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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Moving toward a Culture of Empowerment in the Lives of Residents of Assisted Living Centers

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT The massive number of baby boomers approaching retirement age has been termed the `gray tsunami.' As America's gray tsunami approaches, healthcare workers and social workers will become overwhelmed with requests for services and supports (St. Luke's Health Initiative, 2001; Bekemeier, 2009). This impact can be ameliorated by assisting aging individuals in maintaining or in some cases regaining independence. Individuals who live in assisted living facilities (AFLs) come from diverse backgrounds. Many of these individuals have lived in paternalistic environments such as prisons and mental health institutions. As a consequence of these disempowering conditions, residents of ALFs may experience increased depression, decreased self-esteem, and decreased locus of control (R. Hess, personal communication, September 30, 2010). These disabling conditions can severely limit residents' choice-making opportunities and control over their own lives. If programs can be created to provide empowering experiences and to teach self-advocacy skills, I hypothesize that residents will report an improved quality of life and display fewer depressive symptoms, increased self-esteem, and increased locus of control. Helping these individuals to maintain or regain independence will not only reduce the workload for care workers, it will enhance the lives of residents. The only hypothesis that was supported by the study was an improvement in residents' quality of life, and that hypothesis was only partially supported. Two of the five domains in the Residents' Quality of life questionnaire indicated an increase in quality of life. ii The Activities subscale of the Ferrans & Powers Quality also indicated that there was an increase in quality of life. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Social Work 2012

Resiliência, qualidade de vida e sintomas depressivos entre idosos em tratamento ambulatorial / Resilience, quality of life, and depressive symptoms among elderly individuals undergoing outpatient care

Lima, Gabriella Santos 10 August 2018 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou analisar a relação entre a resiliência e as variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde, a qualidade de vida e os sintomas depressivos dos idosos atendidos, em um Ambulatório de Geriatria de um Hospital Geral Terciário, do interior paulista. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, transversal, do tipo analítico, realizado com 148 idosos, atendidos no referido ambulatório. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de maio a outubro de 2017, utilizando-se um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e de saúde, a Escala de Resiliência, o WHOQOLBREF e WHOQOL-OLD e a Center for Epidemiologic Survey - Depression. Dos idosos avaliados, 80,4% eram mulheres, com média de idade de 77,7 anos (DP=6,8), e 77,0% eram aposentados, 52,7%, viúvos, e 59,5% tinham escolaridade entre um e quatro anos; 25,0% moravam somente com o cônjuge; a média de diagnóstico médico por idoso foi de 7,4 (DP=2,9) e os mais prevalentes foram a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (83,1%) e dislipidemia (50,0%). Quanto à resiliência, a média de pontos no escore geral da escala foi de 130,6 (DP=18); para a qualidade de vida, no WHOQOL-BREF, o domínio \"Relação Social\" apresentou maior média (66,2; DP=14,3) e o \"Físico\" a menor (50,7; DP=15,4); no WHOQOL-OLD, a faceta \"Morte e Morrer\" teve maior média (70,9; DP=24,5) e \"Funcionamento do Sensório\", a menor (56,4; DP=22,8) e os escores médios de qualidade de vida global foram 56,7 (DP=20,3) e 63,5 (DP=12,7), respectivamente. Os sintomas depressivos estiveram presentes em 64,2% dos participantes, e a média de pontos na escala foi de 16,5 (DP=10,7), com prevalência para o sexo feminino (56,8%; p=0,001) e para os idosos com renda inferior a um salário-mínimo (39,9%; p=0,004). Houve correlação positiva entre o escore geral da Escala de Resiliência e a escolaridade (r=0,208; p=0,010), a renda (r=0,194; p=0,017), o WHOQOL-BREF (r=0,242; p=0,003) e o WHOQOL-OLD (r=0,522; p<0,001) e negativa com sintomas de depressão (r=-0,270; p=0,001). Apresentaram maior média de pontos, na Escala de Resiliência, os idosos que moravam sozinhos (138,3; p=0,010), com renda maior que um salário-mínimo (134,0; p=0,029) e sem sintomas depressivos (134,7; p=0,035). Percebe-se que quanto maior escolaridade, melhor renda e melhor qualidade de vida mensurada tanto no WHOQOL-BREF quanto no WHOQOL-OLD maior é o grau de resiliência, e quanto maior a presença de sintomas depressivos menor é o grau de resiliência. Espera-se que os resultados desta pesquisa possam auxiliar a equipe multidisciplinar de saúde, no planejamento de ações que visem à promoção da resiliência, com a finalidade de promoção da saúde e da boa qualidade de vida na velhice / This study\'s objective was to analyze the relationships among resilience and sociodemographic and health variables, quality of life and depressive symptoms among elderly individuals cared for in a Geriatric outpatient clinic of a tertiary general hospital in the interior of São Paulo. This quantitative, cross-sectional, analytical study addressed 148 elderly individuals. Data were collected from May to October 2017, using a questionnaire addressing sociodemographic and health information, the Resilience Scale, the WHOQOL-BREF and WHOQOL-OLD, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression. Most of the individuals were women (80.4%), aged 77.7 years old on average (SD=6.8); 77.0% were retired; 52.7% were widowed; 59.5% had one to four years of schooling; 25.0% lived with their spouses only; and an average of 7.4 medical diagnoses were found per individual (SD=2.9), while the most prevalent were systematic hypertension (83.1%) and dyslipidemia (50.0%). The mean score obtained on the Resilience Scale was 130.6 (SD=18). In terms of quality of life, the domain \"Social Relationships\" in the WHOQOL-BREF presented the highest mean (66.2; SD=14.3), while the \"Physical\" domain presented the lowest (50.7; SD=15.4). The facet \"Death and Dying\" in the WHOQOL-OLD obtained the highest mean (70.9; SD=24.5), while \"Sensory Functioning\" obtained the lowest (56.4; SD=22.8), and the mean scores concerning global quality of life were 56.7 (SD=20.3) and 63.5 (SD=12.7), respectively. Depressive symptoms were present in 64.2% of the participants, with a mean score of 16.5 (SD=10.7), while they were most prevalent among women (56.8%; p=0.001) and those with an income below the minimum wage (39.9%; p=0.004). A positive correlation was found between the Resilience Scale\'s general score and education (r=0.208; p=0.010), income (r=0.194; p=0.017), the WHOQOL-BREF (r=0.242; p=0.003) and the WHOQOL-OLD (r=0.522; p<0.001), while a negative correlation was found with depression (r=-0.270; p=0.001). Elderly individuals who lived by themselves (138.3; p=0.010), had income greater than the minimum wage (134.0; p=0.029), and did not present depressive symptoms (134.7; p=0.035) scored the highest on the Resilience Scale. The higher one\'s level of education, income and quality of life, measured by the WHOQOLBREF and the WHOQOL-OLD, the higher is one\'s degree of resilience, while the more depressive symptoms that are present, the lower one\'s degree of resilience. This study\'s results are expected to aid multidisciplinary health teams to plan actions intended to promote resilience and improve elderly individuals\' health and quality of life

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