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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MARCOS PAULO PEREIRA C DOS SANTOS 13 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] A produtividade de poços produtores de gás, que operam com pressões de fundo inferiores à pressão de orvalho, é afetada pelo aparecimento da saturação de líquido em seus entornos. Para entender esse fenômeno, conhecido como bloqueio por condensado, os simuladores em escala de poros são ferramentas úteis na investigação dos parâmetros que influenciam na quantidade e na distribuição da saturação de condensado, assim como seus efeitos na redução do fluxo de gás. Esse trabalho apresenta um modelo de rede de capilares composicional e isotérmico para o estudo do escoamento de gás retrógrado em meios porosos. Forças capilares e gravitacionais não foram consideradas. O escoamento monofásico é comutado para bifásico de padrão anular quando a pressão e a composição do fluido atingem um critério de estabilidade. O método de Newton é aplicado para resolver as equações de fluxo e consistência dos volumes e calcular o transporte de cada um dos componentes ao longo da rede. As propriedades do fluido e o comportamento do escoamento foram testadas contra os resultados de um simulador termodinâmico comercial e soluções analíticas, respectivamente. Após validação, o simulador foi utilizado para obter curvas de permeabilidade relativa gás-líquido através da despressurização de uma rede 2D e alguns resultados são discutidos. / [en] Gas well deliverability in retrograde gas reservoirs is affected by the appearance of liquid saturation around the wellbore when the bottom-hole pressure is below the dew point. Pore-scale simulators are used to model this phenomenon, known as condensate blockage, and to investigate parameters that ifluence the amount and the distribution of condensate saturation, as well as how it chokes the gas flow. Here, a fully-implicit isothermal compositional pore-scale network model is presented for retrograde gas flow in porous media. Capillary and gravitational forces are neglected. The model shifts from single-phase flow to annular flow regime when the pressure and the fluid composition reach a stability criteria. Newton s method is applied on flow and volume consistency equations to calculate the transport of each component through the network. Fluid properties and flow behavior were tested against a commercial thermodynamic simulator and analytical solutions respectively. After validation, the simulator was used to predict gas-liquid relative permeability from a depletion process in a 2D network and some results are discussed.

Analýza nejistot hydrologických a provozních parametrů na vodohospodářské řešení zásobní funkce nádrže / Uncertainty Analysis of Hydrological and Operating Parameters on Water Management Analysis of Reservoir Storage Capacity

Paseka, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to introduce the concept of Monte Carlo method for incorporating the uncertainties into the all hydrological and operational data inputs, which are needed to design and operation of large open water reservoir. Incorporating uncertainties into data inputs during calculation of reservoir storage capacity, then the consequent active conservation storage capacity is loaded by uncertainties. In the same way the values of outflow water from reservoir and hydrological reliability are affected by these uncertainties as well. For these kind of calculations the reservoir simulation model has been used, which simulate behavior operation of reservoir and is able to evaluate the results of simulations and help to reduction risk of storage capacity failure, respectively reduction of water shortages during reservoirs operation during low water and dry periods.


THIAGO SOUSA BASTOS 28 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] Nas últimas décadas, grandes investimentos foram feitos no desenvolvimento de modelos e métodos numéricos para prever e analisar os diferentes aspectos do processo de recuperação de óleo e gás. Neste contexto, os simuladores modernos devem ser capazes de incorporar uma grande variedade de opções para responder questões relacionadas ao gerenciamento de reservatórios de forma rápida e precisa. Neste trabalho, nós apresentamos um simulador de reservatórios baseado em uma arquitetura de plugins, onde diferentes formulações, solvers e modelos podem ser desenvolvidos, estendidos e aprimorados. A partir desta abordagem, utilizamos o modelo black-oil para implementar técnicas tradicionais e do estado da arte, como os métodos totalmente e adaptativamente implícito, os métodos de Newton-Raphson e Newton Inexato, controladores heurístico e PID para passo de tempo adaptativo e aproximações de fluxo de um ponto baseados no potencial de fase tradicional e C1-contínuo. Diversas configurações de plugins foram testadas e validadas com simuladores comerciais e seus desempenhos foram utilizados para determinar quais as mais adequadas para resolver problemas de escoamento multifásico. / [en] During the last decades, large investments were made towards the development of numerical models and methods to forecast and analyze the different aspects of oil and gas recovery. In this context, modern simulators must be able to incorporate a wide variety of options to answer questions related to reservoir management accurately and effectively. In this work, we present a reservoir simulator based on a plugin architecture, where different formulations, solvers, and models can be developed, extended, and enhanced. With this approach, we use the black-oil model to implement traditional and state-of-the-art techniques, including fully- and adaptiveimplicit methods, heuristic and PID time-step controllers, Newton-Raphson and Inexact Newton, and C1-continuous and conventional phase-potential single-point upstream weighting. Several plugin configurations were tested and validated with commercial simulators, and their performances were used to determine which are the most suitable to solve multiphase flow problems.


