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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact du vieillissement et de la fertilité minérale sur l'allocation du carbone entre croissance, respiration, stockage et reproduction chez le chêne et le hêtre : Approche expérimentale et modélisation

Genet, Hélène 06 March 2009 (has links)
Dans le but de progresser dans la compréhension des déterminismes de l'allocation du carbone chez les feuillus, ce travail de recherche a consisté à étudier les effets de l'espèce (chênes, hêtre), du vieillissement, du climat et de la fertilité minérale sur la répartition du carbone assimilé par la photosynthèse entre croissance, stockage de composés de réserves carbonées et reproduction. Les effets du vieillissement ont été étudiés à l'échelle de la révolution forestière au travers de deux chronoséquences. Deux dispositifs d'amendement ont permis d'analyser les effets de la fertilité minérale du sol sur l'allocation du carbone dans l'arbre. Au cours du vieillissement du hêtre, l'allocation de carbone à la croissance, majoritaire pendant la phase juvénile, diminue progressivement au profit du stockage de composés de reserves et de la reproduction. En revanche, cette allocation demeure constante au cours du développement du chêne sessile. L'étude dendroclimatique des variations interannuelles de la croissance radiale montre également que les deux espèces répondent de façon contrastée aux variations climatiques. L'augmentation de la productivité à long terme a été mise en évidence pour les deux espèces. Au contraire du chêne, cette augmentation du niveau de croissance s'accompagne d'une forte variabilité interannuelle de la croissance radiale chez le hêtre. En condition de dépérissement chez le hêtre, l'allocation du carbone à la croissance chute drastiquement au profit de l'allocation aux réserves, permettant aux arbres dépérissants de maintenir des concentrations en composés de réserves glucidiques identiques à celles des arbres sains. Par ailleurs, l'amélioration du niveau de fertilité minérale de la station (par amendement) engendre une augmentation transitoire de la croissance radiale. Des concentrations en composés de réserves carbonées plus élevées chez les hêtres amendés ont été observées 15 ans après le traitement. Ces deux résultats suggèrent l'importance du niveau de réserves dans le maintien de l'intégrité physiologique des arbres adultes. Les résultats de cette étude des facteurs intrinsèques (âge,) et externes (fertilité minérale, climat) de variation de l'allocation du carbone chez le chêne et le hêtre, enrichie des enseignements de la littérature, ont permis de confirmer deux modèles de fonctionnement carboné contrastés. / In order to increase our understanding of carbon allocation in broadleaved species, our research consisted of studying the effects of ageing and soil mineral fertility on the carbon allocation between growth, storage and reproduction for oaks and beech. Ageing was studied over a forest succession using a chronosequences approach. Two liming experiments were investigated in order to study the variation of carbon allocation with soil mineral fertility in contrasting situations. The productivity decline in beech was followed by substantial changes in carbon allocation, with a continuous decrease of carbon allocation to growth, to the benefit of reproduction and storage functions. Conversely, carbon allocation in oak remained stable during its entire development. The dendrochronological analysis of inter-annual variations of radial growth shown also that beech and oaks presented contrasted climate-response of growth. There was clear evidence of a long-term increase with time in radial growth in both species. We also observed a long-term increase of inter-annual variations of growth with time for beech but not for oaks. The declining beech presented a sharp decreasing allocation to growth to the benefit of the carbon storage compounds. Moreover, liming induced an temporary increase of radial growth. However, the increase of carbohydrates in limed beeches was still significant 15 after treatment compare to the controls. These results suggested that the stock of carbohydrates is a key parameter of the physiological integrity for adult beeches. These results concerning the intrinsic (ageing) and external (liming, climate) factors of carbon allocation in oaks and beech enabled to confirm two contrasted models of carbon functioning.

