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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Från Norge till IS : Analyser av en ung mans radikalisering / From Norway to IS : Analyzes of a young man’s radicalization

Grahn, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Dagligen rapporteras om terrordåd runt om i världen; skolskjutningar, bombningar, massakrer. Denna uppsats ämnar visa på hur människor i vår omgivning kan drivas till att begå terrordåd och utgår från en analys av en bok som beskriver en ung mans radikalisering in i IS. Dels analyseras radikaliseringen utifrån Moghaddams trappa till terrorism och dels utifrån McCauley och Moskalenkos tvåpyramidsmodell. Boken som ligger till grund för analysen är Ingen plats för mig, skriven av författaren och journalisten Katia Wagner, som under ett av sina uppdrag i Norge mötte den unge tunisiern Ghazi. En hermeneutisk analys av händelseförloppet utifrån de bägge modellerna visar att modellerna på olika sätt belyser viktiga etapper i radikaliseringen av Ghazi. Uppsatsen resultat visar tydligt att radikaliseringen av Ghazi fungerat som en process där han successivt socialiserats in i en världsbild som bland annat betonat dualism, ett starkt kategoriserat tänkande och en skiftning i moralisk uppfattning.

Writing Egyptomania: Nineteenth-Century American Literature and its Interactions with Ancient Egyptian Archaeology

Oliviero, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Christy Pottroff / Thesis advisor: Paul Lewis / In 1822 the Western world experienced a revolution in literature and archaeology when the Rosetta Stone was successfully translated, and a craze coined Egyptomania took over the Western world. American literature—ranging from newspaper articles, travel narratives, short fiction, and books concerning ethnology and race science—became inundated with discussion of the material culture of ancient Egypt. As authors interacted with the material culture, they began to question who the ancient Egyptians were and how they managed to create such monuments. Many American authors struggled to comprehend how such ancient people were so advanced in methods of art and engineering, thus thwarting the current nineteenth-century ideals of progress. Especially among white Americans, there was anxiety that the ancient Egyptians were not European, leading to an overall fear of Oriental superiority. My aim here is not to explore the effects of Egyptomania in general on American culture, but rather to analyze how specific artifacts, monuments, and mummies were received and adapted by nineteenth-century authors. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2023. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: English.

Development Of A Methodology For Geospatial Image Streaming

Kivci, Erdem Turker 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Serving geospatial data collected from remote sensing methods (satellite images, areal photos, etc.) have become crutial in many geographic information system (GIS) applications such as disaster management, municipality applications, climatology, environmental observations, military applications, etc. Even in today&rsquo / s highly developed information systems, geospatial image data requies huge amount of physical storage spaces and such characteristics of geospatial image data make its usage limited in above mentioned applications. For this reason, web-based GIS applications can benefit from geospatial image streaming through web-based architectures. Progressive transmission of geospatial image and map data on web-based architectures is implemented with the developed image streaming methodology. The software developed allows user interaction in such a way that the users will visualize the images according to their level of detail. In this way geospatial data is served to the users in an efficient way. The main methods used to transmit geospatial images are serving tiled image pyramids and serving wavelet based compressed bitstreams. Generally, in GIS applications, tiled image pyramids that contain copies of raster datasets at different resolutions are used rather than differences between resolutions. Thus, redundant data is transmitted from GIS server with different resolutions of a region while using tiled image pyramids. Wavelet based methods decreases redundancy. On the other hand methods that use wavelet compressed bitsreams requires to transform the whole dataset before the transmission. A hybrid streaming methodology is developed to decrease the redundancy of tiled image pyramids integrated with wavelets which does not require transforming and encoding whole dataset. Tile parts&rsquo / coefficients produced with the methodlogy are encoded with JPEG 2000, which is an efficient technology to compress images at wavelet domain.

Aggregation in the Schelling model and inverted biomass pyramids in ecosystems

Singh, Abhinav 25 June 2009 (has links)
Thomas Schelling proposed a simple spatial model to illustrate how, even with relatively mild assumptions on each individual's nearest neighbor preferences, an integrated city would likely unravel to a segregated city, even if all individuals prefer integration. Many authors assumed that the segregation which Schelling observed in simulations on very small cities persists for larger, realistic size cities. We describe how different measures can be used to quantify the segregation and unlock its dependence on city size, disparate neighbor comfortability threshold, and population density. We develop highly efficient simulation algorithms and quantify aggregation in large cities based on thousands of trials. In particular, we show that for the values of disparate neighbor comfortability threshold used by Schelling, the striking global aggregation Schelling observed is strictly a small city phenomenon. Along the way we prove that in the Schelling model, in the process of evolution, the total perimeter of the interface between the different agents always decreases, which provides a useful analytical tool to study the evolution. At the isolated reef Kingman, it was recently discovered that apex predators constitute 85% of the total fish biomass. This is in sharp contrast to most reefs, where the prey biomass substantially dominates the total fish biomass. The recent study at the two pristine reefs, Kingman and Palmyra also indicates that the predator:prey fish biomass ratio is an increasing function of reef cover. Based on these field observations, we model the fish biomass structure at a pristine coral reef. We introduce a new refuge based mechanism for predator-prey interaction with an explicit dependence on refuge size. Our refuge based model does not assume mass action interaction between predators and prey and may provide a new mechanism in ecology to produce inverted biomass pyramids. Our model yields both the inverted biomass pyramid and the increasing dependence of the predator:prey biomass ratio on reef cover. We add various forms of fishing to our model, and show that sufficiently high fishing pressure with quite general types of fishing transforms the inverted biomass pyramid to be bottom heavy.


