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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Räddningstjänst : Definition, ansvar och samverkan

Bengtsson, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this legal dogmatic Bachelor Thesis is to define the legal definition of “a rescue service” and illustrate the division of responsibilities between national authorities and the municipalities with regards to the execution of emergency response operations.</p><p>“A rescue service” means the emergency response actions that national and municipal authorities are legally obliged to provide to prevent or minimise injury to people and damage to property or the environment when emergencies occur or seem imminent. In the following cases a national authority is responsible for providing the requisite rescue service:</p><p>1. Search and rescue (air) – the Swedish Civil Aviation Authority is the responsible authority;</p><p>2. Search and rescue (maritime) the Swedish Maritime Administration is the responsible authority;</p><p>3. Maritime environmental protection – the Swedish Coast Guard is the responsible authority;</p><p>4. Mountain rescue service, – the police services in the four mountainous counties are the responsible authorities;</p><p>5. General missing persons searches – the regional police are the responsible authority; and finally</p><p>6. Emergency preparedness for nuclear energy incidents – the relevant county administrative board is the responsible authority.</p><p>The municipalities are responsible themselves or in co-operation with others for all other rescue services required within the municipality’s boundaries.</p><p>Keywords: rescue service, co-operation, emergency response, emergency, authorities</p>

Svenska och engelska fri- och rättigheter : En rättshistorisk komparativ studie

Nilsson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Numer är fri- och rättigheter som skyddas för de enskilda medborgarna något som måste anses självklart i de allra flesta stater och rättssystem. Synen på fri- och rättigheter kan dock traditionellt sett skilja sig ganska mycket åt beroende på vilket lands lagar och regler som man väljer att studera. Olika system har givetvis funnit olika lösningar på hur dessa fri- och rättigheter ska skyddas, samt har även olika uppfattningar om vad som överhuvudtaget är fri- och rättigheter för den enskilda medborgaren. Vidare kan synen på om fri- och rättigheterna ska vara absoluta eller kunna inskränkas på olika sätt variera beroende på vilket lands rättssystem som granskas.</p><p>Olika länder har vidare givetvis influerats av olika synsätt och ideologiska tankegångar genom åren. Detta är inte minst fallet när en jämförelse görs mellan Sverige och England. England med sitt Common Law-system har historiskt sett ett helt annat sätt att se på vad som är fri- och rättigheter för den enskilda än vad exempelvis Sverige har haft. England har överhuvudtaget länge ogillat att tala om sådant som absoluta fri- och rättigheter som inte kan inskränkas av det suveräna Parlamentet. Detta betyder givetvis inte att det helt saknats fri- och rättigheter i England historiskt sett, men dessa har kunnat inskränkas betydligt enklare än i ett land som skyddar fri- och rättigheterna genom sin grundlag. Skillnaden mellan hur fri- och rättigheter historiskt sett betraktats beror även delvis på att Sverige anammade naturrättens idéer om vissa absoluta fri- och rättigheter och kodifikation på ett helt annat sätt än vad England gjorde.</p><p>På senare tid, speciellt efter andra världskrigets slut, har dock en viss utjämning skett i och med de internationella konventioner som undertecknats av både Sverige och England. Dessa kom till för att de kränkningar som människor utsatts för under andra världskriget aldrig skulle komma att upprepas. Fortfarande är det dock så att skyddet inte är exakt likadant för de svenska medborgarna som för de engelska samt att vissa fri- och rättigheter inte skyddas riktigt lika starkt inom en del områden i England jämfört med vad som är fallet i Sverige.</p>

Skönhetsvård : -En tjänst som hamnar utanför konsumenttjänstlagen ? / Treatments on body : -Not included in the Swedish regulation concerning consumer services?

