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Frequency Stability of Power Electronic Based Power System with 100% Renewable Energy.Albalali, Abdullah January 2022 (has links)
The modern power system is aiming to progress away from conventional synchronous machine based power generation towards converter dominated system that leads to extensively high penetration of renewable energy such as wind and PV. This transition of modern power system toward converter based renewable energy comes with new challenges as the conventional synchronous generation is being replaced by converter based power system (CBPS). The converter is commonly interfaced to the power system with Phase Locked Loop (PLL) technique to synchronize the converter with the grid voltage angle and inject the current at the right angle. Therefore, this approach is called grid- following converter; this type of configuration of converters may lead to some power system instabilities (e.g., voltage instability, frequency instability, synchronous and subsynchronous instabilities). In order to overcome the limitation of the grid-following converters, another converter control concept become present in the literature as a grid-forming converter where the synchronizing method to the grid eliminates the need for PLL .In this thesis, a grid- forming controlled power converter is implemented with an energy storage system to emulate the inertia of the synchronous generator through the VSM control concept. An electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation has been modeled in the PSCAD simulation environment. The model is the wellknown four-machine two-area power system. The model has been tested by incrementally replacing the synchronous machines with wind farms connected through power converters; this weakens the grid and may lead to frequency instability during a disturbing event. An Energy Storage System (ESS) has been implemented and added to the system to mitigate the loss of the kinetic energy of the rotating masses of the synchronous generators. The ESS is integrated with a grid-forming converter that is controlled to mimic the dynamic behavior of a synchronous generator. Thus, the ESS is synchronized to the system based on the swing equation of the synchronous generator. The results show significant improvements in the frequency stability of the system under study. / Det moderna energisystemet har som mål att bortgå från den konventionella synkronmaskinbaserade energiförsörjning mot ett konverteringsdominerat system som leder till en mycket hög penetration av förnybar energi, som tillexempel vind och solenergi. Den här övergången av modernt energisystem mot konverteringsbaserad förnybar energi medför nya utmaningar i och med att konventionell synkrongenerering byts ut mot konverterarbaserat energisystem (Converter Based Power System, CBPS) . Konverteraren är ofta integrerad i energisystemet via Phase Locked Loop teknik (PLL) för att synkronisera konverteraren med kraftnätets spänningsvinkel och injicera strömmen i rätt vinkel. Det här tillvägagångssättet kallas därför för nätföljande konvertering; denna typ av konfiguration av konverterare kan leda till instabilitet i energisystemet (t.ex. instabil elektrisk spänning, frekvensinstabilitet, synkron och sub- synkron instabilitet). För att hantera begränsningarna som nätföljande konverterare träder ett koncept om ytterligare en konverteringskontroll fram i litteratur, i form av en nätformande konverterare där synkroniseringsmetoden i nätet eliminerar behovet av PLL.I denna avhandling implementeras en nätformande konverterare med ett energiförvaringssystem för att emulera trögheten i synkrongeneratorn genom VSM-styrkonceptet. En elektromagnetisk transientsimulering (EMT) har modellerats i simuleringsmiljön PSCAD. Modellen är det välkända energisystemet med fyra maskiner och två områden. Modellen har testats genom att stegvis byta ut synkronmaskinerna med vindkraftverk anslutna genom energikonverterare; detta gör nätet svagare och kan leda till frekvensinstabilitet vid en störande händelse. Ett energiförvaringssystem (Energy Storage System, ESS) har implementerats och kopplats till systemet för att mildra förlusten av kinetisk energi i de roterande massorna hos synkrongeneratorerna. Energiförvaringssystemet ESS är integrerat med en nätformande konverterare som styrs för att härma det dynamiska uppförandet av en synkrongenerator. Således är ESS synkroniserat med systemet baserat påsynkrongeneratorns svängekvation. Resultaten visar betydelsefulla förbättringar av frekvensstabiliteten i systemet under studien.
