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Travelling wave antennae in the UHF bandBin-Ghunaim, I. R. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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Highly Efficient Planar Antenna System Based on the Planar Waveguide Technology for Low Cost Millimeter-Wave ApplicationsAbdel Wahab, Wael 06 November 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the integration of planar antennas, such as Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) to the planar waveguide structure, specifically the Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) for high radiation efficiency millimeter-wave (mm-wave) applications. The SIW is a low cost and low loss technology, since it almost keeps the guided wave inside the structure. Therefore, it is an excellent candidate feeding scheme compared to traditional planar (multi-conductor) structures, such as the Microstrip Line (MSL) and Co-planar Waveguide (CPW) for many planar antennas. It enhances the antenna???s overall radiation efficiency by minimizing the conduction loss, which dominates at the mm-wave frequency band.
For this thesis, two different SIW-integrated DRA configurations operating at mm-wave frequency band are presented. The rectangular DRA is excited in its fundamental mode TE??11 for radiation through a narrow slot cut on the SIW broad wall. However, the coupling slot itself is excited by the SIW TE10 fundamental mode. In addition, the design guidelines, and a parametric study is also conducted on the proposed antenna parameters to investigate their impact on the antenna???s overall performance including the reflection coefficient and radiation pattern (gain). The results are provided within this thesis. The antenna is made of low cost and low loss materials that are available commercially. It is fabricated by using a novel and simple technique, which is compatible with the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technology. The board is treated as multi-layers composed of the SIW-layer, and DRA element(s) layer, respectively. The fabricated antenna prototypes are tested to demonstrate their validity for real microwave/mm-wave applications. Their reflection coefficients and radiation patterns are measured, and the antenna shows a boresight gain of 5.51 dB and a radiation efficiency of more than 90 % over the operating frequency band of 33-40 GHz.
Antenna arrays based on the SIW integrated DRA are investigated for high gain/radiation efficiency applications. Different array configurations such as, linear (series-fed and corporate-fed) and two-dimensional (2D) arrays are presented. The series-fed DRA array is characterized by a single SIW line loaded by DRA-slot pairs, whereas the SIW-power splitter is used to form the corporate-fed DRA array, when loaded by DRA-slot pairs. While the SIW hybrid-feeding scheme (series-feed combined with corporate-feed) is used to form 2D DRA arrays. In this design, the SIW-power splitter is used to split the power equally and in-phase among the sets (rows) of SIW series fed-DRA elements (columns). A simple and generic Transmission Line (T.L.) circuit model is proposed to simplify and expedite the antenna array design process. It is used to calculate the antenna reflection coefficient and radiation pattern (gain). The T.L. model does not take the mutual coupling between the DRA elements into account, since our study shows that its less than -20 dB over the operating bandwidth. However, it is useful and faster than full-wave solvers, such as HFSS, which consumes time and memory due to the huge generated mesh. The developed T.L. circuit model is used to design the antenna array and study the impact of its main designed parameters on the antenna performance. The developed antenna array T.L. model leads to a general design methodology (guidelines). It also allows for optimum array designs for a given set of performance requirements and to have more physical insight into the SIW technology based antenna systems for mm-wave bands.
The designed antenna array samples are fabricated and tested within the operating frequency band 33-40 GHz. The series-fed antenna array shows a measured boresight gain of 11.70 dB, and high radiation efficiency, which is more than 90 % over an operating frequency band of 4%. Furthermore, the measured results are compared to these calculated by the proposed T.L. circuit model and full-wave solver. A good agreement between the measured and the HFSS results are observed, especially near the frequency at which the reflection coefficient is minimum. However, some deviation is noticed between the proposed circuit model and the measured results. This deviation is attributed to the discrete nature of the SIW structure that affects the Short Circuit (SC) performance (magnitude and phase), the T.L. lengths, and the mutual coupling between any two adjacent antenna elements. All these issues are handled efficiently and are taken into account by the full-wave solver. Therefore, the measured reflection coefficient agrees with that of the HFSS, except for a very small deviation, caused by the fabrication tolerances and measurement errors. However, the proposed T.L. circuit model is still valid and can easily predict and estimate the resonance behavior and the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna arrays in a very short time compared with the full-wave solver.
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Wideband Compact Antennas for Wireless Communication ApplicationsHuynh, Minh-Chau 13 December 2004 (has links)
Recent technologies enable wireless communication devices to become physically smaller in size. Antenna size is obviously a major factor that limits miniaturization. In the past few years, new designs of low-profile antennas for handheld wireless devices have been developed. The major drawback of many low-profile antenna designs is their narrow impedance bandwidth. Furthermore, the market trend of personal wireless devices is moving toward a universal system that can be used anywhere and rapid expansion of the wireless communication industry has created a need for connectivity among various wireless devices using short-range wireless links in the Bluetooth operating band to get rid of the cable connections. This requires therefore multiple frequency band operation. In summary, physically small size, wide bandwidth, and high efficiency are the desired characteristics of antennas in mobile systems.
