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Kvinnans roll i den syriska traditionen : Den heliga kvinnans handlingarCello, Sibora January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Mellan stuga och kolmila : Kolmilares religiösa fält mellan 1600–1950.Carlsson, Erika January 2022 (has links)
En studie om kolares relation till skogsrået kring kolmilans religiösa fält, och hur denna relation kan ha förändrats eller bestått kring hemmet religiösa fält. Med hjälp av begrepp som strukturella dikotomier, gränser, profylaktiska och transaktinella ritualer, rollteori, samt religiösa fält undersöke denna studie kolarens relation till skogsrået under 1600-1950. Studiens undersökning består i en kvalitativ och komparativ analys av 12 olika memorat, sägner och domslut.
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Den judiska orgeln : Orgelns vara eller icke vara inom judendomenDahlgren Lindström, Erik January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Religion och Magi : Religio et SuperstitioSjöstedt, Samuel January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Vad säger läroböckerna om Korstågen? : En religionhistorisk läromedelsanalysJansson, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
This study has analyzed what students in Swedish middle schools learn about the various crusades. This was done by analyzing different study books and course literature. These books are targeted towards students in grade 7-9. This essay has studied course literature from different time periods in the Swedish schooling system and under different guidelines. The essay has studied the more modern books and what they say about the exciting yet controversial subject that is the crusades. Which subjects even write about them and what do they say? Are the fabled knights in shining armor as good as they thought they were or were they monsters from the deepest of hells? Well, as all things, the truth lies in the middle. But it is how they portray them and what the books have to say about the crusades that is intriguing. What words do they use? Which sides of the different conflicts shine the brightest in the eye of the author and thus in the eye of the pupils reading it. I will also be using some tools and theories to see how good the fact is portrayed in the different books. As I stated above. These tools and theories are from a book called Att spegla världen; Läromedelsstudier i teori och praktik (2011) by Niklas Ammert. So what have these study books told us about the crusades? Well, as the study concluded it depends on who the author or authors are and which company makes the books. It also depends a lot on what the book focuses on. The crusaders are however generally depicted as murderers and in the wrong in most of the books that the essay chose to study.
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Ondska enligt de fyra världsreligionernas berättelser / Evil According to the Stories of the Four WorldreligionsStålberg, Therese January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ondska kan ta många former vi finner det varje dag i tidningar, på TV och i mötet med andra människor. Var kommer då ondska ifrån? I de fyra världsreligionerna finns det skildringar av ondska som kan tyckas lätta att förstå. Men det finns en djupare förklaring till det som står att läsa. Alla religioner har en uppfattning om etik och moral, om att leva ett gott liv och vad man ska göra för att uppnå det. Likaså har alla religioner exempel i berättelser på hur etik och moral kan ta form. Alla dessa berättelser är viktiga för varje religion och de kan hjälpa till att skildra för den oinsatte hur man förhåller sig till vad som är gott och ont. I judedomen så har man Purim en berättelse om hur judarna undkom ett grymt öde genom att de räddades av en judisk drottning av ett land där man inte tillbad den judiske guden. Islam har berättelsen om Karbala där den modige och rättrådige Husayn kämpade för det som var gott mot den onde och illvillige Yazid där i slutändan ytterst få av Husayns familj och vänner, såväl kvinnor som barn överlevde martyrdöden i öknen vi Karbala. Sedan så har vi hinduismen där den gudomlige Ram ger sig ut på en resa för att rensa världen från ont i Ramayana efter att ha blivit fråntagen sin kronprinstitel av en styvmor med ont uppsåt och slutligen dödar demonen Ravan som handlar endast i själviska syften. Och till sist Buddhismen där den unge prins Siddharta som efter att ha ställts inför den mänskliga verkligheten med ålderdom, sjukdom och död väljer att försöka hitta den rätta vägen och till slut bli Buddha. Genom att användandet av enbart litteratur i undersökningen så har frågeställningen i den här uppsatsen besvarats med slutsatsen att ondskan i dessa berättelser hittar man i okunskap och i brist på hängivenhet och tro. Människan måste rannsaka sig själv för att hitta ursprunget till ondskan och för att kunna bekämpa den. Inte i ett ting eller hos en annan person.