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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh elektroniky pro řízení dvoukolového nestabilního vozidla / Design of control unit for two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle

Bastl, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a part of a project of two students. The aim of the project is to design safer electronics for the unstable balancing vehicle HUMMER and implementation of advanced diagnostics and fault detection. In the first part of the project we analysed the original vehicle using the FMEA analyse and created a new concept of the vehicle. The second part of the project describes a new hardware. I designed and tested the power electronics, control unit and supplies. The outputs of the work are prototypes which allow testing a new concept.

Anatolij Fjodorovič Širjajev a jeho přínos pro teorii tlumočení / Anatoly Fedorovich Shiryaev and his Contribution to Interpreting Studies

Koválik, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes the lifelong work of significant Russian interpretation theorist, pedagogue and active conference interpreter Anatoly Fedorovich Shiryaev. The thesis is theoretical and is divided into three main sections. In the first section, the theoretical background that helps A. F. Shiryaev develop his Complex Model of Simultaneous Interpretation is described. It focuses on the unit of orientation, redundancy and speech compression in detail. This section explains why these are important in the simultaneous interpretation context and the role they have in its process. In the second section, A. F. Shiryaev's Complex Model of Simultaneous Interpretation is analysed in detail along with its specific features. Next, the model is compared with other selected simultaneous interpretation models which were being developed approximately at the same time. The third section describes A. F. Shiryaev's approach to simultaneous interpretation teaching. It deals with methodology and teaching didactics, and the objectives which are to be achieved during the simultaneous interpretation course, and describes the system of interpretation exercises. The thesis also includes a brief biography of A. F. Shiryaev which presents information about his professional life.

Predikce chaotických časových řad / Chaotic time-series prediction

Dědič, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on possibility of chaotic (specially economic) time-series prediction. Chaotic time-series are unpredictable in long-term due to their high sensitivity on initial conditions. Nevertheless, their behavior should be more or less predictable in short-term. Goal of this thesis is to show, how much and if any prediction, is possible by non-linear prediction method, and try to reveal or to reject presence of chaotic behavior in them. Work is split into three chapters. Chapter One briefly introduces chosen important concepts and methods from this area. In addition, to describe some prediction methods, there are outlined which indicators and methods are possible to use in order to find possibilities and boundaries of this prediction. Chapter Two is focused on modifications of FracLab software, which is used for create this prediction. Last chapter is experimental. Besides the description of examined time-series and methods, it includes discussion of results.

Nativní XML rozhraní pro relační databázi / Native XML Interface for a Relational Database

Piwko, Karel January 2010 (has links)
XML has emerged as leading document format for exchanging data. Because of vast amounts of XML documents available and transfered, there is a strong need to store and query information in these documents. However, the most companies are still using a RDBMS for their data warehouses and it is often necessary to combine legacy data with the ones in XML format, so it might be useful to consider storage possibilities for XML documents in a relation database. In this thesis we focused on structured and semi-structured data-based XML documents, because they are the most common when exchanging data and they can be easily validated against an XML schema. We propose a slightly modified Hybrid algorithm to shred doc- uments into relations using an XSD scheme and we allowed redundancy to make queries faster. Our goal was not to provide an academic solution, but fully working system supporting latest standards, which will beat up native XML databases both by performance and vertical scalability.

Dostupná řešení pro clustrování serverů / Available Solutions for Server Clustering

Bílek, Václav January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to analyze Open Source resources for loadbalancing and high availability, with aim on areas of its typical usage. These areas are particularly solutions of network infrastructure (routers, loadbalancers), generally network and internet services and parallel filesystems. Next part of this thesis is analysis of design, implementation and plans of subsequent advancement of an fast growing Internet project. The effect of this growth is necessity of solving scalability on all levels. The last part is performance analysis of individual loadbalancing methods in the Linux Virtual Server project.

Landschaftsmaße / mathematischer Hintergrund und ihre geographische Aussagekraft

Kappler, Olaf 10 June 2015 (has links)
Schon seit langer Zeit, besonders intensiv jedoch in den letzten Jahrzehnten werden Ausschnitte der Geosphäre hinsichtlich ihrer geometrischen Eigenschaften verglichen und bewertet. Dafür wurden empirisch viele verschiedene Landschaftsmaße gefunden, die diese geometrischen Eigenschaften auf unterschiedlichste Weise in mehreren Ebenen abbilden. Für die unterste Ebene, d.h. für die direkte Bewertung von individuellen, relativ homogenen Landschaftselementen, wird in dieser Arbeit eine Theorie vorgestellt. Ausgehend von der inhaltlichen Zielstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein System redundanzfreier Grundmaße theoretisch hergeleitet. Dieses System wird hinsichtlich der mathematischen Eigenschaften untersucht und sowohl mit normierten, abstrakten Objekten als auch anhand von realen Beispieldaten veranschaulicht. Unter Verwendung dieser Grundmaße können dann Landschaftselemente über statistische Verfahren klassifiziert oder komplexere Landschaftsmaße mit gewünschten Eigenschaften je nach praktischer Anforderung konstruiert werden. Die Zusammenhänge von bereits bekannten Landschaftsmaßen und diesen Grundmaßen sowie die Vorgehensweise bei der Ableitung neuer, anwendungsspezifischer, komplexer Landschaftsmaße aus den Grundmaßen werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt. / For a long time, but especially during the last decades parts of the geosphere were compared and valued using their geometrical properties. Therefore many different landscape measures were found empirically which map these geometrical qualities into several levels in a variety of ways. In this paper there will be presented a theory which deals with the basic level i.e. with these measures which evaluate individual relative homogeneous landscape elements. Based on the objective of this paper a system of redundance-free basic measures will be deduced theoretically. This system will be studied in regard to its mathematical properties and will be illustrated by using standardized abstract objects and real example data. Landscape elements can be classified using statistical procedures or complex landscape measures with practically requested properties can be constructed by using these basic measures. The relations between well-known landscape measures and these basic measures are shown. The procedure of deduction of new application-specific complex landscape measures from the basic measures are introduced in this paper.

