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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise fisiológica, nutricional e de expressão gênica em cultivares de aveia-branca submetidas ao excesso de ferro / Physiological, nutritional and gene expression analysis of oat cultivars submitted to iron excess

Silva, Natália Dias Gomes da, Silva, Natália Dias Gomes da 23 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2018-06-14T12:18:01Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) resumo_tese_natalia_dias_gomes_da_silva.pdf: 16351 bytes, checksum: 4d5433db73902cfdaaf0790d25a1cf28 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-06-14T20:52:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) resumo_tese_natalia_dias_gomes_da_silva.pdf: 16351 bytes, checksum: 4d5433db73902cfdaaf0790d25a1cf28 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-14T20:52:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) resumo_tese_natalia_dias_gomes_da_silva.pdf: 16351 bytes, checksum: 4d5433db73902cfdaaf0790d25a1cf28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.) é alternativa para sucessão de culturas, com potencial de uso nas áreas de produção de arroz irrigado (Oryza sativa L.) no Sul do Brasil. As características dos solos desta região podem limitar o crescimento e desenvolvimento da aveia-branca. Assim, os objetivos desse estudo foram identificar uma concentração de ferro capaz de causar toxicidade em plantas de aveia, diferenciar genótipos sensíveis e tolerantes ao excesso de ferro, quantificar teores nutricionais e verificar possíveis genes envolvidos nestes processos, a fim de auxiliar em trabalhos de melhoramento de cultivares mais adaptadas ao cultivo no Sul do Brasil. Os estudos foram realizados entre os anos 2014 e 2016, no Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Pelotas e Crop Soil and Environmental Sciences Departament da University of Arkansas. Os resultados evidenciaram que a concentração de 13,5 mmol L-1 de EDTA ferroso em solução nutritiva é eficiente para a distinção de genótipos de aveia tolerantes ou sensíveis ao excesso de Fe. O genótipo URS Taura é tolerante ao excesso de ferro, enquanto os genótipos UPFPS Farroupilha e URS Corona são sensíveis, em condições controladas, através do sistema hidropônico, devendo ser evitadas em áreas suscetíveis à toxidez do nutriente. O excesso de ferro altera a concentração nutricional dos demais elementos nas plantas de aveia. O excesso de ferro na solução nutritiva proporciona alteração significativa na expressão relativa de alguns genes relacionados a absorção, translocação e armazenamento de ferro em plantas de aveia, sendo que os genes OsGS1, OsFER1 e OsPSBA, parecem estar relacionadaos aos processos de tolerância da cultivar URS Taura ao excesso de Fe. O sistema hidropônico é eficiente para a diferenciação de cultivares sensíveis ou tolerantes ao excesso de ferro, possibilitando escolhas mais eficientes para novos trabalhos e indicação de cultivares tolerantes ao excesso do nutriente. / White oat (Avena sativa L.) is an alternative for succession of crops with potential for use in irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) production areas, in southern Brazil. The characteristics of these soils may limit the growth and development of white oats. Thus, the objectives of this study were to identify an iron concentration capable of causing toxicity in oat plants, besides differentiating sensitive and tolerant genotypes to iron excess, to quantify nutritional contents and to verify possible genes involved in these processes, in order to assist in futures work in the area, as well as indicate cultivars adapted to the growing conditions of southern Brazil. For that, studies were carried out between 2014 and 2016, in a greenhouse and laboratories of the Department of Botany of the Federal University of Pelotas and Crop Soil and Environmental Sciences Departament of the University of Arkansas. The results showed that the concentration of 13.5 mmol L-1 of ferrous EDTA in nutrient solution is efficient for the distinction of oat genotypes submitted to iron excess. The URS Taura genotype is tolerant to iron excess, while the UPFPS Farroupilha and URS Corona are sensitive under controlled conditions through the hydroponic system and should be avoided in areas susceptible to nutrient toxicity. Iron excess alters the nutritional concentration of the other elements in oat plants. Iron excess in the nutrient solution provides significant alteration in the relative expression of some genes related to iron uptake, translocation and storage in oat plants, being that the genes OsGS1, OsFER1 and OsPSBA, seem to be related to the tolerance processes of the cultivar URS Taura to the excess of Fe. The hydroponic system is efficient for the differentiation of sensitive or tolerant cultivars of iron excess, thus making possible more efficient choices for new work and indication of tolerant cultivars to nutrient excess.

