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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated CMOS circuits for laser radar transceivers

Nissinen, J. (Jan) 24 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract The main aim of this work was to design CMOS receiver channels for the integrated receiver chip of a pulsed time-of-flight (TOF) laser rangefinder. The chip includes both the receiver channel and the time-to-digital converter (TDC) in a single die, thus increasing the level of integration of the system, with the corresponding advantages of a cheaper price and lower power consumption, for example. Receiver channels with both linear and leading edge timing discriminator schemes were investigated. In general the receiver channel consists of a preamplifier, a postamplifier and a timing comparator. Since a large systematic timing error may occur due to high variation in the amplitude of the received echo, a leading edge timing discriminator scheme with time domain walk error compensation is proposed here, making use of the TDC already available in the chip to measure the slew rate of the pulse and using that information to evaluate the timing error. This compensation scheme benefits from the fact that compensation can be continued even though the signal is clipped in the amplitude domain, because the slew rate continues to increase even then. The receiver channel with leading edge detection and time domain walk error compensation achieved a compensated timing walk error of ±4.5 mm within a dynamic range of more than 1:10000. The standard deviation in single shot precision was less than 25 mm with an SNR of more than 20. The usability of the receiver channel in pulsed TOF laser rangefinders was verified by making actual time-of-flight measurements on a calibrated measurement track. The linearity of the receiver chip was better than ±5 mm in a measurement range from 3 m to 21 m, with the dynamic range of the receiver channel reaching more than 1:2000. An integrated CMOS laser diode pulser was also demonstrated to prove its functionality for generating ampere-scale peak current pulses through a low ohmic load and a laser diode. The CMOS pulser achieved a peak current pulse with the amplitude of ~1 A, an optical pulse width of ~2.5 ns and a rise time of ~1 ns with a 5 V power supply. / Tiivistelmä Työn ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli suunnitella CMOS-vastaanottimia valopulssin kulkuajan mittaukseen perustuvan lasertutkan integroituun vastaanotinpiiriin. Vastaanotinpiiri sisältää sekä vastaanotinkanavan että aika-digitaalimuuntimen yhdellä integroidulla sirulla. Tällöin systeemin integrointiastetta saadaan kasvatettua, mikä merkitsee esimerkiksi halvempaa hintaa ja pienempää tehon kulutusta. Työssä on tutkittu vastaanotinkanavia, jotka käyttävät joko lineaariseen ilmaisuun tai etureunailmaisuun perustuvaa ajoitusilmaisutekniikkaa. Yleisesti vastaanotinkanava sisältää esivahvistimen, jälkivahvistimen ja ajoituskomparaattorin. Vastaanotetun signaalin tason voimakas vaihtelu saattaa aiheuttaa suuren systemaattisen virheen etureunailmaisuun perustuvassa ajoitusilmaisussa. Tässä työssä on esitetty etureunailmaisua käyttävä ajoitusilmaisin, jossa syntyvää ajoitusvirhettä voidaan korjata mittaamalla pulssin nousunopeutta aika-digitaalimuuntimella, joka on integroitu samalle sirulle. Aikatasossa tapahtuvan virheenkorjauksen etuna on mahdollisuus jatkaa virheenkorjausta amplituditasossa tapahtuvan signaalin leikkautumisen jälkeenkin, koska signaalin nousunopeus kasvaa leikkaantumisesta huolimatta. Etureunailmaisua käyttävällä vastaanotinkanavalla, jossa ajoitusvirhettä korjattiin pulssin nousunopeutta mittaamalla, saavutettiin ±4,5 mm ajoitusvirhe 1:10000 dynaamisella alueella. Kertamittaustarkkuuden keskihajonta oli vähemmän kuin 25 mm, kun signaalikohinasuhde oli enemmän kuin 20. Vastaanotinkanavan käytettävyys osana lasertutkaa todettiin tekemällä tutkamittauksia kalibroidulla mittaradalla. Mittauksissa saavutettu lineaarisuus oli ±5 mm mittausalueen vaihdellessa 3 metristä 21 metriin ja signaalin dynamiikan ollessa enemmän kuin 1:2000. Lisäksi työssä esitellään integroitu CMOS-pulssitin, joka pystyy tuottamaan ampeeri-luokan virtapulsseja laserdiodiin. CMOS-pulssittimella voitiin tuottaa 5 V käyttöjännitteellä ~1 A virtapulsseja optisen pulssin leveyden ja nousuajan ollessa ~2,5 ns ja ~1 ns.

