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Poruchy chování v období adolescence / Behavioural disturbance in adolescenceHOUSEROVÁ, Vlasta January 2008 (has links)
Thesis {\clqq} Behavioural disturbance in adolescence.`` Author: Vlasta Houserová Thesis 2008 Summary: The topic of my thesis reflects the current problem in our society. It deals with a presence of disturbing behaviour among teenagers. The theoretical part not only handles particular behavioural disorders and their symptoms but also reveals causes of such behaviour; conditions, which have the effect on existing disorder, and elements, which determine their origin. Lately, the thesis introduces several ways of re-education, change in disturbing behaviour and ways of prevention. In the practical part there is a research on specific types of disorders. One of the aims is also to compare occurrence of such behaviour in cities and towns. The research was based on a questionnaire and interviews with pedagogical counsellors at particular schools.
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Speciální pomůcky pro děti postižené specifickou poruchou učení - dyslexií / Special aids for children afflicted with specific disorder of learning - dyslexiaBUKAČOVÁ, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretic part deals with problems specific disorders of learning, especially dyslexia. The smaller place is devoted to questions of dysgrafia and dysortografia. In this part the authoress incloses individual notions, characterizes manifestations specific disorders of learning, outlines theirs etiology, diagnostics and resulting reeducation. Practical part of thesis is specialized on special aids for young learners afflicted with specific disorders of learning. Authoress maked working leaves, which process subject matter of Czech language in 8ht year elementary school, especially formative phenomena, which young learners have biggest difficulties with. Near every aid are introduced methodical directions for its exercise in lessons of Czech language.
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Čtení s porozuměním a žáci s SPU ve výuce francouzštiny / Reading skills and specific learning difficulties in French as a foreign language teachingNemravová, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of teaching French to children affected by learning disorders. It aims to describe various principles and their application into practice at beginners classes. The theoretical part investigates learning disorders as a whole with their causes, manifestations, diagnose and reeducational techniques and activities that are applied in practice. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to foreign language teaching in the context of learning disorders, fundamental principles and methods of partial linguistic spheres. Further on, the practical part presents a case study of two children with learning disorders during a French class. Individual activities are introduced that are appropriate for their teaching. Finally, two applications suitable for both class at school and home preparation are designed, with their main contribution being the immediate feedback that allows children to work alone. Regarding the rather practical character of the diploma thesis, a great number of examples illustrating various learning disorders are introduced in order for the reader to understand the difficulties that affected children encounter. KEYWORDS specific learning difficulties, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, foreign languages, French, reading skills, activities, reeducation
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Výskyt specifických poruch učení u žáků 1.stupně vybraných základních škol a práce učitelů s těmito žáky / Occurrence of specific learning disabilities of primary education pupils at selected basic schools and teachers work with these pupilsCholevová, Tea January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on occurrence of specific learning disorders among primary education pupils in the selected basic schools and teachers'work with these pupils. The theoretical part of the thesis aims on delimitation of specific learning disorders; diagnostics; re-education; and potentional learning possibilities. Practical part analyses teachers' preparedness for specific learning disorders in the regions of Hradec Králové and Prague. Data were collected by means of questionnaire method. The thesis' objective is to discover a frequency and type of learning disorders occurring in the selected basic schools; how are teachers prepared for the issue of specific learning disorders among basic school pupils; and what methods are used in education of pupils with learning disorders. Secondary objective is to discover a share of pupils with learning disorders in inspected classrooms. Examined data showed that teachers have necessary professional qualities for education of pupils suffering from learning disabilities.
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Reedukace formálních poznatků z oblasti matematické analýzy u studentů vysoké školy / Reeducating university students' mechanical knowledge in mathematical analysisŠmídová, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the didactics of mathematical analysis. The thesis describes selected observations from the reeducation in an individual tutoring environment of for- mal knowledge of university students in the field of calculus. The aim of the thesis is to describe what formal knowledge appeared, to describe and evaluate selected reeducation interventions and on this basis formulate appropriate methodological recommendation. In the first chapter we deal with the contradiction between definition and concept concept of students, we outline how to convey to students the purpose of definitions and we suggest how to teach students to work with definitions properly, including understanding quan- tified propositions. In the second chapter we present the theory of process and concept together with the generic model theory. In the third chapter we explain the methods of work with students and the methods of the analysis of videos from tutoring. In the fourth chapter we analyze cognitive processes of the concept of sequence limits. KEYWORDS reeducation, individual tutoring, mechanical knowledge, calculus, definitions, quantified proposition, infinity, sequence, limit 1
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Nároky učitelské profese na hlas pedagoga / Demands of the Teacher's Proffesion on the Teachers' VoiceKrálová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the demands on teachers' voice and proper use of voice in the teacher's profession. The whole thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is divided into nine sections: the anatomy and physiology of the vocal tract, voice developement, comparison of spoken and singing voice, psychological impact on voice, voice defects and hygiene, voice reeducation, methods of voice diagnostics and voice acoustics. The research part presents the findings of acoustic voice measurement. Students (only women) of Faculty of Education in Prague participed in the research. The objective of this part was to asses the quality of students' voice and their voice readiness for future teaching.
