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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study to indicate the importance of brand awareness in brand choice - A cultural perspective

Bornmark, Hanna, Göransson, Åsa, Svensson, Christina January 2006 (has links)
<p>According to theory, consumers choose a brand they recognise, before an unfamiliar brand in an unknown environment. If the consumers do not choose according to theories, what are the factors that have a greater affect on the buying behaviour? </p><p>There is not so much research about the effect of brand awareness on brand choice, which is why this subject was investigated. One of the purposes of this dissertation was to do a research about brand awareness; to see to what extent it matters when purchasing the first time in an unfamiliar environment. One of the objectives was to determine if there were any differences in buying behaviour between the chosen cultures. The research group was limited to the students from China, India and Iran at Kristianstad University. </p><p>The research questions were important since they structured the problem that was to be answered and made it easier to limit the scope of the dissertation. The questionnaires that were handed out reflected our research questions. This made it possible to observe which product the students recognised most and which product they recognised least. The result was used in our analysis. </p><p>The conclusions of the dissertation was that all investigated factors had some importance for choice of brand, while quality had a greater affect on brand choice than brand awareness. Further, it was no difference in buying behaviour between the cultures. Finally, it was not possible to state any differences in buying behaviour the first time compared to today.</p>

The Staffing Policies of Swedish Companies at their Chinese Production Units

Dolinska, Nina, Hrlovic, Dzenita, Swane, Katarina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Increasing production costs and high pressure from the consumers are leading Swedish companies towards an expansion to China. Since more and more companies are moving their production, we found it interesting to study the problems they might encounter while employing personnel. </p><p>The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse what staffing policies companies choose and variables that influence the decision at Swedish production plants in China. Ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric policies were the three analysed staffing policies. </p><p>To be able to achieve our goal and to see if our hypotheses were right, a case study was most appropriate for our research. By analysing a few Swedish companies, the necessary data were gathered. This information showed that our hypotheses were accurate since the companies used the polycentric staffing policy and considered the variables: language, laws and regulations and cultural differences to be important. </p>

Code of conduct Inspections and Compliance

Helge, Jenny, Lein Thylin, Therese, Lööf, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>In many of the developing countries the working conditions are poor and unfair. Many of the clothes are bought from these countries where murder, violence and arresting of the workers are common. Neither the employers nor the employees know the laws of their countries entirely and therefore have no knowledge of fundamental rights.</p><p>The purpose of the dissertation has been to study the inspections and the compliances of the codes of conduct. Companies use codes of conduct to improve the working environment at the supplier. Furthermore, it is a contract from the company to the supplier, containing what to be expected of the supplier. The dissertation also describes what the differences are between being a member or not of the organization Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI). </p><p>The research questions were answered through interviews. The contacted companies were Swedish textile companies with suppliers in developing countries.</p><p>No noticeable differences between being a member of BSCI or not were found. Therefore, we added the last research question that contained the relationship between the selected companies and their suppliers.</p><p>A conclusion regarding the relationship can be drawn from our empirical material. A satisfactory relationship with the supplier is vital when inspecting a code of conduct. The suppliers should be an active part in the work with codes of conduct to improve them in the future.</p>

The Cultural Engina in a Multi-Task Experiment

Bornholt, Marcus, Elfverson, Marianne, Johnsson, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
<p>As the world’s markets are becoming more integrated and companies are outsourcing to other countries to a greater extent it is important for them to take the cultural aspects into consideration. We wanted to study if the different cultures affect the agent’s behaviour in a principal-agent relationship and focus on Sweden and China. When looking for research in this field we found that the cultural aspect of the principal-agent theory had been widely neglected.</p><p>We studied both the multi-tasking phenomena which is a theory closely linked to the principal-agent theory, as well as different cultural differences. </p><p>We found that there were large cultural differences between China and Sweden, but also similarities. We concluded our hypotheses on the different cultural differences which we then linked to the variation of preferences in contracts. These hypotheses were used to create, the MMA-model. </p><p>To test our MMA-model we conducted an experiment which we came to call the MMA-experiment. In order to test if our cultural generalizations based on the theoretical framework were true we let the participants fill out a questionnaire before the experiment. In short, the point of the experiment was to study how the cultural differences affected the choice of contracts in a multi-task environment.</p><p>The result of our experiment concluded that the MMA-model was accurate. We also found that the trust contract, in the way it was designed, was best when dealing with a multi-task environment.</p>

Nedskrivningar -för en rättvisande bild eller eget intresse?

