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Odhad životnosti železobetonových mostů / Life-cycle analysis of reinforced concrete bridgesDoležel, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
With increasing age of the concrete road bridges, the highly topical question is to determine their reliability and load-bearing capacity level required for the residual life of the structure. Doctoral thesis presents a comprehensive methodology for assessing the reliability of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges based on non-linear finite element method damage and failure virtual simulations at both deterministic and stochastic levels. Load-bearing capacity values are specified by the structure’s design load capacity estimation by global safety factor methods or they are based on a fully probabilistic load capacity analysis using the direct resistance estimation. For the fully probabilistic calculations, the simulation technique Latin Hypercube Sampling is used.
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Numerické modelování předpjatých dutinových panelů typu Spiroll na pružném podepření a vyhodnocení průběhu napětí / Numerical modeling of the prestress hollow core slabs Spiroll type on the flexural support and the evaluation of the stressesKršík, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The doctoral thesis describes the possibilities of numerical modelling of hollow core concrete panels, SPIROLL type. The commercial finite element program ANSYS 13.0 is used for the modelling. The focus is on the specific flexural support of the panel and on the distribution of the shear stresses in the panel ribs near the support. The goal is to valid actually used method for homogenization of the panel’s foreheads and its influence on the shear resistance by using four numerical models. The numerical models are compared and verified with two experiments. The first experiment is vacuum loading on the hollow core slab. Second experiment is about shear loading by applying the loading blocks. Four methods for design of hollow core panels are evaluated. It is the method based on main stresses, design according EN 1992 and EN 1168 and Yang’s method of prestress effects transfer. Based on the results, a method of considering flexural support for the evaluation of hollow core panels is proposed.
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Transformační návrhová metoda filtrů vycházející z pasivních struktur / Transform-based filter design technique based on passive structuresVenclovský, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with transformation of passive elements in filter structures onto substitutes with new active element CFTA. A basic characteristic, types of filters, their frequency characteristics and a form of transfer functions are listed in an introduction. After it is introduced a development of signal flow graphs, single type of graphs and their modifications. There is specified the method Mason-Coates graphs which proves as optimal for analysis circuits. There are listed rules for a correct evaluation and make-up the graphs. Further are described active elements CFTA, CDTA and a current conveyor. There are defined active substitutes to a floating and grounded inductance, a floating capacitor and also a floating and grounded resistor in this thesis. Here, there are also designed substitutes to parallel combinations of floating passive elements. All substitutes use CFTA as an active element and the grounded capacitor as a passive element of substitute. There are presented forms of M-C graphs, transfer functions and equations for calculation passive elements of substitute at created equivalents. Functionality of designed substitutes is always verified on second order passive filters by the help of a PC simulation. There are tabular listed defined equivalents with corresponding signal graphs, transfer functions and equations for calculation capacitor of substitute are here tabular listed too. In this work there are defined two ways of connecting defined substitutes within the scope of one circuit that can be used as a simple connection or integration bounded elements. In the case of usage of the integration bounded elements it is possible to reduce total number used active elements. The usage defined substitutions are verified by way of both methods on known higher order passive frequency filter structures. Third order low pass filter is here realized and scaled in frequency scope from 100 Hz to 100 MHz.
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Simulace toroidních cívek v Ansoft Maxwell 3D / Simulation of toroid coils in Ansoft Maxwell 3DDaněk, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the simulation of the toroid coils in Ansoft Maxwell 3D software, which uses finite element method for electromagnetic field simulation. Firstly the process creation of the geometric model toroid coil with seventy-five threaded is presented. It is necessary to debug this model and prepare it for the mesh generation. Physical properties are assign to this model and it gives rise to the physical model. We will set boundaries, excitation current, core material, winding material and the parameters for the mesh generations. New material Kashke K4000 will be created in the materials library and subsequently we will define its BH curve on the basis of datasheet. Analysis is made in two modes. Direct currents (7,5A; 10A; 15A; 20A; 25A) and (non)linear materials are used in magnetostatic solution. Toroid coil is excited by current pulse in transient solution. In Ansoft Maxwell Circuit editor a source which generates current pulse will be created. This excitation will be assigned to the toroid coil as an extern source through a terminal. Core material is linear in the case of transient analysis, because Ansoft Maxwell 3D doesn´t allow to use nonlinear material in this solution. Settings are different in transient and in magnetostatic analysis. End time and time step are entered to solve this task in transient analysis. Time points are entered too. Flux density and electromagnetic field strength are calculated in these time points and later it will be possible to view the results. Calculated fields are shown as the pictures in this thesis. The procedure how to use a field calculator in the postprocessing is given as well. The achievements are summarized in the conclusion.
