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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die kallusvormingsvermoe van verskillende wingerdonderstokcultivars (vitis) en die invloed van kallusstimulante

Goussard, P. G. (Pieter Gabriel) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1975. / No abstract available

Probabilistic analytical methods for evaluating MV distribution networks including voltage regulating devices

Kundy, Beda Jerome 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Accurate load models are required for the computation of load flows in MV distribution networks. Modem microprocessors in recent times enable researchers to sample and log domestic loads. The findings show that they are stochastic in nature and are best described by a beta probability distribution. . In rural areas two different load types may be present. Such loads are domestic and pump loads, the latter may be modelled as constant P - Q loads. An analytical tool for computing voltage regulation on MV distribution networks for rural areas feeding the mentioned loads is therefore required. The statistical evaluation of the consumer voltages requires a description of load currents at the time of the system maximum demand. To obtain overall consumer voltages at any specified risk for the two types of the loads, the principle of superposition is adopted. The present work deals with conventional 22kV three-phase distribution (te:. - te:.) connected networks as used by ESKOM, South Africa. As the result of the connected load, MV networks can experience poor voltage regulation. To solve the problem of voltage regulation, voltage regulators are employed. The voltage regulators considered are step-voltage regulators, capacitors and USE (Universal Semiconductor Electrification) devices. USE devices can compensate for the voltage drops of up to 35% along the MV distribution network, thus the criteria for the application of the USE devices is also investigated. The load currents are treated as signals when assessing the cost of distribution system over a period of time due to power losses. The individual load current signal is modelled by its mean and standard deviation. The analytical work for developing general expressions of the total real and total imaginary components of branch voltage drops and line power losses in single and three-phase networks without branches are presented. To deal with beta-distributed currents on MV distribution networks, new scaling factors are evaluated at each node. These new scaling factors are derived from the distribution transformer turns ratio and the deterministic component of the statistically distributed load currents treated as constant real power loads. In the case of an individual load current signal, the transformation ratio is evaluated from the distribution transformer turns ratio and the average value of the· signal treated as constant real power load. The evaluation of the consumer voltage percentile values can be accurately evaluated up to 35% voltage drop. This is possible by the application of the expanded Taylor series, using the first three terms. The coefficients of these three terms were obtained using a search engine imbedded in the probabilistic load flow. The general expressions for evaluating the overall consumer voltages due to statistical and non-statistical loads currents are also given. These non-statistical currents may be due to constant P - Q loads, line capacitance and the modeling of voltage regulators. The Newton-Raphson algorithm is applied to perform a deterministic load flow on singlephase networks. A backward and forward sweep algorithm is applied to perform a deterministic load flow on single and three-phase systems. A new procedure for modelling step-voltage regulators in three-phase (te:. - te:.) connected networks is outlined. Specifying a transformation ratio of 1.1 and 1.15 respectively, identifies the open-delta or closed-delta configuration for three-phase networks. The algorithms and the developed general expressions for single and three-phase networks without branches are presented in this work. A new algorithm is developed to enable