ALEXANDRE FRANKENTHAL FIGUEIRA 27 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] Os custos de instalação e as taxas de produção ao longo da vida de um reservatório de óleo e gás são influenciados diretamente pela localização, quantidade e capacidade das Unidades Estacionárias de Produção (UEPs). A distância entre um poço e a UEP a qual foi alocado é um fator impactante na perda de carga a que os fluídos são submetidos. A dissipação de energia aumenta quando essa distância é maior e todo o sistema de produção recebe a interferência negativa desta perda, o que compromete as taxas de recuperação. A necessidade de respeitar as restrições de capacidade das UEPs faz com que outras decisões precisem ser tomadas no mesmo momento em que se decide a localização de cada uma. Este trabalho descreve um modelo baseado em Algoritmos Genéticos para a otimização simultânea da quantidade, localização e dimensionamento de Unidades Estacionárias de Produção (UEPs). Para lidar com as restrições lineares e não lineares do problema utiliza-se a técnica chamada de GENOCOP III - Genetic Algorithm for Numerical Optimization of Constrained Problems e funções de penalidade. O objetivo da otimização é maximizar o Valor Presente Líquido (VPL) que depende da curva de produção de cada configuração obtida como possível solução. Para obter a curva de produção são realizadas simulações de reservatório que utilizam tabelas de escoamento multifásico para representar o sistema de produção externo ao reservatório. O modelo de solução foi testado em um modelo de reservatório baseado em um caso real. Os resultados encontrados indicam que a utilização deste modelo de solução como ferramenta pode auxiliar a tomada de decisão dos especialistas responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de campos de petróleo. / [en] Installation costs and production rates over the life of an oil and gas reservoir are directly influenced by the location, number and capacity of the Production Units. The distance between a well and the Production Unit to which it has been allocated is an important factor in the loss of fluids pressure. The power dissipation increases when the distance is bigger and the entire production system receives the negative interference of this loss, compromising recovery rates. There is a need to take into account restrictions that apply to the capacity of Production Unit at the same time as there localization are decided. This paper describes a model with genetic algorithms for the simultaneous optimization of the quantity, location and sizing of Production Units. To deal with the constraints of the problem we use a technique called GENOCOP III - Genetic Algorithm for Numerical Optimization of Constrained Problems. The goal of the optimization is to maximize the Net Present Value (NPV) which depends on the production curve of each configuration obtained as a possible solution. The production curves are obtained by reservoir simulations with multiphase flow tables that represent the system external to the reservoir. The solution model was tested in a reservoir model based on a real case. The results indicate that using this solution model as a tool can assist the decision making of experts responsible for oil field development.