Das Lichtpulsersystem des elektromagnetischen CsI(Tl)-Kalorimeters des Babar-Detektors / The Light Pulser System of the Electromagnetic CsI(Tl) Calorimeter of the Babar Detector

Kocian, Martin Lukas 18 November 2000 (has links) (PDF)
A light pulser system for the Babar CsI(Tl) calorimeter, capable of monitoring the light yield of the 6580 crystals and of checking the function and linearity of the readout electronics, was developed in a collaboration with groups from Bochum and Edinburgh. The light pulser system is based on the coupling of light from Xenon flashlamps through optical fibers into the individual crystals. The absolute intensity is measured by two special reference systems whose stability is monitored using a radioactive source. During the construction phase the light pulser was used to check the electronics in order to ensure its functioning before the insertion of the calorimeter into the detector where the preamplifier electronics is inaccessable for repair. In monitoring the short term performance of the light pulser system, the stability over one week is better than 0.15 %. Over six months between February and August 2000 the crystal response, as measured by the light pulser, of the three rings of the endcap that are closest to the beam dropped by up to 2 % in comparison with the three outer rings of the endcap, due to radiation damage. Through linearity measurements with the light pulser a flaw in the ADC boards of the calorimeter electronics, which will be fixed in the near future, and cross-talk between channels was found. By a software correction of these effects implemented by members of the collaboration an improvement of the energy resolution of the calorimeter was achieved. / Fuer das CsI(Tl)-Kalorimeter des Babar-Detektors wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Gruppen aus Bochum und Edinburgh ein Lichtpulsersystem entwickelt, das in der Lage ist, die Lichtausbeute der 6580 Kristalle zu monitorieren und die Funktionsfaehigkeit und Linearitaet der Kalorimeterelektronik zu ueberpruefen. Das Lichtpulsersystem basiert auf der Einkopplung des Lichts von Xenon-Blitzlampen ueber Lichtleitfasern in einzelne Kristalle. Die absolute Lichtmenge wird durch zwei spezielle Lichtnormale gemessen, deren Stabilitaet durch eine radioaktive Quelle monitoriert wird. In der Aufbauphase kam der Lichtpulser fuer die Ueberpruefung der Elektronik zum Einsatz, um deren Funktionsfaehigkeit sicherzustellen, bevor das Kalorimeter in den Detektor eingebaut wurde, weil danach die Vorverstaerkerelektronik fuer Reparaturen nicht mehr zugaenglich war. In der Monitorierung ist die Kurzzeitstabilitaet des Lichtpulsersystems ueber eine Woche besser als 0,15 %. Ueber sechs Monate zwischen Februar und August 2000 sank, bedingt durch Strahlenschaeden, die mit dem Lichtpulser gemessene Antwort der Kristalle fuer die strahlnaechsten drei Ringe der Endkappe um bis zu 2 % staerker als in den aeusseren drei Ringen der Endkappe. Durch die Linearitaetsmessungen mit dem Lichtpulser konnte ein Fehler in der Kalorimeterelektronik im Bereich der ADC-Karten, der in naher Zukunft behoben werden wird, sowie ein Uebersprechen zwischen den Kanaelen gefunden werden. Durch Softwarekorrekturen dieser Effekte von seiten der Kollaboration konnte eine Verbesserung der Energieaufloesung des Kalorimeters erreicht werden.

Das Lichtpulsersystem des elektromagnetischen CsI(Tl)-Kalorimeters des Babar-Detektors