</p> / <p>Evil can take many forms. We can find it everyday in newspapers, on TV and in meeting with other people. Where does evil come from, one might ask oneself. In the four world religions there are descriptions of evil that might seem easy to understand. But there is a deeper understanding to what is written. Every religion has a perception of ethics and moral, of living a good life and what you have to do to achieve that life. There are also in every religion stories with examples of how morals and ethics take shape. All these stories are important for each religion and they can be of assistance to describe for the unversed how the religion looks upon the question of what is good and what is evil. In Judaism there is Purim, a story about how the Jews escaped a cruel destiny by being saved by a jewish queen of a country where they didn’t worship the jewish god. Islam has the story of Karbala in which the brave and just Husayn fought for what was good against the evil and malicious Yazid and in which just a few of his family and friends survived martyrdom in the end. And then there is Hinduism and the story of the divine Ram, Ramayana, who embarks on a great journey to purify the world from evil after being bereaved of his crown as crown prince by a stepmother with evil intensions and ultimately kills the evil demon Ravan. And finally we have Buddhism and the story of the young prince Siddhartha who, after being presented to the human reality with agedness, sickness and death, chooses to try to find the right path and who ultimately becomes Buddha. Through literary studies the answer to the question formulation of this essay unfolds and the conclusion that the evil in these stories is to be found in ignorance and in the lack of devotion and faith. And that man must search within herself to find the source of evil and to learn how to fight evil. Not in an object or another person.</p>
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Ondska enligt de fyra världsreligionernas berättelser / Evil According to the Stories of the Four WorldreligionsStålberg, Therese January 2008 (has links)
Ondska kan ta många former vi finner det varje dag i tidningar, på TV och i mötet med andra människor. Var kommer då ondska ifrån? I de fyra världsreligionerna finns det skildringar av ondska som kan tyckas lätta att förstå. Men det finns en djupare förklaring till det som står att läsa. Alla religioner har en uppfattning om etik och moral, om att leva ett gott liv och vad man ska göra för att uppnå det. Likaså har alla religioner exempel i berättelser på hur etik och moral kan ta form. Alla dessa berättelser är viktiga för varje religion och de kan hjälpa till att skildra för den oinsatte hur man förhåller sig till vad som är gott och ont. I judedomen så har man Purim en berättelse om hur judarna undkom ett grymt öde genom att de räddades av en judisk drottning av ett land där man inte tillbad den judiske guden. Islam har berättelsen om Karbala där den modige och rättrådige Husayn kämpade för det som var gott mot den onde och illvillige Yazid där i slutändan ytterst få av Husayns familj och vänner, såväl kvinnor som barn överlevde martyrdöden i öknen vi Karbala. Sedan så har vi hinduismen där den gudomlige Ram ger sig ut på en resa för att rensa världen från ont i Ramayana efter att ha blivit fråntagen sin kronprinstitel av en styvmor med ont uppsåt och slutligen dödar demonen Ravan som handlar endast i själviska syften. Och till sist Buddhismen där den unge prins Siddharta som efter att ha ställts inför den mänskliga verkligheten med ålderdom, sjukdom och död väljer att försöka hitta den rätta vägen och till slut bli Buddha. Genom att användandet av enbart litteratur i undersökningen så har frågeställningen i den här uppsatsen besvarats med slutsatsen att ondskan i dessa berättelser hittar man i okunskap och i brist på hängivenhet och tro. Människan måste rannsaka sig själv för att hitta ursprunget till ondskan och för att kunna bekämpa den. Inte i ett ting eller hos en annan person. / Evil can take many forms. We can find it everyday in newspapers, on TV and in meeting with other people. Where does evil come from, one might ask oneself. In the four world religions there are descriptions of evil that might seem easy to understand. But there is a deeper understanding to what is written. Every religion has a perception of ethics and moral, of living a good life and what you have to do to achieve that life. There are also in every religion stories with examples of how morals and ethics take shape. All these stories are important for each religion and they can be of assistance to describe for the unversed how the religion looks upon the question of what is good and what is evil. In Judaism there is Purim, a story about how the Jews escaped a cruel destiny by being saved by a jewish queen of a country where they didn’t worship the jewish god. Islam has the story of Karbala in which the brave and just Husayn fought for what was good against the evil and malicious Yazid and in which just a few of his family and friends survived martyrdom in the end. And then there is Hinduism and the story of the divine Ram, Ramayana, who embarks on a great journey to purify the world from evil after being bereaved of his crown as crown prince by a stepmother with evil intensions and ultimately kills the evil demon Ravan. And finally we have Buddhism and the story of the young prince Siddhartha who, after being presented to the human reality with agedness, sickness and death, chooses to try to find the right path and who ultimately becomes Buddha. Through literary studies the answer to the question formulation of this essay unfolds and the conclusion that the evil in these stories is to be found in ignorance and in the lack of devotion and faith. And that man must search within herself to find the source of evil and to learn how to fight evil. Not in an object or another person.
