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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamika a mechanismus umlčování reportérového genu pro GFP v závislosti na aktivitě RDR6 a způsobu indukce RNA interference v buněčné linii tabáku BY-2 / The influence of RDR6 activity and mode of RNAi induction on dynamics and mechanism of silencing of the reporter GFP gene in tobacco cell line BY-2

Motylová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
RNA interference (RNAi) is a process mediated by small RNAs (sRNA), which is significantly involved in the regulation of gene expression in plants. Diverse RNAi pathways can be divided into two basic mechanisms, which are post-transcriptional and transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS and TGS). Production of sRNAs is dependent on the presence of a double-stranded RNA molecule (dsRNA), which is cleaved by one of DCL proteins to produce sRNAs usually of 21-24 nt in length. One strand of the sRNA is subsequently loaded onto AGO protein. During PTGS, the AGO-sRNA complex interacts with the target RNA based on its sequence complementarity to the sRNA and cleaves it or blocks its translation. In the case of TGS, AGO interacts with plant-specific RNA Pol V and its transcripts, which are again complementary to the sRNA. This interaction allows assembling of a protein complex facilitating DNA and histone methylation inhibiting RNA Pol II transcription. There are numerous ways the dsRNA can arise. A significant part of dsRNA cell production is dependent on synthesising the complementary strand of the dsRNA by RDR6 (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6). RDR6 is also involved in the process of the secondary sRNA formation. The significance of RDR6 during PTGS was examined using a GFP reporter gene either during...

Studium mechanizmů RNAi v tabákové buněčné linii BY-2 a rostlinách lilku bramboru / Study of RNAi mechanisms in tobacco BY-2 cell line and potato plants

Tyč, Dimitrij January 2020 (has links)
Knowledge of the processes of RNA interference, the regulation of gene expression by small RNAs (sRNAs), has grown at an unprecedented rate over the last 30 years. Some of the findings were literally revolutionary, as they revealed events that overturned many long-held notions. Many phenomena have been shown to be highly conserved and common to organisms of different species, but others are specific to certain lineages or have not yet been fully explored. There is also a lack of knowledge about the interconnection of numerous pathways - for example between silencing at the transcriptional (TGS, leading to the promoter methylation) and post-transcriptional levels (PTGS, affecting mRNA stability or translation). The present work summarizes the findings of two published and two unpublished works and attempts to describe some of the less known sites of RNA interference using various plant model organisms. Research on Solanum tuberosum transgenic lines has revealed the ability of 5-azacytidine to restore the expression of transcriptionally silenced transgenes at the whole plant level. De novo regeneration from leaves of such plants can lead to re-silencing of reactivated transgenes and thus serves as a selection method to exclude lines prone to spontaneous silencing. The nature of changes in the...

Dynamika de novo DNA metylace a její vliv na expresi transgenu a CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenezi / Dynamics of de novo DNA methylation and its impact on transgene expression and CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis

Přibylová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
Genetic information must be protected, maintained and copied from cell to daughter cells, from generation to generation. In plants, most of the cells contain complete genetic information, and many of these cells can regenerate to a whole new plant. Such a feature leads to the need for precise control of which genes will be active and which not because in growth and differentiation, only the activity of specific genes for the individual cells, tissues, organs are required. One of the mechanisms controlling the gene activity is RNA interference (RNAi), which down- regulates or blocks the expression of specific genes at the transcriptional or post-transcriptional level. The crucial part of the RNAi is guiding the RNAi machinery to the target. It is mediated via sequence complementarity of the target with a small RNA (sRNA), which is diced from a double- stranded RNA (dsRNA) precursor. The molecular mechanism of dsRNA and sRNA formation and also the target origin predestinates the subsequent silencing pathway. In transcriptional gene silencing (TGS), the gene expression is regulated through chromatin epigenetic modifications. One of the epigenetic marks is cytosine methylation, which is established mainly by RNA-directed DNA-methylation (RdDM) pathway. Although the protein machinery was relatively...


