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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reklamos poveikis vartotojui knygų rinkoje / Influence of advertising on customer in book market

Meilūnaitė Vaišvilienė, Alina 27 May 2010 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama reklamos ir knygų verslo sąveika, nustatomi knygų reklamos poveikio vartotojui būdai, išskiriami poveikį diferencijuojantys faktoriai. Išnagrinėjus reklamos poveikio teorijas, nustatomi bendrieji reklamos poveikio principai. Reklamos poveikio teorijos suskirstytos į keturias teorijų grupes, – nuo rinkos atsako teorijų, kurios neturi pereinamųjų efektų, pereinama prie įtikinimo teorijų, kurių ribose ilgą laiką plėtotos racionalaus poveikio teorijos buvo peržiūrėtos emocinio poveikio aspektu. Populiarinimo ir patirties teorijų ribose apsvarstytas reklamos ir informacijos, reklamos ir individo patirties santykis. Siekiant įvertinti reklamos ir knygų verslo sąveiką, analizuota knygų reklamos teorija, nagrinėti mokslo darbai, tyrę knygų reklamos ir rinkodaros klausimus, rinkos tyrimai. Tyrime svarstomi knygų rinkos bruožai, formuojantys reklamos komunikaciją, poveikio aspektu nagrinėjami knygų reklamos objektai. Reklamos poveikio tyrimas buvo vykdomas dviem etapais, – pirmajame etape atliktas eksperimentas, kurio metu buvo vertinama reklamos, prekės ženklo ir kitų faktorių įtaka knygų pasirinkimui; antrajame etape atliktas tyrimas gautiems duomenims paaiškinti – reklamos poveikis išnagrinėtas individo patirties kontekste, nustatyta reklamos poveikio sistema knygų rinkoje, išskirti reklamos poveikį diferencijuojantys veiksniai. / Paper represents the research of influence of advertising and its results. The research was conducted in two stages: an experiment to evaluate influence of advertising, trademark, and other factors on the choice of books, and a research to interpret the obtained data – influence of advertising was interpreted in the context of respondents’ experience, system of influence of advertising in book market was established, factors differentiating influence of advertising were singled out. The research also analyses theories of advertising influence and estimates the relation between advertising and book business. Theories of the influence of advertising fall into four groups. From theories of market response that bring no transitional effects it is proceeded to theories of persuasion. The relation of advertising and individual experience, and advertising and information was looked into in the framework of publicity and experience. In the second part, book advertising theory was analysed, preceding scientific research and approach to advertising in scientific research of publishing sector were studied, and market research conducted in various countries were analysed to estimate the relation between advertising and book business. Theoretical part of the investigation addresses traits of book market that shape communication of advertising, and subjects of book advertising are estimated from the point of view of influence.

Krikščioniškieji simboliai reklaminėse kampanijose ir visuomenės reakcijos: 2006 – 2013M. Lietuvos, JK ir JAV atvejai / Christian symbols in advertising campaigns and reactions in the societies: period 2006 – 2013, Lithuania, the UK and the USA

Gutkovaitė, Ieva 10 June 2014 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamojo darbo objektas – tai 2006 – 2013 m. Lietuvos, Jungtinės Karalystės ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų, tiek komercinės, tiek socialinės reklamos, kuriose panaudoti krikščioniškieji simboliai. Tyrime siekiama palyginti kaip šis reiškinys yra išplitęs ir vertinamas, kokie panašumai ir skirtumai atsiskleidžia tiriamų šalių atvejuose. Tyrimo dėmesys sutelkiamas į veiksmo ir atoveiksmio santykį, kuomet, šiuo atveju, reklamos koncepcija paskatina diskusijas viešoje erdvėje. Todėl šiam reiškiniui tirti, taikoma mokslinės literatūros ir šaltinių analizė bei du skirtingi empirinio tyrimo metodai: 1. semiotinė ir vizualinė reklamų, kuriuose panaudoti krikščioniški simboliai, kokybinė turinio analizė; ir 2. internetinės žiniasklaidos pranešimų kiekybinė ir kokybinė turinio analizė. Teorinėje darbo dalyje, analizuojama vartotojiškos visuomenės samprata ir reklamos reikšmė jos kontekste; nagrinėjama krikščioniškųjų simbolių vaizdavimo istorija bei reklamos, kaip viešosios komunikacijos priemonės kontrolės mechanizmai: kaip ir kas reguliuoja jų turinį, kokios interesų grupės formuojasi. Taip pat analizuojama žiniasklaidos reikšmė šiuolaikiniame kontekste. Darbe atliekama atrinktų reklamų semiotinė bei vizualinė analizė. Analizuojama kaip tiriamos reklamos komunikuoja per tekstą ir vaizdą. Darbe taip pat atliekama kiekybinė ir kokybinė internetinės žiniasklaidos pranešimų analizė: atrenkami ir nagrinėjami tekstai, kuriuose išsakomos įvairių socialinių grupių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this masters degree thesis - 'Christian symbols in advertising campaigns and reactions in the societies: period 2006 – 2013, Lithuania, the UK and the USA', the phenomenon of using the Christian symbols in advertising is investigated by comparison of case studies (period 2006 - 2013) of Lithuania, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The purpose of the study is to determine how this phenomenon is seen, understood and spread in the respective societies. The study is based on research on the relation between cause and effect in the public media, caused by said advertising campaigns. Therefore, theoretical framework and two different empirical methods are employed: (1) advertisement content semiotic and visual analysis; (2) and the quantitative and qualitative content analysis of publications by major internet publishers.