Loranthus europaeus Jacq. verzus druhy r. Quercus L. resp. Carpinus L. =:Loranthus europaeus Jacq. vs. Quercus L. resp. Carpinus L. genera. /

Kubíček, Jan January 2018 (has links)
A better understanding of host – hemiparasite association can lead to deepening and improving strategies, which would result in a long-term sustainability of their mutual balance or prosperity of urban and forest vegetation growth. The aim of the thesis is to describe and explore periodicity and dynamics of hemiparasite (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) on various host woody species (Quercus petraea (Matt) Liebl., Carpinus betulus L., Prunus spinosa L.), options of the host support and means of a careful removal of parasite. However, to determine the progress of the infestation in time was the primary aim of the thesis. The research has been carried out in Brno – Kohoutovice and National Park Podyjí. The emergence of both hemiparasite´s and host´s phenophases were mutually compared in the critical conditions. The variation of the growth modules of mistletoe was compared in relation to the host species. The growth and fruit yield of the host and hemiparasite were analysed after the application of fertilizer based on the variations of the mineral content of leaves and soil. Between the years 2011-2015, 1599 stems were monitored for the degree of infestation by mistletoe. The results indicate that the vitality of the hemiparasite depends on the type of host. Fertilizer application improved the growth of the host. Arboricide application on the leaves of the hemiparasite was proven to be efficient. The abundance of hemiparasite increases with the increasing diameter at breast height (DBH), time and mutual interaction. The amount of hemiparasite slightly increases with the lower DBH. However, with the increasing DBH the mentioned phenomenon decreases. The trees with high DBH even show the decrease in the mistletoe infestation in time. Nevertheless, the decrease was accompanied by negative effect – gradual reduction of the crown and loss of the host tree branches. Hemiparasite is able to eradicate the whole stand. Hence, the necessity of paying attention to this issue since the young age of the individual trees. It is necessary to protect trees against stress aspects which can accelerate the negative effect of hemiparasite on the host.

Modifikace barvy dřeva nanočásticemi železa

Kmoníčková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
This thesis clarifies the influence of the content of polyphenolic substances on the color change of oak and larch wood after the modification of surface by iron. The samples were modified by solution of iron nanoparticles at two different concentrations. After that the change of color components was determined. The analysis of polyphenols by Folin-Ciocalteu by spectrophotometric method was made for each sample and also dry matter in the extracts was determined. The final data were subjected to statistical analysis and correlation and regression analysis were performed. Statistically significant correlations for both species were found.

Elemental variability in tree-rings as indicator for climate change : a case study on beech and oak trees at the Laacher See, Germany

Wild, Ann-Kathrin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to contribute to the comprehension of the connection of element uptake in trees at the Laacher See in Germany and climatic parameters on different time scales. Understanding the relationship of certain elements in trees and temperature might enable the assignment of extraordinary high peaks in the elemental concentration, which cannot be explained by temperature, to another process as CO2 degassing of the mofettes, which are relics of the volcanic past of the lake. Beech and oak trees at the Laacher See are not growing close to their climatic distribution limit. The relationship between tree-ring width and temperature might be not distinct enough and therefore insufficient to reconstruct climate back in time based on typical dendrochronological methods. Increasing temperatures affect the production of biomass and the release of elements in the soil. These elements are taken up by roots of trees and are implemented in yearly forming tree-rings. Using elements in tree-rings is discussed to be an alternative method for the reconstruction of climate back in time. However, there is an ongoing debate about dendrochemical methods as it is still not clear how much the resolution of the results is affected by translocation of elements between tree-rings. In this study, tree-cores of living beech and oak trees, sampled 2020, have been measured using an energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence technique (ED-XRF), which is a non-destructive method for multi-element analysis. Eleven elements (Ca, Co, Cu, Cr, Ge, Fe,K, Mn, Ni, Sc, Zn) and three elemental ratios (K/Ca, Ca/Mn, Fe/Mn) have been found to show significant positive or negative correlations in the time period from 1901 to 2018 between their concentration in tree-rings and temperature. Since Cu, Ge and K also show significant correlations with temperature in 10-year periods, higher mobility between tree-rings is assumed for those elements. Low mobility is suggested for the elements Ca and Mn as their concentration in the bark and in the wood shows little correlation. Low mobility indicated by significant correlations between elements and yearly temperature or a lack ofcorrelation between the concentration in the bark and in the wood, makes elements more suitable as indicators for temperature. However, the explanation of element concentration in tree-rings is complex, as elements are influencing each other. Antagonistic behaviour has especially been observed for the elements Ca, Co, Ge, Fe, K, Mn, Ni and Sc. These elements are showing significant correlations with temperature as well, which reveals the dependency of elemental concentrations on more than one variable. Furthermore, acidic soil at the study site might be caused by elevated CO2 concentrations, which originate from mofettes. Increasing concentrations of Fe and Ca in tree-rings give indication for decreasing soil pH. Acidification is a contrary process to temperature increase, as it generally reduces the microbial activity and therefore the availability of nutrients.