Analyse fonctionnelle et étude de la régulation de gènes candidats sous-jacents au QTL GpaVspl impliqué dans la résistance au nématode à kyste Globodera pallida chez la pomme de terre / Functional analysis and regulation of candidate genes underlying the QTL GpaVspl involved in resistance to cyst nematode in potatoes

Castro Quezada, Patricio Salvador 31 May 2013 (has links)
Les nématodes à kystes sont l’un des bioagresseurs causant le plus de dégâts sur les cultures de pommes de terre. La résistance trouvée chez l'accession spl88S.329.18, issue de l'espèce Solanum sparsipilum est caractérisée par un déterminisme oligogénique avec un QTL à localisé sur le chromosome V (GpaVspl) et un QTL mineur localisé sur le chromosome XI(GpaXIspl). Pour obtenir une résistance de haut niveau, l'effet du QTL GpaVspl, doit êtrecomplémenté par celui du QTL à effet faible GpaXIspl. Par génomique comparative, le locusGpaV a été localisé dans un intervalle compris entre 16 et 60 kb sur les génomes de la tomateet des espèces apparentées à la pomme de terre, Solanum demissum et Solanum phureja. Deuxgènes ont été annotés dans cet intervalle sur les génomes de la tomate et de S. demissum : lepremier appartient à la famille des TIR-NBS-LRR (TNL), famille de gènes de résistanceclassiques, et le second appartient à la famille des « mitochondrial, transcription terminationfactor » (mTERF), dont l’implication dans des mécanismes de résistance n’a jamais étédémontrée.Les objectifs de ma thèse étaient d'identifier le(s) gène(s) responsable(s) de la résistance àG. pallida, conférée par le locus GpaVspl, et d'étudier sa régulation. Suite à la publication de laséquence du génome de S. phureja, en 2011, nous avons mis en évidence que le locus GpaVétait dupliqué chez S. phureja et que cette duplication était également présente chezS. sparsipilum. Les quatre gènes annotés au locus GpaVspl ont été nommésSpl_mTERF18430, Spl_TNL18429, Spl_mTERF18453 et Spl_TNL18428.L'effet des deux gènes Spl_mTERF18430 et Spl_TNL18428 sur la résistance à G. pallida aété analysé via des expériences de transformation génétique suivies par des tests de résistancesur les plantes transformées. Un effet partiel du gène Spl_TNL18428 sur la résistance àG. pallida a été mis en évidence par complémentation de plantes sensibles. Aucun effetsignificatif n'a été détecté pour le gène Spl_mTERF18430. Des expériences d'extinctiongénique suggèrent que le deuxième gène TIR-NBS-LRR, Spl_TNL18429, qui est égalementexprimé dans les racines et qui présente un fort pourcentage d'identité de séquence avec legène Spl_TNL18428, pourrait également être impliqué dans la résistance à G. pallida.L'expression du gène rapporteur GFP, placé sous le contrôle du promoteur du gèneSpl_TNL18428, est fortement induite dans les cellules situées autour du syncytium. Cecirenforce l'hypothèse d'une implication du gène Spl_TNL18428 dans la résistance à G. pallida,car la localisation de l'expression de la GFP est similaire à celle de la nécrose, qui estcaractéristique de la réaction développée par les plantes résistantes autour du syncytium induitpar les nématodes.En tenant compte des données bibliographiques récentes, montrant que plusieurs gènes NBSLRRpeuvent être indispensables à l'expression d'une résistance, nos résultats suggèrent queles deux gènes Spl_TNL18428 et Spl_TNL18429 sont nécessaires à l'expression de larésistance à G. pallida / Cyst nematodes are one of the pests that cause the most damage to potato cultures. Resistance found in the accession spl88S.329.18 in Solanum sparsipilum is characterized by oligogenic determinism with a strong effect QTL on chromosome V (GpaVspl) and a minor effect QTL on chromosome XI (GpaXIspl). To obtain a high level of resistance, the effect of QTL GpaVspl must be complemented by the low effect QTL GpaXIspl. By comparative genomics, the GpaV locus was located in a range between 16 and 60 kb in genomes of tomato and potato related species: Solanum demissum and Solanum phureja. Two genes were annotated: the first belonging to the TIR -NBS -LRR gene family (TNL) and the second one belonging to the “mitochondrial transcription termination factor” family (mTERF). The effect of both genes -Spl_TNL18428 and Spl_mTERF18430- on resistance to G. pallida were analyzed via genetic transformation experiments followed by resistance tests on transformed plants. A partial effect of Spl_TNL18428 on resistance to G. pallida was identified by complementation of susceptible plants. Gene silencing experiments suggested that Spl_TNL18429, which occurs in roots and presents a high percentage of sequence identity with the gene Spl_TNL18428, is also involved in resistance to G. pallida. The expression of the GFP reporter gene, under the control of the Spl_TNL18428 gene promoter, is strongly induced in cells located around the syncytium. This strengthens the hypothesis of an involvement of Spl_TNL18428 gene in resistance to G. pallida, because the location of GFP expression is similar to necrosis, which is characteristic of resistant plants. Taking into account that recent data showing that several NBS-LRR genes may be essential for the expression of resistance, our results suggest that both Spl_TNL18428 and Spl_TNL18429 genes are necessary for the expression of resistance to G. pallida

