Spelling suggestions: "subject:"regressors""
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Using Imitation Learning for Human Motion Control in a Virtual SimulationAkrin, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
Test Automation is becoming a more vital part of the software development cycle, as it aims to lower the cost of testing and allow for higher test frequency. However, automating manual tests can be difficult as they tend to require complex human interaction. In this thesis, we aim to solve this by using Imitation Learning as a tool for automating manual software tests. The software under test consists of a virtual simulation, connected to a physical input device in the form of a sight. The sight can rotate on two axes, yaw and pitch, which require human motion control. Based on this, we use a Behavioral Cloning approach with a k-NN regressor trained on human demonstrations. Evaluation of model resemblance to the human is done by comparing the state path taken by the model and human. The model task performance is measured with a score based on the time taken to stabilize the sight pointing at a given object in the virtual world. The results show that a simple k-NN regression model using high-level states and actions, and with limited data, can imitate the human motion well. The model tends to be slightly faster than the human on the task while keeping realistic motion. It also shows signs of human errors, such as overshooting the object at higher angular velocities. Based on the results, we conclude that using Imitation Learning for Test Automation can be practical for specific tasks, where capturing human factors are of importance. However, further exploration is needed to identify the full potential of Imitation Learning in Test Automation.
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Inclusive hyper- to dilute-concentrated suspended sediment transport study using modified rouse model: parametrized power-linear coupled approach using machine learningKumar, S., Singh, H.P., Balaji, S., Hanmaiahgari, P.R., Pu, Jaan H. 31 July 2022 (has links)
Yes / The transfer of suspended sediment can range widely from being diluted to being hyperconcentrated, depending on the local flow and ground conditions. Using the Rouse model and the
Kundu and Ghoshal (2017) model, it is possible to look at the sediment distribution for a range of
hyper-concentrated and diluted flows. According to the Kundu and Ghoshal model, the sediment
flow follows a linear profile for the hyper-concentrated flow regime and a power law applies for the
dilute concentrated flow regime. This paper describes these models and how the Kundu and
Ghoshal parameters (linear-law coefficients and power-law coefficients) are dependent on sediment
flow parameters using machine-learning techniques. The machine-learning models used are
XGboost Classifier, Linear Regressor (Ridge), Linear Regressor (Bayesian), K Nearest Neighbours,
Decision Tree Regressor, and Support Vector Machines (Regressor). The models were implemented
on Google Colab and the models have been applied to determine the relationship between every
Kundu and Ghoshal parameter with each sediment flow parameter (mean concentration, Rouse
number, and size parameter) for both a linear profile and a power-law profile. The models correctly
calculated the suspended sediment profile for a range of flow conditions ( 0.268 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 ≤ 𝑑𝑑50 ≤
2.29 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚, 0.00105 𝑔𝑔
𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚3 ≤ particle density ≤ 2.65 𝑔𝑔
𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚3 , 0.197 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝑣𝑣𝑠𝑠 ≤ 96 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
𝑠𝑠 , 7.16 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
𝑠𝑠 ≤ 𝑢𝑢∗ ≤
63.3 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
𝑠𝑠 , 0.00042 ≤ 𝑐𝑐̅≤ 0.54), including a range of Rouse numbers (0.0076 ≤ 𝑃𝑃 ≤ 23.5). The models
showed particularly good accuracy for testing at low and extremely high concentrations for type I
to III profiles.