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Análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC monopolar e bipolar frente impulsos com frente de onda íngreme. / Analysis of monopolar and bipolar VSC-HVDC systems against steep-front impulses.Lima, Thiago Melo de 01 November 2018 (has links)
A tendência mundial de crescimento do consumo de energia elétrica requer novas unidades de geração para suprimento de demanda. Além disso, há preocupação na diversificação da matriz energética, e as fontes de energia nem sempre são de fácil acesso aos grandes centros de consumo, o que traz a problemática do transporte de energia elétrica. Sistemas em Corrente Alternada (CA) têm sido empregados na transmissão de energia há décadas, e atualmente os sistemas de transmissão em Corrente Contínua (CC) mostram-se uma opção vantajosa tanto na transmissão ponto a ponto por longas distâncias, quanto para múltiplos terminais, integrando diferentes fontes geradoras de energia. Os conhecidos sistemas de transmissão CC em alta tensão baseados em conversores comutados pela rede têm aplicações consolidadas ao redor do mundo, enquanto que, para a emergente tecnologia dos conversores comutados por largura de pulso (PWM), poucos estudos mostram seu desempenho frente transitórios na rede. A exposição do extenso perímetro das linhas de transmissão às condições geográficas e climatológicas motiva esta pesquisa perante a incidência de impulsos atmosféricos, tendo em vista que a maior parte dos estudos têm avaliado transitórios eletromagnéticos ocasionados por faltas. Para tanto, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema de pesquisa é apresentada, com a descrição dos principais componentes de sistemas HVDC, a análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC, utilizando conversores dois níveis, frente transitórios eletromagnéticos provocados pela incidência direta de descargas atmosféricas tanto na rede CA quanto no elo CC, utilizando o software comercial PSCAD/EMTD para a simulação e modelagem dos para-raios de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO), linha de transmissão, conversores e atuação do controle. / The worlwide trend of growing electricity consumption requires new generation units to supply demand. In addition, there is concern in the diversification of the energy matrix, and energy sources are not always easily accessible to large consumption centers, which brings the problem of transportation of electric energy. Alternating Current (AC) systems have been used in power transmission for decades, and Direct Current (DC) transmission systems are now an advantageous option in both point-to-point transmission over long distances and across multiple terminals, integrating different sources of energy. Known High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems based on Line-Commutated Converter (LCC) have consolidated applications around the world, while for the emerging technology of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) converters, few studies show their network transient performance. The exposition of the extensive perimeter of the transmission lines to the geographic and climatological conditions motivates this research considering the incidence of atmospheric impulses, and that the major part of the studies available have evaluated electromagnetic transients caused by faults. In this context, a literature review on the research topic is presented, with the description of the main components of HVDC systems, the analysis of VSC-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) systems, using twolevel converters, electromagnetic transients caused by the direct incidence of atmospheric discharges in both the AC network, and in the CC link. The analysis uses the commercial software PSCAD/EMTD for the simulation and modeling of ZnO arresters, transmission line, converters and control actuation.