A la découverte des agents pathogènes et microorganismes des tiques par séquençage de nouvelle génération et QPCR microfluidique à haut débit / Screening of tick-borne pathogens and microorganisms in caribbean ticks by next generation sequencing and high-throughput microfluidic real-time PCR

Gondard, Mathilde 07 December 2017 (has links)
Les maladies à transmission vectorielle sont dues à des agents pathogènes transmis par des arthropodes hématophages. Ces vecteurs assurent une transmission active (mécanique ou biologique) d’un agent infectieux d’un vertébré vers un autre vertébré. A l’échelle mondiale, les tiques sont responsables de la transmission de la plus grande variété d’agents pathogènes, elles transmettent des microorganismes responsables de maladies bactériennes (borréliose de Lyme, rickettsioses) ou parasitaires (babésioses, theilérioses), ou même virales (encéphalite à tiques).Les Antilles se situent au cœur de la zone Néotropicale des Caraïbes, et constituent une zone à risque pour l’émergence de maladies vectorielles en raison des conditions climatiques favorables aux vecteurs et des échanges intercontinentaux importants (flux illégal d’animaux, oiseaux migrateurs,…). La situation épidémiologique de la zone Caraïbe vis-à-vis des maladies transmises par les tiques est très peu documentée. Les études menées sur le terrain portent essentiellement sur des agents pathogènes affectant les animaux comme Ehrlichia ruminantium, Babesia (bovis et bigemina) et Anaplasma marginale et sont donc loin de pouvoir répondre aux questions concernant le risque d’émergence ou de réémergence de maladies à tique. Ainsi, il est nécessaire et urgent de développer des outils efficaces de surveillance épidémiologique qui permettraient la détection des agents pathogènes, nouveaux, connus ou non suspectés présents dans les tiques. C’est dans ce contexte d’amélioration des performances de veille sanitaire des maladies à tiques dans les Caraïbes que prend place le projet de thèse. La visée de la thèse était de faire un état des lieux des agents pathogènes d’intérêt médical et vétérinaire présents dans les tiques caribéennes à l’aide de techniques de détection à haut débit. Pour cela nous avons d’abord réalisé un séquençage à haut débit d’ARN extraits de tiques collectées en Guadeloupe et en Martinique afin de réaliser un inventaire sans a priori des agents pathogènes (bactéries, parasites, et virus) présents. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en évidence une grande diversité en microorganismes pathogènes au sein de nos échantillons, révélant également la présence de quatre virus appartenant à de nouveaux genres viraux récemment décrits et associés aux arthropodes. Les informations obtenues via le séquençage, additionnées aux données disponibles dans la littérature ont permis de constituer ainsi une liste des agents pathogènes transmis par les tiques nécessitant une surveillance sanitaire dans les caraïbes. A partir de ce répertoire nous avons développé un système de dépistage à haut-débit d’agents infectieux applicable à toute la zone des caraïbes. L’outil de détection est un support microfluidique de type puce à ADN, basé sur la technologie BioMarkTM dynamic arrays (Fluidigm Corporation) qui permet de réaliser de la PCR en temps réel à haut débit afin de détecter simultanément 48 à 96 cibles au sein de 48 à 96 échantillons. Deux puces ont été développées, une première pour le suivi des bactéries et parasites, et une deuxième pour le suivi des virus. Leur performance a été testée sur des échantillons de tiques collectées en Guadeloupe et en Martinique. Ce dépistage à grande échelle a donné un aperçu complet de la situation épidémiologique de 45 bactéries, 17 parasites and 31 virus potentiellement transmis par les tiques dans les Antilles Françaises. La méthode de surveillance développée durant cette thèse représente une amélioration majeure des techniques de veille épidémiologique, permettant la détection rapide et concomitante d’un large panel d’agent pathogène. Elle sera prochainement appliquée au criblage à haut débit des agents infectieux présent dans des tiques collectées à travers la Caraïbe, provenant notamment de Trinité-et-Tobago, Saint-Kitts, la Barbade, et Sainte-Lucie, grâce à la collaboration du réseau CaribVet, et de vétérinaires locaux / Vector-borne diseases are illnesses caused by pathogens transmitted by haematophagous arthropods which provide active transmission (mechanical or biological) of infectious agents from one vertebrate to another. Among these vectors, ticks are known to carry and transmit the greatest variety of pathogens of public health and veterinary importance. They transmit microorganisms responsible for bacterial (Lyme borreliosis, rickettsioses), parasitic (babesiosis, theileriosis), or viral diseases (tick-borne encephalitis).The Antilles are located in the heart of the Caribbean Neotropical Zone. This area can be considered at risk for the emergence of vector-borne diseases mainly due to favorable environmental conditions and intercontinental exchanges (e.g. legal and illegal animal trade, migratory birds). However, the epidemiological situation of the Caribbean area, with regard to tick-borne diseases, is still poorly documented. Indeed, most of field studies only focused on animal pathogens such as Ehrlichia ruminantium, Babesia (bovis and bigemina) and Anaplasma marginale and questions about the risk of emergence or re-emergence of tick-borne diseases remain unanswered. Thus, it is crucial to develop efficient epidemiological surveillance tools that would enable the detection of new, known or unexpected pathogens present in ticks. In this context, the main objective of my thesis was to obtain an overview of pathogens of medical and veterinary interest present in Caribbean ticks using new high-throughput technologies. We first used a high-throughput sequencing approach to determine pathogens present in ticks (bacteria, parasites, and viruses) collected in Guadeloupe and Martinique. This analysis revealed a great diversity of pathogenic agents in our samples and highlighted the presence of four viruses belonging to new viral families recently described and associated with arthropods. Results of sequencing combined with data available in the literature allowed us to make the most exhaustive list of pathogens potentially transmitted by ticks and requiring health surveillance in the Caribbean area. From this pathogen inventory, we developed a system of high-throughput screening of infectious agents applicable to the whole Caribbean area. This molecular tool is a microfluidic system based on the BiomarkTM dynamic arrays technology (Fluidigm Corporation), which enables high-throughput real-time PCR to simultaneously detect 48-96 targets within 48 to 96 samples. Two different chips have been developed, one for bacteria and parasites monitoring, and one for viruses. Their efficiency was tested on tick samples collected in both Guadeloupe and Martinique. This large-scale screening provided a comprehensive overview of the epidemiological situation of 45 bacteria, 17 parasites and 31 viruses potentially transmitted by ticks in the French West Indies. The high-throughput detection tool developed during my thesis represents a major improvement in epidemiological surveillance technology, enabling the rapid and concomitant monitoring of a wide range of pathogens. It will soon be applied to high-throughput screening of infectious agents found in ticks collected throughout the Caribbean, including Trinidad and Tobago, St. Kitts, Barbados, and St. Lucia, thanks to the collaboration with the CaribVet network, and local veterinarians

