Spelling suggestions: "subject:"python"" "subject:"python's""
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Geoexplorer : A free open-source framework for black-box testing and scraping information from geographic servicesHanssen Seferidis, Johan January 2013 (has links)
This is a report on the development of a free open-source framework. The framework is meant to be used to mainly black-box test and/or scrape information from a geographic service like Google Places, Facebook Places or Foursquare. In reality any service that is based on geographic coordinates can be used with the framewok. Amongst others, the framework offers functionalities like visualisation on-the-fly and logging of different aspects of the service. There are a few similar tools scattered on the world-wide web, but they usually are hard to find and if they are found, they either are not open-source, free or they lack in functionality. Another major drawback is that the available solutions are very generic, and thus limiting their capabilities. The work described here is an attempt for a concise, easy to use, extendible framework solely focused on geographic services. In this report, the technologies used are demonstrated, while at the same time the reasons are given as to why a specific technology was selected in each case. Some documentation is also presented and a few references to the actual code-base in case someone wants to extend Geoexplorer or use it at their organization.
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Hur ser säkerheten ut? : En bättre IT-miljö för alla små verksamheterGrenholm, Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Examensarbete ”hur ser säkerheten ut” valdes på ett eget initiativ då jag upplever att det finns ett stort behov av att engagera verksamheter att lära sig mer om hur information och nätverk ska hanteras på ett säkerhet sätt. Genom en kvantitetundersökning bland verksamheter kunde en kartläggning göras av hur verksamheterna hanterar sin information och nätverksmiljö. Med hjälp av undersökningen resultat och faktainsamling kunde fakta om säkerhet tas fram till verksamheterna. För att presentera informationen på bästa sätt skapades en webbapplikation. Arbete med webbapplikationen innebar att en server sattes upp som en back-front och serverar HTML, CSS och Python kod för att kunna generera unika data till användarna. I slutet av projektet fick tredjeparts program analysera webbapplikationen samt en testgrupp utvärdera informationen och ett underlag för vidare utveckling av webbapplikation tas fram. / The thesis ”how does the security look like” was chosen on my own initiative, becasue there is a great need to engeage small bussnies in leraning more about how information and networks should handle safely. Through a quantitative survey among small businsses a survey could be made of how small businsses handle their information and network environment. Using the results of the survey and the collection of facts, customer facts about how security should look like can be created för small businesses. To present facts in the best way, a web application was created. Working with the web application meant that a server was installed. As well as a website with HTML and CSS code. Scripts were created to generate unique data for the user (small businesses) At the end of the project, third party programs were able to analyze the web application and a test group evaluate the information and web application to provide a basis for further development.
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Software hlášení bezpečnostních incidentů v GPON síti / GPON network security incident reporting softwareKupka, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on development of software for security incident reporting from GPON networks. The theoretical part introduces the principles of GPON and provides an introduction to security incidents. The practical part is focused on the selection of suitable open-source systems and the design of an application in Python for the creation of alerts. The output of the work is the deployment of TheHive, Cortex and MISP systems and the creation of an application enabling the creation of various types of alerts based on prepared template. The thesis is finalized by a detailed description of deployment, custom configuration and testing.
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Multiplatformní aplikace pro správu síťových prvků Mikrotik / Multiplatform application for Mikrotik network devices managementBárdossy, Adrián January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis contains the description of the application developement for management of network entities based on mikrotik devices. In the intro, there is the description of used libraries, also description of API. In the next part of thesis there is programmed part of application backend. This part contains description of individual directories of project, which was written in pycharm. Every directory is described by one file together with UML diagram and table of methods in specific class. In the next part of thesis, there is the description of graphical part of the application and its example on one section of programmed buttons. It contains also output in form of pictures from the application. In the last section, there is tutorial for modules instalation, which are needed to run the application and contains manual testing of application.
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Analýza GPON rámců s využitím strojového učení / Analysis of GPON frames using machine learningTomašov, Adrián January 2020 (has links)
Táto práca sa zameriava na analýzu vybraných častí GPON rámca pomocou algoritmov strojového učenia implementovaných pomocou knižnice TensorFlow. Vzhľadom na to, že GPON protokol je definovaný ako sada odporúčaní, implementácia naprieč spoločnosťami sa môže líšiť od navrhnutého protokolu. Preto analýza pomocou zásobníkového automatu nie je dostatočná. Hlavnou myšlienkou je vytvoriť systém modelov za použitia knižnice TensorFlow v Python3, ktoré sú schopné detekovať abnormality v komunikácií. Tieto modely používajú viaceré architektúry neuronových sietí (napr. LSTM, autoencoder) a zameriavajú sa na rôzne typy analýzy. Tento systém sa naučí na vzorovej vzorke dát a upozorní na nájdené odlišnosti v novozachytenej komunikácií. Výstupom systému odhad podobnosti aktuálnej komunikácie v porovnaní so vzorovou komunikáciou.
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