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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A sizing and vehicle matching methodology for boundary layer ingesting propulsion systems

Gladin, Jonathan Conrad 07 January 2016 (has links)
Boundary layer ingesting (BLI) propulsion systems offer potential fuel burn reduction for civil aviation and synergize with new advanced airframe concepts. However, the distorted inlet flow for BLI systems can cause performance and stability margin loss. System level analyses generally size a single engine at a fixed design point which ignores the distributed nature of many BLI architectures. Furthermore, operability and performance during o design are generally not considered during the sizing process. In this thesis, a methodology is developed for multi-design point sizing of BLI propulsion systems for specific vehicle geometry including an operability constraint. The methodology is applied to a 300 passenger hybrid-wing body vehicle with embedded turbofan engines. The methodology required investigations into three main areas of research. The first was the modeling of BLI impacts over a range of flight conditions. A BLI analysis tool was developed which models the vehicle boundary layer, pre-entry region, inlet, and fan losses throughout the entire flight envelope. An experiment investigating the impact of the modeling approach is conducted, and results show that proper mapping of the fan, inlet, and BLI propulsive benefit is crucially important for making proper design decisions. The impact of BLI on the system was found to vary significantly during o ff design and especially with changes in vehicle angle of attack. The operability constraint is investigated using a parallel compressor model and was found to place a minimum limit on the propulsor height. The second area of investigation was the creation of a multi-propulsor sizing methodology which accounts for diff erences between propulsors during flight that is induced by their interaction with the vehicle. A modified multi-design point approach was used which employs a set of design and power management rules to relate the operation of the propulsors. A performance comparison of this methodology with the standard single propulsor approach showed a signicant difference. The final area of investigation was the determination of critical o ff-design conditions for the sizing procedure. A screening process is developed which tests all off -design conditions for a subset of the design space to find conditions which are stall margin or thrust deficient. The experiment showed that it is necessary to consider the high angle of attack take-off condition during sizing for the HWB vehicle and that a variable area nozzle is required to meet the operability constraint. A follow on experiment showed that the inclusion of this point reduced the achievable fuel burn benefit for more aggressive BLI designs.Boundary layer ingesting (BLI) propulsion systems offer potential fuel burn reduction for civil aviation and synergize with new advanced airframe concepts. However, the distorted inlet flow for BLI systems can cause performance and stability margin loss. System level analyses generally size a single engine at a fixed design point which ignores the distributed nature of many BLI architectures. Furthermore, operability and performance during o design are generally not considered during the sizing process. In this thesis, a methodology is developed for multi-design point sizing of BLI propulsion systems for specific vehicle geometry including an operability constraint. The methodology is applied to a 300 passenger hybrid-wing body vehicle with embedded turbofan engines. The methodology required investigations into three main areas of research. The first was the modeling of BLI impacts over a range of flight conditions. A BLI analysis tool was developed which models the vehicle boundary layer, pre-entry region, inlet, and fan losses throughout the entire flight envelope. An experiment investigating the impact of the modeling approach is conducted, and results show that proper mapping of the fan, inlet, and BLI propulsive benefit is crucially important for making proper design decisions. The impact of BLI on the system was found to vary significantly during o ff design and especially with changes in vehicle angle of attack. The operability constraint is investigated using a parallel compressor model and was found to place a minimum limit on the propulsor height. The second area of investigation was the creation of a multi-propulsor sizing methodology which accounts for diff erences between propulsors during flight that is induced by their interaction with the vehicle. A modified multi-design point approach was used which employs a set of design and power management rules to relate the operation of the propulsors. A performance comparison of this methodology with the standard single propulsor approach showed a signicant difference. The final area of investigation was the determination of critical o ff-design conditions for the sizing procedure. A screening process is developed which tests all off -design conditions for a subset of the design space to find conditions which are stall margin or thrust deficient. The experiment showed that it is necessary to consider the high angle of attack take-off condition during sizing for the HWB vehicle and that a variable area nozzle is required to meet the operability constraint. A follow on experiment showed that the inclusion of this point reduced the achievable fuel burn benefit for more aggressive BLI designs.