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Adaptivní volba parametrů stabilizačních metod pro rovnice konvekce-difúze / Adaptivní volba parametrů stabilizačních metod pro rovnice konvekce-difúzeLukáš, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Title: Adaptive choice of parameters in stabilization methods for convection- diffusion equations Author: Bc. Petr Lukáš (e-mail: luk.p@post.cz) Department: Department of Numerical Mathematics Supervisor: Doc. Mgr. Petr Knobloch, Dr. (e-mail: knobloch@karlin.mff.cuni.cz) Abstract: The aim of the work is to propose suitable approaches for adap- tive choice of parameters in stabilization methods for convection-difusion equations discretized by the finite element method. We introduce the L-SR1 method, compare it with other nonlinear methods of minimizing functions with large number of variables, and introduce and compare the adaptive methods based on minimizing of the error indicator. Keywords: Adaptive choice of parameters, finite element method, stabiliza- tion methods, convection-diffusion equation, L-SR1 method, error indicator
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Tato disertační práce vychází z výzkumu v rámci francouzsko-českého programu doktorátu pod dvojím vedením na pracovišti Institut français de mécanique avancée v Clermont-Ferrand a na Ústavu fyziky materiálu AV v Brně. Úvodní výzkumný úkol na brněnském pracovišti se zabýval numerickou analýzou pole napětí v okolí čela trhliny v tenké kovové fólii. Zvláštní pozornost byla zaměřena na vliv speciálního typu singularity v průsečíku čela trhliny s volným povrchem. Těžiště disertační práce spočívá v numerickém modelování a stochastické analýze problémů šíření trhlin se složitou geometrií v dvojrozměrném prostoru. Při analýze těchto problémů se dříve zřídka používaly numerické metody, a to z důvodu vysoké náročnosti na výpočtový čas. V této disertaci je ukázáno, že aplikací moderních metod numerické mechaniky a vhodných technik v analýze spolehlivosti lze tyto problémy řešit s pomocí numerických metod i na PC. Ve spolehlivostní analýze byla využita lineární aproximační metoda FORM. Pro rychlost šíření trhlin se vycházelo z Parisova-Erdoganova vztahu. Pro parametry tohoto vztahu byl použit dvourozměrný statistický model, který postihuje vysokou citlivost na korelaci obou parametrů. Mechanická odezva byla počítána rozšířenou metodou konečných prvků (XFEM), která eliminuje výpočetní náročnost a numerický šum související se změnou sítě v klasické metodě konečných prvků. Prostřednictvím přímé diferenciace bylo odvozeno několik vztahů pro derivace funkce odezvy, čímž se dosáhlo lepší numerické stability a konvergence spolehlivostní analýzy a výrazného zkrácení doby výpočtu. Problém zatížení s proměnou amplitudou byl řešen aplikací transformace zatížení metodou PREFFAS. Využití distribuce výpočtů v síti PC umožnilo další zrychlení analýzy.
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Bezpečnost dopravního letounu při poškození draku teroristickým útokem / Safety of a Commercial Aircraft after Damage to Airframe due to Terrorist AttackLošťák, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Modern-day terrorist attacks present a considerable danger for commercial aircrafts. This thesis analyzes potential methods of such attacks with a critical analysis of the most dangerous type: an attack from the outside of the aircraft via a fragmentation missile warhead. Such missiles cause damage to the airframe of the aircraft through fragments created by the explosion. In this thesis, analytical geometry is used to determine the area of the aircraft affected by the fragmentation. The aircraft’s geometry and the fragments’ dispersion are calculated by analytical functions, and the effect of the damage is analyzed. A shooting experiment was also carried out, in which fragments were shot at a reinforced skin panel that was manufactured according to the real design of commercial aircraft. The results of the experiment revealed that only directly hit sections of the structure are damaged. Data obtained by the experiment was then used for the creation and improvement of the model used in the simulation by means of the finite element method. This model is used for the numerical calculation of the damage sustained. Further included in the thesis is an analysis of the change in the load-bearing capacity after such an attack. The relationship between the size of the damage and its effect on the load-bearing capacity of the component as well as the entire structure is defined. First, the effect of component damage is analyzed via the FMEA/FMECA methods. This analysis is then extended using fuzzy logic. Fuzzy logic analysis is based on the determination of the size of the damaged component area and the component’s importance on the structure’s carry loads. Application of the defined approach is described for several parts of an aircraft’s life cycle, including development, operation after the terrorist attack, and assessment of causes after a crash caused by a fragmentation missile warhead.