JULIO ALBERTO RUEDA CORDERO 08 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo propõe modelos numéricos robustos para simular os fenômenos presentes nos problemas de propagação de fraturas e migração de fluidos em formações fraturadas. Uma técnica de fragmentação de malha com uma abordagem de zona poro-coesiva é desenvolvida para simular a propagação não planar de fraturas em formações fraturadas. O modelo proposto permite estudar os efeitos dos parâmetros primários sobre a interação de fraturas hidráulicas e naturais. O trabalho desenvolve uma nova formulação hidromecânica 3D do dupla porosidade e dupla permeabilidade aprimorada para a representação mais realista do médio fraturado em simulações de reservatório. O modelo permite estudar o impacto de fraturas naturais de múltiplas escalas e orientações no desempenho do reservatório. Finalmente, o trabalho propõe uma nova metodologia que integra os modelos robustos de propagação de fratura e simulação de reservatório, para aprimorando a avaliação do desempenho da produção. Foram simulados múltiplos cenários de fraturamento hidráulico para avaliar a produção dos reservatórios. Também foram integrados modelos de fratura discreta e dupla porosidade-dupla permeabilidade para estudar os efeitos de fraturas de múltiplas escalas no reservatório estimulado hidraulicamente. Os modelos desenvolvidos foram comparados com testes experimentais, soluções analíticas e numéricas. Os resultados mostram excelente concordância e validam as formulações hidromecânicas. A partir dos resultados numéricos, se identificaram os parâmetros dominantes que influenciam o resultado do fraturamento hidráulico e a produção dos depósitos hidraulicamente estimulados. / [en] The presented study proposes robust numerical models to simulate the phenomena present in fracture propagation and fluid migration problems in fractured media. An innovative mesh fragmentation technique with an intrinsic pore-cohesive zone approach is developed to simulate unrestricted hydraulic fracture propagation in fractured media. The proposed method allows studying the effect of some primary parameters on hydraulic and natural fracture interaction. A new 3D hydromechanical formulation for an enhanced dual-porosity/dual-permeability model is proposed to represent a fractured porous formation more realistically in reservoir simulations. The new model allows the study of the impacts of natural fractures with different orientations at multiple scales on the hydromechanical behavior of the reservoir. Finally, this research work proposes a new methodology that integrates a robust fracture propagation model and reservoir simulation, improving the evaluation of production performance. We simulate several hydraulic fracturing scenarios for the assessment of the cumulative production of the reservoir. Moreover, we combined discrete fracture and enhanced dual porosity-dual permeability models to study the effects of fractures of multiple lengths on the hydraulically stimulated reservoir. The developed models are compared against experimental tests, analytical and numerical solutions. The comparative results show excellent agreement and validate the fully coupled hydromechanical formulations. From the numerical results, it was possible to identify the dominant parameters that influence hydraulic fracturing and the production performance of the hydraulically stimulated deposits.


DANIEL VAZ CAMPOS 29 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação é apresentado um estudo comparativo entre dois métodos de descrição do escoamento de fluidos em meios porosos heterogêneos e compostos de elementos arquiteturais de permoporosidade elevada, chamados fraturas e carstes. Fraturas são descontinuidades nas formações desencadeadas por tensão mecânica e carstes são espaços vazios na rocha formados por dissolução. Ambos são característicos das rochas carbonáticas do Pré-Sal, principais reservatórios produtores de petróleo do Brasil. A presença destes elementos traz grande dificuldade de caracterização e, por consequência, introduz grande incerteza nas curvas de produção previstas para cada campo. Os simuladores numéricos em diferenças finitas de Engenharia de Reservatórios, responsáveis pela geração destas curvas, representam de forma aproximada o escoamento nos espaços vazios da rocha devido à formulação aplicada. Além disso, devido à escala de quilômetros de extensão em que normalmente são utilizados, usam células que incluem os três meios (matriz porosa, carste e fratura), cujas escalas são menores que a de cada célula. Nesta dissertação, busca-se entender a equivalência entre simuladores numéricos black oil e o modelo de Brinkman, ainda não utilizado amplamente, que é um modelo físico constituído por equações que representam mais fielmente o escoamento, tanto na matriz porosa, quanto nas regiões de altíssima porosidade e nas fronteiras entre