On the Analysis and Design of Series Hybrid Distributed Electric Propulsion with Boundary Layer Ingestion of Remotely Piloted Aircraft

Varela Martínez, Pau 18 April 2023 (has links)
[ES] En el presente trabajo se explora posibles soluciones a dos hechos correlacionados que podrían comprometer hasta cierto punto nuestro futuro. Por un lado, el crecimiento de la flota de aeronaves pequeñas en los próximos años, ya sean tripuladas o no, es una realidad. El acceso a estas aeronaves por parte de un público cada vez más mayoritario crece año a año y, al mismo tiempo, los fabricantes adaptan sus aeronaves a misiones que hace unos años no éramos capaces de contemplar. Por otro lado, y por desgracia, el cambio climático también es una realidad que no solo compromete nuestro futuro, sino también nuestro presente. Hoy en día la alerta climática es y debe ser elevada, y si no encontramos soluciones que ayuden a paliar este problema, la vida en el planeta podría cambiar irremediablemente para peor. Ambos hechos se encuentran implícitamente relacionados. La fabricación y operación de vehículos contribuye notablemente a aumentar la huella de carbono. Por lo tanto, el aumento de flota en los próximos años puede tener un impacto notablemente negativo en las emisiones contaminantes y gases de efecto invernadero globales. Es por ello por lo que organismos oficiales y sectores de desarrollo científico y tecnológico impulsan la investigación de posibles soluciones. Este trabajo intenta poner su grano de arena para minimizar este problema común. Se propone la utilización de múltiples tecnologías con el objetivo de disminuir el combustible requerido por aeronaves de 25kg al despegue, y de esta forma, disminuir las emisiones asociadas a su operación. Las tecnologías aplicadas son la hibridación eléctrica en serie, la propulsión eléctrica distribuida y la ingestión de capa límite. Por separado, estas tecnologías han demostrado múltiples ventajas, especialmente en términos de mejora propulsiva y aerodinámica de las aeronaves, lo que repercute directamente en el consumo de combustible. Sin embargo, este trabajo propone la utilización simultánea de todas ellas con el objetivo de disminuir aún más el consumo de combustible y, por tanto, las emisiones contaminantes y gases de efecto invernadero. Para ello, tras estas páginas se eligen los parámetros principales de esta aeronave y se acompaña de un exhaustivo análisis del comportamiento fluidodinámico. Con la comprensión de su comportamiento, es posible optimizar la selección de sus componentes, de forma que se obtienen mejoras importantes en el consumo de combustible. Este ahorro de combustible se muestra en comparación con aeronaves similares en tamaño y peso, pero que no incluyen estas tecnologías, logrando para un mismo alcance un ahorro del 16% del peso del combustible. La realización de este trabajo se centra en el empleo de herramientas computacionales apoyándose sobre todo en la dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD). Esta herramienta principal se verá complementada con el uso de descomposición modal para realizar los análisis y de la creación de una base de datos que ayude a crear modelos rápidos útiles en futuros diseños preliminares y conceptuales de aeronaves de este tipo. / [CA] En aquest treball s'exploren possibles solucions a dos fets correlacionats que podrien comprometre d'alguna manera el nostre futur. Per un costat, el creixement de la flota d'aeronaus de xicoteta dimensió en el futur, tant tripulades com no tripulades, és una realitat. L'accés a aquestes aeronaus per part d'un públic cada cop més majoritari creix any rere any i, al mateix temps, els fabricants adapten les aeronaus a feines que anys enrere no eren capaços d'assolir. Per l'altre costat, malauradament, el canvi climàtic és un fet que compromet tant el nostre futur com el nostre present. Hui en dia l'alerta climàtica és elevada i, si no trobem solucions per a pal·liar aquest problema la vida al nostre planeta, podria canviar irremeiablement a pitjor. Ambdós fets es troben implícitament relacionats. La fabricació i l'operació de vehicles contribueix notablement a augmentar l'empremta de carboni. Per tant, l'increment de flota en els pròxims anys pot tindre un efecte negatiu molt notable en les emissions contaminants i gasos d'efecte hivernacle globals. És per això que organismes oficials i sectors de desenvolupament científic i tecnològic impulsen la investigació de possibles solucions. Aquest treball intenta aportar el seu granet de sorra per minimitzar aquest problema comú. Es proposa la utilització de múltiples tecnologies amb l'objectiu de reduir el combustible emprat per aeronaus