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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human locomotion analysis, classification and modeling of normal and pathological vertical ground reaction force signals in elderly / Analyse, classification et modélisation de la locomotion humaine : application a des signaux GRF sur une population âgée

Alkhatib, Rami 12 July 2016 (has links)
La marche est définie par des séquences de gestes cycliques et répétées. Il a été déjà montré que la vitesse et la variabilité de ces séquences peuvent révéler des aptitudes ou des défaillances motrices. L’originalité de ce travail est alors d’analyser et de caractériser les foulées de sujets âgés à partir des signaux de pression issus de semelles instrumentées lors de la marche, au moyen d’outils de traitement du signal. Une étude préliminaire, sur les signaux de pression générés lors de la marche, nous a permis de mettre en évidence le caractère cyclo-stationnaire de ces signaux. Ces paramètres sont testées sur une population de 47 sujets. Tout d'abord, nous avons commencé par un prétraitement des signaux et nous avons montré dans la première de cette thèse que le filtrage peut éliminer une partie vitale du signal. C’est pourquoi un filtre adaptatif basé sur la décomposition en mode empirique a été conçu. Les points de retournement ont été filtrés ensuite en utilisant une technique temps-fréquence appelée «synochronosqueezing». Nous avons également montré que le contenu des signaux de force de marche est fortement affecté par des paramètres inquantifiables tels que les tâches cognitives qui les rendent difficiles à normaliser. C’est pourquoi les paramètres extraits de nos signaux sont tous dérivées par une comparaison inter-sujet. Par exemple, nous avons assimilé la différence dans la répartition de poids entre les pieds. Il est également recommandé dans ce travail de choisir le centre des capteurs plutôt que de compter sur la somme des forces issues du réseau de capteurs pour la classification. Ensuite, on a montré que l’hypothèse de la marche équilibrée et déséquilibrée peut améliorer les résultats de la classification. Le potentiel de cette hypothèse est montré à l'aide de la répartition du poids ainsi que le produit de l'âge × vitesse dans le premier classificateur et la corrélation dans le second classificateur. Une simulation de la série temporelle de VGRF basé sur une version modifiée du modèle de Markov non stationnaire, du premier ordre est ensuite dérivée. Ce modèle prédit les allures chez les sujets normaux et suffisamment pour les allures des sujets de Parkinson. On a trouvé que les trois modes: temps, fréquence et espace sont très utiles pour l’analyse des signaux de force, c’est pourquoi l’analyse de facteurs parallèles est introduite comme étant une méthode de tenseur qui peut être utilisée dans le futur / Walking is defined as sequences of repetitive cyclic gestures. It was already shown that the speed and the variability of these sequences can reveal abilities or motorskill failures. The originality of this work is to analyze and characterize the steps of elderly persons by using pressure signals. In a preliminary study, we showed that pressure signals are characterized by cyclostationarity. In this study, we intend to exploit the nonstationarity of the signals in a search for new indicators that can help in gait signal classification between normal and Parkinson subjects in the elderly population. These parameters are tested on a population of 47 subjects. First, we started with preprocessing the vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) signals and showed in this first part of the thesis that filtering can remove a vital part of the signal. That is why an adaptive filter based on empirical mode decomposition (EMD) was built. Turning points are filtered using synochronosqueezing of time-frequency representations of the signal. We also showed that the content of gait force signals is highly affected by unquantifiable parameter such as cognitive tasks which make them hard to be normalized. That is why features being extracted are derived from inter-subject comparison. For example we equated the difference in the load distribution between feet. It is also recommended in this work to choose the mid-sensor rather than relying on summation of forces from array of sensors for classification purposes. A hypothesis of balanced and unbalanced gait is verified to be potential in improving the classification accuracy. The power of this hypothesis is shown by using the load distribution and Age×Speed in the first classifier and the correlation in the second classifier. A time series simulation of VGRF based on a modified version of nonstationary- Markov model of first order is derived. This model successfully predict gaits in normal subjects and fairly did in Parkinson’s gait. We found out that the three modes: time, frequency and space are helpful in analyzing force signals that is why parallel factor analysis is introduced as a tensor method to be used in a future work