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Análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC monopolar e bipolar frente impulsos com frente de onda íngreme. / Analysis of monopolar and bipolar VSC-HVDC systems against steep-front impulses.Thiago Melo de Lima 01 November 2018 (has links)
A tendência mundial de crescimento do consumo de energia elétrica requer novas unidades de geração para suprimento de demanda. Além disso, há preocupação na diversificação da matriz energética, e as fontes de energia nem sempre são de fácil acesso aos grandes centros de consumo, o que traz a problemática do transporte de energia elétrica. Sistemas em Corrente Alternada (CA) têm sido empregados na transmissão de energia há décadas, e atualmente os sistemas de transmissão em Corrente Contínua (CC) mostram-se uma opção vantajosa tanto na transmissão ponto a ponto por longas distâncias, quanto para múltiplos terminais, integrando diferentes fontes geradoras de energia. Os conhecidos sistemas de transmissão CC em alta tensão baseados em conversores comutados pela rede têm aplicações consolidadas ao redor do mundo, enquanto que, para a emergente tecnologia dos conversores comutados por largura de pulso (PWM), poucos estudos mostram seu desempenho frente transitórios na rede. A exposição do extenso perímetro das linhas de transmissão às condições geográficas e climatológicas motiva esta pesquisa perante a incidência de impulsos atmosféricos, tendo em vista que a maior parte dos estudos têm avaliado transitórios eletromagnéticos ocasionados por faltas. Para tanto, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema de pesquisa é apresentada, com a descrição dos principais componentes de sistemas HVDC, a análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC, utilizando conversores dois níveis, frente transitórios eletromagnéticos provocados pela incidência direta de descargas atmosféricas tanto na rede CA quanto no elo CC, utilizando o software comercial PSCAD/EMTD para a simulação e modelagem dos para-raios de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO), linha de transmissão, conversores e atuação do controle. / The worlwide trend of growing electricity consumption requires new generation units to supply demand. In addition, there is concern in the diversification of the energy matrix, and energy sources are not always easily accessible to large consumption centers, which brings the problem of transportation of electric energy. Alternating Current (AC) systems have been used in power transmission for decades, and Direct Current (DC) transmission systems are now an advantageous option in both point-to-point transmission over long distances and across multiple terminals, integrating different sources of energy. Known High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems based on Line-Commutated Converter (LCC) have consolidated applications around the world, while for the emerging technology of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) converters, few studies show their network transient performance. The exposition of the extensive perimeter of the transmission lines to the geographic and climatological conditions motivates this research considering the incidence of atmospheric impulses, and that the major part of the studies available have evaluated electromagnetic transients caused by faults. In this context, a literature review on the research topic is presented, with the description of the main components of HVDC systems, the analysis of VSC-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) systems, using twolevel converters, electromagnetic transients caused by the direct incidence of atmospheric discharges in both the AC network, and in the CC link. The analysis uses the commercial software PSCAD/EMTD for the simulation and modeling of ZnO arresters, transmission line, converters and control actuation.
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Doubly-fed induction generator wind turbine modelling, control and reliabilityLei, Ting January 2014 (has links)
The trend of future wind farms moving further offshore requires much higher reliability for each wind turbine in order to reduce maintenance cost. The drive-train system and power electronic converter system have been identified as critical sub-assemblies that are subject to higher failure rates than the other sub-assemblies in a wind turbine. Modern condition monitoring techniques may help schedule the maintenance and reduce downtime. However, when it comes to offshore wind turbines, it is more crucial to reduce the failure rates (or reduce the stresses) for the wind turbines during operation since the harsh weather and a frequently inaccessible environment will dramatically reduce their availability once a failure happens. This research examines the mechanical, electrical and thermal stresses in the sub-assemblies of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine and how to reduce them by improved control strategies. The DFIG control system (the rotor-side and the grid-side converter control) as well as the wind turbine control system are well established. The interactions of these control systems have been investigated. This research examines several further strategies to reduce the mechanical and electrical stresses. The control system's coordination with the protection schemes (crowbar and dc-chopper) during a grid fault is presented as well. An electro-thermal model of the power converter has been developed to integrate with the DFIG wind turbine model, for the evaluation of the thermal stresses under different operating states and control schemes. The main contributions of this thesis are twofold. A first contribution is made by providing all the control loops with well-tuned controllers in a more integrated methodology. The dynamics of these controllers are determined from their mathematical models to minimize the interference between different control-loops and also to reduce the electrical transients. This thesis proposes a coordination strategy for the damping control, pitch control and crowbar protection which significantly reduces the mechanical oscillations. On the other hand, an integrated model of the wind turbine and converter electro-thermal system is established that can illustrate the performance integration with different control strategies.
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Možnosti provozu sítě se zdroji rozptýlené výroby v ostrovním provozu / Options of network operation with distributed generation sources in island operationMareček, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents managing of the island mode using distributed generation. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the power system of the Czech Republic is described, together with its future development, and future development of installed capacity of distributed generation. Types of distributed generation are also mentioned. Next part of this work is focused on technological parts of islanding operation and its requirements. The following part describes components of the smart grids and mentions some of its functionalities. The practical part of the thesis describes the created models of components in PSCAD programme. From those components two slightly different grid models are created. On those grid models, simulations are made, during which island mode is created. Some of the grid functionalities are tested during those simulations, for example; reaction of the island mode for load increase, load decrease and others.