This dissertation presents a comprehensive analysis of a new wide-bandwidth compact antenna, called WC J-pole antenna, covering 50 % impedance fractional bandwidth. A set of guidelines is also provided for a bandwidth-optimized design at any frequency. A few design variations of the proposed antenna are also presented for existing commercial wireless applications.
Efficiency is perhaps the most important characteristic of small antennas for mobile systems. An extension of the Wheeler cap method to moderate-length and wideband antennas is developed to measure quickly efficiency.
The dissertation also provides a review of human operator interaction with handset antennas. Since the proposed antenna is intended to be used in the proximity of human body and in a casing, coupling effects of human body and casing on the antenna characteristics and radio frequency (RF) energy absorption into the human body are investigated. / Ph. D.
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The Sound Insulation of Cavity WallsCambridge, Jason Esan January 2012 (has links)
Lightweight building materials are now commonly employed in many countries in preference to heavyweight materials. This has lead to extensive research into the sound transmission loss of double leaf wall systems. These studies have shown that the wall cavity and sound absorption material placed within the cavity play a crucial role in the sound transmission through these systems. However, the influence of the wall cavity on the sound transmission loss is not fully understood.
The purpose of this research is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the role played by the wall cavity and any associated sound absorption material on the sound transmission loss through double leaf wall systems. The research was justified by the fact that some of the existing prediction models do not agree with some observed experimental trends.
Gösele’s theory is expanded and used in the creation of an infinite and finite vibrating strip model in order to acquire the desired understanding. The sound transmission loss, radiated sound pressure and directivity of double leaf systems composed of gypsum boards and glass have been calculated using the developed model. A method for calculating the forced radiation efficiency has also been proposed. Predictions are compared to well established theories and to reported experimental results.
This work also provides a physical explanation for the under-prediction of the sound transmission loss in London’s model; explains why Sharp’s model corresponds to Davy’s with a limiting angle of 61° and gives an explanation for Rindel’s directivity and sound transmission loss measurements through double glazed windows. The investigation also revealed that a wide variety of conclusions were obtained by different researchers concerning the role of the cavity and the properties of any associated sound absorption material on the sound transmission loss through double wall systems. Consequently recommendations about the ways in which sound transmission through cavity systems can be improved should always be qualified with regard to the specific frequency range of interest, type of sound absorption material, wall panel and stud characteristics.
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Acoustic radiation efficiency is defined as the ratio of sound power radiated to the surface vibration power of a piston with equivalent surface area. It has been shown that the radiation efficiency is maximized and may exceed unity when the structural and acoustic wavelengths are approximately equal. The frequency at which this occurs is called the critical frequency and can be shifted with structural modifications. This has proven to be an effective way to reduce noise. The standard radiation efficiency measurement is comprised of an intensity scan for sound power measurement and accelerometer array for spatially averaged vibration determination. This method is difficult to apply to lightweight structures, complicated geometries, and when acoustic sources are in close proximity to one another. Recently, robust particle velocity sensors have been developed. Combined with a small microphone in the same instrument, particle velocity and sound pressure can be measured simultaneously and at the same location. This permits radiation efficiency to be measured using a non-contact approach with a single sensor. A suggested practice for measuring radiation efficiency has been developed and validated with several examples including two flat plates of different thickness, an oil pan, and components on a running small engine.
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Turbulence Statistics and Eddy Convection in Heated Supersonic JetsEcker, Tobias 13 April 2015 (has links)
Supersonic hot jet noise causes significant hearing impairment to the military workforce and results in substantial cost for medical care and treatment. Detailed insight into the turbulence structure of high-speed jets is central to understanding and controlling jet noise. For this purpose a new instrument based on the Doppler global velocimetry technique has been developed. This instrument is capable of measuring three-component velocity vectors over ex-tended periods of time at mean data-rates of 100 kHz. As a demonstration of the applicability of the time-resolved Doppler global velocimetry (TR-DGV) measurement technique, statistics of three-component velocity measurements, full Reynolds stress tensors and spectra along the stream-wise direction in a cold, supersonic jet at exit Mach number Mj = 1.4 (design Mach number Md = 1.65) are presented. In pursuance of extending the instrument to planar op- eration, a rapid response photomultiplier tube, 64-channel camera is developed. Integrating field programmable gate array-based data acquisition with two-stage amplifiers enables high-speed flow velocimetry at up to 10 MHz. Incor- porating this camera technology into the TR-DGV instrument, an investigation of the perfectly expanded supersonic jet at two total temperature ratios (TTR = 1.6 and TTR = 2.0) was conducted. Fourth-order correlations which have direct impact on the intensity of the acoustic far-field noise as well as convective velocities on the lip line at several stream-wise locations were obtained. Comprehensive maps of the convective velocity and the acoustic Mach number were determined. The spatial and frequency scaling of the eddy convective velocities within the developing shear layer were also investigated. It was found that differences in the radial diffusion of the mean velocity field and the integral eddy convective velocity creates regions of locally high convective Mach numbers after the potential core. This, according to acoustic analogies, leads to high noise radiation efficiency. The spectral scaling of the eddy convec- tive velocity indicates intermittent presence of large-scale turbulence structures, which, coupled with the emergence of Mach wave radiation, may be one of the main driving factors of noise emission observed in heated supersonic jets. / Ph. D.
