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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da exposição ocupacional ao 222Rn no galpão da salvaguardas do IPEN / ASSESSMENT OF 222Rn OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE AT IPEN NUCLEAR MATERIALS STORAGE SITE

Caccuri, Lilian Saueia 18 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a exposição ao 222Rn para os trabalhadores que executam atividades no galpão da Salvaguardas do ipen, por meio da estimativa da dose efetiva comprometida recebida por esses indivíduos. Para tanto foram determinadas as concentrações de 222Rn no interior do galpão da Salvaguardas pelo método de detecção passiva com detectores de traços nucleares do estado sólido (SSNTD). O detector utilizado foi o policarbonato Makrofol E de 1 cm2, inserido em uma câmara de difusão do tipo KFK. Foram monitorados 14 pontos no interior de galpão e um ponto externo durante um período total de 21 meses, trocando-se os detectores a cada três meses, entre Dezembro de 2004 e Setembro de 2006. As concentrações de 222Rn obtidas variaram entre 196 ± 9 e 2048 ± 81 Bq/m3. A dose efetiva comprometida devido à inalação de radônio no galpão da Salvaguardas do IPEN foi calculada, de acordo com os procedimentos da Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (ICRP) a partir da quantidade de 222Rn incorporada e de um fator de conversão de dose. Os resultados obtidos encontram-se abaixo do limite anual de 20 mSv/a, estabelecido pela ICRP 60, para indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos. / In this study it was assessed the occupational exposure to 222Rn at ipen nuclear materials storage site through the committed effective dose received by workers exposed to this radionuclide. The radiation dose was calculated through the radon concentrations at nuclear materials storage site. Radon concentrations were determined by passive detection method with solid state nuclear detectors (SSNTD). The SSNTD used in this study was the policarbonate Makrofol E; each detector is a small square plastic of 1 cm2, placed into a diffusion chamber type KFK. It was monitored 14 points at nuclear materials storage site and one external point, over a period of 21 months, changing the detectors every three months, from December 2004 to September 2006. The 222Rn concentrations varied from 196 ± 9 e 2048 ± 81 Bq·m-3. The committed effective dose due to radon inhalation at IPEN nuclear materials storage site was obtained from radon activity incorporated and dose conversion factor, according to International Commission on Radiological Protection procedures. The effective committed dose received by workers is below 20 mSv·y-1. This value is suggested as an annual effective dose limit for occupational exposure by ICRP 60.

Avaliação da exposição ocupacional ao 222Rn no galpão da salvaguardas do IPEN / ASSESSMENT OF 222Rn OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE AT IPEN NUCLEAR MATERIALS STORAGE SITE

Lilian Saueia Caccuri 18 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi avaliada a exposição ao 222Rn para os trabalhadores que executam atividades no galpão da Salvaguardas do ipen, por meio da estimativa da dose efetiva comprometida recebida por esses indivíduos. Para tanto foram determinadas as concentrações de 222Rn no interior do galpão da Salvaguardas pelo método de detecção passiva com detectores de traços nucleares do estado sólido (SSNTD). O detector utilizado foi o policarbonato Makrofol E de 1 cm2, inserido em uma câmara de difusão do tipo KFK. Foram monitorados 14 pontos no interior de galpão e um ponto externo durante um período total de 21 meses, trocando-se os detectores a cada três meses, entre Dezembro de 2004 e Setembro de 2006. As concentrações de 222Rn obtidas variaram entre 196 ± 9 e 2048 ± 81 Bq/m3. A dose efetiva comprometida devido à inalação de radônio no galpão da Salvaguardas do IPEN foi calculada, de acordo com os procedimentos da Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (ICRP) a partir da quantidade de 222Rn incorporada e de um fator de conversão de dose. Os resultados obtidos encontram-se abaixo do limite anual de 20 mSv/a, estabelecido pela ICRP 60, para indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos. / In this study it was assessed the occupational exposure to 222Rn at ipen nuclear materials storage site through the committed effective dose received by workers exposed to this radionuclide. The radiation dose was calculated through the radon concentrations at nuclear materials storage site. Radon concentrations were determined by passive detection method with solid state nuclear detectors (SSNTD). The SSNTD used in this study was the policarbonate Makrofol E; each detector is a small square plastic of 1 cm2, placed into a diffusion chamber type KFK. It was monitored 14 points at nuclear materials storage site and one external point, over a period of 21 months, changing the detectors every three months, from December 2004 to September 2006. The 222Rn concentrations varied from 196 ± 9 e 2048 ± 81 Bq·m-3. The committed effective dose due to radon inhalation at IPEN nuclear materials storage site was obtained from radon activity incorporated and dose conversion factor, according to International Commission on Radiological Protection procedures. The effective committed dose received by workers is below 20 mSv·y-1. This value is suggested as an annual effective dose limit for occupational exposure by ICRP 60.