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Ductile fracture criteria in multiaxial loading – theory, experiments and application / Ductile fracture criteria in multiaxial loading – theory, experiments and applicationŠebek, František Unknown Date (has links)
Práce se zabývá tvárným lomem, který je výsledkem víceosého kvazi-statického monotónního namáhání doprovázeného rozsáhlými plastickými deformacemi, přičemž pro degradaci materiálu je uvažován lokální přístup. Ve výpočtech o rozvoji poškození rozhodují použité mezní podmínky tvárného lomu. Tyto byly teoreticky studovány v úvodu práce a po výběru vhodné mezní podmínky byl stanoven postup kalibrace. Dále byl rozpracován plán měření a realizovány zkoušky při pokojové teplotě na slitině hliníku 2024-T351, zahrnující tah, krut a tlak, pro studium rozvoje poškození a věrohodnou kalibraci vybraného fenomenologického modelu tvárného porušování, vyjádřeného pomocí lomového přetvoření a závislého na hydrostatickém tlaku a deviátoru tenzoru napětí. Mezní podmínka tvárného lomu byla posléze svázána s podmínkou plasticity. Plasticita byla pro zkoumaný materiál uvažována ve tvaru zohledňujícím i stav třetího invariantu deviátoru tenzoru napětí. Celý navržený přístup, plně aplikovatelný na víceosé úlohy, byl implementován pomocí uživatelské rutiny do komerčního programu založeného na explicitní variantě metody konečných prvků. V závěru práce je předložena aplikace navrženého přístupu k modelování tvárného porušování v podobě verifikace na vybraných zkušebních testech, z níž plynou závěry a doporučení pro další práci.
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Analýza působení termoplastových potrubí v zemním prostředí / Analysis of Thermoplastic Pipes in a Soil EnvironmentEkr, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with an analysis of thermoplastics pipes in a soil environment, in particularly, pipes performed by using trenchless technologies. In the doctoral thesis, experiments of polyethylene pipes loaded by external hydrostatic pressure were performed. The aim of the experiments was to determine a behaviour and load-bearing capacity of the polyethylene pipes loaded by external hydrostatic pressure. For the experiments, a steel pressure chamber was designed and produced which allowed loading and observing a pipe during its loss of the stability. Mechanical properties of the pipe material were determined based on the tensile and bending tests. The series of detailed numerical analyses of the pipe experiments were performed. Various material models which take into account elastic, plastic and viscous behaviour of thermoplastic materials were used. In addition, series of standardized calculations of polyethylene pipes installed using trenchless technologies were performed. The aim was to create new design diagrams for practical assessment of these pipes placed in the partially deteriorated old pipes. In the case of the deteriorated old pipe, a numerical model for determination of design coefficients was created. These design coefficients were verified with standard values. Then, the results of the numerical model were compared with the results of the more complex numerical model which better take into account pipe-soil interaction of various soil types.
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Koncepce pro 5 nápravový přívěs / 4 nápravový návěs s výměnnými nástavbami / Concept for a 5 axle trailer / 4 axle trailer with replaceable bodiesŠeda, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes the design concept five-axle balanced trailer / four-axle semi-mounted trailer with swap bodies. The initial point of this work is the search of possible solutions both. The second part of the justification for selection of the very concept design proposal is selected variants. Another point of this work is the analysis of the strength of the chassis frame. Control is mainly engaged deformation and strain analysis in different Load case. The thesis is also drawing documentation. This thesis was developed in cooperation with ZDT Nové Veselí s.r.o.
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