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Three Essays in EconomicsDaniel G Kebede (16652025) 03 August 2023 (has links)
<p> The overall theme of my dissertation is applying frontier econometric models to interesting economic problems. The first chapter analyzes how individual consumption responds to permanent and transitory income shocks is limited by model misspecification and availability of data. The misspecification arises from ignoring unemployment risk while estimating income shocks. I employ the Heckman two step regression model to consistently estimate income shocks. Moreover, to deal with data sparsity, I propose identifying the partial consumption insurance and income and consumption volatility heterogeneities at the household level using Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO). Using PSID data, I estimate partial consumption insurance against permanent shock of 63% and 49% for white and black household heads, respectively; the white and black household heads self-insure against 100% and 90% of the transitory income shocks, respectively. Moreover, I find income and consumption volatilities and partial consumption insurance parameters vary across time. In the second chapter I recast smooth structural break test proposed by Chen and Hong (2012), in a predictive regression setting. The regressors are characterized using the local to non-stationarity framework. I conduct a Monte Carlo experiment to evaluate the finite sample performance of the test statistic and examine an empirical example to demonstrate its practical application. The Monte Carlo simulations show that the test statistic has better power and size compared to the popular SupF and LM. Empirically, compared to SupF and LM, the test statistic rejects the null hypothesis of no structural break more frequently when there actually is a structural break present in the data. The third chapter is a collaboration with James Reeder III. We study the effects of using promotions to drive public policy diffusion in regions with polarized political beliefs. We estimate a model that allows for heterogeneous effects at the county-level based upon state-level promotional offerings to drive vaccine adoption during COVID-19. Central to our empirical application is accounting for the endogenous action of state-level agents in generating promotional schemes. To address this challenge, we synthesize various sources of data at the county-level and leverage advances in both the Bass Diffusion model and 10 machine learning. Studying the vaccine rates at the county-level within the United States, we find evidence that the use of promotions actually reduced the overall rates of adoption in obtaining vaccination, a stark difference from other studies examining more localized vaccine rates. The negative average effect is driven primarily by the large number of counties that are described as republican leaning based upon their voting record in the 2020 election. Even directly accounting for the population’s vaccine hesitancy, this result still stands. Thus, our analysis suggests that in the polarized setting of the United States electorate, more localized policies on contentious topics may yield better outcomes than broad, state-level dictates. </p>
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Univariate GARCH models with realized varianceBörjesson, Carl, Löhnn, Ossian January 2019 (has links)
This essay investigates how realized variance affects the GARCH-models (GARCH, EGARCH, GJRGARCH) when added as an external regressor. The GARCH models are estimated with three different distributions; Normal-, Student’s t- and Normal inverse gaussian distribution. The results are ambiguous - the models with realized variance improves the model fit, but when applied to forecasting, the models with realized variance are performing similar Value at Risk predictions compared to the models without realized variance.
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Mapování pohybových artefaktů ve fMRI / Mapping of motion artefact in fMRINováková, Marie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis summarizes a theory of magnetic resonance and the method of functional magnetic resonance. It is focused on the influence of motion artifacts and image preprocessing methods, especially realign. It deals with the possibility of using movement parameters obtained in the process of alignment of functional scans to create maps that show the expression of motion artifacts. In this thesis, three different methods were designed, implemented a tested. These methods lead to the creation of probability, power and statistical group maps showing areas typically affected by movement artifacts.
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Prediction of the number of weekly covid-19 infections : A comparison of machine learning methodsBranding, Nicklas January 2022 (has links)
The thesis two-folded problem aim was to identify and evaluate candidate Machine Learning (ML) methods and performance methods, for predicting the weekly number of covid-19 infections. The two-folded problem aim was created from studying public health studies where several challenges were identified. One challenge identified was the lack of using sophisticated and hybrid ML methods in the public health research area. In this thesis a comparison of ML methods for predicting the number of covid-19 weekly infections has been performed. A dataset taken from the Public Health Agency in Sweden consisting of 101weeks divided into a 60 % training set and a 40% testing set was used in the evaluation. Five candidate ML methods have been investigated in this thesis called Support Vector Regressor (SVR), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Network (GRU), Bidirectional-LSTM (BI-LSTM) and LSTM-Convolutional Neural Network (LSTM-CNN). These methods have been evaluated based on three performance measurements called Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and R2. The evaluation of these candidate ML resulted in the LSTM-CNN model performing the best on RMSE, MAE and R2.
