictive quantizer approach based on the PNG-lters together with an open-source compression algorithm. Both compression and decompression can be adapted for asynchronous and multi-threaded execution. / Denna report beskriver utvecklingen av en metod for bakning och komprimering av dynamiska ljuskartor, i renderingar med dynamiska ljuskallor. Metoden uppnar mer an 95 % storleksreduktion, och kan enkelt anpassas for olika ljuskartor med tva variabler. Aven utan speci- ka anpassningar uppnas en signal-to-noise niva over 30 dB, och narmare 60 dB i vissa scener. Komprimering sker i fyra steg, forst genom bildsegmentering och linjar funktionsapproximation, foljt av predictive quantization och en vanlig komprimeringsalgorithm. Bade komprimering och dekomprimering kan anpassas for asynkron och ertradig exekvering.

Data-Driven Pedestrian Simulation Using Conditional Transition Maps

Boström, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Fotgangarsimuleringar anvands frekvent vid planering av o entliga utrymmen, dar fotgangarbeteendet ar betydande for andamalet. Simuleringarna anvands saledes inom bade den privata och den o entliga sektorn. Pa senare tid har automatiserad analys av insamlad videodata om faktiska fotgangare blivit allt mer vanligt som en grund for validering inom forskningsomradet. Conditional Transition Maps utgor en representation av dynamiska element i en miljo, dar varje diskret cell i kartan associeras med en sannolikhetsdistribuering for overgangar till och fran cellen. CTMaps har tidigare anvants inom navigering for mobila robotar. Denna uppsats utgor en utredning av mojligheterna att anvanda en CTMap som en grund for en fotgangarmodell. CTM-datat som anvants i uppsatsen har tagits fram ur insamlad videodata om faktiska fotgangare. En fotgangarmodell har tagits fram, med hjalp av utvecklingsmiljon SeSAm, och jamforts med en redan etablerad modell for fotgangarsimulering. / Pedestrian simulation is widely used in both the public and private sector for designing public spaces, when pedestrian behavior is central to the design. Recently, automated analysis of recorded data of actual pedestrians has emerged as a means of introducing empirical validation in the eld of pedestrian simulation. Conditional Transition Maps represent dynamic elements of an environment as transition probabilities and map them to discrete oor-elds. These maps have been previously used for mobile robot navigation. This thesis constitutes an investigation into the possibilites of using a CTMap as a basis for a pedestrian simulation model. The CTMap used in the thesis has been produced by analyzing recorded video data of actual pedestrians. A pedestrian model based on the CTMap was developed, using SeSAm, and compared to an already established pedestrian simulation model.

A guide in the Big Data jungle

Ohlsson, Anna, Öman, Dan January 2015 (has links)
This bachelor thesis looks at the functionality of different frameworks for data analysis atlarge scale and the purpose of it is to serve as a guide among available tools. The amount ofdata that is generated every day keep growing and for companies to take advantage of thedata they collect they need to know how to analyze it to gain maximal use out of it. Thechoice of platform for this analysis plays an important role and you need to look in to thefunctionality of the different alternatives that are available. We have created a guide to makethis research easier and less time consuming. To evaluate our work we created a summaryand a survey which we asked a number of ITstudents,current and previous, to take part in.After analyzing their answers we could see that most of them find our thesis interesting andinformative.

Erfarenheter från programutveckling åt externkund

Johansson, Anthon, Lundkvist, Herman, Nilsson, Christoffer, Norrstig, Andreas, Swenning, Vidar, Valyukh, Vladimir January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport handlar om projektgruppens samlade erfarenheter om hur det är att arbetamed ett större mjukvaruprojekt. Fokus för detta ligger på erfarenheter inom gruppdynamikoch kundinteraktion. Rapporten lyfter även fram hur användandet av Essence Kernel Alpha:spåverkade gruppens arbete. Rapporten försöker också undersöka och ge förslag påfinansieringsmodeller för projekt med öppen källkod. Det som iakttogs var att planering ochöppen kommunikation i stor del påverkar ett projekts utveckling. Liknande slutsatser kundedras vad gäller kundinteraktion. Användandet av Alpha-tillstånd sågs som mindre användbartför mindre mjukvaruprojekt. Flertalet finansieringsmodeller kan användas för projekt medöppen källkod och vilken som passar beror på projektets struktur och gruppenssammansättning. De som skulle passat det projekt som gruppen gjorde ansågs vara enoptimeringsstrategi, dubbellicensstrategi, sponsringstrategi eller crowdfunding.Denna rapport avslutas även med utredningar gjorda individuellt av gruppens olikamedlemmar. Dessa handlar om jämförelser av olika ärendehanteringssystem, problem ochlösningar inom kravelicitering, fördelar med parprogrammering på distans, hurkodgranskning kan användas som testmetod, vad riskbedömning kan bidra med och hur ettkodskelett kan användas som underlag för uppgiftsutdelning.


Casalaro, Giuseppina Lucia, Cattivera, Giulio January 2015 (has links)
The development of autonomous Mobile Robot Systems is attracting nowadays more and moreinterest from both researchers and practitioners, mainly because they may open for a wide rangeof improvements for quality of life. Mobile robots are systems capable of accomplishing missionsby moving in an unknown environment without human supervision. Throughout mechanisms ofdetection, communication and adaptation, they can adapt their behavior according to changes ofthe environment. Individual robots can even join teams of autonomous mobile robots that, throughindividual tasks, accomplish common missions. These are called Mobile Multi-Robot Systems andare meant to perform missions that a single robot would not be able to carry out by itself.When it comes to the development of Mobile Robot Systems, currently there is no standard methodology.This is mainly due to the complexity of the domain and the variety of di↵erent platformsthat are available on the market. A promising methodology that recently has gained attention insoftware industry for its ability of mitigating complexity and boosting platform-independence, isModel-Driven Engineering.This thesis proposes a systematic mapping study on the state-of-the-art of Model-Driven Engineeringfor Mobile Robot Systems. Through our contribution, researchers can get a picture of theactual trends and open challenges for further research, while practitioners can realize the suitabilityof Model-Driven Engineering by checking to what extent it has been applied to real-world projects.

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