Axelsson, Monika, Broberg, Pernilla, Schéle, Charlotta January 2006 (has links)
<p>Den pågående övergången till mer internationella redovisningsregler och rekommendationer diskuteras just nu flitigt i Sverige. Samtidigt som den internationella harmoniseringen ska stärkas och jämförbarheten öka, finns oro för att en mängd nya valmöjligheter ger ett allt för stort spelrum för uppskattningar och bedömningar av företagsledningen.</p><p> Via EU:s fjärde bolagsdirektiv har begreppet ”rättvisande bild” kommit in i den svenska årsredovisningslagen och i Sverige har Redovisningsrådet förbundit sig att verka för att IASB:s standarder kommer till uttryck i de svenska rekommendationerna. Exempel på detta är RR17, om nedskrivningar, som införts i Sverige från och med år 2002. RR17 ger ett visst handlingsutrymme när det gäller vilken metod som ska tillämpas vid nedskrivning av anläggningstillgångar. De metoder som tillåts ger dessutom utrymme för subjektiva bedömningar. Genom att utgå från teorier som handlar om att människor är rationella och strävar efter att maximera sin egen nytta är syftet med denna studie att undersöka om nedskrivningar görs av företagsledningar för att uppnå en rättvisande bild, om nedskrivningar görs i eget intresse eller på grund av institutionella faktorer. </p><p> Genom att statistiskt analysera ett material som samlats in via granskning av de svenska börsföretagens årsredovisningar, testas hypoteser som är ställda utifrån Positive Accounting Theory och Institutionell teori.</p><p> Studien visar att det finns starka samband mellan nedskrivningarnas storlek och företagens räntabilitet på totalt kapital samt mellan nedskrivningarnas storlek och huruvida företagen gjort VD-byte eller inte. Dessutom konstateras att någonting händer år 2004 som skulle kunna härledas till den stundande övergången till IAS/IFRS. </p>

High-tech vs : Low-tech companies - Variations in internationalisation process

Atmer, Johan, Thagesson, Pontus January 2006 (has links)
<p>The internationalisation process of companies has for long been popular to observe among researchers. Although many of the developed theories do explain this process rather accurately, we found them too general in their definition of what sorts of companies they apply to. In this dissertation we compared the internationalisation process in high-tech companies to low-tech companies in an attempt to observe differences or similarities. Was it really possible that the existing theories or at least some of them could explain this process in two so clearly different business sectors? Our conclusion is that they could not. The research of this dissertation found main differences between high-tech and low-tech companies in country focus, network-settings, and what phase their products were in at the time of their internationalisation process. As a by-product we also observed the importance of personal experience in the choice of market, which seems to be closely linked to small companies, that is thus both in high-tech and in low-tech companies. </p>

Foregin Direct Investment to low-cost coutries - A theoretical and practical study

Burck, Karl, Jönsson, Gustav, Krasniqi, Fatmire January 2006 (has links)
<p>Many Swedish manufacturing companies expand their production to low cost countries through different types of foreign direct investments in an attempt to reduce costs. Mexico is one of these low cost countries and is becoming a more and more feasible alternative to Swedish companies. The reasons for this lie in different country specific factors such as closeness to the US, the Maquiladora industry and of course the low labour costs. </p><p>The purpose of our dissertation has been to find correspondence between a number of well-known internationalisation theories and some internationalised Swedish companies.</p><p>This dissertation presents different Mexico specific factors to consider before an expansion such as education level, the Mexican business culture and infrastructure.</p><p>Briefly, our conclusions are that we could not find any correlation between the internationalisation theories and the interviewed companies. We also found the Mexican market attractive for Swedish investors. However, there are a number of issues that have to be regarded in order to be successful in Mexico.</p><p>Keywords: foreign direct investment, low cost countries, Swedish manufacturing companies, internationalisation theories, Mexican business environment</p>

Ett bortagande av revisionsplikten Vilka blir vinnare och vilka förlorare?

