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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um sistema baseado em agentes para re-anotação de genomas / An agent-based system for re-annotation of genomes

Nascimento, Leonardo Vianna do January 2005 (has links)
A análise da informação contida em seqüências genéticas tem ganho cada vez mais importância nos dias atuais. A chamada anotação genética tem o objetivo de, a partir de uma ou mais seqüências, determinar suas características estruturais e funcionais. Muitos processos de anotação já foram realizados com êxito aumentando consideravelmente nosso conhecimento acerca do mecanismo genético de diversos organismos. A re-anotação genética é um processo que visa revisar o resultado da anotação, em virtude da disponibilidade de novas informações. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um sistema de re-anotação automática, onde tarefas de análise repetitivas podem ser automatizadas e os dados na anotação re-analisados periodicamente, a fim de que possíveis modificações possam ser detectadas. O sistema é baseado na tecnologia de agentes. Cada agente é responsável pela execução de diferentes ferramentas de bioinformática. Ao final do processo, os resultados individuais são combinados a fim de atingir o objetivo da análise. O sistema demonstrou eficácia na análise realizada em organismos procariontes durante a fase de validação. Ambientes de re-anotação como este são ferramentas interessantes a serem futuramente integradas a sistemas de anotação existentes. / The analysis of the information present in genetic sequences is gaining more importance nowadays. The genetic annotation aims to determine structural and functional characteristics of the sequences. Many annotation processes have already been carried out, improving our knowledge about the genetic mechanism of several organisms. The genetic re-annotation is a process that aims to review the annotation results when new information is available. This work presents an automatic re-annotation system where repetitive analysis tasks can be automated and annotation data are periodically re-analysed in order to detect possible differences. The system is based on the agent technology and each agent must execute different bioinformatics tools and merge its results in order to reach the analysis goals. The system proved to be efficient on the analysis carried out in procariotic organisms in the validation process, becoming an interesting tool to be integrated in annotation systems in the future.

Um sistema baseado em agentes para re-anotação de genomas / An agent-based system for re-annotation of genomes

Nascimento, Leonardo Vianna do January 2005 (has links)
A análise da informação contida em seqüências genéticas tem ganho cada vez mais importância nos dias atuais. A chamada anotação genética tem o objetivo de, a partir de uma ou mais seqüências, determinar suas características estruturais e funcionais. Muitos processos de anotação já foram realizados com êxito aumentando consideravelmente nosso conhecimento acerca do mecanismo genético de diversos organismos. A re-anotação genética é um processo que visa revisar o resultado da anotação, em virtude da disponibilidade de novas informações. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um sistema de re-anotação automática, onde tarefas de análise repetitivas podem ser automatizadas e os dados na anotação re-analisados periodicamente, a fim de que possíveis modificações possam ser detectadas. O sistema é baseado na tecnologia de agentes. Cada agente é responsável pela execução de diferentes ferramentas de bioinformática. Ao final do processo, os resultados individuais são combinados a fim de atingir o objetivo da análise. O sistema demonstrou eficácia na análise realizada em organismos procariontes durante a fase de validação. Ambientes de re-anotação como este são ferramentas interessantes a serem futuramente integradas a sistemas de anotação existentes. / The analysis of the information present in genetic sequences is gaining more importance nowadays. The genetic annotation aims to determine structural and functional characteristics of the sequences. Many annotation processes have already been carried out, improving our knowledge about the genetic mechanism of several organisms. The genetic re-annotation is a process that aims to review the annotation results when new information is available. This work presents an automatic re-annotation system where repetitive analysis tasks can be automated and annotation data are periodically re-analysed in order to detect possible differences. The system is based on the agent technology and each agent must execute different bioinformatics tools and merge its results in order to reach the analysis goals. The system proved to be efficient on the analysis carried out in procariotic organisms in the validation process, becoming an interesting tool to be integrated in annotation systems in the future.