Práce s emocemi v televizní reklamě / Work with emotions in television commercials

Peňázová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Work with emotions in television commercials" deals with the role of emotions in the persuasion processes of television commercials. The introductory part addresses the general characteristics of advertising with the focus on specifics of television commercials. Second chapter deals with the way, in which advertising messages influence their audience, and the factors which determine this influence. The following part focuses on the role of emotions in the commercial persuasion processes. It also involves a brief excursion into the history of use of emotions in advertising. Fourth chapter is in a way an extension of the previous chapter, because it deals with the role of emotions as one of the sources of consumer's purchase motivation. What follows, is the theoretical part devoted to the work with emotions in television commercials. It is divided into two chapters. First one deals with the way, in which commercial creators use the emotions, and which commercial models do they apply. The second one describes their work with particular emotional appeals, such as visual and acoustic effects, fear, humour, sexuality, or the presence of children. The closing part is the practical research itself. It contains the analyses of specific television commercial spots, based on the previous theoretical...

Vybrané nekalosoutěžní jednání a právní ochrana proti takovému jednání / Selected issues of unfair competition and legal protection against such conduct

Kelman, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The selected unfair competition practice and protection against such practice The aim of the thesis is to analyze the phenomenon of misleading advertising and the possibilities of legal protection against that kind of unfair competition, within the comprehensiveness of Master's diploma thesis. I deal with the topic predominantly from the private law point of view. The aim of the thesis is, first, to summarize unfair competition and related terminology and, next, to outline its different aspects in detail and present related instruments of legal defence. The thesis consists of nine chapters. Each of them is concerned with different aspects of unfair competition. The Introduction describes the thesis topic, the structure of the thesis and its aim. Chapter One defines the term 'competition' and describes the law regulating the right to competition, its limits and normative basis. Chapter Two focuses on market competition and consists of two parts. The first one concentrates on legal definition of the term 'competition' and its general interpretation. The second one is addressed to competition law and its division. Chapter Three explains the term 'unfair competition' and presents a detailed survey of subjects in unfair competition. Following subchapters examines 'competitors', 'consumers', 'other...

První vývojová stádia reklamy v tradičních médiích / First developmental stages of advertising in traditional media

Kesl, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The first developmental stages of advertising in traditional media Jakub Kesl Abstract Diploma thesis "The first developmental stages of advertising in traditional media" deals with the commercial use of media in its first forms and handles the evolution of advertising communication in conjunction with the development of media. Traditional media - print, radio and television in the period starting with emergence of these media until the point of establishment of advertising as their more or less apparent part were selected as a purpose of this study. This thesis tries to answer following questions:  How did the advertising in traditional media in the first moments of its existence form and evolve?  How did the first developmental stages of media advertising look like?  What was the reaction of the audience to new forms of media advertising?  How did enter of advertising into the media influence them and their contents or how did the media influence the ads? Attention is paid to forms of impact of advertising to media and their contents and forms of impact of media on advertising, and describes the types and forms of commercial messages in traditional media in its infancy. The work is primarily concerned with the first stages of development of advertising in the countries, where the development of print,...

Komparativní obsahová analýza vybraných vydání gay magazínů LUI a Attitude / Comparative analysis of chosen issues of gay magazines Lui and Attitude

Snížek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
There are many works focusing on stereotypes usually connected with minorities including gays in news and media in general. However, there is no study that would describe the common features of gay media products, especially characteristics of gay magazines. This work analyzes in both qualitative and quantitative way two life style magazines targeted at homosexuals - Czech LUI and British Attitude. First, on their bases the advertisements included are described - of gay and non-gay brands. Further the topics and themes used are pointed out - those that appear at the pages the most often, then the other ones that you can find rather rarely. A query among gay people is added as it proposes another point of view for the result of the analyses. This work also answers to the questing how sexual signs and connections are used in gay magazines and what is the amount of articles that have any sexual signs. The results of this study can be used for further gender media works or as the purpose or building a new Czech gay magazine.

