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Mining and Understanding Regret TweetsZhou, Lu 18 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Politicising 'independent' curatorial practice under neoliberalism : critical responses to the structural pressures of project-makingSzreder, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This practice-based research discusses critical responses to the structural pressures of 'independent' curating under neoliberalism. The study argues for politicising project-making in accordance with such values as equality, collective autonomy and interdependency. The argument contributes to current debates about the practical plausibility of politicising project-related modes of production in the expanded field of art. The thesis acknowledges that 'independent' curators are culturally and economically dependent on the same apparatus that they want to contest. My work approaches this basic contradiction as a practical and conceptual challenge that prompts a series of questions as to how to practice within the apparatus, whilst at the same time resisting the social pressures of the very same system. The methodology merges sociological analysis of the social conditions of 'independent' curating with the tacit knowledge of the forms of curatorial resistance elicited by the pressures discussed. Thus, I set aside the aesthetical contents of curatorial projects and focus on their social forms. Utilising Walter Benjamin s concepts from The Author as Producer (1934), I argue that to politicise project-making, an 'independent' curator is required to intervene in the social apparatuses of curatorial production. The thesis reveals a number of social pressures, which manifest themselves in 'independent' curatorial practice and analyses tactics that 'independent' curators develop in response to those pressures. I interpret the examples of curatorial practice, submitted to evidence my argument, both as symptoms of those social pressures and as sites of politicised, curatorial intervention. To analyse politicised curating, I introduce two central terms 'the apparatus of project-making' and 'radical opportunism'. These terms facilitate the analysis of the intrinsic contradictions and ethical complexities of politicised curating. I apply this conceptual framework to the different aspects of project-making, analysing temporal structures, modes of governance and competitive features of the apparatus, alongside politicised, curatorial responses to the pressures discussed. In order to discuss curatorial tactics that respond to the social pressures of project-making, I introduce new terms, such as 'free/slowness', 'neither a project nor an institution' and 'interdependent curating', discussed in the consecutive Chapters.
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Integrating Heterogeneous Data for Improved Cancer Prognostics: A Clinically-Aligned, Physics-Informed Machine Learning ApproachTschodu, Dimitrij 24 September 2024 (has links)
Krebs ist eine durch unkontrolliertes und abnormales Zellwachstum gekennzeichnete
Krankheit, die infolge von genetischen Mutationen entsteht, die reguläre
zelluläre Aktivitäten beeinträchtigen und zur Bildung von Tumoren und Metastasen
durch die sogenannte metastatische Kaskade führen können. Die Erforschung
der genetischen Grundlage von Krebs und der Mechanismen der metastatischen
Kaskade hat die Krebsforschung und -behandlung revolutioniert, was zur Intensivierung
der Erforschung genetischer Daten in Krebsstudien führte. Trotz der
genetischen Grundlage ist jedoch das Verständnis der Krebsprogression auf der
makroskopischen Ebene entscheidend, wo die emergenten Eigenschaften über
mehrere Skalen hinweg von Bedeutung sind.
Diese Arbeit verbessert die Prognose von Brustkrebs, indem sie genetische und
physische Informationen auf allen Skalen der metastatischen Kaskade integriert und
maschinelles Lernen zur Datenintegration nutzt. Genexpressionsignaturen werden
benutzt, anhand derer eine inhärente prognostische Grenze dargestellt wird, die bei
einem Konkordanzindex von 0,8 liegt, was bedeutet, dass Prognosen für Patienten
in höchstens 80% der Zeit korrekt unterschieden werden können.
Darüber hinaus zeigt diese Arbeit, dass die ausschließliche Benutzung von
Genexpressionsdaten für eine umfassende Prognose von Brustkrebs unzureichend
ist. Diese Arbeit betont die Bedeutung traditioneller klinischer Variablen und
führt zusätzliche Variablen ein, wie zum Beispiel das Konzept des 'Unjamming'
und molekulare Variablen, die aus 14 immunhistochemischen Färbungen
abgeleitet sind. Diese Variablen, zusammen mit räumlichen Strukturkorrelationen
in 2D-histologischen Schnitten und Deskriptoren, die die extrazelluläre Matrix
charakterisieren, tragen zu einer robusteren Prognose bei.