Modelagem numérica dos fenômenos que ocorrem durante a penetração do amostrador SPT no solo / Numerical modelling of the penetration of a SPT sampler into the soil

Julieth Paola Quintero Baños 16 June 2016 (has links)
O ensaio SPT (Standard Penetration Test), é o ensaio de campo geotécnico mais usado no Brasil e grande parte do mundo. A ampla utilização deste ensaio no âmbito da engenharia geotécnica deve-se à sua simplicidade, baixo custo, grande experiência prática e facilidade de aplicação dos seus resultados. Os principais objetivos do ensaio são a determinação do índice de resistência do solo (NSPT) e amostragem. Apesar de ser muito utilizado na estimativa da capacidade de carga de fundações, o ensaio SPT tem sido questionado pelo fato de que o índice NSPT é utilizado em correlações empíricas baseadas em observações práticas, sem nenhum fundamento científico. Além do mais, seus resultados apresentam significativas dispersões. Para analisar racionalmente os resultados do ensaio e de possibilitar a comparação dos diferentes resultados de distintas equipes, é necessário conhecer as quantidades de energia envolvidas na penetração do amostrador no solo. Tais análises requerem o conhecimento da eficiência do equipamento (η) e a força de reação dinâmica do solo à cravação do amostrador (RD). Neste cenário, o presente trabalho aborda a interpretação racional dos resultados de ensaios SPT a partir de simulações numéricas realizadas com o software Abaqus/Explicit®. Esse programa fornece os deslocamentos do amostrador (Δρ), força de reação dinâmica do solo (RD), e as forças de reação nas paredes laterais externa e interna do amostrador (R1 e R2). Baseando-se nos resultados dos modelos numéricos, foi possível calcular a eficiência do equipamento, a partir da força de reação dinâmica do solo, as resistências unitárias de atrito atuantes nas paredes e a resistência unitária na ponta do amostrador. Também foi possível determinar a relação entre as resistências unitárias de atrito desenvolvidas no interior e exterior do amostrador (fator de atrito a). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com resultados de trabalhos experimentais e valores teóricos determinados com base no Princípio de Hamilton da conservação da energia. Também foi possível simular uma prova de carga dinâmica com energia crescente no amostrador, variando a altura de queda do martelo. Isso confirmou que a resistência mobilizada do solo para certa energia aplicada pode estar bem abaixo da ruptura e apenas representar um ponto na curva de resistência mobilizada versus deslocamento. / The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is one of the most used geotechnical tests in the world. The wide use of this test in the context of geotechnical engineering is due to its simplicity, low cost, large practical experience and its ease of application of results. The main objectives of the test are the determination of soil resistance index (NSPT) and sampling. Despite being widely used in estimating the bearing capacity of foundations, the SPT test has been questioned by the fact that the NSPT index is used in empirical correlations based on practical observations, with no scientific basis. Furthermore, its results show significant dispersions. To analyze rationally the test results and to make possible to compare different results obtained from different equipment, it is necessary to know the amounts of energy existing during the penetration of the sampler into soil. Such analyses require information about the equipment efficiency (η) and the dynamic soil reaction force during the sampler penetration (RD). In this scenario, this work addresses the rational interpretation of SPT test results from numerical simulations performed with the Abaqus/Explicit software. This program provides the sampler displacements (Δρ), the dynamic soil reaction force (RD) and the external and internal reaction forces acting on the sampler walls (R1 e R2). Based on the results of the numerical models, it was possible to calculate the efficiency of the equipment, from the dynamic soil reaction force, the unit friction resistance acting on the sampler walls and the unit resistance at the sampler tip. In addition, it was possible to estimate the relationship between the unit friction resistance acting on the internal and external walls of the sampler (friction factor a). The numerical results were compared with experimental results and theoretical values, obtained using the Hamilton\'s principle of conservation of energy. Furthermore, it was possible to simulate a dynamic load test with increasing energy applied to the sampler, by varying the height of fall of the hammer. It was obtained the confirmation that resistance mobilized for a certain level of energy applied to the sampler may be below the failure load and represent only a point on the graph curve mobilized resistance versus displacement.