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Počítačová podpora výpočtů v energetice a nové trendy v simulacích / Computer aided calculations for energetics and new trends in simulationsHoráček, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
Computer aided calculations are booming nowadays and thanks to more powerfull computers and sofistikated simulators we are able to modelling more and more complex problems in much more engineering domains. Also in power engineering are are simulators used more frequntly. They are used for or checking transmission lines and in testing different kinds of working states including fails.
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Model mikro sítě s akumulací / Model of microgrid with energy storageHalás, Andrej January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the operation , characteristics and operating conditions of microgrid with energy storage , provides insight into the benefits of using listed concepts . The first part deals with the description of microgrid systems, distribution and shows examples of its use. The second part describes individual elements of the storage systems, energy production and energy transformation used in microgrids . The third part describes the work with PSCAD software. The main goal is to design a micro grid model in PSCAD and validate its function.
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Analýza ferorezonančního přepětí v elektrických sítích / Analysis of Ferroresonance Overvoltage in Electrical NetBátora, Branislav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the ferroresonance phenomenon and ferroresonance overvoltage in electric networks. That’s why the introduction part explains the theoretical basis of ferroresonance and its consequences in the power system. The work then focuses on the power system as a non-linear dynamic system and describes various analytical methods for solving these systems. These methods are further applied to diagnose specific systems. There are a number of various power system configurations susceptible to ferroresonance. The most frequent one is theoretically analyzed in this thesis and a number of recommendations are offered for reducing the ferroresonance phenomenon. The thesis further deals with the selection of suitable software for this computationally chal-lenging task. A number of different tools are considered and efficiently reduced to Matlab Sim-ulink and PSCAD software. Matlab Simulink and its SimPowerSystem Toolbox are used to ana-lyze the effect of hysteresis of the magnetic core of the transformer on the emergence and course of the ferroresonance phenomenon. Using PSCAD, various configurations of the power systems are compared in terms of possible emergence and course of ferroresonance and also to find the limiting conditions that increase the probability of this phenomenon. The possibility of using arti-ficial neural networks for ferroresonance diagnosis is also mentioned in this thesis. The final part provides a number of recommendations for design and operation of both new and existing power systems.
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Model zátěže / Load modelLašo, Matej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with power quality and load modeling. The issues of power quality, principles of load model creation and various types of loads and their principles are described and explained in this thesis. Various software and its main adventages in power systems modeling are described and various load models and simulations in PSCAD program are created and described at last.
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Some communities in remote locations with high wind velocities and an unreliable utility supply, will typically install small diesel powered generators and wind generators to form a microgrid. Over the past few years, microgrid projects have been developed in many parts of the world, and commercial solutions have started to appear. Such systems face specific design issues, especially when the wind penetration is high enough to affect the operation of the diesel plant. The dynamic behavior of a medium penetration hybrid microgrid is investigated. It consists of a diesel generator set, a wind-generator and several loads. The diesel engine drives a 62.5 kVA synchronous generator with excitation control. The fixed-speed wind turbine drives a 60 kW cage rotor induction generator. The microgrid can be connected to the utility grid but can also run as an isolated system. The total load of the microgrid is about 100 kVA which varies during the day, and consists of static and dynamic loads, including an induction motor. The excitation controller and speed controller for the diesel’s synchronous generator are designed, as well as the power control of the wind turbine, and the controller for capacitor banks and dump load. The system is modeled and simulated using PSCAD. The study evaluates how the power generation is shared between the diesel generator set and the wind generator, the voltage regulation during load connections, and discusses the need of battery energy storage, the system ride- through-fault capability and frequency control, particularly at times when the utility is disconnected and the microgrid is run as an independent isolated power system. The results of several case studies are presented.
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