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Αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ ασύρματων τερματικών συσκευών και του ανθρωπίνου σώματοςΖερβός, Θεόδωρος 27 March 2008 (has links)
Tο αντικείμενο της διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι η μελέτη και σε βάθος ανάλυση και μοντελοποίηση της ηλεκτρομαγνητικής αλληλεπίδρασης του ανθρώπινου σώματος και των κεραιών που χρησιμοποιούν οι φορητές τερματικές συσκευές των σύγχρονων συστημάτων κινητής τηλεφωνίας. Ο στόχος είναι διπλός: αφενός μεν να υπολογιστεί η υποβάθμιση της απόδοσης της κεραίας, που προκαλείται από την παρουσία του σώματος του χρήστη σε μικρή απόσταση από αυτή και αφετέρου να εξεταστεί και να προσδιοριστεί επακριβώς το ποσό της ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτινοβολίας που απορροφάται από το ανθρώπινο σώμα και ειδικότερα από τον ανθρώπινο εγκέφαλο κατά τη χρήση του κινητού τηλεφώνου. Ο απώτερος σκοπός είναι η συμβολή στην ανάπτυξη ασύρματων τερματικών (πχ. κινητά τηλέφωνα) που θα είναι πιο αποδοτικά στη λειτουργία τους και ταυτόχρονα περισσότερο ασφαλή για το χρήστη τους.
Στην παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή πραγματοποιήθηκε εκτενής μελέτη και ανάλυση των παραμέτρων που σχετίζονται με την αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ της κεραίας ασύρματων τερματικών συσκευών και του σώματος του χρήστη. Σχεδιάστηκαν, μοντελοποιήθηκαν, υλοποιήθηκαν και μετρήθηκαν πειραματικά πρωτότυπα τερματικών συσκευών παρουσία ομοιωμάτων του ανθρώπινου κεφαλιού με σκοπό τον υπολογισμό της απορρόφησης ακτινοβολίας από το κεφάλι και της μεταβολής της απόδοσης της κεραίας του τερματικού. Αναπτύχθηκε κατάλληλη μεθοδολογία μετρήσεων στο μακρινό πεδίο για την αξιόπιστη και ακριβή μέτρηση των χαρακτηριστικών των κεραιών του τερματικού. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν έντονη αλλαγή των χαρακτηριστικών της κεραίας και του διαγράμματος ακτινοβολίας της, παρουσία του κεφαλιού του χρήστη. Επίσης, υπολογίστηκε η απότομη πτώση της απορρόφησης ακτινοβολίας και η αύξηση της απόδοσης με την απομάκρυνση του τερματικού από το κεφάλι. Επιτεύχθηκε σημαντική βελτίωση της λειτουργίας μέσω της μορφοποίησης του διαγράμματος ακτινοβολίας που κατορθώνεται με τη χρήση πολλαπλών κεραιών (συστοιχία) στο τερματικό. Τέλος εξετάστηκε η επίδραση του χεριού του χρήστη στην απόδοση ενός ΜΙΜΟ τερματικού και βρέθηκε μείωση της μέσης χωρητικότητας του καναλιού με την παρουσία του χεριού. / Τhe object of this doctoral thesis is the study, in depth analysis and modelling of the electromagnetic interaction between the human body and the antennas used in the handsets of modern wireless telecommunication systems. The aim is twofold. On one hand is the estimation of the antenna efficiency reduction that is caused by the presence of the user’s body in small distance and on the other hand is the study and precise determination of the electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the human body (especially the human head) at the use of a wireless terminal. The final aim is the contribution in the design of wireless terminals (e.g. mobile telephones) that will be more efficient in their operation and simultaneously safer for their user.
