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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fauna osolikih muva (Diptera: Syrphidae) Grčke / Fauna of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Greece

Likov Laura 28 August 2018 (has links)
<p>Osolike&nbsp; muve&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; bitnu&nbsp; i korisnu&nbsp; insekatsku&nbsp; grupu.&nbsp; Pružaju&nbsp; nezamenljive ekolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; i&nbsp; ekonomske&nbsp; usluge,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; usluge&nbsp; za&nbsp; životnu sredinu.&nbsp; Navedene&nbsp; usluge&nbsp; su&nbsp; omogućene&nbsp; njihovom sposobno&scaron;ću&nbsp; opra&scaron;ivanja&nbsp; biljaka&nbsp; u&nbsp; prirodnim&nbsp; i agroekosistemima,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; zahvaljujući&nbsp; larvama&ndash; predatorima&nbsp; lisnih&nbsp; va&scaron;i&nbsp; i&nbsp; drugih&nbsp; insekata,&nbsp; smanjujući ekonomske&nbsp; gubitke&nbsp; u&nbsp; prinosu&nbsp; kultivisanih&nbsp; biljaka. Takođe&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; poslužiti&nbsp; kao&nbsp; bioindikatori&nbsp; klimatskih promena&nbsp; i&nbsp; stanja&nbsp; stani&scaron;ta.&nbsp; Neke&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; i konzervacioni značaj, obzirom da su zbog&nbsp; antropogenih uticaja postale ugrožene, &scaron;to zahteva preduzimanje mera za&nbsp; obezbeđivanje njihovog opstanka. Izuzetno bogatstvo flore i faune na Balkanskom<br />poluostrvu&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; jedinstveni&nbsp; ekolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; i biogeografski&nbsp; fenomen&nbsp; u&nbsp; Evropi.&nbsp; Grčka,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedna&nbsp; od najvažnijih&nbsp; centara&nbsp; biodiverzita&nbsp; na&nbsp; Balkanu&nbsp; i&nbsp; u Mediteranu&nbsp; se&nbsp; odlikuje&nbsp; &scaron;irokim&nbsp; spektrom&nbsp; važnih&nbsp; tipova ekosistema,&nbsp; od&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; su&nbsp; najbitniji&nbsp; &scaron;umski,&nbsp; budući&nbsp; da najveći&nbsp; broj&nbsp; osolikih&nbsp; muva&nbsp; preferira&nbsp; upravo&nbsp; taj&nbsp; tip stani&scaron;ta.<br />Značaj&nbsp; faunističkih&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; se&nbsp; ogleda&nbsp; u otkrivanju&nbsp; sastava&nbsp; i&nbsp; brojnosti&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; na&nbsp; određenim stani&scaron;tima ili područjima. Faunistički sastav pruža uvid u biodiverzitet&nbsp; istraživane&nbsp; oblasti,&nbsp; koja&nbsp; se&nbsp; neprekidno menja,&nbsp; naročito&nbsp; u&nbsp; poslednje&nbsp; vreme&nbsp; pod&nbsp; uticajem negativnog&nbsp; antropogenog&nbsp; uticaja.&nbsp; Podaci&nbsp; o&nbsp; vrstama mogu&nbsp; biti&nbsp; od&nbsp; velikog&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; za&nbsp; eventualne&nbsp; programe za&scaron;tite&nbsp; i&nbsp; oporavka&nbsp; ugroženih&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; planiranju formiranja&nbsp; novih&nbsp; za&scaron;tićenih&nbsp; područja&nbsp; ili&nbsp; u&nbsp; uvođenju novih mera za&scaron;tite u već postojećim prirodnim dobrima.<br />Prepoznavanje ugroženih vrsta ili ugroženih stani&scaron;ta koje one&nbsp; naseljavaju,&nbsp; igra&nbsp; bitnu&nbsp; ulogu&nbsp; u&nbsp; planiranju konzervacionih strategija za njihovo očuvanje. Rezultati&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; upotpunjujuznanje o faunističkom sastavu, taksonomiji, distribuciji i&nbsp; diverzitetu osolikih muva u Grčkoj. Pomoću sakupljenih&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; formiran&nbsp; je&nbsp; identifikacioni&nbsp; ključ&nbsp; za razlikovanje&nbsp; kako&nbsp; rodova&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp;&nbsp; registrovanih&nbsp; na&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; području,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; u&nbsp; velikoj&nbsp; meri&nbsp; pomaže&nbsp; u&nbsp; daljim faunističkim&nbsp; istraživanjima.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; rezultat&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; dobijena&nbsp; je&nbsp; konačna&nbsp; lista&nbsp; od&nbsp; 418&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; iz&nbsp; 83 roda.&nbsp; Od&nbsp; ukupnog&nbsp; broja&nbsp; zabeleženih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; 64&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; su&nbsp; prvi put registrovane na teritoriji Grčke, dok&nbsp; su 18 vrsta&nbsp; nove za nauku.<br />Osnovni&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; je&nbsp; revizija&nbsp; faune osolikih muva&nbsp; Grčke&nbsp; na osnovu prikupljenog materijala iz&nbsp; publikovanih&nbsp; i&nbsp; nepublikovanih&nbsp; zbirki&nbsp; i&nbsp; dopunskih<br />terenskih istraživanja, sastavljanje liste o svim poznatim&nbsp; vrstama&nbsp; sa&nbsp; područja&nbsp; Grčke,&nbsp; i&nbsp; izrada&nbsp; identifikacionog ključa&nbsp; za&nbsp; razlikovanje&nbsp; zabeleženih&nbsp; rodova&nbsp; i&nbsp; vrsta<br />(praćeni&nbsp; fotografijama&nbsp; i&nbsp; crtežima&nbsp; dijagnostičkih morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; adultnih&nbsp; jedinki).