the developed general expressions to be applied to practical MV distribution networks. The algorithms were tested for their accuracy by comparing the analytical results with Monte Carlo simulation and they compared well. An illustrative example to show the application of the present work on a practical MY distribution networks is presented. A criterion for the application of the USE devices is outlined. It is anticipated that, the work presented in this thesis will be invaluable to those involved in the design of MY distribution systems in developing countries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Akkurate lasrnodelle word benodig vir drywingsvloei analises in MV distribusiestelsels. As gevolg van nuwe digitale verwerkers is dit deesdae moontlik om huishoudelike laste te monitor. Die lasdata dui daarop dat laste stochasties is en kan met behulp van die Beta verdeling beskryf word. In landelike gebiede is daar twee tipes laste. Hulle is eendersyds huishoudelike laste en andersyds pomp-tipe laste wat as konstante P-Q laste beskou kan word. Dit is dus belangrik om toepaslike analitiese metodes te gebruik om die spanningsvalle by hierdie laste te bereken met inagname van die las-tipes. By die statistiese berekening van die verbruiker se spanning moet 'n statistiese model van die lasstroom verskaf word op die tydstip van maksimum aanvraag. Daarna moet die prinsiep van superposissie gebruik word om die spannings by verskeie nodes by 'n gespesifiseerde vertrouensinterval te bepaal. Hierdie proefskrif is gebaseer op konvensionele 22kV, drie fase distribusie (delta na delta) netwerke, soos deur Eskom, Suid Afrika gebruik. Hierdie stelsels ondervind dikwels nadelige spanningsvlakke en spanningsreëlaars word derhalwe aangewend. Hierdie reëlaars is gewoonlik van tap-tipe of daar kan ook gebruik gemaak word van kapasitore en ook elektroniese reëlaars soos die USE tipe toestelle. Laasgenoemde kan op LV vir spanningsvalle tot 35% kompenseer. In hierdie werk word die werkdrywing verliese in die geleiers bereken met behulp 'n seinmodel van die lasstrome. Die individuele lasstrome word by wyse van gemiddeldes en variasies beskryf. Om die algemene algoritmes vir die berekening van die reële en imaginêre spanningsvalle, asook die verliese in enkelfase en driefase stelsels daar te stel word aanvanklik gebruik gemaak van stelsels sonder vertakkings. Om die statistiese lasbeskrywing op die laagspanningskant na die MV vlak oor te dra word van nuwe skaalfaktore gebruik gemaak. Hierdie faktore word bereken op die basis van die transformator se verhouding en die deterministiese komponent van die statistiese verspreide lasstrome, as konstante reële drywingslaste beskou. Met die ontwikkelde metode kan die verbruiker se spanning by 'n gegewe vertrouensinterval akkuraat bereken word vir spanningsvalle tot 35%. Dit word moontlik gemaak deur die Taylor-reeks tot drie terme toe te pas. Daar moet egter gebruik gemaak word van toepaslike koëffisiënte wat bepaal word deur 'n geprogrammeerde soektog. 'n Algemene stel vergelykings om die spanning by enige verbruiker te bereken, ongeag die topologie van die netwerk, word ook gegee. Die Newton-Raphson metode word aangewend om die deterministiese drywingsvloei op enkelfase stelsels te bereken. A truwaartse-voorwaartse metode is gebruik om die drywingsvloei te bepaal vir driefase stelsels. 'n Nuwe prosedure is ontwikkel vir die modellering van die spanningsreëlaars in driefase, delta-delta netwerke. Deur gebruik te maak van 'n transformatorverhouding van 1.1 of 1.15 kan die oop-delta of toe-delta netwerke voorgestel word. 'n Nuwe algoritme is ontwikkelom multi-vertakkings in 'n netwerk te hanteer. Al die prosedures is deeglik met behulp van Monte Carlo simulasies getoets en die resultate is heel bevredigend. Om die metodes te illustreer word 'n gevallestudie ingesluit waar die metodes gebruik word om 'n netwerk te evalueer met en sonder die sogenaamde USE toestelle. Kriteria vir die aanwending van hierdie toerusting word voorgestel. Daar word verwag dat die werk soos in hierdie proefskrifuiteengesit is die ontwerp van MV distribusiestelsels, veral in ontwikkelende lande, heelwat sal verbeter.