Estudio del establecimiento de repoblaciones forestales en el ámbito mediterráneo mediante un análisis holístico de factores técnicos y ecológicos

Segura Orenga, Guillem 31 March 2023 (has links)
[ES] ¿Cuántas veces hemos realizado o participado en una repoblación forestal y pasados los años no hemos encontrado rastro de los árboles plantados? Y en muchas ocasiones nos habremos preguntado por qué e incluso sentido frustración de creer que no lo hemos cuidado adecuadamente. La respuesta no es sencilla como veremos en este trabajo. En las últimas décadas, las repoblaciones forestales o reforestaciones, enmarcadas dentro de planes de restauración, han experimentado altas tasas de mortalidad, sobre todo en nuestro ámbito mediterráneo donde predominan las tierras secas. Esta tasa alta de mortalidad en numerosas ocasiones se relaciona con las condiciones meteorológicas, pero existen multitud de aspectos que pueden influir en alcanzar o no el objetivo final de la repoblación. Para poder conocer cuáles son los aspectos que influyen en mayor o menor medida en la supervivencia y crecimiento adecuado de las plántulas puedas en campo, se plantea la puesta en marcha de un protocolo de control holístico o integral de repoblaciones y el estudio y seguimiento de la puesta en práctica en una repoblación real durante 10 años. El control de calidad en sí mismo se ha contemplado sobre las distintas fases de la repoblación: desde la revisión de las decisiones tomadas en proyecto, pasando por la ejecución en obra, la evaluación de los lotes de planta empleados, la caracterización de sitio o estación, hasta la realización del seguimiento climatológico, ambiental y de la propia repoblación (en términos de supervivencia y crecimiento). En base a distintos planteamientos experimentales y de toma de muestras dentro de una repoblación real, en condiciones cambiantes y con sequias extremas, se ha podido estudiar pormenorizadamente la calidad de planta o stock y la idoneidad de las especies utilizadas (Pinus sp., Quercus sp., Arbutus Unedo, Juniperus phoenicea y Fraxinus ornus) para posteriormente evaluar la repoblación tras 10 años en conjunto y por tanto, los demás aspectos y sus interacciones que influyen en el establecimiento, como: la calidad de ejecución, la calidad de sitio o estación, la idoneidad del tubo protector, etc. A grandes rasgos, los resultados tanto en las parcela experimental como en la repoblación, siendo en ellas las condiciones meteorológicas las mismas, no ha sido muy satisfactoria tras los 10 años. Al margen de conocer que las sequias extremas acontecidas han tenido gran influencia e interaccionan demás factores (acrecentando los efectos negativos), se ha podido evaluar que existen especies de dudosa idoneidad para determinados sitios; que la correcta ejecución juega un papel importante; que se requiere de una mejor zonificación; y que cuidados culturales post plantación como el tubo protector, pueden influir notablemente en la consecución de la repoblación. Así, además de identificar cuáles son los aspectos más influyentes en esta repoblación en particular, se han adquirido cuestiones prácticas tanto a la hora de aplicar el control de calidad como a la hora de como plantearnos, desde la redacción del proyecto, las nuevas repoblaciones, teniendo muy en cuenta el nuevo contexto de cambio climático. / [CAT] Quantes vegades hem realitzat o participat en una repoblació forestal i passats els anys no hem trobat cap rastre dels arbres plantats? I moltes vegades ens haurem preguntat per què i fins i tot, sentit frustració de creure que els hem cuidat adequadament. La resposta no és senzilla com veurem en aquest treball. En les darreres dècades, les repoblacions forestals o reforestacions, emmarcades dins de plans de restauració, han experimentat altes taxes de mortalitat, sobretot al nostre àmbit mediterrani on predominen les zones àrides. Aquesta taxa alta de mortalitat normalment es relaciona amb les condicions meteorològiques, però hi ha multitud d'aspectes que poden influir en assolir o no l'objectiu final de la repoblació. Per poder conèixer quins són els aspectes que influeixen en major o menor mesura en la supervivència i el creixement adequat de les plàntules posades camp, es fica en marxa un protocol de control holístic o integral de repoblacions, i l'estudi i el seguiment de la posada en pràctica en una repoblació real durant 10 anys. El control de qualitat en si mateix s'ha contemplat sobre les diferents fases de la repoblació: des de la revisió de les decisions preses en projecte, passant per l'execució en l'obra, l'avaluació dels lots de planta emprats, la caracterització de lloc o estació, fins a la realització del seguiment climatològic, ambiental