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Immunity induced by Newcastke disease vaccination and its correlation with chickens protection Immunité induite par la vaccination contre la maladie de Newcastle et sa corrélation avec la protection des volaillesRauw, Fabienne 17 March 2010 (has links)
La maladie de Newcastle est une maladie virale hautement contagieuse et dévastatrice chez la volaille. Bien que la biosécurité et lhygiène puissent savérer suffisantes pour lutter contre lintroduction de la maladie, la vaccination préventive est considérée comme une précaution supplémentaire et a été rendue obligatoire dans la plupart des pays européens dès les années 90 suite aux épidémies de ND. Cependant, lobservation dépizooties sporadiques témoigne des limites des programmes de prévention actuels. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses alternatives vaccinales sont étudiées afin de limiter le risque dune infection par le NDV et de réduire la transmission virale, tout en prévenant les signes cliniques et la mortalité. Durant ce travail, la vaccination à un jour à laide dun vaccin atténué a été privilégiée et lamélioration de son efficacité par la co-administration avec ladjuvant chitosan et une primo-vaccination in ovo avec un vaccin recombinant rHVT-ND a été investiguée.
Lobjectif de cette thèse consiste à étudier de manière approfondie limmunité induite chez le poulet par la vaccination contre la ND et à établir une corrélation entre les réponses immunitaires mesurées et la protection.
Ces expériences ont montré linfluence du tropisme de la souche vaccinale de NDV sur linduction de limmunité à médiation cellulaire et sur le degré de la réponse immune locale en anticorps au niveau des tractus respiratoire et digestif. Cette réponse immune cellulaire spécifique du NDV a pu être renforcée par la co-administration du chitosan avec le vaccin atténué. Linterférence des anticorps maternels sur linduction dune réponse immune spécifique lors dune vaccination à un jour a également été validée. Cet impact négatif a pu être limité par une primo-vaccination in ovo avec un vaccin recombinant rHVT-ND. Enfin, le programme de vaccination combinant une primo-vaccination in ovo avec une vaccination à un jour avec un vaccin atténué co-administré avec le chitosan a permis daméliorer la protection contre les signes cliniques de la maladie mais également de diminuer lexcrétion virale lors dune infection virulente. Cette plus forte protection peut être corrélée avec linduction dune meilleure immunité à médiation cellulaire et une réponse immune locale accrue.
Newcastle disease is a highly contagious and devastating condition of poultry. Although good biosecurity and hygiene practices can be sufficient to fight against this disease, the preventive vaccination is thought to be an additional precaution and is rendered compulsory in many European Union countries since the 90 after ND epidemic. Nevertheless, enzootics and epizootics that are sometimes reported point out the limitations of current vaccination regimens. In this context, different approaches have been investigated in order to prevent infection by NDV, reduce the transmission of the virus and eliminate clinical signs and mortality. In this work, we have selected the vaccination at day-old with attenuated ND vaccine and we have attempted to increase its efficacy by the co-administration with chitosan adjuvant and by an in ovo injection of a rHVT-ND vaccine. The aim of this present work was to evaluate the immunity induced by ND vaccination and the establishment of the correlation between the recorded measurement and the protection.
These experiments showed the influence of the tropism of the ND vaccine strain on the NDV-specific antibody-mediated immunity in the respiratory and digestive tracts and on the cell-mediated immunity. This NDV-specific cellular immune response was improved by the co-administration of chitosan with the ND attenuated vaccine. It was also observed that the presence of MDA interferes with the establishment of a persisting good protective immunity after a single day-old vaccination. The use of rHVT-ND vaccine applied in ovo as primo-vaccination allowed overcoming this negative interference of MDA. Finally, the innovative rHVT-ND/live ND-chitosan vaccination regimen provided the highest protection against mortality and morbidity as well as the strongest reduction of virus shedding, which could be related to a higher measured cellular immune response and local antibody-mediated immunity.
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Analýza transformace civilní ochrany v České republice od roku 1918 do současnosti s návrhem dalšího směřování ochrany obyvateltva / An Analysis of the Civil Protection Transformation in the Czech Republic from 1918 to the Present with a Proposal of the Future Inhabitants ProtectionHANZAL, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Civil protection as well as the protection of the population is a dynamic field which has a deep history in the Czech Republic dating back to the dark time of World War I. The civil protection was first based on the voluntariness principle. The real origin of the civil protection came with Act No. 82/1935 Coll. on the protection and defense against air attacks. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the protection of the population and propose the future direction of protecting of the population through changes or innovations that would strengthen the protection of the population. In the practical part of this thesis is based on the research question: "Has the civil protection transformation established a reliable system that does not require either major changes or minor changes?" The research part of the thesis is based on a qualitative research. The practical part of the thesis is based on a research method "structured interview". The structured interviews were conducted with the experts at the regional level all seven territorial departments of the Fire and Rescue Services of the South Bohemian Region. The conclusion of this thesis (mainly based on the strucutred interviews with the experts) is a statement that by the civil protection transformation was created a reliable system of protection of the population with a minor space for improvement. The fundamental change in the system would be a consolidation of the system legislative into a separate law on civil protection / protection of the population. The current crisis legislation would be subordinate to this Act. Other proposed changes to the protection of the population and its further direction of protection of the population are presented in the section "Conclusion".