Silveira, Angélica Menegassi da 28 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-27T19:13:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Angelica Menegassi da Silveira.pdf: 3470885 bytes, checksum: 753862597c3ea33c3a3ff6bf9060a07c (MD5) Angelica Menegassi da Silveira.pdf.jpg: 3767 bytes, checksum: 25a0999e3b7ea0f969efa3b7e779f9f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The cur rent paper h as as purpos e to in ve st igat e i f the use of Cabri 3D softwar e on the act i vi t ies devel opment of a dida ct ic sequ enc e about Pr i sms and Pyr amid s suppor t s th e logic re asonin g devel opment of th e stud ent s and the propert i es compr ehension of thes e sol ids. Thi s res e arch wa s devel oped fol l owing the methodol ogy st eps from Dida ct ic Engineer and i t used as levy inst rument s a quest i on ary r elat ed to the school Math tea cher s, a diagnost i c test appl ied for t he student s and staves of obs ervat i on us ed by the t ea ch er . The study was re al ized wi th the 3r d grad e student s in a state high s ch ool from Santa Mar ia. It was devel oped a didact ic s equenc e relat ed to the conc ept s and proper t ie s of the sol id s Pr i sms and Pyr amids. The a ct i vi t ie s enable to ver i fy th e mor e fr equ ent di f ficul t ies of th e student s dur ing the ta sk s re al iz at ion, as wel l as adopted st r ategie s in the problem s solut i on. Th e obtain ed re sul t s indicate th at t he use of Cabr i3D softwar e cont r i buted t o th e const ruct i on and compr ehension from th e con cept i on s about the worked sol ids, be si de s promot in g the student s inter act i on in the problem´s re solut ion. It was observed that th e use of a comput ing r esour ce and the group work su ppor ted the di scussion and th e argumentat i on, beside s al lowing t o the student the view and the formulat i on of conj ecture s. Thi s exper ien ce revea led th at the h elp of d yn ami c geomet ry softwar e, in the Geomet ry cla sses, i s an al ternat i ve to over come some di f ficul t ies in und er standing th e conc ept s and proper t ies of geomet r ic sol ids. / O presente trabalho teve como propósito investigar se a utilização do softwar e Cabr i3D n o des en vol viment o de at i vidades de uma seqüên cia didát ic a sobr e Pri smas e Pi râmides favore c e o des en vol viment o do raci ocíni o lógico dos alunos e a compr eensão da s propr iedades de ss es sól i dos. Esta pesqui sa foi des envol vida s eguindo os pas sos d a met odol ogia da Engenhar i a Didát ica e ut i l izou como inst rument os de colet a de d ados um quest i onár i o rel at i vo aos profes sore s de Mat emát ic a da e scol a, um teste diagnóst ico apl icad o aos alun os e paut as de obs ervaç ão ut i l izadas pela profe ssor a. O estudo re al izouse com alun os da 3ª s ér ie do Ensin o Médi o d e uma Escol a Est adual de Santa Mar i a. Foi des en vol vi da uma s eqüênci a did át ica r e ferente aos concei t os e propr ied ad es dos sól idos Pr i smas e Pi r âmides. As at i vidad es pos sibi l i taram ver i fi car as di ficul dades mai s fr eqüent es dos alunos dur ante a real iza ção das tare fas, bem como as est rat égias adotada s na solução dos problema s. Os resul tad os obt idos indic am que, a ut i l iza ç ão d o softwar e Cabr i 3D, cont r ibuiu n a con st ruç ão e n a compre ens ão dos concei t os dos sól idos t rabalhados, al ém de promo ver a interaç ão d os alun os na r esolução d os probl emas. Observou- se qu e a ut i l izaç ão de um recur so computaci onal e o t rabalho em grupo favore c eram a di scussão e a argumenta ção al ém de possibi l i tar em ao alun o a vi su al iz açã o e a formulaç ão de conje ctu ras. Essa exper i ênci a reve l ou que o auxí l io de um softwar e d e geomet r ia dinâmic a, na s aulas de Geomet r ia, const i tui -se em uma al tern at i va par a su per ar al guma s di fi culdad es d e compre ens ão d os conc ei tos e propr iedades dos sól idos geomét r icos.