Interpretação de resultados do ensaio SPT com base em instrumentação dinâmica / Interpretation of SPT test results based on dynamic instrumentation

Juliana Azoia Lukiantchuki 27 July 2012 (has links)
O ensaio de simples reconhecimento do solo (SPT) e usualmente utilizado para estimar a resistência do solo, atraves do índice NSPT, que representa a resistencia a penetração dinâmica do amostrador no solo. Esse índice é usado diretamente em correlações empíricas ou semi-empíricas na determinação da capacidade de suporte e recalque das fundações. Entretanto, esse ensaio tem sido alvo de críticas devido a utilização dessas correlações empíricas, geralmente baseadas em observações práticas e sem nenhum fundamento científico. Críticas também estão relacionadas com a dispersão dos resultados, devido a utilização de diferentes tipos de equipamentos e procedimentos executivos. O índice NSPT depende da parcela de energia que e efetivamente transmitida ao amostrador durante a queda do martelo. Assim, análises racionais dos resultados de ensaios SPT dependem essencialmente da estimativa da quantidade dessa energia. Por esse motivo, tem sido desenvolvidas diversas pesquisas relacionados com a energia envolvida no ensaio SPT. Este trabalho apresenta interpretações dos resultados do ensaio SPT a partir das quantidades de energia envolvidas durante a queda do martelo. Essas quantidades de energia são determinadas indiretamente, através dos sinais de força normal e aceleração durante a propagação da onda de tensão ao longo da composição de hastes. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um equipamento que inclui uma instrumentação capaz de registrar esses sinais de força normal e aceleração. Uma série de ensaios SPT foi realizada com instrumentação instalada tanto no topo como na base da composição de hastes. Esse arranjo permitiu estimar as quantidades de energia disponíveis no topo e na base da composição de hastes. Assim, foi possível determinar a eficiência dos equipamentos SPT com base na quantidade de energia que efetivamente atinge o amostrador. A partir dos sinais registrados, também foi possível determinar a resistência dinâmica mobilizada no sistema solo-amostrador. Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com resultados obtidos através de métodos teóricos, baseados no Princípio de Hamilton, para a determinação da resistência estática e dinâmica do solo. Essas análises mostraram que equações teóricas podem ser adequadas para a determinação da resistência do solo, desde que seja considerada a quantidade de energia que efetivamente atinge o amostrador. Desta forma, essas equações teóricas podem ser facilmente incorporadas na prática de projeto de fundações, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de métodos baseados na quantidade de energia necessária para a penetração do amostrador no solo. / The standard penetration test (SPT) is usually used to estimate the soil strength through the NSPT index which represents the dynamic reaction force of the sampler penetration into the soil. This index is directly used in empirical or semi-empirical correlations for the determination of the bearing capacity and foundation settlements. However, this test has been criticized due to the use of these empirical correlations, often based on practical observation without any scientific basis. Criticism is also related to result dispersion due to the use of different types of equipment and execution procedures. The NSPT index depends on the amount of energy that is effectively transmitted to the sampler during the hammer fall. Thus, rational analyses of the SPT test results essentially depend on the estimation of this amount of energy. For this reason, several studies related to the energy involved in SPT test have been developed. This research presents interpretations of the SPT test results from the amounts of energy involved during the hammer fall. These amounts of energy are indirectly assessed by means of normal force and acceleration signals during the stress wave propagation along the string of rods. For this reason, a device that includes instrumentation capable of registering these signals of normal force and acceleration was developed. A series of tests was performed with the instrumentation installed at the top and the bottom of the string of rods. This arrangement allowed estimating the amount of energy available at the top and bottom of the string of rods. Thus, it was possible to estimate the efficiency of the SPT equipment basing on the amount of energy that actually reaches the sampler. From the recorded signals, it was also possible to assess the dynamic reaction force mobilized in the soil-sample system. The results were compared with other results obtained by theoretical methods, based on the Hamilton´s Principle, for evaluating the static and dynamic reaction force of the soil. These analyzes have shown that theoretical equations may be suitable for the determination of the soil strength, provided that the amount of energy that actually reaches the sampler be considered. Thus, these theoretical equations can be easily incorporated into the practice of foundation designs contributing to the development of methods based on the amount of energy required for the penetration of the sampler into the soil.