In einer Analyse von 533 Probanden wurden in dieser Arbeit zwei unterschiedliche
prognostische Signaturen entwickelt: eine physik-informierte Signatur
und eine datengetriebene Signatur, deren Vorhersagekraft sich signifikant mit
der sequenziellen Integration der oben genannten komplementären Faktoren
erhöhte, wobei die Konkordanzindizes von 0,56 auf 0,67 bzw. von 0,54 auf
0,79 stiegen. Die Integration dieser Faktoren bringt die prognostischen Signaturen
näher an die geschätzte Konkordanzindex-Grenze von 0,8 und zeigt die
Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten einer robusten und leistungsstarken prognostischen
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Forschungsinformationssysteme im Kontext von Open ScienceNagel, Stefanie 28 July 2023 (has links)
Angesichts des stetig wachsenden Wettbewerbs um Studierende, wissenschaftliches Personal und Forschungsförderung, steigender Berichtspflichten, Transfer- und Transparenzbestrebungen plant die TU Bergakademie Freiberg, ein modernes Forschungsinformationsmanagement umzusetzen.
Das Rektorat hat daher die Einführung eines Forschungsinformationssystems (FIS) beschlossen, das die aktuell dezentral vorliegenden Informationen zu den zahlreichen Forschungsaktivitäten und -ergebnissen der Freiberger Wissenschaftler:innen nutzbringend zusammenführt und die Basis für eine transparente Außendarstellung schafft. Zum Einführungsprojekt 'FIS@TUBAF', das von der Universitätsbibliothek koordiniert wird, fand am 12.07.2023 eine erste Informationsveranstaltung statt. Aus diesem Anlass widmen wir die August-Ausgabe des Open-Science-Snacks dem Thema 'Forschungsinformationssysteme im Kontext von Open Science'.
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Rozmiestnenie a konkurencieschopnosť hi-tech priemyslu v EÚ / Location and competitiveness of hi-tech industry in EUKrošlák, Peter January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my master's thesis is to assess the influence of research support of European Union on location and competitiveness of European high-tech industry. After defining high-tech industry according to OECD and ČSÚ (Czech statistical office) follows a part dealing with different forms of support of EU for high-tech industry, while the focus is also on volume and efficiency of invested money. I try to analyze the location with regard to European support and Porter's diamond theory. Since high-tech industry is usually concentrated in clusters, which are rather abundant in Europe as well, the focus is only on a few selected regions. Last part compares European competitiveness with that of other OECD members and developing countries based on data from OECD and Eurostat.
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Uplatnění biopotravin ve školních jídelnách: mateřské školy (České Budějovice) / The usage of organic food at the kindergartens (České Budějovice)MESÁROŠOVÁ, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with research in the use possibilities of organic food in kindergartens in the town of České Budějovice on two levels (management and parents).It was found out that some of the kindergartens are using organic food. The biggest barrier to the using of organic food in kindergartens is their price. Most parents are satisfied with the quality of food in their kindergartens. Furthermore it could be said, that the parents know organic food but it can?t be confirmed the hypothesis that says parents would welcome the use of organic food in kindergarten?s canteens. The results indicate that not all the parents are able to accept the minimum of price increase in meal at the kindergartens. In the end there are recommended some local organic food which could be appropriate for using in the kindergartens in the town of České Budějovice.
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The Evolution of the Security Services of Ukraine: Institutional Change in the Post-Soviet Security ApparatusKaul, Eli Charles 19 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Generationswechsel in kleinen Familienbetrieben als biographische Arbeit / Eine empirische Studie / Alternation of generations in small family businesses as biographical work / An empirical studyWenk, Regina 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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On-line aktivity firmy DERMACOL / On-line Activities of DermacolPavlíčková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyzes Czech cosmetic company Dermacol in the on-line environment. The crucial goal was to give a compact overview of Dermacol's on-line activities and propose their possible improvement. The theoretical part describes and contrasts the purchase decision process in a traditional store and on the internet. Furthemore, it depicts the evolution of the internet and e-commerce in the Czech Republic. In the next part the situation on the market with decorative cosmetics and Dermacol's position on it is analyzed. Crucial part is dedicated to the on-line tools which are used by Dermacol for its presentation, communication and sale. The recommendations and possible proposals for improvement follow. In the end the thesis deals with a research whose goal was to find out the attitude of the Czech consumers towards decorative cosmetics. Moreover, the research examined the awareness about Dermacol's web and e-hop and the willingness of the Czech women to buy decorative cosmetics via internet.
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Volně dostupné digitální knihovny v zemích bývalé Jugoslávie / Freely available digital libraries in the countries of former YugoslaviaSvobodová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on freely available digital libraries in the field of science, research and education in the countries of former Yugoslavia. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part introduces the basic terminology and the issue of freely available digital libraries. The main part of the thesis is based on the findings of freely available digital libraries in the countries of former Yugoslavia. Their structured overview is an annex to this thesis and a commentary on them is given in the practical part. The core of the thesis constitutes the results of analyzes of three digital libraries from the selected region. It aims to analyse, describe,compare and assess selected systems. The practical part presents the descriptions and analysys of the selected systems. Next chapter includes the comparison of their qualitative and quantitative parameters. The conclusion of the work brings final assessment of the knowledge.
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