Håkansson, Jimmy, Olsson, Peter, Hasselberg, Christian January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background</p><p>A cost that lately has been discussed related to audit is the higher cost for auditing of small stock company. The question is if this cost is higher than the total utility of statutory audit and should it in that case be statutory. SRF says that the condition for small stock companies development is an abolishment of statutory audit. FAR consider that auditing is important for development and continuation.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether there are any winners or losers among auditing firms and accounting firms in Sweden if the statutory audit for small stock companies abolish.</p><p>Method</p><p>The paper is both a qualitative and a quantitative study that is based on primary data made from an interview and a questionnaire investigation. </p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Our conclusion is that the big Winner is the accounting trade. There will be a new divide from auditing trade to accounting trade. Mainly the big firm will benefit from an abolishment of statutory audit. The small auditing firms will be the biggest losers.</p><p> </p>

Förtroende mellan enmanansföretagaren och revisorn

Guldstrand, Mattias, Nilsson, Linda, Palm, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
<p>I litteraturen har framkommit att förtroendet är av stor betydelse i affärsverksamhet och intresset för förtroendet har ökat under senare år. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur förtroendet uppkommer, hur starkt det är, i vilka avseenden det finns, hur det bibehålls samt vad som krävs för att det ska upphöra mellan en enmansföretagare och dennes revisor. Valet att undersöka detta var för att det finns en föreställning om att enmansföretag står närmre revisorn än vad han bör göra.</p><p>Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer där respondenterna bestod av tre enmansföretag och två revisorer. En kvalitativ metod har använts för uppsatsen. Det har tydliggjorts ett antal faktorer som är viktiga för förtroende.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns ett starkt förtroende för revisorn så länge förtroendet inte skadats samt att enmansföretagaren inte har en djupare relation än den yrkesmässiga. Uppsatsen har visat att revisorerna är noga med att följa de lagar och rekommendationer som finns. </p>

På vilka grunder byter företag revisionsbyrå

Nilsson, Björn, Petersson, Karl, Ahlberg, Klas January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att utvärdera på vilka grunder företag byter revisionsbyrå. Avsikten är att genom en analys identifiera de vanliga orsakerna till bytet för företag i Kristianstads kommun.</p><p>Undersökningen är kvantitativ och hög svarsfrekvens eftersträvas och därför togs telefonkontakt med företagen. För att identifiera vilka företag som har bytt revisionsbyrå erhölls information hos Affärsdata. De personer, som intervjuades var endera ägaren, ekonomichef eller den person som föreslagit byte av revisor. </p><p>Undersökningen genomföres som en deduktiv studie och för att kunna identifiera problemområden användes tidigare forskning, teorier och litteratur inom området. </p><p>Prövning av empirisk information från intervjuundersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av dissonansteorin och argumentationsteorin. Därefter ifrågasätts gällande lagar, normer och rekommendationer inom redovisning. </p><p>I studien är kostnaden det mest vanliga skälet som företagen uppger, som inverkar på ett byte. Övriga orsaker som har stor inverkan är förtroende, personlig kontakt och rådgivningsmöjlighet. </p><p>Kostnaden må vara den mest vanliga orsaken i studien, men är det den egentliga anledningen. Då det inte går att påvisa signifikanta samband mellan kostnad och de övriga skälen. När företaget väl har bestämt sig för att byta revisionsbyrå vill de troligtvis sköta det på ett smidigt sätt. Därmed väljer de att uppge kostnaden som skäl till bytet.</p>

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