Um sistema baseado em agentes para re-anotação de genomas / An agent-based system for re-annotation of genomes

Nascimento, Leonardo Vianna do January 2005 (has links)
A análise da informação contida em seqüências genéticas tem ganho cada vez mais importância nos dias atuais. A chamada anotação genética tem o objetivo de, a partir de uma ou mais seqüências, determinar suas características estruturais e funcionais. Muitos processos de anotação já foram realizados com êxito aumentando consideravelmente nosso conhecimento acerca do mecanismo genético de diversos organismos. A re-anotação genética é um processo que visa revisar o resultado da anotação, em virtude da disponibilidade de novas informações. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um sistema de re-anotação automática, onde tarefas de análise repetitivas podem ser automatizadas e os dados na anotação re-analisados periodicamente, a fim de que possíveis modificações possam ser detectadas. O sistema é baseado na tecnologia de agentes. Cada agente é responsável pela execução de diferentes ferramentas de bioinformática. Ao final do processo, os resultados individuais são combinados a fim de atingir o objetivo da análise. O sistema demonstrou eficácia na análise realizada em organismos procariontes durante a fase de validação. Ambientes de re-anotação como este são ferramentas interessantes a serem futuramente integradas a sistemas de anotação existentes. / The analysis of the information present in genetic sequences is gaining more importance nowadays. The genetic annotation aims to determine structural and functional characteristics of the sequences. Many annotation processes have already been carried out, improving our knowledge about the genetic mechanism of several organisms. The genetic re-annotation is a process that aims to review the annotation results when new information is available. This work presents an automatic re-annotation system where repetitive analysis tasks can be automated and annotation data are periodically re-analysed in order to detect possible differences. The system is based on the agent technology and each agent must execute different bioinformatics tools and merge its results in order to reach the analysis goals. The system proved to be efficient on the analysis carried out in procariotic organisms in the validation process, becoming an interesting tool to be integrated in annotation systems in the future.

Assessment of Canine Immunity using Computational and Flow Cytometric Approaches

Weaver, Kriston 17 August 2013 (has links)
The Affymetrix GeneChip® Canine Genome 2.0 microarray is re-annotated using AgBase tools, up-to-date ID mapping and GO annotations associated with publicly available gene products updated on this array. This re-annotation makes the array more useful for researchers using the canine microarray for biological discovery. We use flow cytometry to determine if liposomal clodronate (LC) is an acceptable alternative to surgical splenectomy to facilitate detection of subclinical infection with Babesia canis in potential blood donor greyhounds. Our study shows that LC is not a reliable means of exposing babesiosis in greyhounds with a recent history of infection. We evaluate the effect of depletion of antigen presenting cells on regulatory T cells (Tregs) in dogs treated with LC by multi-color flow cytometry. We demonstrate that LC promotes increases in the CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs affecting mostly the CD4+CD25lowFOXP3+ Tregs subset suggesting a role of monocytes in naïve T cell priming and differentiation into Tregs.

Innovations pour l'annotation protéogénomique à grande échelle du vivant / Innovations for proteogenomic annotation on a large scale for microorganisms

Bland, Céline 23 September 2013 (has links)
La protéogénomique consiste à affiner l'annotation du génome d'organismes modèles pour lesquels des données protéomiques sont générées à haut-débit. Des erreurs d'annotation structurale ou fonctionnelle sont encore fréquentes. Innover dans les méthodologies permettant de lever ces ambiguïtés est essentiel. L'étude spécifique du N-terminome permet de vérifier expérimentalement l'identification du codon d'initiation de la traduction et de certifier les données obtenues. Pour cela, deux stratégies innovantes ont été développées basées sur : i) le marquage sélectif du N-terminal des protéines, ii) une digestion multienzymatique en parallèle, et ii) l'enrichissement spécifique des peptides N-terminaux marqués par chromatographies liquides successives ou immunocapture dirigée contre le groupement N-terminal ajouté. L'efficacité de ces méthodologies a été démontrée à partir du modèle bactérien Roseobacter denitrificans. Après enrichissement par chromatographie, 480 protéines ont été validées et 46 ré-annotées. Plusieurs sites d'initiation de la traduction ont été décelés et l'annotation par similarité a été remise en cause dans certains cas. Après immunocapture, 269 protéines ont été caractérisées dont 40% ont été identifiées spécifiquement après enrichissement. Trois gènes ont également été annotés pour la première fois. Les résultats complémentaires obtenus après analyse par spectrométrie de masse en tandem facilitent l'interprétation des données pour révéler les sites d'initiation réels de la synthèse des protéines et identifier de nouveaux produits d'expression des gènes. La ré-annotation peut devenir automatique et systématique pour améliorer les bases de données protéiques. / Proteogenomics is a recent field at the junction of genomics and proteomics which consists of refining the annotation of the genome of model organisms with the help of high-throughput proteomic data. Structural and functional errors are still frequent and have been reported on several occasions. Innovative methodologies to prevent such errors are essential. N-terminomics enables experimental validation of initiation codons and certification of the annotation data. With this objective in mind, two innovative strategies have been developed combining: i) selective N-terminal labeling of proteins, ii) multienzymatic digestion in parallel, and iii) specific enrichment of most N-terminal labeled peptides using either successive liquid chromatography steps or immunocapture directed towards the N-terminal label. Efficiency of these methodologies has been demonstrated using Roseobacter denitrificans as bacterial model organism. After enrichment with chromatography, 480 proteins were validated and 46 re-annotated. Several start sites for translation initiation were detected and homology driven annotation was challenged in some cases. After immunocapture, 269 proteins were characterized of which 40% were identified specifically after enrichment. Three novel genes were also annotated for the first time. Complementary results obtained after tandem mass spectrometry analysis allows easier data interpretation to reveal real start sites of translation initiation of proteins and to identify novel expressed products. In this way, the re-annotation process may become automatic and systematic to improve protein databases.