Detection of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum using qPCR assay and comparison between three qPCR systems to check sensitivity

Patil, Neeraj January 2021 (has links)
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a pathogenic fungus that infects around 400 species of host    plants. Stem rot disease caused by this fungus is economically disastrous for Brassica napus cultivators in Sweden. Due to the lack of disease resistant cultivars, disease management has been solely dependent on fungicide application. The current disease  prediction models are not scientifically accurate and take into account factors such as   weather, previous disease incidence, and conomic effects which often result in unnecessary and excessive use of fungicides by cultivators. Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction has proven to be the fastest, most accurate and reliable technique for detecting plant pathogens as it gives an idea about disease severity by measuring pathogen concentration in environmental samples. Reproducible and able qPCR assays have the potential of being the main principle on which more scientifically accurate plant disease prediction and management models an be developed. The aim of this study was to validate a previously established qPCR assay to detect S. sclerotiorum. An absolute quantification experiment     was performed by using plasmid DNA cloned with a target gene as template. Further,   three different qPCR machines  were compared  to make a plausible conclusion regarding    their sensitivity and efficiency in detecting minuscule amounts of DNA from the   environment. While a solid conclusion could not be reached regarding the sensitivity of    each of these machines, this study pointed out some basic trends about each machine    that may help researchers in selecting the most efficient qPCR system when working with detection of plant pathogens.

