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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politika EU vůči Ukrajině, ovlivňující faktory / EU's Policy on Ukraine, Influencing Factors

Chmelařová, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD INSTITUT POLITOLOGICKÝCH STUDIÍ OBOR MEZINÁRODNÍ VZTAHY EU's Policy on Ukraine, Influencing Factors Alžběta Chmelařová MAGISTERSKÁ DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE PRAHA 2011 ČESTNÉ PROHLÁŠENÍ Prohlašuji, že jsem práci zpracovala samostatně, uvedla v ní všechny zdroje, s nimiž jsem pracovala a v textu jsem řádně vyznačila jejich použití. Prohlašuji, že text práce nebyl využit pro získání jiného akademického titulu a souhlasím se zveřejněním práce pro studijní a výzkumné účely. Dne 8.5.2011 podpis …………………………… Bc.Alžběta Chmelařová Abstract This thesis discussed factors that influence the process of integration into the European Union and sought to answer a question which of the two most frequently used meta-theories dealing with European integration, rationalism or social constructivism, can better capture the dynamics of EU-Ukrainian relations. According to rationalists (liberal intergovernmentalists), interest in Ukraine is based on pure cost/benefit calculation and on the level of economic interdependence. According to constructivists, the main incentive for deeper integration is the level of democracy in the country, the extend of Europeaness of Ukraine.Without doubt, the process is a cocktail of norms and economic interests but what factors, material or normative, play main role...

Kritika pozitivismu ve společenských vědách / Critique of positivism in social sciences

Janas, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present a critique of positivism in social sciences. The first chapter is devoted to a presentation of what positivism is. We also learn that positivism is closely related to neopositivism and that in many definitons of these words, the word "metaphysics" appears. Second chapter is devoted to Peter Winch's book The idea of a social science and its relation to philosophy. Analysis of this book is presented and we are shown many dangers of positivistic approach regarding the investigation of society. A concept of understanding a society is introduced, which is based on understanding given society's rules. Third chapter presents philosophy of sicence from Martin Heidegger. First, the notion of "metaphysics" is explained. Then we move onto the explanation of the meaing of science and technology in modern society. At the end of the thesis, we are presented with a short comparison of Winch's and Heidegger's philosophy. Conclusion includes new possible routes that sociology could take.

Racionalismus a empirismus v etice sociální práce / Rationalism and empiricism in ethics of social work

PATEROVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with ethical theories in social work. Evaluates the contribution of ethical theories for social work in general and after that also specifically by elaborating three chosen ethical theories- Kant?s rationalistic ethics, Hume?s empiristic ethics and ethics of care. This thesis points to the importace of ethically correct decision making, which is related to the knowledge of fundamental ethical values. Both are an essential part of professionalism of social worker. Ethical theories contribute to a better understanding of ethics and come with theoretical instructions how to apply ethical values in practice.

Ukotvení principu flexicurity v ČR z pohledu teorie racionální volby a z pohledu sociologického institucionalismu / Anchoring of the Concept of Flexicurity in the CR in the View of Rational Choice Theory and of Sociological Institutionalism

Hájek, David January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a single-case study analyzing promotion of the concept of Flexicurity principle in the CR through the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). The concept of flexicurity began raising European integration actors' awareness since early 2000s. That was due to considerations how to strenghten competitiveness of the EU Member States' economies during growing expansion of more liberal markets such as China, and in the same time to maintain the European social model based on the concept of welfare state. In 2007, there was adopted EU's definition of Flexicurity. Flexicurity began to be promoted by the OMC. This thesis responds to the lack of studies analyzing the influence of the OMC in specific policy areas. The author analyzes literature, relevant legislation as well as their explanatory reports, National Reform Programmes, Czech government's policy statements, and interviews with representatives of tripartite actors who take part in social dialogue. The study explores how does the OMC work in the case of Flexicurity promotion. The aim is to find out which of the selected theories is more suitable for describing the way Flexicurity is anchored in the CR. Selected theories are the Rational Choice Theory (RCT) and the theory of Sociological Institutionalism (SI). The author concludes...

Prosazování principu flexicurity otevřenou metodou koordinace z pohledu teorie víceúrovňového vládnutí a z pohledu sociologického institucionalismu - případová studie ČR / Promoting the concept of Flexicurity by the Open Method of Coordination from the perspective of the Multi-Level Governance Theory and the Sociological Institutionalism - case study of the Czech Republic

Hájek, David January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a single-case study analyzing promotion of the concept of Flexicurity principle in the CR through the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). The concept of flexicurity began raising European integration actors' awareness since early 2000s. That was due to considerations how to strenghten competitiveness of the EU Member States' economies during growing expansion of more liberal markets such as China, and in the same time to maintain the European social model based on the concept of welfare state. In 2007, there was adopted EU's definition of Flexicurity. Flexicurity began to be promoted by the OMC. This thesis responds to the lack of studies analyzing the influence of the OMC in specific policy areas. Tha author analyzes literature, relevant laws as well as thier explanatory reports, National Reform Programmes, Czech government's policy statements, and interviews with representatives of tripartite actors who take part in social dialogue. The study explores how does the OMC work in the case of Flexicurity promotion. The aim is to find out which of the selected theories is more suitable for describing the process of Flexicurity promotion through the OMC. Selected theories are the theory of Multi-Level Governace (MLG) and the theory of Sociological Institutionalism (SI). The author...