Transformerless series dip/sag compensation with ultracapacitors

Becker, Martin Gerhard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis covers the development of a transformerless series dip compensator. Of all known power quality problems, voltage dips are the greatest reason for concern. Series injection dip compensators offer the advantage of only having to compensate for the decrease in supply voltage during a dip. This results in significant reduction in converter ratings and energy storage requirements. The aim of this thesis was to take up previous developments and combine them with new technologies to maximize their functionality. The new design was implemented with ultracapacitors to offer a maintenance-free device lifespan of 20 years. As they are very expensive, a new topology was introduced in this thesis to maximize their use so that they become viable for industry. Furthermore, a new method of daisy chaining switches was introduced to minimize costs involved in controlling them. A single-phase compensator, with this new topology and the new way of controlling switches, was designed and built according to specifications stated by Eskom. This ultracapacitor-based dip compensator was tested with a dip generator, developed by the University of Stellenbosch for different load currents. The experimental results confirmed simulations made with identical parameters. This thesis presents a reliable and cost effective solution for dip compensation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis dek die ontwikkeling van ’n transformatorlose duik kompenseerder. Van al die bekende toevoerkwaliteit probleme wek duike in die spanning die meeste kommer. Serie-injeksie kompenseerders het die voordeel dat hulle net kompenseer vir die verlies in die toevoerspanning tydens die duik. Dit het ’n beduidende vermindering in die omsetterkenwaardes en energiestoorvereistes tot gevolg. Hierdie tesis mik om vorige soortgelyke ontwikkelings op te volg en te verbeter met nuwe tegnologie om die funktionliteit te maksimeer. Die ontwerp is geimplementeer met ultrakapasitore wat die onderhoudsvrye toestel ‘n leeftyd van 20 jaar toelaat. Omdat ultrakapasitore so duur is moes ‘n nuwe topologie onwikkel word om die gebruik van ultrakapasitore meer ekonomies aantreklik te maak. Daar is ook ‘n nuwe manier van skakelaar beheer ontwikkel wat toelaat dat baie skakelaars oor een optise veesel beheer kan word. ‘n Enkel fase dip kompensaeerder is toe onwikkel en gebou volgens Eskom se spesifikasies. Die ultrakapasitor gebaseerde omsetter is getoets met ‘n dip generator wat deur die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ontwikkel is. Die praktiese resultate bevestig die simulasies wat gedoen is met dieselfe parameters. Hierdie tesis lei tot ‘n betroubaare en ekonomiese oplossing vir duik kompensasie.