Predicting ground reaction forces of human gait using a simple bipedal spring-mass model

Mauersberger, Michael, Hähnel, Falk, Wolf, Klaus, Markmiller, Johannes F. C., Knorr, Alexander, Krumm, Dominik, Odenwald, Stephan 22 May 2024 (has links)
Aircraft design must be lightweight and cost-efficient on the condition of aircraft certification. In addition to standard load cases, human-induced loads can occur in the aircraft interior. These are crucial for optimal design but difficult to estimate. In this study, a simple bipedal spring-mass model with roller feet predicted human-induced loads caused by human gait for use within an end-to-end design process. The prediction needed no further experimental data. Gait movement and ground reaction force (GRF) were simulated by means of two parameter constraints with easily estimable input variables (gait speed, body mass, body height). To calibrate and validate the prediction model, experiments were conducted in which 12 test persons walked in an aircraft mock-up under different conditions. Additional statistical regression models helped to compensate for bipedal model limitations. Direct regression models predicted single GRF parameters as a reference without a bipedal model. The parameter constraint with equal gait speed in experiment and simulation yielded good estimates of force maxima (error 5.3%), while equal initial GRF gave a more reliable prediction. Both parameter constraints predicted contact time very well (error 0.9%). Predictions with the bipedal model including full GRF curves were overall as reliable as the reference.

Classificação de dados cinéticos da inicialização da marcha utilizando redes neurais artificiais e máquinas de vetores de suporte

Takáo, Thales Baliero 01 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-05-20T12:55:18Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thales Baliero Takáo - 2015.pdf: 2798998 bytes, checksum: f90a7c928230875abd5873753316f766 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-05-20T12:56:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thales Baliero Takáo - 2015.pdf: 2798998 bytes, checksum: f90a7c928230875abd5873753316f766 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-20T12:56:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Thales Baliero Takáo - 2015.pdf: 2798998 bytes, checksum: f90a7c928230875abd5873753316f766 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The aim of this work was to assess the performance of computational methods to classify ground reaction force (GRF) to identify on which surface was done the gait initiation. Twenty-five subjects were evaluated while performing the gait initiation task in two experimental conditions barefoot on hard surface and barefoot on soft surface (foam). The center of pressure (COP) variables were calculate from the GRF and the principal component analysis was used to retain the main features of medial-lateral, anterior-posterior and vertical force components. The principal components representing each force component were retained using the broken stick test. Then the support vector machines and multilayer neural networks ware trained with Backpropagation and Levenberg-Marquartd algorithm to perform the GRF classification . The evaluation of classifier models was done based on area under ROC curve and accuracy criteria. The Bootstrap cross-validation have produced area under ROC curve a and accuracy criteria using 500 samples database. The support vector machine with linear kernel and margin parameter equal 100 produced the best result using medial-lateral force as input. It registered area under ROC curve and accuracy with 0.7712 and 0.7974. Those results showed significance difference from the vertical and anterior-posterior force. Then we may conclude that the choice of GRF component and the classifier model directly influences the performance of the classification. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de ferramentas de inteligência computacional para a classificação da força de reação do solo (FRS) identificando em que tipo de superfície foi realizada a inicialização da marcha. A base de dados foi composta pela força de reação do solo de 25 indivíduos, adquiridas por duas plataformas de força, durante a inicialização da marcha sobre uma superfície macia (SM - colchão), e depois sobre uma superfície dura (SD). A partir da FRS foram calculadas as variáveis que descrevem o comportamento do centro de pressão (COP) e também foram extraídas as características relevantes das forças mediolateral (Fx), anteroposterior (Fy) e vertical (Fz) por meio da análise de componentes principais (ACP). A seleção das componentes principais que descrevem cada uma das forças foi feita por meio do teste broken stick . Em seguida, máquinas de vetores de suporte (MVS) e redes neurais artificiais multicamada (MLP) foram treinadas com o algoritmo Backpropagation e de Levenberg-Marquartd (LMA) para realizar a classificação da FRS. Para a avaliação dos modelos implementados a partir das ferramentas de inteligência computacional foram utilizados os índices de acurácia (ACC) e área abaixo da curva ROC (AUC). Estes índices foram obtidos na validação cruzada utilizando a técnicas bootstrap com 500 bases de dados de amostras. O melhor resultado foi obtido para a máquina de vetor de suporte com kernel linear com parâmetro de margem igual a 100 utilizando a Fx como entrada para classificação das amostras. Os índices AUC e ACC foram 0.7712 e 0.7974, respectivamente. Estes resultados apresentaram diferença estatística em relação aos modelos que utilizaram as componentes principais da Fy e Fz, permitindo concluir que a escolha da componente da FRS assim como o modelo a ser implementado influencia diretamente no desempenho dos índices que avaliam a classificação.

