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Análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC monopolar e bipolar frente impulsos com frente de onda íngreme. / Analysis of monopolar and bipolar VSC-HVDC systems against steep-front impulses.Lima, Thiago Melo de 01 November 2018 (has links)
A tendência mundial de crescimento do consumo de energia elétrica requer novas unidades de geração para suprimento de demanda. Além disso, há preocupação na diversificação da matriz energética, e as fontes de energia nem sempre são de fácil acesso aos grandes centros de consumo, o que traz a problemática do transporte de energia elétrica. Sistemas em Corrente Alternada (CA) têm sido empregados na transmissão de energia há décadas, e atualmente os sistemas de transmissão em Corrente Contínua (CC) mostram-se uma opção vantajosa tanto na transmissão ponto a ponto por longas distâncias, quanto para múltiplos terminais, integrando diferentes fontes geradoras de energia. Os conhecidos sistemas de transmissão CC em alta tensão baseados em conversores comutados pela rede têm aplicações consolidadas ao redor do mundo, enquanto que, para a emergente tecnologia dos conversores comutados por largura de pulso (PWM), poucos estudos mostram seu desempenho frente transitórios na rede. A exposição do extenso perímetro das linhas de transmissão às condições geográficas e climatológicas motiva esta pesquisa perante a incidência de impulsos atmosféricos, tendo em vista que a maior parte dos estudos têm avaliado transitórios eletromagnéticos ocasionados por faltas. Para tanto, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema de pesquisa é apresentada, com a descrição dos principais componentes de sistemas HVDC, a análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC, utilizando conversores dois níveis, frente transitórios eletromagnéticos provocados pela incidência direta de descargas atmosféricas tanto na rede CA quanto no elo CC, utilizando o software comercial PSCAD/EMTD para a simulação e modelagem dos para-raios de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO), linha de transmissão, conversores e atuação do controle. / The worlwide trend of growing electricity consumption requires new generation units to supply demand. In addition, there is concern in the diversification of the energy matrix, and energy sources are not always easily accessible to large consumption centers, which brings the problem of transportation of electric energy. Alternating Current (AC) systems have been used in power transmission for decades, and Direct Current (DC) transmission systems are now an advantageous option in both point-to-point transmission over long distances and across multiple terminals, integrating different sources of energy. Known High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems based on Line-Commutated Converter (LCC) have consolidated applications around the world, while for the emerging technology of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) converters, few studies show their network transient performance. The exposition of the extensive perimeter of the transmission lines to the geographic and climatological conditions motivates this research considering the incidence of atmospheric impulses, and that the major part of the studies available have evaluated electromagnetic transients caused by faults. In this context, a literature review on the research topic is presented, with the description of the main components of HVDC systems, the analysis of VSC-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) systems, using twolevel converters, electromagnetic transients caused by the direct incidence of atmospheric discharges in both the AC network, and in the CC link. The analysis uses the commercial software PSCAD/EMTD for the simulation and modeling of ZnO arresters, transmission line, converters and control actuation.
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Análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC monopolar e bipolar frente impulsos com frente de onda íngreme. / Analysis of monopolar and bipolar VSC-HVDC systems against steep-front impulses.Thiago Melo de Lima 01 November 2018 (has links)
A tendência mundial de crescimento do consumo de energia elétrica requer novas unidades de geração para suprimento de demanda. Além disso, há preocupação na diversificação da matriz energética, e as fontes de energia nem sempre são de fácil acesso aos grandes centros de consumo, o que traz a problemática do transporte de energia elétrica. Sistemas em Corrente Alternada (CA) têm sido empregados na transmissão de energia há décadas, e atualmente os sistemas de transmissão em Corrente Contínua (CC) mostram-se uma opção vantajosa tanto na transmissão ponto a ponto por longas distâncias, quanto para múltiplos terminais, integrando diferentes fontes geradoras de energia. Os conhecidos sistemas de transmissão CC em alta tensão baseados em conversores comutados pela rede têm aplicações consolidadas ao redor do mundo, enquanto que, para a emergente tecnologia dos conversores comutados por largura de pulso (PWM), poucos estudos mostram seu desempenho frente transitórios na rede. A exposição do extenso perímetro das linhas de transmissão às condições geográficas e climatológicas motiva esta pesquisa perante a incidência de impulsos atmosféricos, tendo em vista que a maior parte dos estudos têm avaliado transitórios eletromagnéticos ocasionados por faltas. Para tanto, uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema de pesquisa é apresentada, com a descrição dos principais componentes de sistemas HVDC, a análise de sistemas VSC-HVDC, utilizando conversores dois níveis, frente transitórios eletromagnéticos provocados pela incidência direta de descargas atmosféricas tanto na rede CA quanto no elo CC, utilizando o software comercial PSCAD/EMTD para a simulação e modelagem dos para-raios de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO), linha de transmissão, conversores e atuação do controle. / The worlwide trend of growing electricity consumption requires new generation units to supply demand. In addition, there is concern in the diversification of the energy matrix, and energy sources are not always easily accessible to large consumption centers, which brings the problem of transportation of electric energy. Alternating Current (AC) systems have been used in power transmission for decades, and Direct Current (DC) transmission systems are now an advantageous option in both point-to-point transmission over long distances and across multiple terminals, integrating different sources of energy. Known High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems based on Line-Commutated Converter (LCC) have consolidated applications around the world, while for the emerging technology of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) converters, few studies show their network transient performance. The exposition of the extensive perimeter of the transmission lines to the geographic and climatological conditions motivates this research considering the incidence of atmospheric impulses, and that the major part of the studies available have evaluated electromagnetic transients caused by faults. In this context, a literature review on the research topic is presented, with the description of the main components of HVDC systems, the analysis of VSC-based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) systems, using twolevel converters, electromagnetic transients caused by the direct incidence of atmospheric discharges in both the AC network, and in the CC link. The analysis uses the commercial software PSCAD/EMTD for the simulation and modeling of ZnO arresters, transmission line, converters and control actuation.