Gómez Muñoz, Neus 15 January 2018 (has links)
La tristeza es la enfermedad viral más grave del cultivo de los cítricos y su agente causal es el virus de la tristeza de los cí­tricos (CTV). CTV induce uno o más de los siguientes sí­ndromes: I) decaimiento y muerte de los naranjos dulces (ND), pomelos y mandarinos injertados sobre el patrón naranjo amargo (NA), sí­ndrome conocido como "tristeza", II) enanismo, acanaladuras en la madera y fruta de pequeño calibre (stem pitting, SP), y III) enanismo y amarillamiento de plantas de semilla de limonero, pomelo y NA (seedling yellows, SY). La gama de huéspedes de CTV es muy restringida y hasta hace poco no se conocí­a ningún huésped herbáceo experimental. Actualmente, se sabe que la agroinfiltración de Nicotiana benthamiana, con clones de DNA complemantario (cDNA) del aislado T36 de CTV produce la infección sistémica de la planta, acompañada de sí­ntomas similares a los inducidos en cí­tricos, si bien la infección no queda limitada al floema. El aislado T36 induce SY y SP de lima Mejicana (LM), pero no en otros huéspedes como pomelo o ND. El estudio de los determinantes genéticos responsables de la inducción del sí­ndrome de SP requerí­a desarrollar un sistema genético basado en clones agroinfecciosos de un aislado inductor de estos sí­ntomas, como el aislado español T318A. Para ello, se partió de clones de cDNA de longitud completa de T318A previamente desarrollados en el laboratorio, capaces de replicarse en hojas de N. benthamiana pero incapaces de inducir infección sistémica y que presentaban varias mutaciones en su proteína de cápsida minoritaria p27. La corrección de dichas mutaciones y la construcción de nuevos clones de longitud completa de T318A marcados con el gen gfp, mostraron una correcta replicación en hojas agroinfiltradas de N. benthamiana, pero resultaron incapaces de inducir infección sistémica en este huésped experimental. La respuesta diferencial de N. benthamiana frente a distintas cepas de CTV permite estudiar los factores implicados en la interacción virus-huésped. Se analizó la interacción de las proteí­nas virales p20 y p25 de los aislados T36 y T318A con proteí­nas de N. benthamiana utilizando un abordaje consistente en: i) la expresión transitoria de p20/p25 marcadas con una etiqueta Strep-Tag en hojas de N. benthamiana, ii) purificación de los complejos proteí­na CTV-proteína huésped y análisis interactómico de los datos, y iii) estudio de la interacción directa entre p20/p25 y proteínas seleccionadas del huésped mediante análisis del doble hibrido en levadura y complementación bimolecular de fluorescencia (BIFC). Este abordaje proteómico mostró claras diferencias entre aislados que pueden explicar, en parte, el comportamiento diferencial de los aislados T36 y T318A en dicho huésped experimental. La inducción el síndrome de decaimiento por parte de CTV ha obligado a utilizar patrones tolerantes al decaimiento. Dichos patrones son menos adecuados. Las plantas de cí­tricos propagadas sobre NA e infectadas por CTV muestran necrosis en los tubos cribosos y disminución del floema funcional. Éstos desórdenes podrí­an ser consecuencia de la activación de los mecanismos de defensa como la reacción de hipersensibilidad desencadenada por la ruta del ácido salicí­lico o el silenciamiento génico mediado por RNA (post-transcriptional gene silencing, PTGS). Con el objetivo de avanzar en el mecanismo molecular de la resistencia del NA a la infección por CTV, se estudió el papel de diferentes genes de la planta implicados en las rutas mediante el uso de un vector viral basado en el genoma del virus del manchado foliar de los cítricos (citrus leaf blotch virus, CLBV). El silenciamiento génico de las rutas del AS o del PTGS en plantas NA y la inoculación de tres aislados de CTV patogénicamente diferentes mostró la implicación de ambas rutas en la defensa del NA frente a CTV. / Tristeza is the most important viral disease affecting citrus plants and Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is the causal agent of this disease. CTV induces at least one of this syndromes: I) decline and death of sweet orange (SwO), grapefruits and mandarin trees grafted on sour orange (SO) rootstock, this syndromes is known as "tristeza", II) stunting, stem pitting (SP) and small fruits, and III) stunting and leaf chlorosis of lemon, grapefruit and SO seedlings (seedling yellows, SY). The host range of CTV is restricted