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Obchodní kupní smlouva : (současná úprava a perspektivy) / The Commercial contract of purchase : (law and perspectives)Nerada, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
The Commercial contract of purchase (law and perspectives) The contract of purchase is one of the most concluded contracts between artificial persons as well as between natural legal persons. It is surely appropriate to analyse modifications related to New Civil Code that is being drafted and means one of the biggest legislative changes that is being made in almost fifty years in the Czech private law. Therefore, the purpose of my thesis is to analyze both an effective law of the commercial contract of purchase including the international level, and forthcoming changes first and foremost related to liability for defects, consequences for the attainment of the ownership from the wrongful proprietor in general as well as in connection with real estate. I divided the thesis in two main parts; the first one is dealing with an effective law of the commercial contract of purchase, the second one is dealing with legal regulation in New Civil Code according to contract of purchase. Each of these parts is divided into minor chapters for better lucidity. In the first part I describe International sale of goods regulated by United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and its application, then by effective law of the commercial contract of purchase in Czech Republic. Within the...
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Processkartläggning avförmedlingsuppdraget : med fokus på förbättringsområdenAndersson, Hanna, Enström, Caroline, Gedda, Johan January 2012 (has links)
I denna rapport redovisas för förmedlingsprocessen för småhus med typkod 220 och samtliga moment som ingår från början till genomfört uppdrag. Fokus har riktats på att identifiera förbättringsområden och därigenom hitta åtgärdsförslag. Rapporten skall syfta till att fungera som ett stöd och vara ett vägledande hjälpmedel för såväl fastighetsmäklare som privatpersoner i sin roll som säljare och köpare. Litteraturstudier och handledning har legat till grund för den processkarta som upprättats och illustrerats. Utifrån denna har en förstudie gjorts genom intervjuer med fem verksamma fastighetsmäklare på Fastighetsbyrån i Alingsås. Därefter genomfördes djupintervjuer med tre slumpvis utvalda fastighetsmäklare på olika orter och kontor, för att identifiera problemområden. Varje moment i processen har beskrivits i text för att ge en bättre förståelse för kartans innebörd. Vidare diskussion och analys har resulterat till förslag på förbättringsåtgärder inom förmedlingsprocessen. Resultatet redovisar att majoriteten av de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarna har upplevt att moment och arbetssätt inom förmedlingsprocessen till viss grad går att förbättra. Därtill kan det konstateras att förmedlingsprocessen skiljer sig i både utförande och tid beroende på om försäljningen görs i en storstad eller på en mindre ort. Majoriteten av de intervjuade fastighetsmäklarna pekar särskilt på vikten av att skapa och upprätthålla goda relationer med samarbetspartners och kollegor i branschen. Detta anses vara av väsentlig betydelse för att affärer som är beroende av en tredje part ska fortgå med så få hinder som möjligt. Det kan även konstateras att flera av de problemställningar som framkommit beror på externa makrofaktorer som fastighetsmäklaren själv inte kan påverka. Omständigheter som berör världsekonomin, ränteläget, ställningen på fastighetsmarknaden, medias spekulationer, lagar och förordningar utgör faktorer utom fastighetsmäklarens kontroll. Vidare kan det fastställas att den nya fastighetsmäklarlag som trädde i kraft den 1 juli 2011 har bidragit till att flera tidigare problem redan bearbetats och ändrats. Detta projekt har verkat för att lyfta fram ytterligare några moment där åtgärder skulle kunna underlätta arbetsgången för fastighetsmäklare, bland annat genom ett informationsblad till spekulant. / This report describes the sales process of type code 220 single-family homes, including necessary procedural steps. The focus of the report is to identify key areas needing improvement in order to ascertain potential solutions. The report is intended to act as both a support mechanism and a guide for real estate agents and private individuals in their roles as buyers and sellers. A process-map was developed based on research and guidance, and is described within the report. Problem areas were identified using the process-map during comprehensive interviews, and every step in the process is explained in detail in order to illustrate the process-map’s purpose. Further discussion and analysis has led to suggestions for improvement of the sales process. The results shows that the majority of interviewed real estate agents believe the sales process to some extent can be improved. The majority of the interviewed real estate agents points out the importance of creating and maintain good relations with partners and colleagues in the same economic area. This is considered to be essential for businesses that rely on a third person should proceed with as few obstacles as possible. It is also clear that many of the problems that emerged due to external factors that the real estate agents themselves can´t influence. Factors affecting the world economy, interest rates, situation of the property market, speculations among media, laws and regulations are factors beyond the real estate agent´s control. However, after further discussion it became evident that active real estate agents already considered the process inadequate or excessively time consuming. It is also evident that many of the problem areas were due to external factors not influenced by real estate agents. Furthermore, the new real estate law which was implemented July 1, 2011 contributed to several problem areas already identified being addressed and resolved. This report has led to the identification of a process which would make the work easier.