Dennerlid, Elisabeth, Håkansdotter, Helena January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>This essay is about what rights that a consumer has, after it’s been to a beauty-shop getting a treatment somewhere on her body. We were interested to see what kind of regulations that could be useful if a problem occurred after or during treatment. There are several risks with these treatments.</p><p>The last decade these kinds of treatments have increased, due to people being vain and so aware about there looks. We started to investigate what type of rights the consumer generally has when it’s about a service. We realised that treatments on living species aren’t included in the Swedish regulation concerning consumer services (konsumenttjänstlagen). Therefore, we looked up the legislative history behind this law. We found out that the law should not include services on a human body.</p><p>As we were working on with our essay we realised that there aren’t any cases that has been brought up in Swedish courts. We started therefore to investigate the laws around the security of products. This extended our interest and we started to search on other places, such as directions from supervising authorities in charge and responsible of products that were used during the treatments. This led us to the question: what kinds of products are accepted to use during the treatments? We found out that it was the businessman himself that were in charge of his products and his knowledge of the profession. The manufacture and importers are also responsible for there products. It was just a question of registration about the products to the Swedish pharmaceutical authority (läkemedelsverket) and that the products were accorded under the directive for cosmetics and hygienic products, (cosmetics directive) from 1976. The directive has been changed several of times and Sweden has a law called decree of cosmetics and hygienic products, which is totally based on the cosmetics directive.</p><p>As we mentioned before there were no court cases about this subject, but we found cases at the Swedish national board for consumer complaints (ARN). These were interesting in this matter and proved the thought that there was a problem. ARN make recommendations to businessmen when problems already have occurred for the consumer. In these cases they based there recommendation on the Swedish regulation concerning consumer services, even though this law should not be used for treatments on human beings. This confirms that there is a legal loophole, and that there is a need to reconsider the right of the consumer in this specific law.</p>

Målinriktat jämställdhetsarbete : Forshaga kommun

Pedersen, Benny Pedersén, Wallhagen, Camilla, Gullbrantz, Reneé January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>According to 3 § in the Equal Opportunities Act should employer fulfil their commitment to their employees and work targeted for the equality in working life. In the report we account for 3—11 §§ Equal Opportunities Act, in purpose to show employer obligations to work actively work for equality between the sexes. This is the main focus of the article and the answer to one of our issue of law. We have also written about how equality work and how the Equal Opportunities Act has grown up, how it work in today’s society and the thoughts about the future.</p><p>The growth of equality work, the Equal Opportunities Act and a short history are partially written from European law, the Swedish government official reports and in government bills. Today’s work is also presented in the Swedish government official reports, in government bills and interpretations of the active work can be read in the chapter of the Office of the Equal Opportunities. Future thoughts are also written from European law and in the Swedish government official report 2006:22.</p><p>During the time when we have written the report we have done our practice at Forshaga municipality. During the practice where had to arrange an education day around equality for the municipality leaders and the representatives for the union in Forshaga municipality. In the report you could read about a study we did during the education day. We asked questions to three municipality leaders as well as to the union representative, to further develop the answers and report more detailed about the diversity work. This gave us the second answer of or issue of law and how it works in real life.</p><p>By way of introduction we used traditional legal method containing both justice dogmatism and justice positivism. On the basis of the justice dogmatism perspective we have used legal sources such as words of an Act and preparatory work from the government. Applicable sections of a law in the report are collected from the Equal Opportunities Act (1991:433). Further on we have used the justice positivism perspective when we done both quantitative and qualitative investigations in shape of inquiry investigations and interviews. The qualitative investigations showed that there was a high reliability since all participants answered the same questions. The qualitative investigations showed to be valid since the questions covered only questions regarding equality work.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Enligt 3 § jämställdhetslagen (JämL) skall arbetsgivaren bedriva ett målinriktat arbete för att aktivt främja jämställdhet i arbetslivet. I uppsatsen redovisas 3—11 §§ JämL i syfte att påvisa arbetsgivarens skyldigheter att verka för ett aktivt jämställdhetsarbete, det är uppsatsens fokus samt svaret på en av rättsfrågorna. Det framgår även hur jämställdhetsarbetet och jämställdhetslagen har vuxit fram, hur det fungerar i nutid och tankarna om framtiden.</p><p>Framväxten av jämställdhetsarbetet och jämställdhetslagen samt kort historik är delvis skriven ur EG-rätten, statens offentliga utredningar (SOU) och regeringens propositioner. Nutidsarbetet redovisas också i SOU-rapporter och regeringens propositioner och en tolkning av det aktiva jämställdhetsarbetet finns att läsa i kapitlet av JämO. Framtidstankarna är nedskrivna framförallt i EG-rätten och i SOU 2006:22.</p><p>Under uppsatsens tillkomst har vi/författarna haft praktik på Forshaga kommun. Uppdraget på praktiken bestod i att anordna en utbildningsdag i jämställdhet för kommunens chefer och de fackligt förtroendevalda. I uppsatsen framgår en sammanställning av en enkätundersökning som skedde i samband med utbildningsdagen. För att vidareutveckla svaren och närmare redovisa hur jämställdhetsarbetet bedrivs idag samt hur förbättringar kan ske gjordes kvalitativa intervjuer med tre chefer och en fackligt förtroendevald, som också blev svaret på vår andra rättsfråga, hur det fungerar rent praktiskt.</p><p>Inledningsvis i uppsatsen har vi använt oss utav traditionell juridisk metod som innefattar både rättsdogmatismen och rättspositivismen. Utifrån det rättsdogmatiska perspektivet har vi utgått från rättskällor som lagtext och förarbeten. Tillämpliga lagrum i texten är hämtade ur jämställdhetslagen (1991:433). Vidare använde vi oss utav det rättspositivistiska perspektivet då vi gjort både kvantitativa och kvalitativa undersökningar i form av enkätundersökningar och intervjuer. De kvantitativa undersökningarna visade sig ha en hög reliabilitet eftersom alla personer som svarat på enkäten hade fått samma frågor. Den kvalitativa undersökningen visade sig ha hög validitet då frågorna endast handlade om jämställdhetsarbetet på arbetsplatsen.</p>