Izolace DNA z probiotických výrobků s využitím pevných nosičů / Isolation of DNA from probitic products using solid carriers

Bonczek, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Microbial DNA was isolated from lysed cells of Lactobacillus genus in probiotic products. Reversible adsorption DNA on the surface of carboxyl coated nonporous poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-co-glycidyl methacrylate) (P(HEMA-co-GMA)) magnetic particles and silicagel coated manganase Perovskite nanoparticles. DNA was adsorbed on the surface of the particles in the presence of 16 % poly(ethylenglycol) (PEG 6000) and 2 M sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations. The adsorbed DNA was released from particles by low ionic strength TE buffer (pH= 8.0). The quality of isolated DNA was checked by spectrofotometric measurement and PCR amplification. DNA samples isolated using magnetic particles and phenol extraction method (control method) were PCR-ready. The DNA isolated from lysed cells of probiotic products was quantificated in real-time qPCR.

Glutamátové receptory NG2 gliových buněk: genové profilování a funkční změny po ischemickém poškození mozku / Glutamate receptors in NG2-glial cells: gene profiling and functional changes after ischemic brain injury

Waloschková, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain and its transmission is responsible for higher brain functions, such as learning, memory and cognition. Glutamate action is mediated by a variety of glutamate receptors, though their properties were until now studied predominantly in neurons. Glutamate receptors are expressed also in NG2-glia, however their role under physiological conditions as well as in pathological states of the central nervous system is not fully understood. The aim of this work is to elucidate the presence, composition and function of these receptors in NG2-glia under physiological conditions and following focal cerebral ischemia. For this purpose we used transgenic mice, in which NG2-glia are labeled by a fluorescent protein for their precise identification. To analyze the expression pattern of glutamate receptors in NG2-glia we employed single-cell RT-qPCR. Furthermore, we used calcium imaging to characterize their functional properties.

Dospělci včely medonosné (Apis mellifera) jako přenašeči a reservoár moru včelího plodu (Paenibacillus larvae) / Honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers as transmitters and reservoirs of American foulbrood (Paenibacillus larvae)

Haltufová, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Paenibacillus larvae is a gram-positive spore-forming bacterium that affects and kills the larvae of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) and causes the American foulbrood disease. Adults bees do not become infected, but they transmit tenacious spores within the hive and between hives and can infect larvae while caring for them. It is not allowed by law to treat bees in the Czech Republic, but the recommended preventive method for reducing the amount of spores in the hive is the shook swarm method (bees are moved to a new clean hive and the old hive is destroyed with all brood and supplies). The aim of this work was to detect and quantify P. larvae in bee workers using the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). In the first experiment, the two set of samples were taken - bees before and after the shook swarm method, but the expected decrease in spores in the samples taken after shook swarm was not confirmed, and conversely, non-specific products were amplified. In the second experiment, the presence of P. larvae spores in samples from heavily infected hives (with clinical symptoms of American foulbrood) and from hives with almost no findings of P. larvae spores, both originating from the same habitat, were compared. In this case, the differences were clearly visible. There were not...

Evaluation of Endothelial Cell Responses to Elevated Glucose

Sugerman, Gabriella 01 August 2018 (has links)
Developing a tissue-engineered Blood Vessel Mimic (BVM) to represent diabetic macrovascular disease could expedite design of new vascular devices specifically tailored to diabetic patients. In contribution toward this model, this thesis assessed Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell (HUVEC) responses to high glucose conditions. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and Cluster of Differentiation 36 (CD36) were selected to signify oxidative stress activity, a hallmark of diabetic macrovascular disease. Next, activity of potential reference genes B2M, HPRT1, and ACTB was assessed. All genes were found to exceed acceptable variability, so the E-ΔC T method of data analysis was selected. Next, cellular responses to high glucose treatment at 10.5 mM glucose and 25.5 mM glucose for 7 and 14 days were measured by qPCR. IL-6 mRNA expression increased significantly (p<0.001) following treatment with 25.5 mM glucose at both timepoints. Finally, fluorescent staining for Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production and cell viability was performed on HUVECs treated with 10.5- and 25.5-mM glucose for 24 and 48 hours. No differences in ROS production or cell viability were detected due to uncontrolled cell damage during the two-hour staining and imaging procedure. This thesis was limited by low reaction efficiency in qPCR reactions due to mistaken purchasing of primers with included probe-quencher reporters. Measurement of reaction efficiency facilitated valid analysis of data collected using these primers. Imaging experiments were unsuccessful due to a lack of incubation equipment designated for cells undergoing live staining and imaging. Alternative imaging assessments of oxidative stress activity were proposed to circumvent this problem.