Optimisation methods applied to compensator placement

Burger, I. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The optimal placement of different types of compensators on electrical networks is a complex task faced by network planners and operations engineers. The successful placement of these devices normally involves a large number of power flow studies and relies heavily on the experience of the engineer. Firstly the operation and application of the different types of compensators must be clearly understood. Secondly the application of combinations of different compensators on a specific network must be investigated. Then the dynamics of the network and interaction between the network and the compensator/s must be studied under a wide variety of network conditions and load levels. This task is further complicated by the non-linear nature of the mathematical equations that govern the power flow and voltage distribution on an electrical network. Yet another complication is the fact that some of the variables that describe an electrical network can be non smooth or discrete. For instance, the discrete value of a tap position of a power transformer can only assume an integer value. To simplify the problem of compensator placement, advanced software tools are available that are capable of solving power flows of networks containing compensators. To a large degree, however, these tools still rely on the user to make intelligent decisions as to the configuration of networks and the placement of compensators. In many cases trial and error is the only way to find a good solution. The purpose of this thesis is to show the different techniques available to implement intelligent algorithms capable of finding optimal solutions specific to the placement of voltage regulators. State of the art algorithms are implemented in Matlab that can place voltage regulators on sub transmission, reticulation and low voltage networks. The sub transmission and reticulation placement algorithm is a combination of an SQP technique and a simple combinatorial algorithm. The low voltage placement program is based on a simple genetic algorithm with a few customized features that has been developed to ensure fast convergence. The programs developed were used to do optimal voltage regulator placement on a number of networks. As far as possible real world networks were used. Where real world networks were not available test networks were used that closely resemble real networks, as they exist on typical networks owned by Eskom Distribution. It was found that SQP is a very efficient algorithm for optimising large non-linear problems such as the placement of a Step Voltage Regulator on a large electrical network. This algorithm however does not handle discrete variables very well and is also limited in handlingany reconfiguration of the network due to the placement of series devices such as voltage regulators. To cater for reconfiguration, it is necessary to combine the SQP algorithm with a combinatorial algorithm. The genetic algorithm used to do optimal placement of multiple Electronic Voltage Regulators on low voltage networks was found to be very efficient and robust. This can be attributed to the simplicity of the algorithm as well as the fact that it does not rely on the availability of derivative and second derivative information to move towards an optimal solution. Instead, it only uses fitness values obtained from function evaluations to optimise the placement problem. Another useful feature of using a genetic algorithm is that the algorithm does not get stuck in sub optimal areas in the solution space. Both the placement programs developed are relatively simple and do not consider all the factors involved in the placement of voltage regulators. However, the addition of any number of factors is however possible with further development of the programs as presented in this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die optimale plasing van verskillende kompenseerders op elektriese kragstelsels is ´n moeilike probleem vir beplanners en operasionele personeel. Die plasing van kompenseerders gaan gewoonlik gepaard met ´n groot hoeveelheid netwerk studies en die sukses daarvan berus gewoonlik op die ondervinding van die ingenieur. Eerstens moet die werking en toepassing van elke kompenseerder behoorlik verstaan word. Tweedes moet die plasing van ´n enkele asook kombinasies van verskillende kompenseerders ondersoek word. Dan moet die dinamika van die netwerk en interaksie met die kompenseerder/s bestudeer word vir al die moontlike netwerk konfigurasies en belasting vlakke. Die taak word verder bemoeilik deur die nie-liniêre vorm van die wiskundige vergelykings wat die netwerk vrag en spanning verspeiding beskryf. Nog ´n komplikasie is die feit dat van die veranderlikes wat die probleem beskryf, diskreet is. Byvoorbeeld die tap posisie van ´n transformator kan slegs ´n heel getal aanneem. Om die plasing van kompenseerders te vergemaklik is gevorderde sagteware beskikbaar wat simulasies kan doen van netwerke wat kompenseerders bevat. Tot ´n groot mate is die sagteware nog steeds afhanklik van intellegente besluitneming deur die gebruiker. In die algemeen moet ´n groot hoeveelheid studies nog steeds gedoen work om ´n goeie oplossing te vind. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die verskillende tegnieke te wys wat beskikbaar is om intelligente algoritmes te implementeer wat optimale oplossings kan vind vir spesifiek die plasing van spanning reguleerders. Moderne algoritmes is in Matlab geimplementeer wat spanning reguleerders op sub transmissie, retikulasie en laag spanning netwerke kan plaas. Die sub transmissie en retikulasie plasings algoritme is gebaseer op ´n kombinasie van ´n sekwensieële kwadratiese programmering metode en ´n eenvoudige kombinatoriese metode. Die laag spanning plasings program is gebaseer op ´n eenvoudige genetiese algoritme met ´n paar unieke verstellings om vinnige konvergensie te verseker. Die twee programme wat ontwikkel is word dan gebruik on spanning reguleerders te plaas op ´n paar netwerke. So ver moontlik is bestaande netwerke gebruik. Waar bestaande netwerke nie beskikbaar was nie is toets netwerke saamgestel wat gebaseer is op bestaande Eskom netwerke. Daar is gevind dat sekwensieële kwadratiese programmering ´n effektiewe algoritme is om groot nie liniêre optimerings probleme, soos die plasing van spanning reguleerders, op te los. Hierdie algoritme is egter nie geskik om diskrete veranderlikes te hanteer nie. Dit is verder ook nie geskik om enige netwerk rekonfigurasie te hanteer tydens die plasing van seriesgeskakelde kompenseerders soos spanning reguleerders nie. Om die rekonfigurasie moontlik te maak is dit nodig om die sekwensieële kwadratiese programmering te kombineer met ´n kombinatoriese algoritme. Daar is verder gevind dat die genetiese algoritme wat gebruik is om elektroniese spanning reguleerders te plaas op laag spanning netwerke baie effektief en robuust is. Dit is as gevolg van die eenvoudigheid van die algoritme en die feit dat dit nie afhanklik is van afgeleide en tweede afgeleide informasie om na die optimale oplossing te beweeg nie. Die algoritme gebruik slegs fiksheid waardes bereken van funksie evaluasies om die probleem te optimeer. Nog ´n voordeel van genetiese algoritmes is dat dit nie in sub optimale gebiede van die oplossing ruimte stil staan nie. Beide die programme wat ontwikkel is, is redelik eenvoudig en neem nie al die faktore in ag wat gepaard gaan met die plasing van spanning reguleerders nie. Addisionele faktore kan egter maklik ingesluit word deur verdere ontwikkeling van die bestaande programme.