Všesměrová detekce objektů / Multiview Object Detection

Lohniský, Michal January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on modification of feature extraction and multiview object detection learning process. We add new channels to detectors based on the "Aggregate channel features" framework. These new channels are created by filtering the picture by kernels from autoencoders followed by nonlinear function processing. Experiments show that these channels are effective in detection but they are also more computationally expensive. The thesis therefore discusses possibilities for improvements. Finally the thesis evaluates an artificial car dataset and discusses its small benefit on several detectors.

Cyclopean optical flow

Robles Hernández, Maria Fernanda 04 1900 (has links)
This thesis is in the field of computer vision, focusing on the problems of optical flow estimation. Optical flow is a notoriously difficult 2D problem since it’s inherently underconstrained. To introduce the concept of cyclopean optical flow, we will downgrade the 2D into 1D to make it more accessible. It proposes a new approach based on a "cyclopean" frame of reference. We apply a constrained gradient-based technique to solve 1D optical flow, for which the constraints are gradient behavior and correlation score. This thesis focuses on the fundamental problem of ensuring that the gradient remains usable in an interval large enough to cover the spatial displacement of motion. The proposed "cyclopean" approach does not enforce optical measurements over a fixed grid, which results in more reliable results. To further increase the allowed motion interval, we propose a pyramidal constraint that allows solving over a coarse-to-fine approach. We solved over aerial imagery, Sintel data-set, and Sintel data-set when artificially displaced 10% of the ground truth. This work is developed in the "continuous" framework commonly used for small motion optical flow. Our results showed good management of false positives while maintaining a good amount of convergence density. However, our method isn’t as precise as the current state-of-the-art benchmarks, as it specializes in very small motions. Also, it’s important to mention versatility comes with the concept of "continuous" representation. This allows us to select regions to be solved, opening the possibility of adapting to the spectrum of sparse or dense optical flow. From this study point of view, we can highlight traditional methods have relevance even in the deep learning era, offering a new set of tools to exploit on the pursue of solving optical flow. / Ce mémoire s’intéresse au domaine de la vision par ordinateur, et plus particulièrement l’estimation du flux optique. Le flux optique est un problème 2D notoirement difficile, car il est intrinsèquement sous-contraint. Pour introduire la notion de flux optique cyclopéen, nous allons considérer le problème en 1D pour éliminer le problème d’ouverture lié au mouvement 2D. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche basée sur un référentiel « cyclopéen », basée sur gradient calculé dans un espace continu pour résoudre le flux optique 1D. Ce mémoire se concentre a garantir que le gradient reste utilisable dans un intervalle suffisamment grand pour couvrir le déplacement spatial du mouvement. Lors de la résolution sur une approche coarse-to-fine, une représentation pyramidale est utilisée. Les résultats sur des images aériennes ainsi que des données synthétiques sont prometteurs. Ce travail se distingue des tendances actuelles en flux optique parle fait qu’il se spécialise pour les flux optiques à faible mouvement. Nos résultats ont montré une bonne gestion des faux positifs tout en conservant une bonne densité. Nous considérons que la fiabilité des mesures de mouvement est très élevée, ce qui est au moins aussi important que la précision elle-même dans beaucoup d’applications. Ainsi, la polyvalence de la représentation "continue" permet de mieux contrôler la densité obtenue en fonction de la scène analysée. À notre avis, cette approche, qui complète les méthodes traditionnelles, ouvrira la voie à de nouvelles approches en apprentissage profond.

Využití internetu při výuce mnohostěnů na střední škole. / Secondary school polyhedrons with internet

Helm, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is destined mainly for high school teachers and students of descriptive geometry. Above all it deals with the intersection and the construction of pyramids and prisms in projections. Students can meet with these phenomena at high schools during lessons of descriptive geometry. The constructions of the intersections of figures are demonstrated on solved tasks. The tasks are processed in graphic programmes GeoGebra and Cabri 3D prospering from the following advantages and facilities of these programmes: a stepping of the construction, a contour accentuation or a secretion of auxiliary lines etc. Besides these solved tasks, there are also some unsolved tasks for practice at the ends of chapters. The introductory chapter contains definitions and characters of common polyhedrons and regular (Platonic) figures. The thesis consists of web sites, a printed version and an enclosed printed version in .pdf format.