elas. Para esse objetivo, foi desenvolvido um simulador de Brinkman de fluxo monofásico em duas dimensões e capaz de representar o regime não permanente, utilizando o método dos elementos finitos para resolução das equações diferenciais. Os comportamentos não permanente e permanente do simulador criado foram validados por meio de exemplos da literatura. Os valores obtidos para a propagação da pressão e velocidade de fluxo foram comparados com os de um simulador numérico black oil na reprodução do escoamento em camadas selecionadas do modelo do carbonato do Lajedo Arapuá. Foram realizados estudos com modelos de duplo contínuo (que representam, através de parâmetros específicos, o fluxo na matriz porosa e nas fraturas, com um termo de transferência entre eles) buscando, através da variação da permeabilidade efetiva da fratura e do fator de forma, convergência aos resultados do modelo de contínuo único de referência, selecionado após análise dos resultados comparativos com Brinkman. Os resultados mostraram pouca variação entre os resultados dos métodos em cenários nos quais o sistema cárstico é composto por vugs dispersos e desconectados, enquanto que carstes em forma de condutos e com configurações complexas causam alterações na propagação da onda de pressão e nas velocidades de fluxo entre os modelos, principalmente em cenários com valores de permeabilidade mais próximos entre carste e matriz porosa na simulação black oil. A análise em duplo contínuo mostrou ser possível obter, através de modelos homogêneos e com escala até 10 vezes maiores, resultados semelhantes aos obtidos com uma modelagem black oil heterogênea com caracterização do sistema cárstico. Também foi possível concluir que a permeabilidade efetiva de fratura é suficiente como parâmetro de ajuste para encontrar um modelo equivalente, dentro de um critério de valor de variação, ao modelo de contínuo único. / [en] This dissertation presents a comparative study between two porous media fluid flow description methods applied to heterogeneous reservoirs composed of architectural elements of high permo-porosity, called fractures andkarsts. Fractures are formation discontinuities triggered by mechanical stressand karsts are empty cavities inside the formation generated by dissolution.Both are characteristic of Pre-Salt carbonate rocks, which are the main oil producing reservoirs in Brazil. The existence of these elements brings complexityin characterization and, hence, increases the uncertainty in field productionprediction curves. The Reservoir Engineering numerical simulators, based onfinite differences, that generate these curves model the flow behavior insidethe cavities in an approximate manner due to the mathematical formulationapplied. Besides, due to the kilometric scale in which they are usually applied,these models use cells that comprehend the three media (matrix, karst andfractures), whose scales are smaller than the cell’s. This dissertation evaluatesthe equivalence between black oil simulation and the Brinkman model, still notwidely used, which is a physical model made of equations that represent porousmedia flow inside high porosity regions as well as at the porous matrix andits boundaries. With this objective, a two-dimensional single-phase Brinkmansimulator, capable of representing transient flow, was designed using the finiteelements method to solve differential equations. The simulator s transient andpermanent behaviors were validated through literature analytical solutions.The pressure propagation and flow velocity values obtained while simulatingfluid flow inside selected layers from Lajedo Arapuá s carbonate formation werecompared to the ones from a black oil simulator. Studies were performed usingdual-continuum models (which calculate the fluid flow inside porous matrixand fractures separately and use a transfer term to account for the flow between them) seeking, through variation of the fracture effective permeabilityand the shape factor, convergence to the mono-continuum reference model thatwas selected after Brinkman s results comparative analysis. The results showsmall variation between the two methods when the karst system is composedof sparse and disconnected vugs, while conduit shaped karsts with complexconfiguration increase the variation in pressure wave propagation and flowvelocity values between models, especially in scenarios where matrix permeability values were closer to karst permeability values in the black oil model.The dual-continuum analysis showed that it is possible to obtain, through homogeneous and even ten times coarser models, similar results to those obtainedby a heterogeneous black oil model with karst system characterization. It wasalso possible to conclude that fracture effective permeability was sufficient asa fitting parameter in order to achieve equivalent results to those from themono-continuum model, using a threshold criteria.