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"Demoner härskar i ungdomens värld" : Hur rollspel beskrevs i svenska dagstidningar 1980-1999 / Demons reign in the world of the young : How roleplaying games are described in swedish newspapers 1980-1999Back, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how tabletop roleplaying games were portrayed in Swedish newspapers during the 1980s and the 1990s. to examine this a total of 48 articles from various Swedish newspapers have been analysed. The aim is to see how they were portrayed within the articles and to apply a model regarding moral panics to the descriptions. The method used is text analysis of the articles, and the theoretical framework used is Stanley Cohens theory regarding moral panics and folk devils. The model used is created by Tommy Gustafsson and Klara Arnberg’s and is used to find roles and mechanism present in a moral panic. The model is based on the theoretical framework designed by Cohen. The result showed that all roles and mechanisms described in Gustafsson and Arnberg’s model were present in the descriptions of roleplaying games in Swedish newspapers during this period. During both the 1980s and the 1990s the descriptions contained both positive and negative aspects of roleplaying games and its effect on the youth. During the 1980s the negative descriptions were reliant on the satanic panic in the United States, and during the 1990s several cases involving suicide, murder and crimes in Sweden were blamed on the roleplaying games. This created a fear of roleplaying games and what effect it had on the children and young adults that played these games. It also created a need to understand the contents of these games and why the young wanted to play them. Key words: roleplaying games, newspaper analysis, moral panics, Stanley Cohen, folk devils
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Sexualitet i religionsundervisningen : Yrkesverksamma religionslärares uppfattningar och erfarenheter / Sexuality in Religious Education : Teachers of Religious Education's Perceptions and ExperiencesBjörkegren, Moa January 2023 (has links)
In June 2022, the Swedish curriculum was revised and the school's responsibility to communicate knowledge about sexuality to pupils was emphasized. Although the field of sexuality is not new in the Swedish curriculum, teaching sexuality has gone through a significant development in its content since it first became a part of the Swedish curriculum. Now that society is becoming increasingly more digitalized and informed, new challanges follow, and perhaps it is now more important than ever that young people gain more knowledge in matters of sexuality, relationships, and consent. As an effort to meet these challanges, the National Agency for Education delegates the field of knowledge to teachers in all common subjects, including religious education (RE). With its association in cultural norms and gender identity, RE may be considered partucularly appropriate for discussing and teaching sexuality. The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers of religious education percive to what degree they can contribute knowledge about sexuality in their teaching. This study also aims to find out what approaches teachers use in sexuality as a part of their religious education. This survey is a qualitative study, and the materials have been collected through semi-structured interviews with teachers in religious education in south Sweden. The study shows that teaches have positive attitudes towards including sexuality in religious education and that they find teching sexuality important. Nevertheless, it is not exactly clear for the interviewed RE teachers how and what to include regarding sexuality when teaching RE due to many difficulties that may arise. Consequently, teachers in this study describe different individually based strategies to include sexuality in their teaching, depending in personal interest and experise.
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Undervisningen om det som är ”främmande” : En didaktisk undersökning om Östasiens två största religioners framställning i svenska läromedel 1949–1990Lindström, Tova January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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