Auguste Perret a česká architektura / Auguste Perret and Czech Architecture

Veselá, Radmila January 2013 (has links)
Auguste Perret made his mark in history as the first architect to make use of ferroconcrete as an expressive material. The Rue Franklin apartments, the Garage Ponthieu, and the Church in Le Raincy are all milestones in the development of world architecture. In my dissertation, I have outlined the situation in the French architectural criticism in the first decades of the 20th century in order to provide background to Perret's career, which is chronologically treated in another part of the dissertation and completed with an overview of Perret's important buildings. I also wanted to demonstrate the interconnection of his projects with his theoretical thinking. I have referred to the sources of Perret's doctrine and presented the themes that this architect consistently developed throughout his creative life. In my research I took advantage of a rich collection of preserved archives of Perret's office, and both historical and contemporary literature. In another part of the dissertation, I attempted to find answers to the questions of Perret's reception in the Czech context and his contacts with Czech architects. I was also interested in Perret's relation to Czech architecture and in the last section I examined whether we can find works in Czech architecture that directly reflect Perret's influence. We...

Česká republika, Slovensko a měnová integrace v EU / Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the monetary integration in the EU

Bendl, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the process of euro adoption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Regarding the time frame, it mainly covers a period of 2004-2014. Nevertheless in order to maximise plausibility of results, this thesis focuses on relevant moments beyond the above mentioned period as well. The main aim of this thesis is to analyse a variation in the relationship of both examined countries towards the process of European monetary integration. Whereas Slovakia joined the Eurozone in 2009, the Czech Republic has not fulfilled its obligation stemming from the EU membership yet. The secondary aim of this thesis is to verify the power of IR theories dealing with transfer of sovereignty on the supranational level. Thus, this paper strives to identify whether the constructivist or rationalist (for the purposes of this thesis represented by ideational liberalism and commercial liberalism / liberal intergovernmentalism) theoretic paradigm is more accurate in its attempt to explain the examined variation. In order to fulfil this aim, methods of difference and congruence are applied. However, each of these methods shows different results. According to the method of difference, an explanation based on commercial liberal / liberal intergovernmentalist logic of economic-materialistic consequences may...

Evropská unie a přijetí Stabilizační a asociační dohody s Kosovem: role materiálních zájmů a sdílených idejí / The European Union and the adoption of the Stabilization and Association Agreement with Kosovo: the role of material interests and shared ideas

Procházka, Karel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis seeks to examine the underlying motivations behind the conclusion of the Stability and Association Agreement between European Union and Kosovo on the 27th of October 2015. To determine the role of material interests and shared ideas in the process of concluding the SAA the thesis discusses and applies rationalism and constructivism, both grand theories of international relations. To test the theories and their respective hypotheses identifying the role of the relevant concepts, the research employs a single case study method, using a congruence analysis approach. In conclusion, through the rationalist lens within the perspective of the EU, the thesis confirms the existence of material interest in the conclusion of the SAA, representing security, power and economic gains. To complement the analysis via a constructivist lens within the perspective of Kosovo, the thesis solely implies a limited role of identity and norms while it points out that such constructivist concepts rather impeded the reaching of the SAA, veiling the actual role of material interest.

Spor o pozitivismus v německé sociologii. Vývoj, hlavní myšlenky a pokračování / The Positivism Dispute in German Sociology. The development, main ideas and continuation

Vondráková, Renáta January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce Spor o pozitivismus v německé sociologii. Renáta Vondráková. 2012. Abstract The main theme of the work is the issue of positivism dispute, which is commonly referred to discussions that occurred in German sociology in the sixties. It was a debate between advocates of critical theory, which were Theodor W. Adorno and Jürgen Habermas, and the concept of critical rationalism of Karl R. Popper and Hans Albert. The discussion initially was confined to issues related to the logic of the social sciences, for many reasons, but rather applied to differences between the concepts and challenges of science from the perspective of both the above approaches. Also the description and discovery purposes and contexts that led to the overturning topic discussion are devoted to this work. The aim is to describe the external influences as widely as possible and how it affected the final understanding of the dispute, but also how well the positivism dispute turned the concepts of science in the following period. The first part is concerned with social and historical situation in which the dispute arose. Followed by an outline of key terms that in connection with a dispute likely occur, in fact it is the analysis of major issues. Emphasis is placed on a thorough description of the first two contributions to the...

Stavba-Prostor-Město "Dostavba městského bloku" / Structure-Space-City "Urban block completion"

Czapek, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a design of a new apartmen building in the city of Brno on the plot expected to be completed by the city block. Typologically it deals with the current design possibilities of gallery apartment buildings / porch houses, implementation of space-demanding grocery stores and commercial areas into urban structures. Architecturally explores the possibilities of designing new constructions with citation of architectural language a tectonics of past styles.

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