i de la pròpia repoblació (en termes de supervivència i creixement). En base a diferents plantejaments experimentals i de presa de mostres dins una repoblació real, en condicions canviants i amb sequeres extremes, s'ha pogut estudiar detalladament la qualitat de planta i la idoneïtat de les espècies utilitzades (Pinus sp., Quercus sp., Arbutus Unedo, Juniperus phoenicea i Fraxinus ornus) per posteriorment avaluar la repoblació després de 10 anys en conjunt i per tant, els altres aspectes i les seves interaccions que influeixen en l'establiment, com ara: la qualitat d'execució, la qualitat de lloc o estació, la idoneïtat del tub protector, etc. A grans trets, els resultats tant a les parcel·les experimentals com a la repoblació, sent en elles les condicions meteorològiques les mateixes, no ha estat gaire satisfactòria després dels 10 anys. Al marge de saber que les sequeres extremes esdevingudes han tingut gran influència i interaccionen altres factors (augmentant els efectes negatius), s'ha pogut avaluar que hi ha espècies de dubtosa idoneïtat per a determinats llocs; que la correcta execució juga un paper important; que es requereix una millor zonificació; i que els tractaments culturals postplantació com el tub protector, poden influir notablement en la consecució de la repoblació. Així, a mes a més de conèixer quins són els aspectes més influents en aquesta repoblació en particular, s'han adquirit qüestions pràctiques tant a l'hora d'aplicar el control de qualitat com a l'hora de plantejar-nos, des de la redacció del projecte, les noves repoblacions, tenint molt en compte el nou context de canvi climàtic. / [EN] How many times have we carried out or participated in a reforestation and over the years we have not found a trace of the planted trees? On many occasions, we will have wondered why and even felt frustrated to believe that we have not taken care of it properly. The answer is not simple as we will see in this work. In recent decades reforestations, framed within restoration plans, have experienced high mortality rates, especially in our Mediterranean area where drylands predominate. This high mortality rate is often related to weather conditions, but there are many aspects that can influence the final objective of the reforestation. In order to know which are the aspects that influence the survival and adequate growth of seedlings in the field, the implementation of a holistic control protocol for reforestation is proposed, as well as the study and monitoring of the put into practice in a real reforestation for 10 years. The quality control itself has been contemplated on the different phases of the reforestation: from the review of the decisions taken in the project, through the execution on site, the evaluation of the stock quality of plant used, the site characterization, until climatological, environmental and reforestation monitoring (in terms of survival and growth). Based on different experimental approaches and sampling within a real reforestation, with changing conditions and extreme droughts, it has been possible to study in detail the quality of the plant and the suitability of the species used (Pinus sp., Quercus sp., Arbutus Unedo, Juniperus phoenicea and Fraxinus ornus). Then has been evaluated the repopulation after 10 years as a whole, knowing the other aspects and their interactions that influence the establishment, such as: the quality of execution, the site quality, the suitability of shelter tube, etc. Broadly speaking, the results in the experimental plot and in the reforestation, being the same the weather conditions, have not been very satisfactory after 10 years. Apart from knowing that the extreme droughts that have occurred have had a great influence and their interactions with other factors (increasing the negative effects), it has been possible to evaluate that there are species of doubtful suitability for certain site conditions; that correct execution plays an important role; that better zoning is required; and post-planting cultural treatment, such as the protective tube, can significantly influence the establishment of reforestation. Thus, apart from identify which are the most influential aspects in this particular reforestation, practical questions have been acquired when applying quality control from the project drafting of the new reforestations taking into account the new context, the climate change. / Segura Orenga, G. (2023). Estudio del establecimiento de repoblaciones forestales en el ámbito mediterráneo mediante un análisis holístico de factores técnicos y ecológicos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192666

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