Identifying Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) through the Nasal Microbiome

Ruth Eunice Centeno Martinez (10716147) 30 April 2021 (has links)
<p>Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is an ongoing health and economic issue in the dairy and beef cattle industry. Also, there are multiple risk factors that make an animal susceptible to BRD and it's diagnosis and treatment is a challenge for producers. Four bacterial species, <em>Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, Histophilus somni, </em>and<em> Mycoplasma bovis</em> have been associated with BRD mortalities. Hence, this study aims to characterize the cattle nasal microbiome as a potential additional diagnostic method to identify animals suspected to have a lung infection. Quantitative PCR and 16S rRNA gene sequencing were used to determine the bacterial load of these four bacterial pathogens in the nasal microbiome of apparently healthy (N=75) and (N=58) affected by BRD Holstein steers. We then sought to identify a value or equation that could be used to discriminate between BRD and healthy animals using a Linear Discriminant Model (LDA). Additionally, co-occurrence between commensal bacterial and BRD-pathogens were also identified. Cattle diagnosed with BRD presented lower richness, evenness and phylogenetic diversity than healthy pen-mates. Bacterial species and genera <em>Truperella pyrogenes </em>and <em>Bibersteina</em> were increased in the BRD group, and the species <em>Mycoplasma bovirhinis</em> and <em>Clostridium sensu stricto</em> increased in the healthy group. Prevalence of <em>H. somni </em>(98%)<em> </em>and <em>P. multocida </em>(97%) were the highest regardless of disease diagnosis in all the samples. Prevalence of <em>M. haemolytica </em>(81 vs. 61%) and<em> M. bovis </em>(74 vs. 50.7%) were higher in the BRD group. The bacterial density of <em>M. haemolytica</em> and<em> M. bovis </em>was also higher in the BRD group, whereas <em>Histophilus somni</em> was lower in the BRD group. Five different models were tested using LDA, and one model produced a sensitivity and specificity of 60% and 81% agreement with diagnosis based on animal symptoms. Co-occurrence analysis demonstrated that the nasal microbiome members are more likely to interact with each other than associations between BRD-pathogens and nasal microbiome members. This study offers insight into the BRD-pathogens prevalence and difference in nasal microbiome between healthy and BRD animals and provides a potential platform for future studies and potential pen-side diagnostic testing.</p>


Nicholas Gerald Friedeman (12469515) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Emerging pathogenic fungi have become a topic of conservation concern due to declines seen in several host taxa. One newly emerging fungal pathogen, <em>Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola</em>, has been well documented as the causative agent of Snake Fungal Disease (SFD). SFD has been found in a variety of snake species across the United States, including the Eastern Massasauga (<em>Sistrurus catenatus</em>), a federally threatened rattlesnake species. Most work to date has involved detecting SFD for diagnosis of infection through direct sampling from snakes. Attempts to detect <em>O. ophiodiicola</em> in the environment to better understand its distribution, seasonality, and habitat associations are lacking. I collected topsoil and ground water samples from four macrohabitat types in northern Michigan at a site where SFD infection has been seen in Eastern Massasauga. I used a quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay targeting the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) developed for diagnosis of SFD after extracting DNA from samples. <em>Ophidiomyces</em> DNA was successfully detected in topsoil, with minimal to no detection in groundwater samples. The frequency in which <em>Ophidiomyces</em> was detected in a sample did not differ between habitats, but samples grouped seasonally showed higher detection occurring during mid-summer. Investigation of the correlation of environmental parameters on <em>Ophidiomyces</em> occurrence recovered no relationships. Our data suggests that season has some effect on the presence of <em>Ophidiomyces</em>. Differences between habitats may exist but are likely more dependent on the time of sampling and currently uninvestigated soil parameters. These findings build on our understanding of <em>Ophidiomyces</em> ecology and epidemiology and inform where snakes like the Eastern Massasauga may be encountering the fungal pathogen. Furthermore, they assist with developing conservation practices aimed at reducing <em>O. ophiodiicola </em>exposure in imperiled snake species. </p>

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