Turordningsreglerna : En studie avturordningsreglerna vid en verksamhetsövergång i Karlstad / The rules of priority : A study of the rules of priority related to layoffs and an acquisition of companies in Karlstad

Andersson, Carina, Gunnarsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Metso Paper in Karlstad is acquiring Kvaerner Pulping and Kvaerner Kamfab, also located in Karlstad. Following this acquisition, there are going to be changes in the organizational structure and some employees might even loose their jobs. There are guidelines from the European Union how to handle situations like this, the purpose of these are to protect the employees. There are also Swedish laws that regulate the protection of the employees when a company is acquired, who is going to keep their job and who is to be made redundant.</p><p>The transaction between the companies is large why they need an approval from the European Union. The European Union has certain demands for the approval. Metso and Kvaerner have to sell some parts of the production to another company in order to not become too dominant in the market. In this essay we are investigating what the law says about layoffs and how it is handled in reality.</p><p>We have kept focus on the paragraphs 6 b and 22 of the law regarding employment protection. These paragraphs regulate the protection for the employees in an acquisition, they also regulate who has to leave first in a potential of layoff situation. Important parts of the legislation protect employees with high age and those who have the longest employment time in the company. A prerequisite for keeping their jobs is that the employees have necessary knowledge and skills for the tasks he or she is going to perform.</p><p>We have used traditional legal method so-called dogmatic method with empirical elements. The traditional method means to search through literature such as doctrine and dissertations for information and the empirical elements means for example the information we’ve gathered from the companies. We got the idea for this essay when we were doing our internships at Metso Paper and Kvaerner Kamfab, a part of our examination in this course. We were informed about the transaction and got curious about what was going to happen with the employees in the companies.</p><p>Our result shows that almost everything is negotiable through collective bargaining agreements. Another conclusion is that when a Swedish company sells parts of the production to a company located in another country and with no intent to keep the production in Sweden, the law is not preventing them executing their plans. </p>

Skönhetsvård : -En tjänst som hamnar utanför konsumenttjänstlagen ? / Treatments on body : -Not included in the Swedish regulation concerning consumer services?