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Určení jednotek požární ochrany obcí na území Jihočeského kraje k plnění úkolů na úseku ochrany obyvatelstva.Určení jednotek požární ochrany obcí na území Jihočeského kraje k plnění úkolů na úseku ochrany obyvatelstva. / Determination of municipal fire protection units in the territory of South Bohemia region to perform task in the field of protection of population.ŘIMNÁČ, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
In order to preserve its existence since its origination, mankind has had to deal with a variety of adverse effects which have been largely influencing human conduct and behaviour. We become witnesses to events that are identified as exceptional, because they often occur unexpectedly and endanger the lives and health of people. These events cause great damage to property and the environment. They may arise from harmful reactions of forces and phenomena resulting from human activities, from natural forces or from a combination of both. Such events may be floodings, storms, technological accidents with the release of hazardous substances, major road accidents, extensive fires, acts of terrorism. The management of such incidents and emergencies requires the intervention of the Integrated Rescue System. The joint intervention of the components abides by legal standards and internal guidelines. During the intervention of the Integrated Rescue System, a crucial part of the activities is carried out by the Fire and Rescue Units. The diploma thesis deals with the legislation in the field of civil protection and population protection. Information on the history of civil protection and population protection tasks is provided. The administrative territory of the South Bohemian region is characterized. The issue of the Integrated Rescue System and its structure is dealt with. The Fire and Rescue Units are proposed as appropriate to protect the population.
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Návrh systému chránění s použitím elektronických přístrojových transformátorů (senzorů) v rozvodně vysokého napětí / Design of protection system using an sensor technology in MV substationStrapko, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with use of electronic instrument transformers (sensors) in the protection system in medium-voltage substation. Substation consists of 2 incoming feeders, 2 outgoing feeders for motors, 2 outgoing feeders for power transformers, measuring, bus coupler and bus riser feeder. Incoming feeders are connected to distribution system E.ON by cable lines which were proposed. Protected machines (power transformers and motors with rated power) are connected to switchgear panels of UniGear ZS1 type by cable lines too. Proposed protection system is based on the short-circuit conditions, standard CSN 33 3051 recommendations as well as theoretical backgrounds acquired from technical papers and other publicated literature according to the bibliography. For selected protection functions are defined their parameters. Control, monitoring and protection functions provides REF 542plus relay. Consequently, secondary tests which are part of the commissioning, are given in the practical part of thesis. Secondary tests were performed by relay test system FREJA 300 by Megger. Results of tests are displayed in tripping characteristics.
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Právní ochrana neživé přírody / Legal Protection of Inanimate natureHynčicová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis comprehensively analyse the issue of legal protection of inanimate nature. The thesis analyses the legal protection of inanimate nature only by Czech law and the primary source of this thesis is the Act No 114/1992 Coll., on the Protection of Nature and Landscape. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part of thesis focuses on the specific legal protection of particular elements of inanimate nature in the Czech Republic, such as caves, paleontological resources and mineral resources. In this part, thesis analysis how these elements are protected by the law and how effective this protection is in practice. The second part of thesis focuses on territorial protection legal tools in the context of inanimate nature protection in terms of both general and special legal tools. It analysis legal protection of significant landscape elements and landscape character as well as inanimate nature protection through regulation of specially protected areas including Natura 2000 European protected areas. In this context the attention is also paid to protection of inanimate nature elements as protected habitats of animals and plants and their importance for the conservation of biodiversity. In addition to the comprehensive analysis of legal protection of inanimate nature in the Czech Republic...
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Ochrana práv původních obyvatelek v meziamerickém regionálním systému ochrany lidských práv / The protection of Indigenous women in the context of Inter-American Human Rights SystemSedláčková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The protection of Indigenous women in the context of Inter-American Human Rights System Abstract The aim of the thesis is to identify the means of protection of Indigenous women's rights. The author rises the subsequent questions: (i) which documents of this regional system offers protection to Indigenous women and based on what reason; (ii) what bodies operate in the Inter-American framework and Indigenous women can turn on them; (iii) what violations of rights have been addressed in the jurisprudency of the Inter-American Court of Human rights and what meaning does it have regarding to protection of Indigenous women? The first part contains the crucial documents in the topic of protection of indigenous women's rights. The author refers to the role and relation of both basic regional catalogues of human rights, American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Men and American Convention on Human Rights. She also refers to a quite recent document, American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that offers expressis verbis some protection to Indigenous women. Apart from that, other documents providing special protection to certain groups are analysed: Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women, Inter-American Convention on Forced Dissappearence...
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