&nbsp; Drugi&nbsp; deo doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; se&nbsp; bavi&nbsp; prepoznavanjem&nbsp; retkih&nbsp; i<br />ugroženih vrsta Grčke sa naglaskom na njihovu za&scaron;titu i konzervaciju.&nbsp; U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; disertacije je&nbsp; izvr&scaron;ena&nbsp; prostorna analiza distribucije vrsta na području&nbsp; Grčke, koja su već ugrožena&nbsp; na&nbsp; evropskom&nbsp; i&nbsp; balkanskom&nbsp; nivou,&nbsp; a&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; određivanja&nbsp; područja&nbsp; sa&nbsp; posebnim&nbsp; značajem&nbsp; za&nbsp; njihovo očuvanje.</p> / <p><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> 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thanks&nbsp; to&nbsp; larvaepredators&nbsp; of&nbsp; aphids&nbsp; and&nbsp; other&nbsp; insects,&nbsp; reducing&nbsp; economic losses&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; yield&nbsp; of&nbsp; cultivated&nbsp; plants. Hoverflies&nbsp; are extremely important for the environment, as they can serve as bioindicators of climate change and habitat conditions. Some species&nbsp; also&nbsp; have&nbsp; conservation&nbsp; importance,&nbsp; since&nbsp; they&nbsp; have become&nbsp; endangered&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; anthropogenic&nbsp; effects,&nbsp; which requires taking measures to ensure their survival. The extraordinary richness of flora and fauna on the Balkan&nbsp; Peninsula&nbsp; represents&nbsp; a&nbsp; unique&nbsp; ecological&nbsp; and biogeographical phenomenon in Europe. Greece, as one of the most important center of biodiversity in the Balkans and in the Mediterranean,&nbsp; is&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; by&nbsp; a&nbsp; wide&nbsp; spectrum&nbsp; of important&nbsp; ecosystem&nbsp; types,&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; important&nbsp; of&nbsp; which&nbsp; are forests, since the largest number of hoverflies prefer this type of habitat.The importance of faunal research is reflected in the discovery&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; composition&nbsp; and&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; in specific habitats or areas. The faunal composition provides an insight into the biodiversity of the investigated area, which is&nbsp; constantly&nbsp; changing,&nbsp; especially&nbsp; lately&nbsp; under&nbsp; the&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of negative&nbsp; anthropogenic impact. Data about species can be of great importance for possible programs for the protection and recovery of endangered species, as well as in the planning of the formation of new protected areas or in the introduction of new&nbsp; measures&nbsp; of&nbsp; protection&nbsp; in&nbsp; already&nbsp; existing&nbsp; natural resources.&nbsp; Identifying&nbsp; endangered&nbsp; species&nbsp; or&nbsp; endangered habitats&nbsp; they&nbsp; inhabit&nbsp; plays&nbsp; an&nbsp; important&nbsp; role&nbsp; in&nbsp; planning conservation strategies for their conservation.The&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; these&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; complement&nbsp; the knowledge&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; fauna&nbsp; composition,&nbsp; taxonomy,&nbsp; distribution and diversity of hoverflies in Greece. Using the collected data, an&nbsp; identification&nbsp; key&nbsp; was&nbsp; formed&nbsp; to&nbsp; distinguish&nbsp; both&nbsp; the genera&nbsp; and&nbsp; species&nbsp; registered&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; area,&nbsp; which&nbsp; greatly assisted in further faunistic research. As a result of these thesis a final list of 418 species rom 83 genus was obtained. Of the total&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; recorded&nbsp; species,&nbsp; 64&nbsp; species&nbsp; were&nbsp; first&nbsp; time registered in the territory of Greece, while a total of 18 species are new to science. The main goal of this paper is to revise the fauna of Greek&nbsp; howerflies&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; collected&nbsp; material&nbsp; from published&nbsp; and&nbsp; unpublished&nbsp; collections&nbsp; and&nbsp; additional&nbsp; field research, compile a list of all known species from&nbsp; Greece, and create an identification key to distinguish the recorded genera and&nbsp; species&nbsp; (accompanied&nbsp; by&nbsp; photographs&nbsp; and&nbsp; drawings&nbsp; of diagnostic morphological characters of adult individuals). The second&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; deals&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; identification&nbsp; of&nbsp; rare and endangered species of Greece&nbsp; with an emphasis on their protection&nbsp; and&nbsp; conservation.&nbsp; Within&nbsp; the&nbsp; framework&nbsp; of&nbsp; the dissertation, a spatial analysis of the distribution of species in Greece&nbsp; was&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out,&nbsp; already&nbsp; threatened&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; European and&nbsp; Balkan&nbsp; levels,&nbsp; in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; areas&nbsp; of&nbsp; special<br />significance for their preservation.</p>