Kocian, Martin Lukas 06 December 2000 (has links)
A light pulser system for the Babar CsI(Tl) calorimeter, capable of monitoring the light yield of the 6580 crystals and of checking the function and linearity of the readout electronics, was developed in a collaboration with groups from Bochum and Edinburgh. The light pulser system is based on the coupling of light from Xenon flashlamps through optical fibers into the individual crystals. The absolute intensity is measured by two special reference systems whose stability is monitored using a radioactive source. During the construction phase the light pulser was used to check the electronics in order to ensure its functioning before the insertion of the calorimeter into the detector where the preamplifier electronics is inaccessable for repair. In monitoring the short term performance of the light pulser system, the stability over one week is better than 0.15 %. Over six months between February and August 2000 the crystal response, as measured by the light pulser, of the three rings of the endcap that are closest to the beam dropped by up to 2 % in comparison with the three outer rings of the endcap, due to radiation damage. Through linearity measurements with the light pulser a flaw in the ADC boards of the calorimeter electronics, which will be fixed in the near future, and cross-talk between channels was found. By a software correction of these effects implemented by members of the collaboration an improvement of the energy resolution of the calorimeter was achieved. / Fuer das CsI(Tl)-Kalorimeter des Babar-Detektors wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit Gruppen aus Bochum und Edinburgh ein Lichtpulsersystem entwickelt, das in der Lage ist, die Lichtausbeute der 6580 Kristalle zu monitorieren und die Funktionsfaehigkeit und Linearitaet der Kalorimeterelektronik zu ueberpruefen. Das Lichtpulsersystem basiert auf der Einkopplung des Lichts von Xenon-Blitzlampen ueber Lichtleitfasern in einzelne Kristalle. Die absolute Lichtmenge wird durch zwei spezielle Lichtnormale gemessen, deren Stabilitaet durch eine radioaktive Quelle monitoriert wird. In der Aufbauphase kam der Lichtpulser fuer die Ueberpruefung der Elektronik zum Einsatz, um deren Funktionsfaehigkeit sicherzustellen, bevor das Kalorimeter in den Detektor eingebaut wurde, weil danach die Vorverstaerkerelektronik fuer Reparaturen nicht mehr zugaenglich war. In der Monitorierung ist die Kurzzeitstabilitaet des Lichtpulsersystems ueber eine Woche besser als 0,15 %. Ueber sechs Monate zwischen Februar und August 2000 sank, bedingt durch Strahlenschaeden, die mit dem Lichtpulser gemessene Antwort der Kristalle fuer die strahlnaechsten drei Ringe der Endkappe um bis zu 2 % staerker als in den aeusseren drei Ringen der Endkappe. Durch die Linearitaetsmessungen mit dem Lichtpulser konnte ein Fehler in der Kalorimeterelektronik im Bereich der ADC-Karten, der in naher Zukunft behoben werden wird, sowie ein Uebersprechen zwischen den Kanaelen gefunden werden. Durch Softwarekorrekturen dieser Effekte von seiten der Kollaboration konnte eine Verbesserung der Energieaufloesung des Kalorimeters erreicht werden.

Projeto, desenvolvimento e construção de um modulador de pulso estado-solido para transmissores pulsados de alta potencia / Design, development and implementation of a solid-state pulse modulator for high-power pulse transmitters

Rondani, Bruno 12 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Jose Antenor Pomilio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T14:09:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rondani_Bruno_M.pdf: 5870538 bytes, checksum: 69f2b2bd154400cd5b620b87a2c4fe8c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Descreve-se neste trabalho o desenvolvimento de uma topologia de modulador de pulso estado-sólido e a linha de retardo modular, para aplicação em transmissores pulsados de alta potência que utilizem válvulas de microondas magnetron empregadas comumente em radares de trajetografia, meteorologia e controle de tráfego aéreo. A pesquisa abrange o projeto, desenvolvimento e construção de um modulador de pulso destinado à modernização do transmissor do radar de trajetografia Bearn do Centro de Lançamentos de Foguetes da Barreira do Inferno, Natal -RN. O equipamento desenvolvido fornece pulsos de até 37,5kV e 60A em três modos de transmissão, a saber: monopulso longo, monopulso curto e bipulso. No modo monopulso longo, a largura de pulso é de 1,7µs e nos outros dois modos, 0,85µs. A taxa de repetição dos pulsos é de 585,5Hz. A unidade de modulação de pulso consiste de oito módulos de chaveamento em paralelo, conectados ao primário de um transformador de pulso de razão 1:50. Cada módulo contém dois trechos de linha de retardo e duas chaves estado-sólido e é capaz de gerar pulsos de até 790V e 390A nos diferentes modos de operação. A alimentação da linha de retardo é feita através de um circuito de carga composto por um indutor de alimentação e um circuito de Clipper. O indutor de alimentação faz com que a tensão de carga na linha seja dobrada em relação à tensão contínua presente na saída da fonte de alimentação de entrada, devido à ressonância série criada entre esse indutor e a capacitância total das linhas de retardo. O circuito de Clipper garante a regulação de tensão pulso a pulso e a proteção do modulador contra surto de sobre-corrente na carga e sobre-tensão nas linhas de retardo. Esta topologia foi desenvolvida para melhorar a confiabilidade e facilitar a manutenção dos transmissores de radar com a implementação do conceito de degradação suave (graceful degradation) do modulador de pulso / Abstract: This work describes the development of a modular line-type solid-state pulse modulator topology to be applied in magnetron pulsed power radar transmitters, commonly found on tracking, weather and air traffic management radars. This research includes the design, development and assembling of a pulsed modulator for the Barreira do Inferno Launching Center (CLBI, Natal-RN) Bearn tracking radar upgrade program. The equipment developed provides pulses of 37.5 KV and 60 A in three transmission modes: single long pulse, single short pulse and bipulse. In the single long pulse the pulse width is 1.7 µs and in the other modes 0.85 µs. The pulse repetition frequency is of 585.5Hz. The modulator unit is composed by eight switching modules connected in parallel with the primary windings of a 1:50 ratio pulse transformer. Each module has two pulse-forming network and two IGBT switches and it is capable of handling 790 V and 390 A in the three operational modes. An inductor and a Clipper circuit implement the pulse-forming network charging. The charging inductor allows charging the pulse-forming network with twice the supply voltage since there is a resonance with the total modulator capacitance. The Clipper circuit assures the pulse-to-pulse charging voltage regulation and protects the modulator against load over-current and over-voltage charging. This topology was developed to improve reliability and maintainability of radar transmitters by implementing the graceful degradation (soft failure mode) in the pulse modulator / Mestrado / Sistemas e Controle de Energia / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Single photon detection based devices and techniques for pulsed time-of-flight applications