Design, Development and Validation of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Based Devices for Detecting Certain Healthcare Parameters

Chethana, K January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Several sensor technologies have been developed and experimented over the last few decades to cater various needs of medical diagnostics. Among these, fiber optic sensors, in particular, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) based sensors have attracted considerable attention due to their inherent advantages such electrical passiveness, immunity to Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI), chemical inertness, etc. The present research work focuses on design, development and validation of FBG sensor based devices for measurement of certain healthcare parameters in the context of foot function/gait cycle, cardiac and breathing activity, nostril dominance, hand grip/wrist angle force function, etc. The experimental work presented here emphasizes on the effectiveness and competitiveness of the FBG devices developed, in comparison with standard tools such as Accelerometer, Load cell, Electronic Stethoscope, Electromyogram and Dynamometer. In the field of human balance, stability and geriatrics, two independent FBG devices namely, Fiber Bragg Grating based Stability Assessment Device (FBGSAD) and Optical Sensor Ground Reaction Force measurement Platform (OSGRFP) have been designed, developed and experimented for postural stability assessment and gait analysis respectively. The result of these studies have significant implications in understanding of the mechanism of plantar strain distribution, identifying issues in gait cycles, detecting foot function discrepancies, identifying individuals who are susceptible to falls and to qualify subjects for balance and stability. In the field of ergonomic assessment, Fiber Braggs Grating based Hand Grip Device (FBGHGD) is designed and developed for the measurement of hand grip force which helps in the understanding of several important biomechanical aspects such as neuromuscular system function, overall upper-limb strength, vertebral fracture, skeletal muscle function, prediction of disability, incapacity, mortality and bone mass density (forearm, skeletal sites, spine, hip etc.). Further as an extension of this work, the FBGHGD is used for measurement of force generated by the wrist in different positions of the flexion and extension which relates to the wrist muscle activity and its enactment. In the field of cardiac activity monitoring, a novel, in-vivo, non-invasive and portable device named Fiber Bragg Grating based Heart Beat Device (FBGHBD) is developed for the simultaneous measurement of respiratory and cardiac activities. The work involves designing FBGHBD, validating its performance against traditional diagnostic systems like electronic stethoscope, exploration of its clinical relevance and the usage of FBGHBD in studies involving normal persons and patients with myocardial infarction. The unique design of FBGHBD provides critical information such as nascent morphology of cardiac and breathing activity, heart rate variability, heart beat rhythm, etc., which can assist in early clinical diagnosis of many conditions associated to heart and lung malfunctioning. Further, the scope of this work extends towards evaluating several signal processing algorithms and demonstrating a suitable signal processing architecture for real-time extraction of heart beat and respiratory rates along with its nascent morphologies for critical health care application. In the area of breath monitoring, a Nostril Pressure and Temperature Device (NPTD) is designed and developed which aims at simultaneous, accurate and real-time measurement of nostril air flow pressure and temperature to aid in clinical diagnosis of nasal dysfunction and associated nose disorders. The results of NPTD can offer certain vital features like breathing pattern, respiratory rate, changes in individual nostril temperature/pressure, nostrils dominance, body core temperature etc., which can assist in early clinical diagnosis of breathing problems associated with heart, brain and lung malfunctioning. Since the research work in this thesis involve experiments engaging human subjects, necessary approvals from the ethical committee is obtained before the experiments and required ethical procedures are followed during all the experimental trials.

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