Habitatové preference ptáků na mokřadech SV Čech a optimalizace managementu v připravované přírodní památce Sedmihorské slatiny

ŠŤASTNÝ, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the influence of the stated environmental factors on the composition of bird communities and density of particular bird species in selected wetlands of northeastern Bohemia. Then it studies influence of these factors on birds' diversity and proportion of specially protected species according to the Czech law (the Act No. 114/1992 Coll.). Lastly, it points out the use of these results in practical nature conservation. In the introductory comment of the thesis there is described the character of the study area and subsequently opportunities for implementation of the study results in conservation of study localities that will lead to increase of habitats quality for wetland bird communities. Detailed optimization of habitat conditions is suggested for the locality Sedmihorské slatiny that's establishment as a natural monument is prepared.

Vulnérabilité des écosystèmes montagnards aux changements globaux par une modélisation spatialement explicite -implications pour la conservation / Vulnerability of mountainous ecosystems to global change - a spatially explicit modeling approach and conservation implications

Boulangeat, Isabelle 06 June 2012 (has links)
Les conséquences des récents changements environnementaux sont déjà observables sur les écosystèmes du monde entier et menacent la biodiversité. Dans l'objectif de conserver les bénéfices que nous procurent les écosystèmes, l'enjeu est de comprendre et prédire la dynamique spatiale et temporelle des paysages et de la biodiversité afin de mieux anticiper les changements possibles et adapter les décisions de conservation. En zone de montagne, où l'environnement est très hétérogène, les effets combinés des modifications du climat et de l'agriculture sont susceptibles d'avoir un impact important sur les écosystèmes. La présente thèse a pour objectif principal de caractériser les espèces et les habitats vulnérables aux changements climatiques et changements d'utilisation des terres dans les Alpes Françaises. Elle apporte sa contribution en se basant sur des données accumulées par le Conservatoire Botanique National Alpin et le Parc national des Ecrins (PNE), et en utilisant trois angles d'approche complémentaires. Dans une première partie, les cadres théoriques expliquant la coexistence des espèces et leur répartition spatiale ont été testés empiriquement. Les patrons de rareté des plantes des Alpes françaises ont ainsi été reliés aux caractéristiques des espèces, mettant en évidence les compromis entre différentes stratégies fonctionnelles. Une seconde analyse de la répartition de 21 espèces cibles a démontré la différence entre les facteurs expliquant la présence d'une espèce à un endroit donné et ceux expliquant son abondance. Cette analyse a également permis de souligner l'importance de la dispersion et mis en évidence des dynamiques source-puits chez certaines espèces. La deuxième partie s'appuie sur les mêmes cadres théoriques et a consisté à développer un modèle dynamique de la structure et de la diversité de la végétation. Ce modèle a été calibré et validé sur la végétation du PNE. Une troisième partie porte son attention sur les évolutions possibles de la végétation sous plusieurs scénarios de changements climatiques et d'utilisation des terres. Les simulations ont montré qu'il est nécessaire de considérer la dynamique temporelle du fait que les conséquences d'un changement climatique peuvent être observées bien après la phase du changement. D'autre part, l'analyse a montré les effets conjugués que peuvent avoir les changements climatiques et la déprise agricole sur la structure de la végétation. Un tel modèle ouvre la voie à l'exploration de multiples scenarios, en permettant non seulement de décrire des paysages futurs potentiels mais aussi les états de transition qui devraient y mener. / On-going global changes have already affected ecosystems and threaten the biodiversity all over the world. In order to maintain the ecosystems services provided to humans and adapt conservation planning, the challenge is to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of biodiversity and to predict its response to global changes. In mountainous areas, where the environment is very heterogeneous, the modifications of both climate and land use are expected to strongly influence the landscapes and current biodiversity. This PhD thesis has for main objective to assess the vulnerability of species and habitat to environmental changes in the French Alps. It uses