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Jämförelse av off-the-shelf-hårdvara för realtidsapplikationer / Comparison of off-the-shelf hardware for real-time applicationsEngström, Hampus, Ring, Christoffer January 2013 (has links)
Vid implementering av realtidsapplikationer krävs det att man kan använda hårdvaran på ett deterministiskt vis. En realtidsapplikation ställer stora krav på körtider och hur applikationen schemaläggs. Det är därför av största vikt att kontrollera om de uppfyller dessa krav. I detta examensarbete har tre system för realtidsapplikationer jämförts och en analys av framförallt sina beräkningsförmågor och hur pass deterministiskt de uppför sig gällande körtider har gjorts. Även andra aspekter så som utvecklingsmiljöer för mjukvara, tillbehör och effektförbrukning har jämförts.
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Strömmande video i trådlösa mesh nätverk : Streaming video in wireless mesh networksHällström, Magnus January 2014 (has links)
This document’s content is the final report of the master´s dissertation Magnus Hällström did during springtime of year 2013. The dissertation’s subject is 802.11s wireless mesh networks with streaming video as a focus point. During the dissertation a wireless mesh network was set up with different attached cameras for streaming video. A sun panel solution was also tested with the goal of creating a package with a self-configuring network node streaming video, powered by nothing but solar energy.
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Raspberries and Human Health: A Clinical Perspective on the Bioactivity and Bioavailability of Red Raspberry AntioxidantsSnyder, Dawn 29 November 2012 (has links)
Red raspberries, as an excellent source of dietary antioxidants, were investigated for their effect on oxidative stress in healthy adults. Study 1 measured effects of chronic exposure in a parallel, multi-dose intervention. Subjects consumed one-cup red raspberries (1cR) daily for two-weeks, then were randomized to consume 1cR, 2cR or 4cR for additional two-weeks (n=8, by group). There was a reduction in TBARS, indicating a decrease in lipid peroxidation, after two-weeks of intervention in the 1cR group, but effects were not significant at week 4, or for other treatment groups. Study 2 measured effects of acute exposure using a cross-over design. Subjects (n=8) consumed single treatments of 1cR, 2cR, 4cR, bread and bread plus vitamin C. Post-prandial oxidative stress responses were complex and appeared related to calorie and antioxidant load. Overall there was no clear relationship between red raspberry consumption and protection against oxidative stress.
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Prestanda och funktionalitetstest av Raspberry PiTesanovic, Manuela January 2016 (has links)
Användare ställer hela tiden högre krav på att webbläsare ska vara snabba och tillgängliga oavsett på vilken plattform de används på. Detta gäller även för testbäddens projekt där Raspberry Pi testades för framtida användning som en tunn klient. Arbetet är en fallstudie som undersöker prestanda och funktionaliteten hos Raspberry Pi 2 för organisationen Region Östergötland, Testbädden. Valet av testverktyg och avgränsningar i varje steg är grundade på funktionaliteten som är en del av ISO 9126 standard. Arbetet undersöker webbläsare som kan användas på OS Raspbian Wheezy samt Ubuntu mate. Genom en förundersökning av webbläsare utfördes avgränsningar med hjälp av webstandardtesterna Acid3 och HTML5. Av 33 möjliga webbläsare återstod fem som uppfyllde kraven för vidare undersökning. De kvarstående webbläsare genomgick benchmarktester och därefter togs en genomsnittlig sidladdningstid för varje webbläsare samt CPU och RAM användning i realtid. Resultatet visade att endast två av fem webbläsare klarade benchmarktesterna och utav dessa två var det webbläsaren Epiphany som presterade bäst utifrån sidladdningstid, CPU och minnesanvändning. Raspberry Pi överklockades för att undersöka om samma resultat skulle fås i denna studie som i en tidigare vetenskaplig studie. Resultatet visade att sidladdningstiden minskade men att CPU och RAM användningen ökade. Alla testverktyg genererade olika resultat och ett verktyg eller siffra räcker inte till att undersöka prestandan och funktionaliteten. Valet av den mest kompatibla webbläsaren för Raspberry Pi beror på användaren och vad den ska användas till.
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The role of ethylene in fruit and petal abscission in the red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L. cv. Glen Clova)Burdon, Jeremy N. January 1987 (has links)
Weakening of fruit and petal abscission zones in Rubus idaeus L. cv. Glen Clova was accompanied by increased rates of ethylene production. Both processes were accelerated by a supply of exogenous ethylene. In the ripe fruit natural ethylene levels were saturating. The rise in ethylene production clearly preceded petal abscission but in fruit the increase virtually coincided with the start of weakening. Raspberry fruit of other varieties and blackberries clearly showed the abscission zone weakening could precede any increase in ethylene production. The internal ethylene concentrations of Glen Clova fruit at the mottled stage reached those levels which had to be added to stimulate abscission (ie 0.25 to 0.5 ppm). This is the very stage at which abscission zone weakening was first noticeable. Both fruit and petal abscission was retarded by the application of inhibitors of ethylene production ( AVG, Co 2+) or action (Ag+ ). Likewise a reduction in the internal ethylene under hypobaric pressure also retarded fruit abscission. None of these treatments were totally capable of preventing abscission. In fruit abscission the receptacle appears to have an important role. The increase in receptacle ethylene production precedes that of the drupelets. The enlargement and swelling of the receptacle tissues are important in both abscission zone weakening and ethylene production. This receptacle development may in turn be controlled by the development of fertilised drupelets. The ethylene production in both fruit and petal abscission is limited initially by the supply of ACC. In both cases endogenous ACC levels increase in step with ethylene production. Ethylene's role as a coordinating/accelerating agent in fruit and petal abscission is discussed.