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A pedagogia do violoncelo e aspectos de técnicas de reeducação corporal / Violoncello pedagogy and aspects of corporal reeducation techniques.Suetholz, Robert John 06 May 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é esclarecer as várias possibilidades de chegar a um modo mais natural e equilibrado de tocar o violoncelo. Inicialmente, o panorama geral da pedagogia e técnica violoncelística foi analisado com a finalidade de determinar conclusões e opiniões a respeito de recursos pedagógicos atuais, somados aos conhecimentos próprios do autor. Em seguida, houve uma pesquisa bibliográfica e dos meios eletrônicos sobre seis técnicas de reeducação corporal, sendo que, em média, dez aulas particulares para cada técnica foram realizadas pelo autor. Foram também analisadas informações sobre o aumento da ocorrência de danos físicos no meio musical, bem como sobre o corpo dos atletas e seus cuidados. Todas as informações colhidas serviram de base para uma discussão, visando à construção e a elaboração de uma proposta de uma nova pedagogia para os violoncelistas, buscando um funcionamento mais natural do corpo e auxiliando no combate das posturas viciosas, a fim de evitar danos físicos futuros aos executantes deste instrumento. / The object of this work is to suggest various possibilities to arrive at a more natural and balanced mode of playing the violoncello. Initially, the general panorama of violoncello pedagogy and technique was analyzed in order to determine conclusions and opinions with regard to pedagogical resources today, together with the personal knowledge of the author. Next, six methods of corporal reeducation were researched, through bibliographic and electronic means, with the author participating in an average of ten private lessons in each technique. Information with regard to the increasing occurrence of physical injuries in the musical class was also analyzed, as well as that pertaining to athletes bodies and their care. All information garnered served as the basis for a discussion aimed at the construction and elaboration of a proposal of a new violoncello pedagogy that strives for a more natural functioning of the body and helps combat detrimental postures, so that future injuries to violoncellists may be avoided.
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A pedagogia do violoncelo e aspectos de técnicas de reeducação corporal / Violoncello pedagogy and aspects of corporal reeducation techniques.Robert John Suetholz 06 May 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é esclarecer as várias possibilidades de chegar a um modo mais natural e equilibrado de tocar o violoncelo. Inicialmente, o panorama geral da pedagogia e técnica violoncelística foi analisado com a finalidade de determinar conclusões e opiniões a respeito de recursos pedagógicos atuais, somados aos conhecimentos próprios do autor. Em seguida, houve uma pesquisa bibliográfica e dos meios eletrônicos sobre seis técnicas de reeducação corporal, sendo que, em média, dez aulas particulares para cada técnica foram realizadas pelo autor. Foram também analisadas informações sobre o aumento da ocorrência de danos físicos no meio musical, bem como sobre o corpo dos atletas e seus cuidados. Todas as informações colhidas serviram de base para uma discussão, visando à construção e a elaboração de uma proposta de uma nova pedagogia para os violoncelistas, buscando um funcionamento mais natural do corpo e auxiliando no combate das posturas viciosas, a fim de evitar danos físicos futuros aos executantes deste instrumento. / The object of this work is to suggest various possibilities to arrive at a more natural and balanced mode of playing the violoncello. Initially, the general panorama of violoncello pedagogy and technique was analyzed in order to determine conclusions and opinions with regard to pedagogical resources today, together with the personal knowledge of the author. Next, six methods of corporal reeducation were researched, through bibliographic and electronic means, with the author participating in an average of ten private lessons in each technique. Information with regard to the increasing occurrence of physical injuries in the musical class was also analyzed, as well as that pertaining to athletes bodies and their care. All information garnered served as the basis for a discussion aimed at the construction and elaboration of a proposal of a new violoncello pedagogy that strives for a more natural functioning of the body and helps combat detrimental postures, so that future injuries to violoncellists may be avoided.
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Pohybová aktivita a její vliv na žáky se specifickými poruchami učení a poruchami chování ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ / Physical activity and its influence on pupils with specific learning disabilities and behavioral disorders in teaching at the 1st stage of primary schoolMuráriková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
TITLE Physical activity and its impact on pupils with specific learning disabilities and behavior disabilities in normal education at primary school AUTHOR Lucie Muráriková SUPERVISOR PhDr. Martin Dlouhý, Ph.D. ABSTRACT This work is focusing on the specific learning and behavioral disabilities. The aim is to create several activity plans and exercise plans which could be used to determine the effect of physical activity on the work of students with learning disabilities and ADHD/ADD. My idea is that the physical activity should not only positively affect the overall quality of teaching, but should also serve very well in the reeducation of specific learning disabilities in children with ADHD and ADD. Pupils with specific learning disabilities should, after a certain period of this experiment, be showing significant changes in their results and knowledge. Pupils with the ADHD and ADD should be showing better results and knowledge due to the improving attention and at the same time the physical activity should influence their length of concentration, disturbance during lessons, or tendencies to aggression. I consulted a child psychologist and a special pedagogue during the creation of the plans and activities for reeducation. And during the observations of two groups - experimental and control - I collected...
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Domácí příprava žáků se specifickými poruchami učení / Home preparation of pupils with specific learning disabilitiesMurinová, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis addresses the issue of students' home preparation at primary school. The thesis is focused on students with learning disabilities, so in the first chapter of the theoretical part these disabilities are analyzed, describing their etiology and education opportunities in the school education system of the Czech republic. Re-education, as one of the ways through which we can help to eliminate manifestations of specific learning disabilities, is also emphasised. The characteristics of a child of primary school, education maturation, the process of learning and cognitive processes are contained in the second chapter of the thesis. Home preparation, its functions, types and factors are comprised in the third chapter. This chapter also describes the necessity of cooperation between parents and the school. The empirical part provides the description of home preparation of pupils at primary school with specific learning disabilities. The end of the practical part shows us a collection of games, activities and experiences of our respondents, which are enriched with vertified activities, games and recommendations related to the pupils with specific learning disabilities. Keywords: specific learning disabilities, home preparation, homework, re-education, education, school, cognitive processes.
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