de fins a 25kg i, per tant, disminuir les emissions associades a la seua operació. Les tecnologies aplicades són la hibridació elèctrica en sèrie, la propulsió elèctrica distribuïda i la ingestió de capa límit. Separadament, aquestes tecnologies han demostrat múltiples avantatges, especialment en termes de millora propulsiva i aerodinàmica de les aeronaus, repercutint directament en el consum de combustible. No obstant, aquest treball proposa la utilització simultània de totes elles amb l'objectiu de reduir encara més el consum de combustible i, per tant, les emissions contaminants i gasos d'efecte hivernacle. Per fer-ho, en les darreres pàgines es trien els paràmetres principals de l'aeronau i s'acompanyen d'una exhaustiva anàlisi del comportament de la dinàmica de fluids. Comprenent el seu comportament, és possible optimitzar la selecció dels seus components, de manera que s'obtenen millores importants en el consum de combustible. L'estalvi de combustible es mostra en comparació amb aeronaus similars en mida i pes, però que no inclouen aquestes tecnologies, aconseguint per a un mínim abast un estalvi del 16% del pes del combustible. La realització d'aquest treball es centra en l'ús d'eines computacionals recolzant-se sobretot en la dinàmica de fluids computacional (CFD). Aquesta eina principal es veurà complementada amb l'ús de descomposició modal per a elaborar les anàlisis i de la creació d'una base de dades que ajude a crear models ràpids i útils en futurs dissenys conceptuals i preliminars d'aeronaus d'aquest tipus. / [EN] The present work explores possible solutions to two correlated events that could compromise our future to some extent. On the one hand, the growth of the fleet of small aircraft in the coming years, whether manned or not, is a reality. Access to these aircraft by an increasing majority of the public grows year after year and at the same time, manufacturers adapt their aircraft to missions that we could not contemplate a few years ago. On the other hand, and unfortunately, climate change is also a reality that compromises not only our future but also our present. Today the climate alert is and must be elevated. If we do not find solutions that help alleviate this problem, life on the planet could irremediably change for the worse. Both facts are implicitly related. The manufacture and operation of vehicles contribute significantly to increasing the carbon footprint, so the increase in the fleet in the coming years may have an extremely negative impact on global polluting and greenhouse gas emissions. That is why official organizations and scientific and technological development sectors promote research for possible solutions. This work tries to do its bit to minimize this common problem. Multiple technologies are proposed to reduce the fuel required by 25kg aircraft at takeoff and, thus, reduce the emissions associated with their operation. The applied technologies are electric series hybridization, distributed electric propulsion, and boundary layer ingestion. Separately, these technologies have shown multiple advantages, especially in terms of improving aircraft propulsion and aerodynamics, which directly affects fuel consumption. Nevertheless, this work proposes the simultaneous use of all of them to reduce fuel consumption further and, therefore, polluting and greenhouse gas emissions. To do this, after these pages, the main parameters of this aircraft are chosen and accompanied by an exhaustive analysis of the fluid dynamic behavior. With an understanding of its behavior, it is possible to optimize its components' selection so that significant fuel consumption improvements are obtained. This fuel saving is shown in comparison with similar aircraft in size and weight, but that does not include these technologies, achieving a saving of 16% of fuel weight for the same range. This work's conduction focuses on employing computational tools mainly based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This primary tool will be complemented by the use of modal decomposition to carry out the analyses, and the creation of a database that will help create quick models useful in future conceptual and preliminary designs of this type of aircraft. / The respondent would like to acknowledge the financial support received through contract FPI-UPV PREDOCFD/19 of Subprograma 2 of Universitat Politècnica de València / Varela Martínez, P. (2023). On the Analysis and Design of Series Hybrid Distributed Electric Propulsion with Boundary Layer Ingestion of Remotely Piloted Aircraft [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192805

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