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Systém pro řízení modulů optických vláknových zesilovačů / System for controlling optical fiber amplifier modulesMatoušek, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of the telecommunication device for optical amplifiers and the implementation of the universal software for thecommunication with an optical amplifier. An universal control interface has been created to control modules remotely via the SSH remote access or via the LCD display and buttons on the device. The Linux security is listed in this thesis. The device was designed in the 1U case, where the front and rear panels and the arrangement of elements inside were designed. Subsequently, the functionality of the device and the communication with the LCD display and the optical module were tested.
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Automatické polohování pro solární koncentrátorový systém / Automatic Positioning for Solar Concentrator SystemČásar, Juraj January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the work was to create an automatic positioning system, with optics for radiation concentration and a body for its collection, by monitoring the sun across the sky using a camera. At the beginning are introduced the concentrator systems and the movement of the sun from the perspective of the observer. Follows description of the various potential components which requires a functional system. The last part deal with the implementation of selected components for operation as a whole system, verification of functionality by accurate tracking of the sun across the sky and measuring the performance of the concentrator system with automatic positioning.
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Mobile Robot for the Spraying of Corn Crops with autonomous navigation camera for the Plains of the AndesCarbajal, Jhony, Quispe, Grimaldo, Chavez-Arias, Heyul, Raymundo-Ibanez, Carlos, Dominguez, Francisco 01 November 2019 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / The incidence of the disease in horticultural crops is one of the important problems that affect the production of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Regular monitoring of crops for early diagnosis and treatment with pesticides or removal of the affected crop is part of the solution to minimize crop loss. The monitoring of crops by human labor is expensive, time consuming, prone to errors due to insufficient knowledge of the disease and highly repetitive at different stages of crop growth. These needs have motivated to design the mobile robot with vision sensors for navigation through the field. The robot has been designed in the Autodesk Inventor software. Programming for navigation is done in the Arduino Mega 2560 tool. Image capture has been performed using the RGB camera. Image processing for the identification of the disease and its representation in a graphical user interface has been performed using an algorithm in MATLAB R2018B that interacts with the Arduino tool through a communication bus. The system developed consists of the design of a prototype that uses simple and cost effective equipment such as Raspberry Pi, RGB camera, two motors and sensors that allow the autonomous fumigation of corn crops. / Revisión por pares
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Automatic guided vehicle application: precision agricultureGong, Xiangnan 07 April 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Currently, there are many types of Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) in different industries. Typically their job is to move raw materials or parts around a manufacturing facility, and they can be very accurate by following the guides from wires in the floor, magnets, laser, or vision. However, currently AGVs only work indoors. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to discuss the implementation of the outdoor AGV. An outdoor AGV has much more constraints than an indoor one. The environment indoors can be easily controlled while the outdoor cannot because there could be such problems as rough outdoor surfaces, no pre-set guiding wires or magnets, vision blocking by dust, and so on. The solution, which will be introduced in this paper, to achieve the outdoor AGV is laser guidance. In addition, a buffer will be installed to stabilize the cargo or others working devices, to prevent them from the shaking due to the rough outdoor surfaces. To be more specific, a prototype will be built to simulate the working of a seeder. In agriculture, it is very important to plant corns in a straight line, not only to increase the absorption of sunlight and ventilation, but also to reduce the work of irrigation, fertilizing, and harvest. Furthermore, to achieve unmanned agriculture, a corn field with straight lines will also be a good condition for other agriculture robots.
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Establishment Of Blackberries And Detection And Management Of Raspberry Crown BorerHeard, Edward 09 December 2006 (has links)
Evaluations of tactics for detection and management of raspberry crown borer, RCB, Pennisettia marginata (Harris) on blackberries were performed in Mississippi from January 2005 - July 2006. Randomized split plots with infested blackberries and certified nursery stock of two recommended cultivars, thorny ?Chickasaw? and thornless ?Apache? were planted. Pest management tactics targeting RCB included drenches: chemical insecticide bifenthrin, recently registered for RCB management; experimental pesticide E2Y45; and entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema feltiae. Insect pheromones (E,Z)3-13-octadecadien-1-ol and (E,Z)3-13-octadecadien-1-yl-acetate were evaluated as RCB lures. Effects of fungicides captan, pyraclostrobin + boscalid, lime-sulfur and insecticide acetamiprid on viability and infectivity of entomopathogenic nematode species, S. feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were evaluated in laboratory bioassays with host greater wax moth larvae. RCB larvae and soil pests on and around infested blackberry plants were observed. Bait traps with 5 mg of (E.Z)3-13-octadecadien-1-ol captured an adult RCB on October 19, 2005. Laboratory bioassays indicated that lime-sulfur and pyraclostrobin + boscalid decrease nematode movement and infectivity.
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