three different approaches and relies on the large databases accumulated by two institutions: the National Alpine Botanical Conservatory and the Ecrins National Park (PNE). The first part of the PhD confronts theoretical hypotheses for species coexistence to observations and describes the characteristics of the regional flora. The species ecological niche breadth has been estimated and related to other rarity facets and trade-off between plant functional strategies. A second analysis disentangles the drivers of the presence or the local abundance of 21 focal species and highlights the importance of the dispersion and the source-sink dynamics. The second part is based on the same conceptual background and aims to develop a dynamic model of the vegetation structure and diversity. The model has been validated for the vegetation of the PNE. The last part proposes an application of this dynamic model to provide multiple biodiversity scenarios in respect to change in both climate and land management. The simulations showed that the consequences of climate change might be visible only after a certain time-lag, demonstrating the interest of considering the spatial but also temporal vegetation dynamics. Furthermore, the analysis pointed out the importance of the interplay effects between climate and land use abandonment. Such a model should pave the way for the exploration of multiples scenarios and will be able to describe not only the potential future landscapes but also the transition states leading to it.

Přírodovědné vycházky pro žáky základní školy v regionu Podblanicka / Natural-scientific Excursions for Elementary School Pupils in the Region of Blanik

Dymák, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The work dedicates the region of Podblanicko as an outdoor acivity of didactic territory. The description of five concrete excursions follows with a universal characterization of the region. The didactic part is worked by the author theoreticaly of the view of the General Educational Programme and extra concrete School Educational Programme. In the work, there is dedicated a special consideration to the concrete special didactics of individual excursions including author's writing of the working folio for the geological excursion. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

A critical review of the South African freshwater angling legislative framework / Morné Viljoen.

Viljoen, Morné January 2010 (has links)
Prior to 1993, freshwater angling in South Africa had been governed by the respective nature conservation legislation of the four South African provinces, the four “independent homelands" and the six so-called Bantustans. In 1993 a South Africa with nine provinces was created, of which only Limpopo and Mpumalanga promulgated its own laws governing freshwater angling. From 2008 angling for listed threatened and protected freshwater fish species has been regulated by the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, supplemented by the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations. In addition, it is anticipated that the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, which will regulate angling for listed alien and invasive freshwater fish, will be promulgated in the near future. The result is that freshwater angling is currently being governed by a plethora of pre-1993 provincial, homeland and Bantustan legislation, two post-1993 provincial acts, as well as post-1993 national legislation. In this dissertation the South African freshwater angling legislative framework was critically analysed. It was found that the multitude of fragmented and complex laws, created 15 “angling provinces” which leads to confusion amongst anglers and government officials alike. In the process legal certainty and reasonableness, cornerstones of a sound legal system, are being compromised, indigenous freshwater fish are not adequately protected and alien or invasive freshwater fish are not properly managed. In the light of the above, and after taking comments by anglers and enforcement officials into account, recommendations are made for an improved legislative framework for freshwater in South Africa. It is recommended that all freshwater fish species be managed and/or protected on a catchment basis, as opposed to the current provincial basis. This will ensure legal certainty and reasonableness and that all indigenous freshwater fish which are subject to the similar threats are protected adequately and uniformly. / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

A critical review of the South African freshwater angling legislative framework / Morné Viljoen.