Hallman, L. (Lauri) 08 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract In this thesis, a new type of laser diode transmitter using enhanced gain-switching suitable for use with a single photon avalanche diode (SPAD) detector was developed and tested in the pulsed time-of-flight laser range finding (lidar) application. Several laser diode versions were tested and the driving electronics were developed. The driving electronics improvements enabled a pulsing frequency of up to 1 MHz, while the maximum laser output power was about 5–40 W depending on the laser diode dimensions. The large output power is advantageous especially in conditions of strong photon noise emerging from ambient light outdoors. The length of the laser pulse matches the jitter of a typical SPAD detector providing several advantages. The new laser pulser structure enables a compact rangefinder for 50 m distance measurement outdoors in sunny conditions with sub-centimeter precision (σ-value) at a valid distance measurement rate of more than 10 kHz, for example. Single photon range finding techniques were also shown to enable a char bed level measurement of a recovery boiler containing highly attenuating and dispersing flue gas. In addition, gated single photon detector techniques were shown to provide a rejection of fluorescent photons in a Raman spectroscope leading to a greatly improved signal-to-noise ratio. Photonic effects were also studied in the case of a pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinder utilizing a linear photodetector. It was shown that signal photon noise has an effect on the optimum detector configuration, and that pulse detection jitter can be minimized with an appropriate timing discriminator. / Tiivistelmä Tässä työssä kehitettiin uudentyyppinen, tehostettua "gain-switchingiä" hyödyntävä laserdiodilähetin käytettäväksi yksittäisten fotonien avalanche-ilmaisimien (SPAD) kanssa, ja sitä testattiin pulssin lentoaikaan perustuvassa laseretäisyysmittaussovelluksessa. Useita laserdiodiversioita testattiin ja ohjauselektroniikkaa kehitettiin. Ohjauselektroniikan parannukset mahdollistivat jopa 1 MHz pulssitustaajuuden, kun taas laserin maksimiteho oli noin 5–40 W riippuen laserdiodin dimensioista. Suuri lähtöteho on edullinen varsinkin vahvoissa taustafotoniolosuhteissa ulkona. Laserpulssin pituus vastaa tyypillisen SPAD-ilmaisimen jitteriä tarjoten useita etuja. Uusi laserpulssitinrakenne mahdollistaa esimerkiksi kompaktin etäisyysmittarin 50 m mittausetäisyydelle ulkona aurinkoisessa olosuhteessa mm–cm -mittaustarkkuudella (σ-arvo) yli 10 kHz mittaustahdilla. Yksittäisten fotonien lentoaikamittaustekniikan osoitettiin myös mahdollistavan soodakattilan keon korkeuden mittauksen, jossa on voimakkaasti vaimentavaa ja dispersoivaa savukaasua. Lisäksi portitetun yksittäisten fotonien ilmaisutekniikan osoitettiin hylkäävän fluoresenssin synnyttämiä fotoneita Raman-spektroskoopissa, joka johtaa selvästi parempaan signaali-kohinasuhteeseen. Fotoni-ilmiöitä tutkittiin myös lineaarista valoilmaisinta hyödyntävän pulssin kulkuaikamittaukseen perustuvan lasertutkan tapauksessa. Osoitettiin, että signaalin fotonikohina vaikuttaa optimaaliseen ilmaisinkonfiguraatioon, ja että pulssin ilmaisujitteri voidaan minimoida sopivalla ajoitusdiskriminaattorilla.

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