Organization and integration of large-scale datasets for designing a metabolic model and re-annotating the genome of mycoplasma pneumoniae

Wodke, Judith 19 March 2013 (has links)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, einer der kleinsten lebenden Organismen, ist ein erfolgversprechender Modellorganismus der Systembiologie um eine komplette lebende Zelle zu verstehen. Wichtig dahingehend ist die Konstruktion mathematischer Modelle, die zelluläre Prozesse beschreiben, indem sie beteiligte Komponenten vernetzen und zugrundeliegende Mechanismen entschlüsseln. Für Mycoplasma pneumoniae wurden genomweite Datensätze für Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics und Metabolomics produziert. Allerdings fehlten ein effizientes Informationsaustauschsystem und mathematische Modelle zur Datenintegration. Zudem waren verschiedene Beobachtungen im metabolischen Verhalten ungeklärt. Diese Dissertation präsentiert einen kombinatorischen Ansatz zur Entwicklung eines metabolischen Modells für Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Zuerst haben wir eine Datenbank, MyMpn, entwickelt, um Zugang zu strukturierten, organisierten Daten zu schaffen. Danach haben wir ein genomweites, Constraint-basiertes metabolisches Modell mit Vorhersagekapazitäten konstruiert und parallel dazu das Metabolome experimentell charakterisiert. Wir haben die Biomasse einer Mycoplasma pneumoniae Zelle definiert, das Netzwerk korrigiert, gezeigt, dass ein Grossteil der produzierten Energie auf zelluläre Homeostase verwendet wird, und das Verhalten unter verschiedenen Wachstumsbedingungen analysiert. Schließlich haben wir manuell das Genom reannotiert. Die Datenbank, obwohl noch nicht öffentlich zugänglich, wird bereits intern für die Analyse experimenteller Daten und die Modellierung genutzt. Die Entdeckung von Kontrollprinzipien des Energiemetabolismus und der Anpassungsfähigkeiten bei Genausfall heben den Einfluss der reduktiven Genomevolution hervor und erleichtert die Entwicklung von Manipulationstechniken und dynamischen Modellen. Überdies haben wir gezeigt, dass die Genomorganisation in Mycoplasma pneumoniae komplexer ist als bisher für möglich gehalten, und 32 neue, noch nicht annotierte Gene entdeckt. / Mycoplasma pneumoniae, one of the smallest known self-replicating organisms, is a promising model organism in systems biology when aiming to assess understanding of an entire living cell. One key step towards this goal is the design of mathematical models that describe cellular processes by connecting the involved components to unravel underlying mechanisms. For Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a wealth of genome-wide datasets on genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolism had been produced. However, a proper system facilitating information exchange and mathematical models to integrate the different datasets were lacking. Also, different in vivo observations of metabolic behavior remained unexplained. This thesis presents a combinatorial approach to design a metabolic model for Mycoplasma pneumoniae. First, we developed a database, MyMpn, in order to provide access to structured and organized data. Second, we built a predictive, genome-scale, constraint-based metabolic model and, in parallel, we explored the metabolome in vivo. We defined the biomass composition of a Mycoplasma pneumoniae cell, corrected the wiring diagram, showed that a large proportion of energy is dedicated to cellular homeostasis, and analyzed the metabolic behavior under different growth conditions. Finally, we manually re-annotated the genome of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The database, despite not yet being released to the public, is internally already used for data analysis, and for mathematical modeling. Unraveling the principles governing energy metabolism and adaptive capabilities upon gene deletion highlight the impact of the reductive genome evolution and facilitates the development of engineering tools and dynamic models for metabolic sub-systems. Furthermore, we revealed that the degree of complexity in which the genome of Mycoplasma pneumoniae is organized far exceeds what has been considered possible so far and we identified 32 new, previously not annotated genes.

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