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Валидация модели машинного обучения для прогнозирования магнитных свойств нанокристаллических сплавов типа FINEMET : магистерская диссертация / Validation of machine learning model to predict magnetic properties of nanocrystalline FINEMET type alloysСтепанова, К. А., Stepanova, K. A. January 2022 (has links)
В работе была произведена разработка модели машинного обучения на языке программирования Python, а также проведена ее валидация на этапах жизненного цикла. Целью создания модели машинного обучения является прогнозирование магнитных свойств нанокристаллических сплавов на основе железа по химическому составу и условиям обработки. Процесс валидации модели машинного обучения позволяет не только произвести контроль за соблюдением требований, предъявляемых при разработке и эксплуатации модели, к результатам, полученных с помощью моделирования, но и способствует внедрению модели в процесс производства. Процесс валидации включал в себя валидацию данных, в ходе которой были оценены типы, пропуски данных, соответствие цели исследования, распределения признаков и целевых характеристик, изучены корреляции признаков и целевых характеристик; валидацию алгоритмов, применяемых в модели: были проанализированы параметры алгоритмов с целью соблюдения требования о корректной обобщающей способности модели (отсутствие недо- и переобучения); оценку работы модели, благодаря которой был произведен анализ полученных результатов с помощью тестовых данных; верификацию результатов с помощью актуальных данных, полученных из статей, опубликованных с 2010 по 2022 год. В результате валидации модели было показано высокое качество разработанной модели, позволяющее получить оценки качества R2 0,65 и выше. / In this work machine learning model was developed by Python programming language, and also was validated at stages of model’s life cycle. The purpose of creating the machine learning model is to predict the magnetic properties of Fe-based nanocrystalline alloys by chemical composition and processing conditions. The validation of machine learning models allows not only to control the requirements for development and operation of the models, for the results obtained by modeling, but also contrib¬utes to the introduction of the model into production process. The validation process included: data validation: data types and omissions, compliance with the purpose of the study, dis¬tribution of features and target characteristics were evaluated, correlations of features and target characteristics were studied; flgorithms validation: the parameters of the algorithms were analyzed in order to comply with the requirement for the correct generalizing ability of the model (without under- and overfit¬ting); evaluation of the model work: the analysis of the obtained results was carried out using test data; verification of results using actual data obtained from articles published since 2010 to 2022. As a result of the model validation, the high quality of the developed model was shown, which makes it possible to obtain quality metric R2 0.65 and higher.
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Fúze simultánních EEG-FMRI dat za pomoci zobecněných spektrálních vzorců / Simultanneous EEG-FMRI Data Fusion with Generalized Spectral PatternsLabounek, René January 2018 (has links)
Mnoho rozdílných strategií fúze bylo vyvinuto během posledních 15 let výzkumu simultánního EEG-fMRI. Aktuální dizertační práce shrnuje aktuální současný stav v oblasti výzkumu fúze simultánních EEG-fMRI dat a pokládá si za cíl vylepšit vizualizaci úkolem evokovaných mozkových sítí slepou analýzou přímo z nasnímaných dat. Dva rozdílné modely, které by to měly vylepšit, byly navrhnuty v předložené práci (tj. zobecněný spektrální heuristický model a zobecněný prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model). Zobecněný frekvenční heuristický model využívá fluktuace relativního EEG výkonu v určitých frekvenčních pásmech zprůměrovaných přes elektrody zájmu a srovnává je se zpožděnými fluktuacemi BOLD signálů pomocí obecného lineárního modelu. Získané výsledky ukazují, že model zobrazuje několik na frekvenci závislých rozdílných úkolem evokovaných EEG-fMRI sítí. Model překonává přístup fluktuací absolutního EEG výkonu i klasický (povodní) heuristický přístup. Absolutní výkon vizualizoval s úkolem nesouvisející širokospektrální EEG-fMRI komponentu a klasický heuristický přístup nebyl senzitivní k vizualizaci s úkolem spřažené vizuální sítě, která byla pozorována pro relativní pásmo pro data vizuálního oddball experimentu. Pro EEG-fMRI data s úkolem sémantického rozhodování, frekvenční závislost nebyla ve finálních výsledcích tak evidentní, neboť všechna pásma zobrazily vizuální síť a nezobrazily aktivace v řečových centrech. Tyto výsledky byly pravděpodobně poškozeny artefaktem mrkání v EEG datech. Koeficienty vzájemné informace mezi rozdílnými EEG-fMRI statistickými parametrickými mapami ukázaly, že podobnosti napříč různými frekvenčními pásmy jsou obdobné napříč různými úkoly (tj. vizuální oddball a sémantické rozhodování). Navíc, koeficienty prokázaly, že průměrování napříč různými elektrodami zájmu nepřináší žádnou novou informaci do společné analýzy, tj. signál na jednom svodu je velmi rozmazaný signál z celého skalpu. Z těchto důvodů začalo být třeba lépe zakomponovat informace ze svodů do EEG-fMRI analýzy, a proto jsme navrhli více obecný prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model a také jak ho odhadnout za pomoci prostorovo-frekvenční skupinové analýzy nezávislých komponent relativního výkonu EEG spektra. Získané výsledky ukazují, že prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model vizualizuje statisticky nejvíce signifikantní s úkolem spřažené mozkové sítě (srovnáno s výsledky prostorovo-frekvenčních vzorů absolutního výkonu a s výsledky zobecněného frekvenčního heuristického modelu). Prostorovo-frekvenční heuristický model byl jediný, který zaznamenal s úkolem spřažené aktivace v řečových centrech na datech sémantického rozhodování. Mimo fúzi prostorovo-frekvenčních vzorů s fMRI daty, jsme testovali stabilitu odhadů prostorovo-frekvenčních vzorů napříč různými paradigmaty (tj. vizuální oddball, semantické rozhodování a resting-state) za pomoci k-means shlukovacího algoritmu. Dostali jsme 14 stabilních vzorů pro absolutní EEG výkon a 12 stabilních vzorů pro relativní EEG výkon. Ačkoliv 10 z těchto vzorů vypadají podobně napříč výkonovými typy, prostorovo-frekvenční vzory relativního výkonu (tj. vzory prostorovo-frekvenčního heuristického modelu) mají vyšší evidenci k úkolům.