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Synthèse de contrôle par supervision pour des systèmes HVDC à base de convertisseurs modulaires multiniveaux / Supervisory control synthesis for MMC-based HVDC systemsRomero Rodríguez, Miguel 09 November 2018 (has links)
Ces dernières années, les technologies à courant continu haute tension (en anglais, HVDC) basées sur les convertisseurs modulaires multiniveaux (MMC) sont adoptées comme solution pour l'intégration efficace des énergies renouvelables dans les réseaux électriques. Cependant, ces technologies présentent de nouveaux défis dans la façon dont les systèmes de transmission de puissance sont contrôlés et exploités, car des stratégies de contrôle plus rapides et plus complexes seront nécessaires dans un domaine qui repose aujourd'hui fortement sur la décision humaine. Dans ce contexte, la modélisation des systèmes à événements discrets (SED) et la théorie du contrôle par supervision (TCS) sont des outils puissants pour la synthèse de superviseurs qui assurent que le système à contrôler respecte un ensemble de spécifications comportementales, imposées par le concepteur, dans ses limites physiques. Ce travail propose une méthode pour le développement complet, de la conception à la mise en œuvre, du contrôle par supervision d'un système Multi-Terminal DC (MTDC). Une analyse du système considéré a été effectuée afin d'identifier les principaux composants et modes de fonctionnement du réseau. La solution proposée repose sur la modélisation par événements discrets du comportement en temps continu des composants du système. A partir de là, les concepts de la TCS sont appliqués de manière à obtenir une architecture de contrôle hiérarchique prenant en compte la priorité de certaines actions de contrôle à traiter au niveau local. De plus, les contrôleurs discrets obtenus présentent une structure de commutation de mode afin de réaliser une gestion de mode pendant le fonctionnement du réseau MTDC. Enfin, une méthode pour la mise en œuvre des contrôleurs obtenus dans un logiciel de simulation de système électrique répandu est proposée. L'ensemble dutravail a été validé par la simulation d'une étude de cas impliquant la gestion des modes d'un système MTDC bipolaire à trois terminaux. / The growth of renewable energy production is changing the future of power transmission systems. In recent years, High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technologies based on Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) are embraced by industry and academia as a solution for the efficient integration of renewable energies into electrical grids. However, this type of technology introduces new challenges in the way power transmission systems are controlled and operated, as faster and more complex control strategies will be needed in a domain which nowadays relies heavily on human decision. In this context, Discrete Event Systems (DES) modeling and Supervisory Control Theory (SCT) are powerful tools for the synthesis of supervisors ensuring that the system to be controlled respects a set of behavioral specifications, imposed by the designer, within its physical limitations. This work proposes a method for the full development, from conception to implementation, of the supervisory control of a multi-terminal DC (MTDC) system. A functional analysis on the considered system has been done so as to identify the main components and operational modes of the grid. Then, the proposed solution is based on the discrete-event modeling of the continuous-time behavior of the components in the system. From there, SCT concepts are applied so as to obtain a hierarchical control architecture taking into account the priority of some control actions that should be treated at the local level. Furthermore, the obtained discrete controllers present a mode-switching structure in order to realize mode management during the operation of the MTDC grid. Finally, a method for the implementation of the obtained controllers in widespread power system simulation software is proposed. The whole work has been validated through the simulation of a case study, involving the mode management of a 3-terminal bipolar MTDC system.
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