Lygiavertės dozės galios laukų struktūros mažoms teritorijoms nustatymas optimalios interpoliacijos metodu / Determination of structural fields of equivalent dose rate by optimal interpolation method for small territories

Lemežis, Mindaugas 01 July 2009 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamas lygiavertės dozės galios (LDG) laukų struktūros virš mažų teritorijų nustatymas optimalios interpoliacijos metodu, lygiavertės dozės galios laukų struktūros pokyčiai nuo meteorologinių sąlygų. Baltijos jūros priekrantėje prie Juodkrantės atlikti LDG matavimai prie žemės paviršiaus ir vieno metro aukštyje virš jos. Matavimai atlikti 2008 m. liepos 2, 7, 10 ir 12 dienomis 63 taškuose (2,00,2) km teritorijoje esant šiaurės, pietų, rytų ir vakarų vėjo kryptims. Vidutinių dydžių ekstremalios reikšmės buvo 50 nSv/h ir 130 nSv/h. LDG laukų struktūrai nustatyti ir įvertinti buvo panaudotas optimalios interpoliacijos metodas trim atvejams – kai tyrimų teritorijoje atlikta 63, 33 ir 18 matavimų. Gautos identiškos LDG laukų struktūros. Rasta, kad naudojant tik 18 matavimo rezultatų modelyje gaunamas patenkinamas eksperimentinių ir teorinių rezultatų sutapimas, t.y. skirtumas tarp išmatuotų ir sumodeliuotų rezultatų neviršija 20  paklaidos. Nustatyta, kad esant šiaurės, pietų ir vakarų vėjo kryptims, padidėjus vėjo greičiui vidutiniškai 3 kartus, LDG sumažėja apie 8 nSv/h. Esant rytų vėjui, padidėjus vėjo greičiui 3 kartus, LDG padidėja 7 nSv/h. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys: įvadas, darbo metodai ir priemonės, išvados, literatūra. Darbo apimtis – 58 p. teksto be priedų, 46 iliustr., 1 lent., 36 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai ir publikacija, parengta spaudai. / In this work equivalent dose rate (EDR) field structures under small area was estimated by applying optimal interpolation method and EDR fields structure differences was depended on meteorological conditions. EDR measurements were made to the ground surface and one meter above it beside Juodkrante near Baltic seaside. Measurements carried out in 2008 July 2, 7, 10 and 12 days, in 63 points (2.0 x 0.2) km area then was the north, south, east and west wind direction. Extreme values of the average was 50 nSv/h ir 130 nSv/h. To determine EDR fields structure was used the optimal interpolation method in three cases – then in research area conducted 63, 33 and 18 measurements. Received identical EDR fields structure. Found that the use of only 18 measurements in the model obtained satisfactory experimental and theoretical results coincide, i.e., the difference between measured and model results in less than 20  errors. Found that, in the north, south and west wind direction, wind speed increased by an average of 3 times, EDR decreases about 8 nSv/h. In the east wind, the wind speed increased by 3 times, EDR increased 7 nSv/h / h. Structure: introduction, methods and tools of work, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consist of: 58 p. text without appendixes, 46 pictures, 1 tables, 36 bibliographical entries. Appendixes and publication included.

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