Přístupy k zajištění jaderné bezpečnosti u reaktorů 3. generace / Approach to the nuclaer safety of the 3rd generation nuclear reactors

Pavlíček, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The main target of the master´s thesis is reviewing the generation III nuclear reactors in term of the nuclear safety. At first we have to learn some theory of the nuclear safety in order to understand safety systems of the generation III nuclear reactors. Therefore the thesis is divided into two parts. Legislative and technical approaches to nuclear safety are mentioned in the first part. Regulatory bodies, whose task is to supervise nuclear safety in the nuclear power plants, belongs to the legislative approaches. There are defined terms such as defence in depth, redundancy, diversity, etc. There are mentioned methods to assessing nuclear safety – deterministic and probabilistic methods, especially probabilistic methods, for which a simple example is provided. There are also mentioned active and passive safety systems and their significance for nuclear safety and inherent safety too. There is an example of the function of the active and passive safety systems of the EDU nuclear power plant in conclusion of this issue. The second part deals with description of the selected nuclear reactors in context of the construction of the new units of nuclear power plant in Temelín. The nuclear reactors from companies, which applied for the public tender opened by ČEZ, a. s., for the construction of the ETE 3+4. Thus, the nuclear reactor MIR-1200 by ATOMSTROYEXPORT (Russian Federation), the nuclear reactor AP1000 by WESTINGHOUSE (USA) and the nuclear reactor EPR by AREVA (France) are taken into account . Comparison of the generation II and these generation III+ nuclear reactors necessarily belongs to this master´s thesis. These the generation III+ nuclear reactors are compared with the nuclear reactor VVER 440 (EDU) and in particular with the nuclear reactor VVER 1000, which is operated in the nuclear power plant Temelín. The final chapter contains generally appraisal of the whole problem.

Mechanismy zvýšení spolehlivosti vestavěných systémů pracujících v reálném čase / Mechanisms for Dependability Enhancement of Real-Time Embedded Systems

Slimařík, František January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with issue of reliability of real-time embedded systems. Contains a summary of basic concepts related to field in real-time embedded systems and mechanisms for dependability enhancement through redundancy techniques and control flow checking. Describes the implementation of selected control flow checking mechanisms, the technique uses software watchdog timers, use of hardware n-modular redundancy in software environment and technique of process pairs using operating system uC/OS-II. The different mechanisms are validated by method injection of faults into the chosen data structures of system uC/OS-II.

Rozpoznání hudebního slohu z orchestrální nahrávky za pomoci technik Music Information Retrieval / Recognition of music style from orchestral recording using Music Information Retrieval techniques

Jelínková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
As all genres of popular music, classical music consists of many different subgenres. The aim of this work is to recognize those subgenres from orchestral recordings. It is focused on the time period from the very end of 16th century to the beginning of 20th century, which means that Baroque era, Classical era and Romantic era are researched. The Music Information Retrieval (MIR) method was used to classify chosen subgenres. In the first phase of MIR method, parameters were extracted from musical recordings and were evaluated. Only the best parameters were used as input data for machine learning classifiers, to be specific: kNN (K-Nearest Neighbor), LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis), GMM (Gaussian Mixture Models) and SVM (Support Vector Machines). In the final chapter, all the best results are summarized. According to the results, there is significant difference between the Baroque era and the other researched eras. This significant difference led to better identification of the Baroque era recordings. On the contrary, Classical era ended up to be relatively similar to Romantic era and therefore all classifiers had less success in identification of recordings from this era. The results are in line with music theory and characteristics of chosen musical eras.

Užití programovatelných hradlových polí v systémech průmyslové automatizace / Field Programmable Gate Arrays Usage in Industrial Automation Systems

Nouman, Ziad January 2016 (has links)
Tato disertační práce se zabývá využitím programovatelných hradlových polí (FPGA) v diagnostice měničů, využívajících spínaných IGBT tranzistorů. Je zaměřena na budiče těchto výkonových tranzistorů a jejich struktury. Přechodné jevy veličin, jako jsou IG, VGE, VCE během procesu přepínání (zapnutí, vypnutí), mohou poukazovat na degradaci IGBT. Pro měření a monitorování těchto veličin byla navržena nová architektura budiče IGBT. Rychlé měření a monitorování během přepínacího děje vyžaduje vysokou vzorkovací frekvenci. Proto jsou navrhovány paralelní vysokorychlostní AD převodníky (> 50 MSPS). Práce je zaměřena převážně na návrh zařízení s FPGA včetně hardware a software. Byla navržena nová deska plošných spojů s FPGA, která plní požadované funkce, jako je řízení IGBT pomocí vícenásobných paralelních koncových stupňů, monitorování a diagnostiku, a propojení s řídicí jednotkou měniče.

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