Dennerlid, Elisabeth, Håkansdotter, Helena January 2007 (has links)
Abstract This essay is about what rights that a consumer has, after it’s been to a beauty-shop getting a treatment somewhere on her body. We were interested to see what kind of regulations that could be useful if a problem occurred after or during treatment. There are several risks with these treatments. The last decade these kinds of treatments have increased, due to people being vain and so aware about there looks. We started to investigate what type of rights the consumer generally has when it’s about a service. We realised that treatments on living species aren’t included in the Swedish regulation concerning consumer services (konsumenttjänstlagen). Therefore, we looked up the legislative history behind this law. We found out that the law should not include services on a human body. As we were working on with our essay we realised that there aren’t any cases that has been brought up in Swedish courts. We started therefore to investigate the laws around the security of products. This extended our interest and we started to search on other places, such as directions from supervising authorities in charge and responsible of products that were used during the treatments. This led us to the question: what kinds of products are accepted to use during the treatments? We found out that it was the businessman himself that were in charge of his products and his knowledge of the profession. The manufacture and importers are also responsible for there products. It was just a question of registration about the products to the Swedish pharmaceutical authority (läkemedelsverket) and that the products were accorded under the directive for cosmetics and hygienic products, (cosmetics directive) from 1976. The directive has been changed several of times and Sweden has a law called decree of cosmetics and hygienic products, which is totally based on the cosmetics directive. As we mentioned before there were no court cases about this subject, but we found cases at the Swedish national board for consumer complaints (ARN). These were interesting in this matter and proved the thought that there was a problem. ARN make recommendations to businessmen when problems already have occurred for the consumer. In these cases they based there recommendation on the Swedish regulation concerning consumer services, even though this law should not be used for treatments on human beings. This confirms that there is a legal loophole, and that there is a need to reconsider the right of the consumer in this specific law.

Räddningstjänst : Definition, ansvar och samverkan

Bengtsson, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this legal dogmatic Bachelor Thesis is to define the legal definition of “a rescue service” and illustrate the division of responsibilities between national authorities and the municipalities with regards to the execution of emergency response operations. “A rescue service” means the emergency response actions that national and municipal authorities are legally obliged to provide to prevent or minimise injury to people and damage to property or the environment when emergencies occur or seem imminent. In the following cases a national authority is responsible for providing the requisite rescue service: 1. Search and rescue (air) – the Swedish Civil Aviation Authority is the responsible authority; 2. Search and rescue (maritime) the Swedish Maritime Administration is the responsible authority; 3. Maritime environmental protection – the Swedish Coast Guard is the responsible authority; 4. Mountain rescue service, – the police services in the four mountainous counties are the responsible authorities; 5. General missing persons searches – the regional police are the responsible authority; and finally 6. Emergency preparedness for nuclear energy incidents – the relevant county administrative board is the responsible authority. The municipalities are responsible themselves or in co-operation with others for all other rescue services required within the municipality’s boundaries. Keywords: rescue service, co-operation, emergency response, emergency, authorities

Social security for solo mothers in Swedish and EU law : on the constructions of normality and the boundaries of social citizenship

