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Efecte del tractament amb difenilhidantoïna sobre el perfil lipoproteic i la susceptibilitat a l'arteriosclerosi en models murídicsTrocho Muñoz, M. Carme 17 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of Galectin-1 in Pancreatic Cancer: A sweet target for a bitter diseaseMartínez Bosch, Neus 26 September 2011 (has links)
Pancreatic cancer is nowadays one of the neoplasms with worst prognosis, so research
towards the discovery of new molecular targets for therapy and diagnosis is more than
urgent. In this direction, we have deeply evaluated the role of Galectin-1 (Gal-1) - a
protein that is highly overexpressed in the tumor stroma- in pancreatic tumor progression.
Interestingly, we have found that Gal-1 interacts with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
and that this interplay seems to be involved both in pancreatic tumor epithelial cells and
fibroblasts migration, Erk1/2 activation and invasion, suggesting its importance in the
tumor/stroma crosstalk in vitro. We have also focused on the biochemical identification
of tPA/Gal-1 interaction domains. Furthermore, we have studied Gal-1 role in
pancreatic tumor progression in vivo, using murine (xenografts and transgenics) and
zebrafish models. We have found that Gal-1 participates in proliferation, angiogenesis,
stroma formation and necrosis in Ela-1-myc pancreatic tumors, as well as in the acinar to
ductal metaplasia. Importantly, these effects result in an overall significant increase in the
survival of Ela-1-myc mice with reduced Gal-1 levels. We have also analyzed Gal-1
role in mouse embryonic pancreatic development, finding interesting parallelisms with
tumors. Finally, the molecular mechanisms involved in Gal-1 driving tumor pancreatic
progression have been addressed through a transcriptome analysis. All together, our
data support Gal-1 as a new molecular target to fight against pancreatic cancer. / Avui en dia, el càncer de pàncrees representa un dels tumors amb més elevats índex de
mortalitat, per la qual cosa la recerca dirigida a la identificació de molècules per
teràpia i diagnosi són més que necessàries. Amb aquest objectiu, hem avaluat el paper
que juga Galectina-1 (Gal-1) - una proteïna altament sobreexpressada en l’estroma
tumoral- en la progressió tumoral pancreàtica. Hem trobat que Gal-1 interactua amb
l’activador tissular del plasminògen (tPA), participant en la migració, l’activació de
Erk1/2 i la invasió, tant en cèl4lules tumorals pancreàtiques com en fibroblasts in vitro,
suggerint una importància caudal d’aquesta interacció en la comunicació entre el tumor i
l’estroma. Així mateix, ens hem centrat en la identificació bioquímica dels dominis
d’interacció entre Gal-1 i tPA. A més, el paper de Gal-1 en la progressió tumoral
pancreàtica ha estat adreçat in vivo, utilitzant models murins (xenografts i transgènics) i
el peix zebra. Així doncs hem trobat que Gal-1 participa en la proliferació,
angiogènesi, formació de l’estroma i la necrosi dels tumors pancreàtics dels ratolins Ela-
1-myc, així com en la metaplasia acinar-ductal. De forma significativa, aquests efectes
es tradueixen en un increment important en la supervivència dels ratolins Ela-1-myc amb
nivells reduïts de Gal-1. Hem també analitzat el paper que juga Gal-1 en el
desenvolupament pancreàtic embrionari murí, trobant paral4lelismes interessants amb els
tumors. Finalment, hem volgut ocupar-nos dels mecanismes moleculars involucrats en els
efectes produïts per Gal-1 durant la progressió tumoral pancreàtica mitjançant
microarrays. Les nostres dades presenten Gal-1 com una nova diana terapèutica per
lluitar contra el càncer de pàncrees.
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Analysis of mouse kreisler mutants reveals new roles of hindbrain-derived signals in the establishment of the otic neurogenic domainVázquez Echeverría, Citlali 18 December 2008 (has links)
The inner ear, the sensory organ responsible for hearing and balance, contains specialized sensory and non-sensory epithelia arranged in a highly complex threedimensional structure. To achieve this complexity, a tight coordination between morphogenesis and cell fate specification is essential during otic development. Tisúes surrounding the otic primordium, and more particularly the adjacent segmented hindbrain, have been implicated in specifying structures along the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes of the inner ear. In this work we have first characterized the generation and axial specification of the otic neurogenic domain, and second, we have investigated the effects of the mutation of kreisler/MafB -a gene transiently expressed in the rhombomeres 5 and 6 of the developing hindbrain- in early otic patterning and cell specification. We show that kr/kr embryos display an expansion of the otic neurogenic domain, due to defects in otic patterning. Although many reports have pointed to the role of FGF3 in otic regionalization, we provide evidence that FGF3 is not sufficient to govern this process. Neither Krox20 nor Fgf3 null mutant embryos, in which Fgf3 is either downregulated or absent in r5 and r6, present ectopic otic neuroblasts in the otic primordium. However, Fgf3-/-Fgf10-/- double mutants show a phenotype very similar to kr/kr embryos: they present ectopic neuroblasts along the AP and DV otic axes. Finally, and remarkably, partial rescue of the kr/kr phenotype is obtained when Fgf3 or Fgf10 are ectopically expressed in the hindbrain of kr/kr embryos. These results highlight a compensatory mechanism between FGFs, and the importance of hindbrain-derived signals in instructing otic patterning and the establishment of the neurogenic domain.
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