Flicker mitigation in industrial systems

De Wit, Leon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This thesis investigates the compensation of voltage flicker in an industrial environment. Industrial loads draw progressively less sinusoidal currents. These currents cause non-sinusoidal voltage drop over the line impedance, causing a distorted line voltage. The light output of incandescent electric lighting systems is quadratically proportional to the line voltage, and thus variations in the line voltage cause irritating variations in the output of such systems. Two tools to analyse flicker problems are developed: A USB data logger is built to log measured waveforms to computer hard disk. These data are analysed using a MATLAB implementation of the IEC-specified flicker meter. A converter-based flicker compensator is found to be the only compensator capable of compensating general flicker loads. Such a compensator is developed using the synchronous reference frame filtering technique. Several aspects of the compensator are dealt with in detail including selection of a current control strategy, calculation and implementation of the converter duty cycles and compensation of the various non-idealities in such a controller. Full compensation is contrasted to reactive compensation – the second option being less expensive but also less effective in the compensation of certain loads. The effectiveness of reactive compensation is found to be dependent not only on the type of load, but also on the type of line feeding the flicker load. Three industrial flicker loads are measured and analysed: a three-phase welder, a sawmill and a rock crusher. These loads are simulated, and the compensation proposed confirmed via these simulations. The compensation of the three-phase welder is tested using a hardware scale model. This verified the operation of the proposed flicker compensator in practice.

Design of a Self Regulated and Protected Electrification Transformer

Beckers, Peter C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Electrification of rural areas is one of the biggest challenges faced by ESKOM and methods are required to extend medium voltage distribution lines to these often remote areas. As loads increase due to line-extension, in-fills and energy theft, maintenance cost and life expectancy of distribution and power transformers becomes more critical. The thesis addresses these two aspects with the development of a self regulated and protected electrification transformer that makes use of current, voltage and ambient temperature measurements to regulate voltage and protect hardware from overloading. The design of the hardware that allows the system to run at 200% load without decreasing the lifetime of the transformer is examined. Temperature estimation techniques are used to estimate the temperatures in the 16 kVA, 22 kV to 230 V, distribution transformer to run above nameplate ratings without causing damage. The control of the system is implemented on TMS320F2812 digital signal processor from TI that is DSP/BIOS compatible. The control software is implemented using DSP/BIOS, which allows real-time scheduling and monitoring of procedures. Furthermore a distribution transformer was fitted with temperature sensors and heat run tests were performed. The results of the temperature tests were used to verify the estimation techniques and to determine constants used for temperature estimation.

The development of a IGBT-based tap changer

Fourie, Reinhart 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Voltage regulation on distribution networks has so far been done by means of mechanical tap changers. However, these tap changers are plagued by high maintenance costs due to the arcing caused while switching, which degrades both the contacts and transformer oil. The major advances made during the last decade with regard to semiconductor technology have led to the development of high power IGBTs. These high power IGBTs are capable of conducting currents up to 1 000 A, while the voltage over the IGBT reaches well over 3 000 V. Using these high power IGBTs to design and build a solid-state tap changer allows the tap changer to regulate the output voltage with higher accuracy and speed. The supporting hardware is also discussed, while the design is verified by the use of simulations and practical measurements conducted on a scale-model of the IGBT-based solid-state tap changer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Spannings regulasie op distribusie netwerke word hedendaags verrig deur meganiese tap geskalde spanning reguleerders. Maar hierdie tap skakelaars word konstant beïnvloed deur oorvonking wat plaasvind tussen die kontakte wat hierdie kontakte beskadig en die transformator olie degradeer. Die laaste dekade het groot vordering getoon in halfgeleier navorsing wat gelei het tot die ontwikkeling van hoë drywing halfgeleiers. Die halfgeleiers of IGBTs kan strome so groot soos 1 000 A gelei terwyl die spanning oor die halfgeleier 3 000 V kan oorskry. Die gebruik van die hoë drywing halfgeleiers maak die pad oop vir die ontwerp en bou van ’n tap geskakelde reguleerder wat die uitree spanning akurater en vinniger kan reguleer. Die aanvullende hardeware is ook bespreek en die ontwerp is geverifieër deur middel van simulasies en deur praktiese metings wat geneem is op ’n skaal model van die hoogspanning spannings reguleerder.

The chemistry and biology of insect growth regulators from plants in the genus Nama (Hydrophyllaceae).