and until recently no experimental herbaceous host was known. The agroinoculation Nicotiana benthamiana with clones of complementary DNA (cDNA) from the CTV isolate T36 cause the systemic infection of the plant and similar symptoms to those observed in citrus, although the infection is not limited to the phloem. T36 isolate induces SY and SP of Mexican lime (ML), but not in other hosts such as grapefruit and SwO. Therefore, to study the genetic determinants responsible of the SP syndrome induction was necessary to develop a genetic system based on agroinoculated clones from an isolate able to induce these symptoms, such as the Spanish isolate T318A. To do this, full length cDNA clones from T318A were obtained. They are able to replicate in N. benthamiana leaves but unable to induce systemic infection and showed several mutations in their protein of the minor coat, p27. The correction of these mutations and the construction of new clones of complete length from T318A labeled with the gfp gene, showed a proper replication in agroinoculated leaves of N. benthamiana, but they were still unable to induce systemic infection in this experimental host. The differential response of N. benthamiana to different CTV strains allows the study of the potential factors involved in the virus-host interaction. The aim of this work was study the interaction between the viral proteins p20 and p25 from the isolates T36 and T318A with N. benthamiana proteins with an analysis consisted in: I) the transitory expression of p20/p25 fused to Strep-Tag in N. benthamiana leaves, II) purification of the CTV protein-host protein complex and interatomic analysis of the data, and III) the study of the direct interaction between p20/p25 and selected plant proteins by the analysis of the double hybrid in yeast and bimolecular complementation of fluorescence (BIFC). The proteomic analysis showed strong differences between isolates that may partially explain the differential behavior of the T36 and T318A isolates in this experimental host. The induction of decline syndrome by CTV in citrus has leaded the use of tolerant rootstocks to decline. However, the use of such rootstocks is less suitable. Citrus plants propagated on SO rootstock and infected by CTV show phloem necrosis below the bud union that reduces the flow of carbohydrates to the roots. These symptoms may be a consequence of the activation of defense pathways in the plant, such as the hypersensitive reaction, hormone salicylic acid (SA) pathways or the RNA mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). Their relation is essential to know their implication in the decline. Therefore, the role of different genes involved in SA and PTGS has been studied by the silencing of plant genes using a viral vector (VIGS) based in the genome of the citrus leaf blotch virus (CLBV). The gene silencing of the SA and PTGS in SO and the inoculation of three different pathogenicity CTV isolates showed that both pathways are involved in the SO defense against CTV. The analysis of the proteins p20, p23 and p25 as possible suppressors of the AS indicating that the more virulent CTV isolates possess the more powerful suppressors. / La Tristesa és la malaltia viral més greu del cultiu dels cítrics. CTV induïx un o més de les sí­ndromes següents: I) decaïment i mort de taronger dolç§ (ND), pomelo i mandariner empeltats sobre el patró taronger amarg (NA), sí­ndrome conegut com "Tristesa", II) nanisme, estries en la fusta i fruita de xicotet calibre (SP) i III) nanisme i tonalitat groguenta de plantes de llavor de llimera, pomelo i taronger amarg (SY). El rang d'hostes de CTV és molt restringit i fins fa poc no es coneixia cap hoste herbaci experimental. Actualment es sap que la infecciò sistèmica en Nicotiana benthamiana amb clons de DNA complementari (cDNA) de l`aïllat de T36 provoca la infecció sistemàtica de la planta, acompanyada de síntomes similars als induïts en cí­trics, si be la infecció no queda llimitada al floema. L' aïllat T36 induïx SY i estries en la fusta de Llima Mexicana (LM), però no en altres hostes com a pomelo, ND o NA, l'estudi dels determinants genètics responsables de la inducció de la síndrome de SP requeria desenvolupar un sistema genètic basat en clons agroinfecciosos d'un aïllat inductor d'estos sí­mptomes, com l'aïllat espanyol T318A. Per a això, es va partir de clons de cDNA longitud completa de T318A prèviament desenvolupats