RITA DE CASSIA ARAGAO DE OLIVEIRA 01 February 2022 (has links)
[pt] Como solução para viabilizar a produção de óleo com alto teor de dióxido de carbono, condição característica do pré-sal brasileiro, foi escolhida a estratégia de reinjeção desse mesmo gás produzido como método de recuperação de petróleo e como instrumento de mitigação da emissão atmosférica desse tipo de GEE (Gas do Efeito Estufa). A combinação de duas técnicas de recuperação, a injeção de água e a de gás, conhecida como WAG (Water Alternated Gas) se mostrou promissora por combinar benefícios como a varredura microscópica do gás com a estabilidade e economia obtidas pela injeção de água. Este projeto tem como objetivo entender o potencial de produção para traçar uma estratégia de otimização de recuperação do óleo aliado ao armazenamento da maior quantidade de CO2 possível, por meio de simulações numéricas de fluxo contínuo por modelos composicionais. A metodologia adotada para este projeto foi a utilização de módulos comerciais de simulação de reservatórios, fornecidos pela CMG (Computer Modeling Group), para ajuste de dados PVT de um fluido com características próximas ao do pré-sal, para que este pudesse ser aplicado em dois modelos sintéticos de reservatórios, para otimização de campo e avaliação deste pós período de produção. Desta forma, o presente trabalho proporciona uma visão do comportamento do método WAG e sua influência sobre o fator de recuperação deste reservatório, além de discutir as interações envolvidas em microescala em um ambiente reativo como um reservatório carbonático na presença do CO2. A partir dos resultados obtidos com a simulação, é possível concluir que as reações químicas entre os componentes aquosos e minerais presentes na formação porosa tem como consequência o aprisionamento do carbono. / [en] The strategy of CO2 produced reinjection is a solution to enable the pre-salt oil production as a petroleum recovery method and as an instrument to mitigate atmospheric emission of this GHG (Greenhouse Gas). The combination of two recovery techniques, water and gas injection, is known as Water Alternated Gas (WAG) has shown a successful combination of benefits such as microscopic gas sweeping with the stability and economy achieved by water injection. This project aims to understand the production potential to outline an optimization strategy of oil recovery coupled with the CO2 maximum storage possible, through numerical simulations of continuous flow by compositional models. The methodology adopted for this project was the use of commercial reservoir simulation modules, provided by CMG (Computer Modeling Group), to adjust PVT data of a fluid with similar characteristics to the pre-salt oil and then it could be applied in two synthetic reservoir models for field optimization and evaluation of this postproduction period. Thus, the present work provides an insight into the behavior of the WAG method and its influence on the recovery factor of this reservoir as well as discussing the microscale interactions involved in a reactive environment as a carbonate reservoir in the presence of CO2. Findings obtained by the simulation process shows that the chemical reactions between the aqueous and mineral components present in the porous formation result in carbon entrapment.

Mathematical and Statistical Investigation of Steamflooding in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Heavy Oil Reservoirs

Shafiei, Ali 25 March 2013 (has links)
A significant amount of Viscous Oil (e.g., heavy oil, extra heavy oil, and bitumen) is trapped in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs also known as NFCRs. The word VO endowment in NFCRs is estimated at ~ 2 Trillion barrels mostly reported in Canada, the USA, Russia, and the Middle East. To date, contributions to the world daily oil production from this immense energy resource remains negligible mainly due to the lack of appropriate production technologies. Implementation of a VO production technology such as steam injection is expensive (high capital investment), time-consuming, and people-intensive. Hence, before selecting a production technology for detailed economic analysis, use of cursory or broad screening tools or guides is a convenient means of gaining a quick overview of the technical feasibility of the various possible production technologies applied to a particular reservoir. Technical screening tools are only available for the purpose of evaluation of the reservoir performance parameters in oil sands for various thermal VO exploitation technologies such as Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD), Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS), Horizontal well Cyclic steam Stimulation (HCS), and so on. Nevertheless, such tools are not applicable for VO NFCRs assessment without considerable modifications due to the different nature of these two reservoir types (e.g., presence and effects of fracture network on reservoir behavior, wettability, lithology, fabric, pore structure, and so on) and also different mechanisms of energy and mass transport. Considering the lack of robust and rapid technical reservoir screening tools for the purpose of quick assessment and performance prediction for VO NFCRs under thermal stimulation (e.g., steamflooding), developing such fast and precise tools seems inevitable and desirable. In this dissertation, an attempt was made to develop new screening tools for the purpose of reservoir performance prediction in VO NFCRs using all the field and laboratory available