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Möjligheter med digital teknik inom fysioterapi : Hur kan uppmanad självspårning stötta kollaboration inom fysioterapi?Lindgren, Tove, Ovesson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Möjligheter med digital teknik inom fysioterapi : Hur kan uppmanad självspårning stötta kollaboration inom fysioterapiLindgren, Tove, Ovesson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
Inom fysioterapi finns det problematik med att patienter har svårt att engagera sig i sin självständiga träning och utföra de övningar som rekommenderas av en fysioterapeut. Fysioterapeuter hämtar information om patienters självständiga träning genom samtal, där det finns en risk att patienter inte rapporterar vad som faktiskt har hänt. God kollaboration mellan fysioterapeuten och patienten kan vara en faktor som har en positiv effekt på behandlingsresultat. Syftet med studien är att skapa ytterligare förståelse för aspekter av kollaboration inom fysioterapi för att kunna diskutera hur dessa aspekter kan stöttas genom uppmanad självspårning. För att få insikter om ämnet intervjuades fysioterapeuter via videosessioner online med hjälp av en probe och två scenarios som verktyg för att generera samtal. Med en förståelse för tidigare forskning och en tematisk analys av intervjuerna, skapades figur utifrån tre teman; förståelse, ömsesidig relation och träningsprocess. Figuren visualiserar hur uppmanad självspårning hade kunnat stötta dessa teman för att stötta kollaboration i en rehabiliteringsprocess. / There is an issue in rehabilitation where the patients have problems with engaging in their exercises during their home rehabilitation. Physiotherapists gather information about patients home rehabilitation through conversations, where there is a risk that patients won’t report what actually happened. Research has shown that good collaboration between patient and physiotherapist can have positive effects on treatment outcomes, the study aims to get a further understanding for aspects of collaboration in physiotherapy and discuss how these aspects can be supported by pushed self-tracking. To gain insight on the subject, physiotherapists were interviewed through online video-sessions with a probe and two scenarios as tools to generate conversation. With an understanding for previous research and a thematic analysis of the interviews, a figure was created based on three themes; understanding, reciprocal relationship and training process. The figure visualizes how the identified themes can be supported with pushed self-tracking in a rehabilitation process.
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Razvoj metoda za određivanje tehničkih i eksploatacionih parametara brodova potiskivača i potiskivanih sastava / Developing methods for determining technical and exploitation parameters of pushboats and pushed convoysŠkiljaica Ivan 04 June 2018 (has links)
<p>Kretanje potiskivanog sklopa/sastava je njegova sposobnost da se premešta<br />nekom brzinom usled delovanja određene sile koja mu je pridodata.Ovu silu<br />stvaraju brodski propeleri i pri zadatoj brzini v=const ona treba da bude<br />jednaka sili otpora sredine-vode i vazduha.Iz tog razloga korisna sila koju<br />razvijaju propeleri broda-potiskivača pri plovidbi sa sastavom potisnica<br />pri v=const treba da savlada ne samo otpor svih potisnica u sastavu već i<br />sopstveni otpor broda. Za planere procesa vodnog prevoženja neophodno je,<br />osim poznavanja veličine otpora sredine pri plovidbi potiskivanih<br />sklopova i poznavanje redukovanih i specifičnih otpora pojedinih tipova<br />potiskivanih teretnjaka i sastva koje oni čine. Osim toga, predložene su<br />metode za proračun očekivanih brzina plovidbe u mirnoj vodi i očekivanih<br />vrednosti pokazatelja statičkog opterećenja utvrđenih na osnovu obavljenih<br />eksperimenata po pojedinim tipovima brodova i potiskivanih sastva. Takođe,<br />predloženi su novi tehnički i eksploatacioni pokazatelji za ocenu<br />ispravnosti rada potiskivača, koji do sada nisu primenjivani u Srbiji. Na<br />kraju disertacije prikazane su metode kojima se rešavaju praktični zadaci<br />prevoženja po različitimh brodovima potiskivačima i potiskivanim<br />sastavima.</p> / <p>Movement of convoy/pushed convoy is its ability to change place due to certain<br />force that drives it. This force is created by ship’s propellers for given speed v=const<br />and it should be equal to resistance of surrounding water and air. This is the reason<br />why useful force created by ships propellers (thrust) created by propellers of pushboat<br />while navigating with a convoy at v=const needs to overcome not only the<br />resistance of barges but push-boat’s resistance as well. For planers of transport<br />process it is necessary to know, besides the resistance of surroundings during<br />navigation of pushed convoys, the value of reduced and specific resistance for certain<br />types of barges and convoys that they form. Apart from that methods for calculation<br />of expected speeds of navigation, value of static load of engines based on<br />experimental research. Besides that new exploitation parameters for determination of<br />push-boat’s work are proposed, which haven’t been used in Serbia. At the end<br />dissertation presents methods to solve practical transportation tasks for different<br />ships with different convoys.</p>
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Návrh speciálního manipulátoru / Project of special manipulatorMartinů, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of a special manipulator, driven by a special mechanism with a pushed chain. The chain is conducted from the bottom branch of a horizontal guide slot via a chain wheel to the upper branch of a guide slot. To the end of the chain there is connected a frame manipulator via a tap connection. In this work there are described and suggested the most important component units of a manipulator, including a drive.
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