Wennberg, Lena January 2008 (has links)
Lena Wennberg, Social Security for Solo Mothers in Swedish and EU law. On the constructions of normality and the boundaries of social citizenship. Doctoral dissertation. English text. Iustus Förlag AB, 407 pp. Uppsala 2008. ISSN 1404-9198, ISBN 978-91-7678-704-5. Three separate studies brought together in this thesis serve the overarching purpose of revealing historical and context-dependent constructions of normality in social security law, and from that elucidating gender and power relations and processes of exclusion and inclusion in the Swedish welfare model. The feminist approach taken towards law rests on the understanding that the logic of separation segregates and makes invisible women’s life experiences in law. Gender equality in the formal sense is questioned. Each of the studies takes as its point of departure the disadvantaged position of solo mothers not only in the private but also in the public sphere of legislated social rights, and questions gender-insensitive critical positions in academic legal scholarship. A notion of gender as social practice is concerned with highlighting the dynamic and relational aspects of gender – a set of norms and relations embedded in social structure. The analytical concept of solo mothers and the concept of social citizenship constitute a theoretical framework for revealing the various aspects of gender and power in law that normatively and discursively take part in the construction of normality in the welfare model. Modernisation of national social protection, as part of the Lisbon strategy of the EU, is bound to exert normative pressure on national welfare models. In the opening study current legal regulation of social assistance for solo mothers in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, and Danish law are compared and analysed. How the meaning of a social model and gender equality in the EU is understood, regulated, and articulated; the strategies that are used; and the social consequences these strategies and the meanings of EU law might have for social security law and for the position of solo mothers in a Swedish context, are unmasked and analysed in the second study. In the third study, normality in the Swedish welfare model over time is revealed in order to achieve a deeper understanding of the processes of exclusion and inclusion in the Swedish welfare model and to assess the boundaries of social citizenship in the Swedish welfare model at the present time. Constructions of normality in social security law, and hence the boundaries of social citizenship, are determined by statutory and discursive constructions about who is being included; what needs are to be ensured and how; what responsibilities should the state or the community have; and what individual rights and duties ought to exist. The ideological ideas underpinning the creation of a social model for Europe, which can be interpreted as ‘active citizenship’, seem inconsistent with social security as traditionally laid down in law in the Swedish model. The question is raised of whether the Swedish welfare model, challenged by the Europeanization of values, is in transition. Discussions concerning the welfare of individual persons today large extent have a liberal profile: participation, independence and free choice are articulated. Gendered inequality, however, still involves a material component. If welfare models do not take this into account, the prognosis can be seen as relative, if not absolute, poverty for women in general and solo mothers in particular. Keywords: EU law, Gender equality, Solo Mothers, Social citizenship, Social exclusion, Social inclusion, Social protection, Social security, Swedish law

Svenska och engelska fri- och rättigheter : En rättshistorisk komparativ studie

Nilsson, Johan January 2006 (has links)
Sammanfattning Numer är fri- och rättigheter som skyddas för de enskilda medborgarna något som måste anses självklart i de allra flesta stater och rättssystem. Synen på fri- och rättigheter kan dock traditionellt sett skilja sig ganska mycket åt beroende på vilket lands lagar och regler som man väljer att studera. Olika system har givetvis funnit olika lösningar på hur dessa fri- och rättigheter ska skyddas, samt har även olika uppfattningar om vad som överhuvudtaget är fri- och rättigheter för den enskilda medborgaren. Vidare kan synen på om fri- och rättigheterna ska vara absoluta eller kunna inskränkas på olika sätt variera beroende på vilket lands rättssystem som granskas. Olika länder har vidare givetvis influerats av olika synsätt och ideologiska tankegångar genom åren. Detta är inte minst fallet när en jämförelse görs mellan Sverige och England. England med sitt Common Law-system har historiskt sett ett helt annat sätt att se på vad som är fri- och rättigheter för den enskilda än vad exempelvis Sverige har haft. England har överhuvudtaget länge ogillat att tala om sådant som absoluta fri- och rättigheter som inte kan inskränkas av det suveräna Parlamentet. Detta betyder givetvis inte att det helt saknats fri- och rättigheter i England historiskt sett, men dessa har kunnat inskränkas betydligt enklare än i ett land som skyddar fri- och rättigheterna genom sin grundlag. Skillnaden mellan hur fri- och rättigheter historiskt sett betraktats beror även delvis på att Sverige anammade naturrättens idéer om vissa absoluta fri- och rättigheter och kodifikation på ett helt annat sätt än vad England gjorde. På senare tid, speciellt efter andra världskrigets slut, har dock en viss utjämning skett i och med de internationella konventioner som undertecknats av både Sverige och England. Dessa kom till för att de kränkningar som människor utsatts för under andra världskriget aldrig skulle komma att upprepas. Fortfarande är det dock så att skyddet inte är exakt likadant för de svenska medborgarna som för de engelska samt att vissa fri- och rättigheter inte skyddas riktigt lika starkt inom en del områden i England jämfört med vad som är fallet i Sverige.