data on a particular thermal technology (vertical well steamflooding). Considering the complex and heterogeneous nature of the NFCRs, there is great uncertainty associated with the geological nature of the NFCRs such as fracture and porosity distribution in the reservoir which will affect any modeling tasks aiming at modeling of processes involved in thermal VO production from these types of technically difficult and economically unattractive reservoirs. Therefore, several modeling and analyses technqiues were used in order to understand the main parameters controlling the steamflooding process in NFCRs and also cope with the uncertainties associated with the nature of geologic, reservoir and fluid properties data. Thermal geomechanics effects are well-known in VO production from oil sands using thermal technologies such as SAGD and cyclic steam processes. Hence, possible impacts of thermal processes on VO NFCRs performance was studied despite the lack of adequate field data. This dissertation makes the following contributions to the literature and the oil industry: Two new statistical correlations were developed, introduced, and examined which can be utilized for the purpose of estimation of Cumulative Steam to Oil Ratio (CSOR) and Recovery Factor (RF) as measures of process performance and technical viability during vertical well steamflooding in VO Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs (NFCRs). The proposed correlations include vital parameters such as in situ fluid and reservoir properties. The data used are taken from experimental studies and also field trials of vertical well steamflooding pilots in viscous oil NFCRs reported in the literature. The error percentage for the proposed correlations is < 10% for the worst case and contains fewer empirical constants compared with existing correlations for oil sands. The interactions between the parameters were also considered. The initial oil saturation and oil viscosity are the most important predictive factors. The proposed correlations successfully predicted steam/oil ratios and recovery factors in two heavy oil NFCRs. These correlations are reported for the first time in the literature for this type of VO reservoirs. A 3-D mathematical model was developed, presented, and examined in this research work, investigating various parameters and mechanisms affecting VO recovery from NFCRs using vertical well steamflooding. The governing equations are written for the matrix and fractured medium, separately. Uncertainties associated with the shape factor for the communication between the matrix and fracture is eliminated through setting a continuity boundary condition at the interface. Using this boundary condition, the solution method employed differs from the most of the modeling simulations reported in the literature. A Newton-Raphson approach was also used for solving mass and energy balance equations. RF and CSOR were obtained as a function of steam injection rate and temperature and characteristics of the fractured media such as matrix size and permeability. The numerical solution clearly shows that fractures play an important role in better conduction of heat into the matrix part. It was also concluded that the matrix block size and total permeability are the most important parameters affecting the dependent variables involved in steamflooding. A hybrid Artificial Neural Network model optimized by co-implementation of a Particle Swarm Optimization method (ANN-PSO) was developed, presented, and tested in this research work for the purpose of estimation of the CSOR and RF during vertical well steamflooding in VO NFCRs. The developed PSO-ANN model, conventional ANN models, and statistical correlations were examined using field data. Comparison of the predictions and field data implies superiority of the proposed PSO-ANN model with an absolute average error percentage < 6.5% , a determination coefficient (R2) > 0.98, and Mean Squared Error (MSE) < 0.06, a substantial improvement in comparison with conventional ANN model and empirical correlations for prediction of RF and CSOR. This indicates excellent potential for application of hybrid PSO-ANN models to screen VO NFCRs for steamflooding. This is the first time that the ANN technique has been applied for the purpose of performance prediction of steamflooding in VO NFCRs and also reported in the literature. The predictive PSO-ANN model and statistical correlations have strong potentials to be merged with heavy oil recovery modeling softwares available for thermal methods. This combination is expected to speed up their performance, reduce their uncertainty, and enhance their prediction and modeling capabilities. An integrated geological-geophysical-geomechanical approach was designed, presented, and applied in the case of a NFCR for the purpose of fracture and in situ stresses characterization in NFCRs. The proposed methodology can be applied for fracture and in situ stresses characterization which is beneficial to various aspects of asset development such as well placement, drilling, production, thermal reservoir modeling incorporating geomechanics effects, technology assessment and so on. A conceptual study was also conducted on geomechanics effects in VO NFCRs during steamflooding which is not yet well understood and still requires further field, laboratory, and theoretical studies. This can be considered as a small step forward in this area identifying positive potential of such knowledge to the design of large scale thermal operations in VO NFCRs.