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Analýza souvislostí mezi simultánně měřenými EEG a fMRI daty / Analysis of connections between simultaneous EEG and fMRI dataLabounek, René January 2012 (has links)
Electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance are two different methods for measuring of neural activity. EEG signals have excellent time resolution, fMRI scans capture records of brain activity in excellent spatial resolution. It is assumed that the joint analysis can take advantage of both methods simultaneously. Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8) is freely available software which serves to automatic analysis of fMRI data estimated with general linear model. It is not possible to estimate automatic EEG–fMRI analysis with it. Therefore software EEG Regressor Builder was created during master thesis. It preprocesses EEG signals into EEG regressors which are loaded with program SPM8 where joint EEG–fMRI analysis is estimated in general linear model. EEG regressors consist of vectors of temporal changes in absolute or relative power values of EEG signal in the specified frequency bands from selected electrodes due to periods of fMRI acquisition of individual images. The software is tested on the simultaneous EEG-fMRI data of a visual oddball experiment. EEG regressors are calculated for temporal changes in absolute and relative EEG power values in three frequency bands of interest ( 8-12Hz, 12-20Hz a 20-30Hz) from the occipital electrodes (O1, O2 and Oz). Three types of test analyzes is performed. Data from three individuals is examined in the first. Accuracy of results is evaluated due to the possibilities of setting of calculation method of regressor. Group analysis of data from twenty-two healthy patients is performed in the second. Group EEG regressors analysis is realized in the third through the correlation matrix due to the specified type of power and frequency band outside of the general linear model.
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Radar based tank level measurement using machine learning : Agricultural machines / Nivåmätning av tank med radar sensorer och maskininlärningThorén, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Agriculture is becoming more dependent on computerized solutions to make thefarmer’s job easier. The big step that many companies are working towards is fullyautonomous vehicles that work the fields. To that end, the equipment fitted to saidvehicles must also adapt and become autonomous. Making this equipment autonomoustakes many incremental steps, one of which is developing an accurate and reliable tanklevel measurement system. In this thesis, a system for tank level measurement in a seedplanting machine is evaluated. Traditional systems use load cells to measure the weightof the tank however, these types of systems are expensive to build and cumbersome torepair. They also add a lot of weight to the equipment which increases the fuel consump-tion of the tractor. Thus, this thesis investigates the use of radar sensors together witha number of Machine Learning algorithms. Fourteen radar sensors are fitted to a tankat different positions, data is collected, and a preprocessing method is developed. Then,the data is used to test the following Machine Learning algorithms: Bagged RegressionTrees (BG), Random Forest Regression (RF), Boosted Regression Trees (BRT), LinearRegression (LR), Linear Support Vector Machine (L-SVM), Multi-Layer Perceptron Re-gressor (MLPR). The model with the best 5-fold crossvalidation scores was Random For-est, closely followed by Boosted Regression Trees. A robustness test, using 5 previouslyunseen scenarios, revealed that the Boosted Regression Trees model was the most robust.The radar position analysis showed that 6 sensors together with the MLPR model gavethe best RMSE scores.In conclusion, the models performed well on this type of system which shows thatthey might be a competitive alternative to load cell based systems.
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