Målinriktat jämställdhetsarbete : Forshaga kommun

Pedersen, Benny Pedersén, Wallhagen, Camilla, Gullbrantz, Reneé January 2007 (has links)
Abstract According to 3 § in the Equal Opportunities Act should employer fulfil their commitment to their employees and work targeted for the equality in working life. In the report we account for 3—11 §§ Equal Opportunities Act, in purpose to show employer obligations to work actively work for equality between the sexes. This is the main focus of the article and the answer to one of our issue of law. We have also written about how equality work and how the Equal Opportunities Act has grown up, how it work in today’s society and the thoughts about the future. The growth of equality work, the Equal Opportunities Act and a short history are partially written from European law, the Swedish government official reports and in government bills. Today’s work is also presented in the Swedish government official reports, in government bills and interpretations of the active work can be read in the chapter of the Office of the Equal Opportunities. Future thoughts are also written from European law and in the Swedish government official report 2006:22. During the time when we have written the report we have done our practice at Forshaga municipality. During the practice where had to arrange an education day around equality for the municipality leaders and the representatives for the union in Forshaga municipality. In the report you could read about a study we did during the education day. We asked questions to three municipality leaders as well as to the union representative, to further develop the answers and report more detailed about the diversity work. This gave us the second answer of or issue of law and how it works in real life. By way of introduction we used traditional legal method containing both justice dogmatism and justice positivism. On the basis of the justice dogmatism perspective we have used legal sources such as words of an Act and preparatory work from the government. Applicable sections of a law in the report are collected from the Equal Opportunities Act (1991:433). Further on we have used the justice positivism perspective when we done both quantitative and qualitative investigations in shape of inquiry investigations and interviews. The qualitative investigations showed that there was a high reliability since all participants answered the same questions. The qualitative investigations showed to be valid since the questions covered only questions regarding equality work. / Sammanfattning Enligt 3 § jämställdhetslagen (JämL) skall arbetsgivaren bedriva ett målinriktat arbete för att aktivt främja jämställdhet i arbetslivet. I uppsatsen redovisas 3—11 §§ JämL i syfte att påvisa arbetsgivarens skyldigheter att verka för ett aktivt jämställdhetsarbete, det är uppsatsens fokus samt svaret på en av rättsfrågorna. Det framgår även hur jämställdhetsarbetet och jämställdhetslagen har vuxit fram, hur det fungerar i nutid och tankarna om framtiden. Framväxten av jämställdhetsarbetet och jämställdhetslagen samt kort historik är delvis skriven ur EG-rätten, statens offentliga utredningar (SOU) och regeringens propositioner. Nutidsarbetet redovisas också i SOU-rapporter och regeringens propositioner och en tolkning av det aktiva jämställdhetsarbetet finns att läsa i kapitlet av JämO. Framtidstankarna är nedskrivna framförallt i EG-rätten och i SOU 2006:22. Under uppsatsens tillkomst har vi/författarna haft praktik på Forshaga kommun. Uppdraget på praktiken bestod i att anordna en utbildningsdag i jämställdhet för kommunens chefer och de fackligt förtroendevalda. I uppsatsen framgår en sammanställning av en enkätundersökning som skedde i samband med utbildningsdagen. För att vidareutveckla svaren och närmare redovisa hur jämställdhetsarbetet bedrivs idag samt hur förbättringar kan ske gjordes kvalitativa intervjuer med tre chefer och en fackligt förtroendevald, som också blev svaret på vår andra rättsfråga, hur det fungerar rent praktiskt. Inledningsvis i uppsatsen har vi använt oss utav traditionell juridisk metod som innefattar både rättsdogmatismen och rättspositivismen. Utifrån det rättsdogmatiska perspektivet har vi utgått från rättskällor som lagtext och förarbeten. Tillämpliga lagrum i texten är hämtade ur jämställdhetslagen (1991:433). Vidare använde vi oss utav det rättspositivistiska perspektivet då vi gjort både kvantitativa och kvalitativa undersökningar i form av enkätundersökningar och intervjuer. De kvantitativa undersökningarna visade sig ha en hög reliabilitet eftersom alla personer som svarat på enkäten hade fått samma frågor. Den kvalitativa undersökningen visade sig ha hög validitet då frågorna endast handlade om jämställdhetsarbetet på arbetsplatsen.

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