al laboratori, capaços de replicar-se en fulls de N. benthamiana però incapaços d'induir infecció sistèmica i que presentaven varies mutacions en la seua proteïna de càpsida minoritatia p27. La correcció d`aquestes mutacions i la construcció de nous clons T318A de longitud completa marcats amb el gen gfp, van mostrar una correcta replicació en fulls agroinfiltradas de N. benthamiana però van resultar incapaços d'induir infecció sistèmica en aquest hoste experimental. La resposta diferencial dependent d'aïllat en N. benthamiana front CTV permet estudiar els possibles factors de la interacció virus- hoste. Es va dur a terme l'estudi de la funció de les proteínes virals p20 i p25 dels aïllats T36 i T318A amb proteïnes de N. benthamiana utilitzant un abordatge consistent en: i) l' expressió transitòria de les dues proteïnes p20/p25 marcades amb una etiqueta Strep-Tag en fulls de N. benthamiana, ii) purificació dels complexos proteïna CTV-proteïna hoste i anàlisi interactómic de les dades, i iii) estudi de la interacció directa per mitjà  de doble híbrid en llevat i complementació bimolecular de fluorescència (BIFC) de les proteïnes virals i determinades proteïnes de N. benthamiana. Aquest abordatge proteòmic va mostrar clares diferències entre aïllats que poden explicar el comportament diferencial dels aïllats T36 i T318A en aquest hoste experimental. La inducció de la sí­ndrome de decaïment per part de CTV en cí­trics ha obligat la utilització de patrons tolerants al decaïment. No obstant, aquestos patrons són agronòmicament menys adequats. Les plantes de cítrics propagades sobre NA i infectades por CTV mostren necrosi als tubs cribosos i disminució del floema funcional. Aquestos sí­mptomes poden ser conseqüència de l'activació de les rutes de defensa de la planta com la reacció d'hipersensibilitat, desencadenada per la ruta de l'àcid salicí­lic o el silenciamient gènic mediat per RNA (PTGS). Amb l'objectiu d'analitzar la implicació d¿aquestes rutes en la defensa, es va estudiar el paper de diferents gens implicats en la ruta de l'AS i del PTGS per mitjà  del silenciamient gènic induït per virus basat en el genoma del tacat foliar dels cítrics (CLBV). El silenciamient gènic de les rutes AS o PTGS en plantes NA i la inoculació de tres aïllats de CTV patogènicament diferents va mostrar la implicació de les dues rutes en la defensa del NA front CTV. L'analisis de les proteïnes p20, p23 i p25 com a possibles supressors de la ruta de l'AS va indicar que els aïllats més virulents de CTV posseïxen supressors més potents. / Gómez Muñoz, N. (2017). ESTUDIO DE LA INTERACCIÓN DIFERENCIAL ENTRE AISLADOS DEL VIRUS DE LA TRISTEZA DE LOS CÍTRICOS (CTV) Y SUS HUÉSPEDES [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94624 / TESIS

Studium mechanismu posttranskripčního a transkripčního umlčování transgenů v buněčné linii tabáku BY-2 / Study of the mechanism of posttranscriptional and transcriptional transgene silencing in tobacco BY-2 cell line

Čermák, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
The RNA interference is a mechanism, which allows cells to regulate their genes functions, to establish and maintain heterochromatin and to defend them against invasive nucleic acids. In plants, RNA interference is initiated by double-stranded RNA, which is processed by Dicer into small RNAs, usually 20-24nt long. These small RNAs form a complex with Argonaut protein that participates in different processes based on sequence complementarity. This complex can guide mRNA cleavage, translation blocking and chromatin modifications, resulting either into posttranscriptional silencing (by preventing translation of already existing mRNA, PTGS) or transcriptional silencing (by preventing transcription of mRNA, TGS). The first step of this thesis was to establish different ways of triggering PTGS and to evaluate their functionality and efficiency. The next step was a preparation of a system which would allow to study the transition from posttrancriptional to transcriptional silencing. These so called "indicator lines" should allow to observe the timing and dynamics of this process by utilizing fluorescent proteins. This system is also going to enable to evaluate, how different factors are involved in this process - one of the factors is RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6) which plays an essential role in...

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