In this thesis, an extensive study and analysis of the parameters related with the interaction between the wireless terminal antenna and the user’s body were realized. Experimental terminal prototypes were designed, modelled, constructed and measured in the presence of human head models in order to estimate the radiation absorption from the head and the degradation of the antenna efficiency. An appropriate measurements methodology at the far field was developed for the precise measurement of the terminal antenna characteristics. According to the results, an intense change of the antenna characteristics and of its radiation diagram in the presence of the user’s head was observed. Also, the rapid decrease of absorbed power and the increase of the efficiency were calculated after moving the handset away from the head. An important operation improvement was achieved with beamforming, which is realized using multiple antennas at the terminal. Finally, the effect of the user’s hand at MIMO terminal performance was examined and a reduction of the mean capacity of the channel in the presence of the hand was found.
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Optimisation par conception conjointe de dispositifs multifonctions filtre-antenne compacts et agiles / Optimization of a tunable and compact multifunctional co-design filter-antenna devicesDia, Yaakoub 11 July 2016 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse ont pour objectif la conception de dispositifs multifonctions (filtre-antennes) à la fois compacts et agiles, mis au point par une conception conjointe des éléments associés. Le sous-système doit répondre à des spécifications électriques pour des applications dans la bande ISM à 2,45 GHz ainsi qu’à des contraintes d’intégration et d’encombrement. L’antenne et le filtre sont développés conjointement sur une impédance particulière où l’antenne, réduite en dimensions, présente une efficacité de rayonnement optimale. Le filtre est optimisé pour adapter l’antenne sur son impédance optimale et pour présenter des pertes minimales. Les travaux se sont focalisés dans un premier temps sur la co-conception et la co-intégration des fonctions, puis sur l’accord en fréquence du sous-système. / The aim of this thesis is to design a new tunable and compact multifunctional device (filters, antennas) based on the co-design of an antenna and the associated filter. The subsystem needs to fit with electrical specifications for ISM band applications at 2.45GHz while being integrated and compact. The antenna and the filter are jointly developed on particular impedances where the antenna has a high radiation efficiency. The filter is optimized to adapt the antenna on its optimal impedance and introduce minimal losses. The work has initially been focused on the co-design and the co-integration of functions to finish on the tunability of the filter/antenna subsystem design.
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Design and Characterization of Phased Arrays for UAS Detection and TrackingBuck, David 02 August 2022 (has links)
This work continues the development of phased array radar for UAS detection and tracking. The earlier 1D scanning, 4 channel BYU SAA radar is improved upon and replicated to form a network of radars. These are shown to work together for higher level tracking across multiple fields of view. Additionally, a new phased array instrument is designed and constructed with 16 channels, 2D scanning, and improved signal processing algorithms. Preliminary metrics and field results show the operation of this sensor. A new technique for measuring array mutual impedances from embedded element patterns is developed here. This technique uses an antenna range instead of a network analyzer. New mathematical relationships are built to handle cases for practical measurements and field transformations. Demonstration of this method with a 2x2 uniform rectangular array is shown and compares favorably with the mutual impedances traditionally measured with a network analyzer. A new way to measure radiation efficiency using the antenna Y factor method is demonstrated. This method does not require an expensive field measurement chamber and can be done with a simple ground shield and absorber foam. Various X band antennas have their radiation efficiency characterized and compare favorable with known efficiencies.
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Thin Internal Planar Antennas for Mobile Communication DevicesLin, Yuan-chih 16 December 2006 (has links)
In this dissertation, thin internal antennas for mobile communication devices with a total thickness of less than 10 mm are proposed. There are mainly two differences in the antenna¡¦s construction between the proposed thin internal antennas and conventional planar inverted-F antenna. The first proposed antenna for thin internal antenna is a combo type formed by combining the conventional inverted-F antenna with the monopole antenna. The second proposed antenna is obtained by integrating two radiating arms into a radiating patch. By adjusting the tapering angle and the direction of the end portions, thin internal planar antenna with a thickness of less than 4 mm can be successfully achieved. In these two antennas, their Q-value can be lowered, and then the impedance bandwidth can be effectively improved. This kind of thin internal antennas not only has good impedance matching but also shows good radiation performance. Additionally, by adding a vertical metal wall acting as a RF shielding wall, EM fringing fields between the thin internal EMC antenna and nearby metal components can be effectively supressed. This kind of EMC antennas can effectively eliminate the isolation distance between the antenna and nearby conducting elements to increase the available space on the printed circuit board for additional functions. Besides, multi-band operation is another important function in current mobile devices. In this dissertation, we also studied the effects of the plastic casing and the user¡¦s hand and head on the antenna charateristics. For studying the antenna with the presence of the user¡¦s hand and head, the simulation model provided by SPEAG simulation software SEMCAD is used. From the results obtained, it is seen that the frequency detuning is greatly dependent on the presence of the user¡¦s hand and head. Owing to the presence of the user¡¦s hand and head, large decrease in the radiation efficiency is seen. It also indicates that the radiation efficiency decrease and radiation pattern distortion are mainly owing to the radiation power absorption by the user¡¦s hand and head.
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