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Instantóny a unitárni neekvivalentní kvantová vakua / Instantons and Unitarily Inequivalent Quantum VacuaDerco, Roman January 2012 (has links)
Title: Instantons and Unitarily Inequivalent Quantum Vacua Author: Roman Derco Department: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Supervisor: doc. Alfredo Iorio, Ph.D., Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Abstract: In the presented thesis we investigate the relationship between the topologically distinct instantonic vacua and the unitarily inequivalent vacua of the quantum field theory. We focus on quantum mechanical exam- ples, where instantons appear but the complications due to quantum gauge field theory are absent. A model for quantum dissipation and the theory of one particle escaping from a metastable minimum were compared, what led to some observations. A double well system was build from harmonic oscillators and an interaction term to get closer to the quantum dissipation model, where inequivalent representations are involved. We identified the particularly simple model of a quantum particle constrained on a circle to be the ideal toy model for spotting the relation among unitarily inequivalent vacua and topologically distinct vacua we were seeking for. 1
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Oděv jako výraz moci a hierarchií od konce 14. do konce 15. století. Komparace vývoje v českých zemích a Burgundsku / Clothing as Manifestation of Power and Hierarchy from the End of the 14th Century to the End of the 15th Century. Comparison of the Developement in the Czech Lands and BurgundyHojková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Clothing as Manifestation of Power and Hierarchy from the End of the 14th Century to the End of the 15th Century. Comparison of the Developement in the Czech Lands and Burgundy" describes the evolution of clothing style in both countries. It is based mainly on iconographic resources, with some additional information from written sources and literature. On this base the approach and means to this kind of representation of secular higher class in given areas are compared. The original basis of the 14th century French court culture was further developed by the Burgundian society, with emphasis on the shaped silhouette. On the other hand, the Czech lands departed from this way and adopted a new direction to the German area. The transalpine impulses are reflected as late as in the last quarter of the 15 th century. The material of the clothes is assessed as a more important aspect of representation than the shape. The text outlines also the way of further development as well as points out some unclear articles of the topic.
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Algoritmický přístup k resolventám v teorii reprezentací / An algorithmic approach to resolutions in representation theoryIvánek, Adam January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we describe an algorithm and implement a construction of a projective resolution and minimal projective resolution in the representation the- ory of finite-dimensional algebras. In this thesis finite-dimensional algebras are KQ /I where KQ is a path algebra and I is an admissible ideal. To implement the algorithm we use the package QPA [9] for GAP [2]. We use the theory of Gröbners basis of KQ-modules and the theory described in article Minimal Pro- jective Resolutions written by Green, Solberg a Zacharia [5]. First step is find a direct sum such that i∈Tn fn∗ i KQ = i∈Tn−1 fn−1 i KQ ∩ i∈Tn−2 fn−2 i I. Next important step to construct the minimal projective resolution is separate nontri- vial K-linear combinations in i∈Tn−1 fn−1 i I + i∈Tn fn i J from fn∗ i . The Modules of the minimal projective elements are i∈Tn (fn i KQ)/(fn i I). 1
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Diskursivní konstrukce nové identity městského regenerovaného prostoru: příklad nábřeží v Bratislavě / Discursive construction of a new identity of the regenerated urban space: the case of waterfront in BratislavaJuhász, Matej January 2016 (has links)
Waterfronts in post-socialist cities have became under the influence of post-socialist transformations an areas of conflict, which are full of contradictory pressures based on the different actors and their views. This diploma thesis deals with plans and waterfront regeneration projects in Bratislava from the perspective of discursive practices and representations of investors, developers, city government and citizens. The work also examines the role of the actors involved in the formation of new identities of regenerated areas via different representations. It focuses on the process, which leads to the formation of new identities in the plans and projects of waterfront regeneration. The work uses an qualitative analysis of planning documents and discourse analysis of different web resources. It examines both the process of discursive construction of place through a variety of discursive practices and offers an insight into the backstage relationships of actors involved. Keywords: discourse, representation, identity, Bratislava, waterfront, regeneration
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Senioři v televizní reklamě / Elderly people in TV advertisingMaršíková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis Elderly people in TV advertising focuses on advertising representation of the old age in Czech Republic and Lithuania. Since the old age is considered as a social construct, a theoretical part tries to describe the specifics of the theory of social constructivism in general, and then on the example of the old age. The next section of this paper outlines, based on a literature and a number of already published researches, character of the media and advertising representations of old age. The following section takes into account the advertising perspective from a different angle when describing current trends and approaches in marketing communications targeting the elderly or showing elderly people. In the practical part of this thesis, I describe the main characteristics of qualitative research together with research method, which is the semiotic analysis. The research sample includes selected TV advertisements from Czech and Lithuanian campaigns in which actors of older age appear. The analytical part aims to reveal the nature of advertising representations of old age, and attributes with which elderly people are associated. The conclusion presents research findings and framing tendencies of advertising representation of old age, and consequently the partial interpretation of each...