Viljoen, Morné January 2010 (has links)
Prior to 1993, freshwater angling in South Africa had been governed by the respective nature conservation legislation of the four South African provinces, the four “independent homelands" and the six so-called Bantustans. In 1993 a South Africa with nine provinces was created, of which only Limpopo and Mpumalanga promulgated its own laws governing freshwater angling. From 2008 angling for listed threatened and protected freshwater fish species has been regulated by the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, supplemented by the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations. In addition, it is anticipated that the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, which will regulate angling for listed alien and invasive freshwater fish, will be promulgated in the near future. The result is that freshwater angling is currently being governed by a plethora of pre-1993 provincial, homeland and Bantustan legislation, two post-1993 provincial acts, as well as post-1993 national legislation. In this dissertation the South African freshwater angling legislative framework was critically analysed. It was found that the multitude of fragmented and complex laws, created 15 “angling provinces” which leads to confusion amongst anglers and government officials alike. In the process legal certainty and reasonableness, cornerstones of a sound legal system, are being compromised, indigenous freshwater fish are not adequately protected and alien or invasive freshwater fish are not properly managed. In the light of the above, and after taking comments by anglers and enforcement officials into account, recommendations are made for an improved legislative framework for freshwater in South Africa. It is recommended that all freshwater fish species be managed and/or protected on a catchment basis, as opposed to the current provincial basis. This will ensure legal certainty and reasonableness and that all indigenous freshwater fish which are subject to the similar threats are protected adequately and uniformly. / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Statistical methods for assessing and managing wild populations

Hoyle, Simon David January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is presented as a collection of five papers and one report, each of which has been either published after peer review or submitted for publication. It covers a broad range of applied statistical methods, from deterministic modelling to integrated Bayesian modelling using MCMC, via bootstrapping and stochastic simulation. It also covers a broad range of subjects, from analysis of recreational fishing diaries, to genetic mark recapture for wombats. However, it focuses on practical applications of statistics to the management of wild populations. The first chapter (Hoyle and Jellyman 2002, published in Marine and Freshwater Research) applies a simple deterministic yield per recruit model to a fishery management problem: possible overexploitation of the New Zealand longfin eel. The chapter has significant implications for longfin eel fishery management. The second chapter (Hoyle and Cameron 2003, published in Fisheries Management and Ecology) focuses on uncertainty in the classical paradigm, by investigating the best way to estimate bootstrap confidence limits on recreational harvest and catch rate using catch diary data. The third chapter (Hoyle et al., in press with Molecular Ecology Notes) takes a different path by looking at genetic mark-recapture in a fisheries management context. Genetic mark-recapture was developed for wildlife abundance estimation but has not previously been applied to fish harvest rate estimation. The fourth chapter (Hoyle and Banks, submitted) addresses genetic mark-recapture, but in the wildlife context for estimates of abundance rather than harvest rate. Our approach uses individual-based modeling and Bayesian analysis to investigate the effect of shadows on abundance estimates and confidence intervals, and to provide guidelines for developing sets of loci for populations of different sizes and levels of relatedness. The fifth chapter (Hoyle and Maunder 2004, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation) applies integrated analysis techniques developed in fisheries to the modeling of protected species population dynamics - specifically the north-eastern spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata. It combines data from a number of different sources in a single statistical model, and estimates parameters using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian MCMC. The sixth chapter (Hoyle 2002, peer reviewed and published as Queensland Department of Primary Industries Information Series) results directly from a pressing management issue: developing new management procedures for the Queensland east coast Spanish mackerel fishery. It uses an existing stock assessment as a starting point for an integrated Bayesian management strategy evaluation. Possibilities for further research have been identified within the subject areas of each chapter, both within the chapters and in the final discussion chapter.

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