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Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: 00047-2012-0-0501-JR-CI-02 / 0136-2014/CCDCórdova Ramos, Christian 28 February 2021 (has links)
El presente expediente busca –a través de un proceso sumarísimo- dilucidar aquella situación jurídica en la que un demandante exige el otorgamiento de una escritura pública al demandado invocando la existencia y validez de un acto previamente celebrado entre ambas partes, el mismo que es sustentado a través de medios de prueba de distinta índole; no obstante, a lo largo del presente proceso no se logra probar fehacientemente la existencia de dicho acuerdo, e inclusive no se pudo identificar efectivamente el bien materia de la relación jurídica invocada, y por ende resulta cuestionable el reconocer a la institución de la compraventa en este proceso.
Al respecto, el proceso discute con mucho ímpetu las normas jurídicas, doctrina y/o sentencias afines, con el propósito ulterior de probar que no debería ser materia de calificación jurisdiccional la evaluación del acto jurídico previo, en este caso la compraventa sobre el bien inmueble materia de exigencia de elevación a escritura pública; sin embargo, como bien indico en el párrafo anterior, no se dio el suficiente énfasis a la identificación de los elementos esenciales de la compraventa.
Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, importante hacer notar a que el presente proceso discute temas como acto jurídico y contratos, distintos temas de derechos reales, notariales, e indirectamente registrales, litisconsorte, sucesiones, masa hereditaria, transferencia de propiedad, entre otras. Finalmente, se hace invocación a infracciones normativas, lo cual confiere como materia de análisis a los elementos de la casación, apelación y otorgamiento de Escritura Pública como tal -según corresponda-. / This file seeks -through a summary process- to elucidate that legal situation in which a plaintiff demands the granting of a public deed to the defendant invoking the existence and validity of an act previously celebrated between both parties, the same that is supported by through different kinds of evidence; However, throughout the present process, the existence of said agreement has not been conclusively proven, and it was not even possible to effectively identify the property that is the subject of the invoked legal relationship, and therefore it is questionable whether to recognize the institution of the sale in this process.
In this regard, the process vigorously discusses the legal regulations, doctrine and / or related judgments, with the subsequent purpose of proving that the evaluation of the previous legal act should not be a matter of jurisdictional qualification, in this case the sale of the real estate. matter of requirement of elevation to public deed; However, as I have indicated in the previous paragraph, not enough emphasis was given to the identification of the essential elements of the sale.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is important to note that this process discusses issues such as a legal act and contracts, different issues of real state law, notarial laws, and indirectly registry rights, joint litigation, inheritance, transfer of property, among others. Finally, an invocation is made of normative infractions, which confers as matter of analysis the elements of the cassation, appeal and granting of Public Deed as such -as appropriate-. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
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Koupě obchodního závodu § 502 (soukromé ordinace lékaře) / Purchase of a business undertaking for the purposes of s 502 (private medical practice)Kropáčková, Žaneta January 2016 (has links)
- RESUME This work is concentrated on issue of purchase of medical practices which in this market period gains the importence. Even though today there is bigger and bigger demand for this transaction, legislation is not very well adapted to that. Medical practice can be perceived as undertaking pursuant to § 502 civil code. Because of that, it is possible to sell it (besides other ways) based on legal title business purchase contract pursuant to § 2175 civil code. Legal title business purchase contract is in practice used often, nevertheless whole process of purchase of medical practice based on legal title business purchase contract is not smooth. I would like to highlight the problems which can emerge. It is possible to divide this work into two parts. The first part deals with legal definitions and legal analysis of basic legal terms as undertaking, medical practice, provider of medical assistance services. We can find here also justification why it is possible to perceive medical practice as undertaking. The second part is focused on business purchase contract in general with specifics, which can arise in case of purchase of medical practice based on legal title business purchase contract. In second chapter (after the introduction), I define in general the concept of undertaking and I also...
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