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Charakteristika vrcholového volejbalu mužů v minulosti a jeho vztah k současnému způsobu hry / Characteristics of the senior men's volleyball in the past and its relationship to the current mode of the game.Kotěšovský, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
Title: Characteristics of the senior men's volleyball in the past and its relationship to the current mode of the game. Objectives: The thesis aims to acquire, process and evaluate the views of large quantities mainly former players, coaches volleyball and CVS officials who actively participated in the development of volleyball in that period. The operational objective is to elaborate the history of men's national team of Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in volleyball and an outline of the history of volleyball. Methods: To meet the research goals, I used method of questioning using non-standardized questionnaire with closed questions. In the second part of the research I used a research method interview. I Interview I chose because I wanted to check whether I am in the questionnaire did not forget any important fact related to your topic. Data collected from questionnaires were analyzed sum of probands and their answers. The results were processed by conventional statistical methods, expressed verbally, in tables and graphs. Results: The results indicated the views of players, coaches and officials CVF on the issue of characterization senior volleyball men in the past and its relationship to the current mode of the game. The results showed that in the monitored period, there were significant...
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Reklama z pohledu českého daňového práva / Advertisement through the scope of Czech tax lawKrálová, Štěpánka January 2009 (has links)
Various tax impacts of advertising are analysed in the thesis. Advertising is perceived as an instrument serving the purposes of searching customers and supporting sales, and it may subsist in many particular forms. The tax deductibility of adverisement costs for the determination of income tax base are analysed, and consequently the tax implications of various advertising forms are introduced from both of the income tax and VAT view. From the tax point of view, the differentiation between the advertising and entertainment is important. Cost-free provision of promotional items forms a special exception. Furthermore, the gifts are diversified from the sponzoring and also the tax impact on the side of the recipient is mentioned. A special attention is paid to tax impacts of advertising through the means of promotional samples and tasting, price reductions and fidelity schemes. Also the legislation limitation of the marketing competitions are analysed. The respective theme is also influenced by the EU-harmonisation of advertising and tax areas, from which the possible progress in this field may be deducted.
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Reprezentace krajiny v poezii středních a pozdních Tangů / LAndscape representation in later Tang poetryValtr, Václav January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The core of this thesis is a problem of representation of landscape in Middle and Late Tang Dynasty. The term "landscape" is taken from western perspective and Chinese poetry is conceived through it. Different ways of representation of landscape in the work of different authors is described there, especially how they use different methods in order to achieve different aesthetics impressions. This thesis is focused on terminological and theoretical concept of landscape and its relation to the term "nature" and considers its role in literature and examines a question of representation of landscape and relationship to landscape in Chinese literature. Main part of this thesis is analysis - there are five chosen authors (Wei Yingwu, Bai Juyi, Li He, Du Mu and Li Shangyin) and their specific style of writing is being examined (on the basis on "modes" created by the author). Methodological background of this thesis is rooted in current state of filed in Chinese mediaeval literature research and tries to reflect both traditional approaches and modern methodologies in order to reach a certain synthesis. Every author is presented through their unique style (corresponded to their "mode") based on traditional image created by Chinese literary canon. This thesis demonstrates many varieties of...
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Konstrukce minimálních DNF reprezentací 2-intervalových funkcí. / Konstrukce minimálních DNF reprezentací 2-intervalových funkcí.Dubovský, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
Title: A construction of minimum DNF representations of 2-interval functions Author: Jakub Dubovský Department: Dep. of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic Supervisor: doc.RNDr.Ondřej Čepek, Ph.D. Abstract: The thesis is devoted to interval boolean functions. It is focused on construction of their representation by disjunctive normal forms with minimum number of terms. Summary of known results in this field for 1-interval functions is presented. It shows that method used to prove those results cannot be in general used for two or more interval functions. It tries to extend those results to 2-interval functions. An optimization algorithm for special subclass of them is constructed. Exact error estimation for approximation algorithm is proven. A command line software for experimentation with interval function is part of the thesis. Keywords: boolean function, interval function, representation construction, ap- proximation 1
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Grid representations of graphs and the chromatic number / Grid representations of graphs and the chromatic numberBalko, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Grid Representations and the Chromatic Number Martin Balko August 2, 2012 Department: Department of Applied Mathematics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Pavel Valtr Dr. Supervisor's email address: valtr@kam.mff.cuni.cz Abstract In the thesis we study grid drawings of graphs and their connections with graph colorings. A grid drawing of a graph maps vertices to distinct points of the grid Zd and edges to line segments that avoid grid points representing other vertices. We show that a graph G is qd -colorable, d, q ≥ 2, if and only if there is a grid drawing of G in Zd in which no line segment intersects more than q grid points. Second, we study grid drawings with bounded number of columns, introducing some new NP- complete problems. We also show a sharp lower bound on the area of plane grid drawings of balanced complete k-partite graphs, proving a conjecture of David R. Wood. Finally, we show that any planar graph has a planar grid drawing where every line segment contains exactly two grid points. This result proves conjectures of D. Flores Pe˝naloza and F. J. Zaragoza Martinez. Keywords: graph representations, grid, chromatic number, plane
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