Risk Measures Constituting Risk Metrics for Decision Making in the Chemical Process Industry

Prem, Katherine 2010 December 1900 (has links)
The occurrence of catastrophic incidents in the process industry leave a marked legacy of resulting in staggering economic and societal losses incurred by the company, the government and the society. The work described herein is a novel approach proposed to help predict and mitigate potential catastrophes from occurring and for understanding the stakes at risk for better risk informed decision making. The methodology includes societal impact as risk measures along with tangible asset damage monetization. Predicting incidents as leading metrics is pivotal to improving plant processes and, for individual and societal safety in the vicinity of the plant (portfolio). From this study it can be concluded that the comprehensive judgments of all the risks and losses should entail the analysis of the overall results of all possible incident scenarios. Value-at-Risk (VaR) is most suitable as an overall measure for many scenarios and for large number of portfolio assets. FN-curves and F$-curves can be correlated and this is very beneficial for understanding the trends of historical incidents in the U.S. chemical process industry. Analyzing historical databases can provide valuable information on the incident occurrences and their consequences as lagging metrics (or lagging indicators) for the mitigation of the portfolio risks. From this study it can be concluded that there is a strong statistical relationship between the different consequence tiers of the safety pyramid and Heinrich‘s safety pyramid is comparable to data mined from the HSEES database. Furthermore, any chemical plant operation is robust only when a strategic balance is struck between optimal plant operations and, maintaining health, safety and sustaining environment. The balance emerges from choosing the best option amidst several conflicting parameters. Strategies for normative decision making should be utilized for making choices under uncertainty. Hence, decision theory is utilized here for laying the framework for choice making of optimum portfolio option among several competing portfolios. For understanding the strategic interactions of the different contributing representative sets that play a key role in determining the most preferred action for optimum production and safety, the concepts of game theory are utilized and framework has been provided as novel application to chemical process industry.

Ανάπτυξη τεχνικών αντιστοίχισης εικόνων με χρήση σημείων κλειδιών

Γράψα, Ιωάννα 17 September 2012 (has links)
Ένα σημαντικό πρόβλημα είναι η αντιστοίχιση εικόνων με σκοπό τη δημιουργία πανοράματος. Στην παρούσα εργασία έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί αλγόριθμοι που βασίζονται στη χρήση σημείων κλειδιών. Αρχικά στην εργασία βρίσκονται σημεία κλειδιά για κάθε εικόνα που μένουν ανεπηρέαστα από τις αναμενόμενες παραμορφώσεις με την βοήθεια του αλγορίθμου SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform). Έχοντας τελειώσει αυτή τη διαδικασία για όλες τις εικόνες, προσπαθούμε να βρούμε το πρώτο ζευγάρι εικόνων που θα ενωθεί. Για να δούμε αν δύο εικόνες μπορούν να ενωθούν, ακολουθεί ταίριασμα των σημείων κλειδιών τους. Όταν ένα αρχικό σετ αντίστοιχων χαρακτηριστικών έχει υπολογιστεί, πρέπει να βρεθεί ένα σετ που θα παράγει υψηλής ακρίβειας αντιστοίχιση. Αυτό το πετυχαίνουμε με τον αλγόριθμο RANSAC, μέσω του οποίου βρίσκουμε το γεωμετρικό μετασχηματισμό ανάμεσα στις δύο εικόνες, ομογραφία στην περίπτωσή μας. Αν ο αριθμός των κοινών σημείων κλειδιών είναι επαρκής, δηλαδή ταιριάζουν οι εικόνες, ακολουθεί η ένωσή τους. Αν απλώς ενώσουμε τις εικόνες, τότε θα έχουμε σίγουρα κάποια προβλήματα, όπως το ότι οι ενώσεις των δύο εικόνων θα είναι πολύ εμφανείς. Γι’ αυτό, για την εξάλειψη αυτού του προβλήματος, χρησιμοποιούμε τη μέθοδο των Λαπλασιανών πυραμίδων. Επαναλαμβάνεται η παραπάνω διαδικασία μέχρι να δημιουργηθεί το τελικό πανόραμα παίρνοντας κάθε φορά σαν αρχική την τελευταία εικόνα που φτιάξαμε στην προηγούμενη φάση. / Stitching multiple images together to create high resolution panoramas is one of the most popular consumer applications of image registration and blending. At this work, feature-based registration algorithms have been used. The first step is to extract distinctive invariant features from every image which are invariant to image scale and rotation, using SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm. After that, we try to find the first pair of images in order to stitch them. To check if two images can be stitched, we match their keypoints (the results from SIFT). Once an initial set of feature correspondences has been computed, we need to find the set that is will produce a high-accuracy alignment. The solution at this problem is RANdom Sample Consensus (RANSAC). Using this algorithm (RANSAC) we find the motion model between the two images (homography). If there is enough number of correspond points, we stitch these images. After that, seams are visible. As solution to this problem is used the method of Laplacian Pyramids. We repeat the above procedure using as initial image the ex panorama which has been created.

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