Pragmalingvistická analýza komerční komunikace značky Activia od Danone / Pragmalingvistic analysis of Danone Activia brand commercial communication

Pražáková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis entitled 'Pragmalinguistic Analysis of Commercial Communication of the Brand Activia by Danone' aims to provide a comprehensive treatise of the above mentioned brand from the point of view of pragmatic and linguistic theories, based on a selected sample of advertising from 2010 - 2014. The introductory theoretical part defines the functions of advertising and their idiosyncratic communication and place them within the wider context of marketing. Subsequently, the position of the product within the segment offered by Danone is described and comparison of the respective marketing strategies for each product is made. The methodological section of the thesis introduces pragmatic linguistics as the central tool used in the ensuing analysis. Here the terms related to the process of communication are emphasised, same as the relationships between the creator of a text, its recipient and the text itself. The last, analytical part deals with selected samples of commercial communication using the aforementioned methods. A sample of Activia Danone communication is then used to analyse the usage of individual linguistic and stylistic means, as well as advertising types with emphasis on their goals as a form of communication.

UniCredit Bank - využití sponzoringu UEFA Champions League / UniCredit Bank - the sponsorship utilisation of UEFA Champions League

Křivanec, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Title: UniCredit Bank - the sponsorship utilisation of UEFA Champions League. Objectives: The main objective of this diploma thesis is to analyze the mutual relationship of sponsoring between the UEFA Champions League and UniCredit Bank. Based on the results, recommendations for improvement of the sponsorship cooperation will be suggested. Methods: In this thesis will be used survey in order to obtain the necessary information regarding the impact of the sponsorship from czech fans. Furthermore, SWOT analysis method will be realized to analyze the actual benefit of the sponsorship for UniCredit. And method of case studies which will analyze itself sponsorship with all its consequences. Results: The results will be processed according to the selected objectives and will be interpreted in a separate chapter as suggestions and recommendations for the improvement of the sponsorship. Keywords: sport, sponsorship, advertising, UEFA Champions League, UniCredit Bank

Nabídka výkonů pro partnery vybraných českých a slovenských klubů Synot ligy a Fortuna ligy v období ekonomické krize / Achievements offer for partners of selected Czech and Slovak football clubs of Synot liga and Fortuna liga during economic crisis

Lajčin, Milan January 2015 (has links)
Title: Objectives: Methods: Results: Keywords: Achievements offer for partners of selected Czech and Slovak football clubs of Synot liga and Fortuna liga during economic crisis The aim of this thesis is on the basis of analysis of the football marketing environment in Czech republic and in Slovakia and on the basis of analysis of the current offers for partners of Czech and Slovak football clubs to identify weaknesses and shortcomings in sponsorship relations. Results of analytical part will be used to create proposal implementation of sponsor activities of football clubs of Synot liga and Fortuna liga, including utilize of opportunities, that the current situation of economic crisis offers, due to differences of the Czech republic and Slovakia. In qualitative research of thesis I used descriptive case study, interview, observation, SWOT analysis, document analysis and comparative analysis. I applied these methods in the analysis of various football clubs, while I also used SWOT analysis in the processing of proposals. I used comparative analysis to compare marketing environment in selected football clubs. The data obtained from research helped me identify aspects of the marketing environment, in which individual football clubs have shortcomings. In addition to the specific proposals of cooperation...

České blogy jako součást reklamy?: analýza vybraných blogů a rozhovorů s jejich autorkami. / Czech blogs as a part of advertisement? Analysis of selected blogs and interwiews with their authors.

Cikánková, Vladimíra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis thematizes the influence of commerce or commercials on bloggers and aims to realise their point of view interpreted by the authors of selected blogs in certain specific categories such as: fashion, beauty, lifestyle and food blogs. It is therefore, a critical view of the Czech blogs in selected categories in order to determine their relationship with the commercial industry thereby linking them with the information and PR content. This paper attempts to compare the neutrality or conversely the impact of commercials on certain selected Czech blogs. The purpose of this research is to ascertain the attitudes of bloggers who succumb to pressures from commercial entities. The result of this work is to evaluate personal perspective on the issue of linking bloggers with marketing plans and advertising commercial entities. Findings of the reviews point to the concept of free labour and touch upon the broader issue of poorly paid workers in the Web 2.0 environment.

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