Binder, Bradley Fletcher. January 1989 (has links)
A strategy for the discovery of new insect growth regulators from arid lands plants was developed. Plant genera with a history of toxicity, medicinal use, or incorporation in native american cultures were selected. Forty-five species from twenty-one families were collected, extracted, and tested for biological activity on the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus. Eight extracts were toxic and the extract of Nama hispidum (Hydrophyllaceae) caused nymphs to undergo precocious metamorphosis to an adult. The active component of N. hispidum was precocene II (6,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethyl chromene). Nine Nama species, representing four of the five sections in the genus were gathered from Hawaii, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. In addition to the insect anti-hormone, precocene II (PII), present in N. hispidum, N. rothrockii contained at least two different insect juvenile hormone mimics, and N. sandwicense contained insect anti-hormone and insect juvenile hormone mimics. Fifth instar larvae of Heliothis zea were used as model insects to distinguish between post-ingestive intoxication and feeding deterrency during exposure to PII. Larvae fed artificial diet with PII were deterred from eating, and had retarded weight gain, growth, and development. Insects grown on diet with PII consumed less food, could not digest the food, or convert ingested food to body mass. in vivo radiotracer studies with the nutrient, ¹⁴C linoleic acid, show a lower rate of transport and incorporation of radioactivity into fat body tissue. A change in the midgut epithelial cells from PII resulted in reduced transport efficiency and retarded larval growth and development. Scanning electron microscopy of the midgut epithelia indicated that cytotoxic damage is induced by PII. Observed changes in the midgut epithelial cells are consistent with a destructive alkylation of cell structures by PII.

Efficacy of Norflurazon (Evital and Zorial) for Bermudagrass and Nutsedge Control in Parker Valley Alfalfa (Preliminary)

Knowles, Tim C., McCloskey, Bill, McGuire, Jerry, Keavy, Mike 10 1900 (has links)
Summer weeds including established bermudagrass and nutsedge are of economic concern to alfalfa growers in western Arizona. Two replicated evaluations of norflurazon herbicide applications for summer weed control were conducted on established alfalfa fields in La Paz County. Zorial Rapid 80 WP and Evital 5G herbicides were tested for their effectiveness of bermudagrass and nutsedge control when applied following hay harvest but prior to irrigation in early spring. Zorial 80 WP was applied at 2.0 lb a. i. /acre. Evital 5G was applied at single application rates of 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 lb a. i. /acre in spring and two split applications in spring and summer for a total of 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 lb a. i. /acre. Norflurazon applications resulted in bleaching and shoot tip death of established bermudagrass 49 days after a single application (DAT), however by 78 DAT bermudagrass regrowth reinfested all plots resulting in zero control. Purple nutsedge control resulting from a single application of Evital 5G at 2.0 lb a.i./acre was 41, 82, and 35% at 35, 63, and 99 DAT, respectively. However, Zorial 80 WP applied at 2.0 lb a. i. /acre provided only 5, 23, and 0% purple nutsedge control at 35, 63, and 99 DAT, respectively. The limited effectiveness of the Zorial 80 WP spray solution for nutsedge control resulted from poor soil incorporation since the liquid was unable to penetrate the dense nutsedge foliage. The Evital 5G norflurazon formulation provided promising purple nutsedge control following one application to established alfalfa since the weight of the granules allowed the herbicide to reach the soil surface where irrigation could move the herbicide down through the soil profile to nutsedge roots. At 99 DAT a second split Evital treatment was applied to control nutsedge regrowth, and hopefully provide season long control. Nutsedge control results following this second split application are pending.

Effects of Aerially Applied Plant Growth Regulators on Alfalfa Quality and Yields

Rethwisch, Michael D., Kruse, Michael D., Parker, Justin 10 1900 (has links)
Plant growth regulators were aerially applied on April 26, 1996, to two alfalfa fields, one (Cibola) in its first year of production and the other field (CUF 101) in its third year. The first year field was approximately 50% through the cutting cycle and the third year field was approximately 30% through the cutting cycle when applications were made. No statistical differences were noted in hay tonnage the first cutting after application. Yield increases due to treatments were noted in the second cutting and maximum increases ranged from 277 -461 lbs of hay per acre. No yield or quality differences were noted the third cutting after application. The two fields differed in their response. The lowest rates of plant growth regulators produced higher yields in the first year field, but these treatment rates had greatly lowered hay quality the previous cutting. These effects were not noticed in the third year stand field. Increased hay tonnage was noted in the third year field from the 16 oz/acre rates, but was not evident in the first year field. Hay quality was usually highest in the check the first two cuttings after treatment. It is unknown if the differences noted between the two fields are due to different age of plants, variety and/or stage of growth when treatments were applied.

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