Mathematical and Statistical Investigation of Steamflooding in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Heavy Oil Reservoirs

Shafiei, Ali 25 March 2013 (has links)
A significant amount of Viscous Oil (e.g., heavy oil, extra heavy oil, and bitumen) is trapped in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs also known as NFCRs. The word VO endowment in NFCRs is estimated at ~ 2 Trillion barrels mostly reported in Canada, the USA, Russia, and the Middle East. To date, contributions to the world daily oil production from this immense energy resource remains negligible mainly due to the lack of appropriate production technologies. Implementation of a VO production technology such as steam injection is expensive (high capital investment), time-consuming, and people-intensive. Hence, before selecting a production technology for detailed economic analysis, use of cursory or broad screening tools or guides is a convenient means of gaining a quick overview of the technical feasibility of the various possible production technologies applied to a particular reservoir. Technical screening tools are only available for the purpose of evaluation of the reservoir performance parameters in oil sands for various thermal VO exploitation technologies such as Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD), Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS), Horizontal well Cyclic steam Stimulation (HCS), and so on. Nevertheless, such tools are not applicable for VO NFCRs assessment without considerable modifications due to the different nature of these two reservoir types (e.g., presence and effects of fracture network on reservoir behavior, wettability, lithology, fabric, pore structure, and so on) and also different mechanisms of energy and mass transport. Considering the lack of robust and rapid technical reservoir screening tools for the purpose of quick assessment and performance prediction for VO NFCRs under thermal stimulation (e.g., steamflooding), developing such fast and precise tools seems inevitable and desirable. In this dissertation, an attempt was made to develop new screening tools for the purpose of reservoir performance prediction in VO NFCRs using all the field and laboratory available data on a particular thermal technology (vertical well steamflooding). Considering the complex and heterogeneous nature of the NFCRs, there is great uncertainty associated with the geological nature of the NFCRs such as fracture and porosity distribution in the reservoir which will affect any modeling tasks aiming at modeling of processes involved in thermal VO production from these types of technically difficult and economically unattractive reservoirs. Therefore, several modeling and analyses technqiues were used in order to understand the main parameters controlling the steamflooding process in NFCRs and also cope with the uncertainties associated with the nature of geologic, reservoir and fluid properties data. Thermal geomechanics effects are well-known in VO production from oil sands using thermal technologies such as SAGD and cyclic steam processes. Hence, possible impacts of thermal processes on VO NFCRs performance was studied despite the lack of adequate field data. This dissertation makes the following contributions to the literature and the oil industry: Two new statistical correlations were developed, introduced, and examined which can be utilized for the purpose of estimation of Cumulative Steam to Oil Ratio (CSOR) and Recovery Factor (RF) as measures of process performance and technical viability during vertical well steamflooding in VO Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs (NFCRs). The proposed correlations include vital parameters such as in situ fluid and reservoir properties. The data used are taken from experimental studies and also field trials of vertical well steamflooding pilots in viscous oil NFCRs reported in the literature. The error percentage for the proposed correlations is < 10% for the worst case and contains fewer empirical constants compared with existing correlations for oil sands. The interactions between the parameters were also considered. The initial oil saturation and oil viscosity are the most important predictive factors. The proposed correlations successfully predicted steam/oil ratios and recovery factors in two heavy oil NFCRs. These correlations are reported for the first time in the literature for this type of VO reservoirs. A 3-D mathematical model was developed, presented, and examined in this research work, investigating various parameters and mechanisms affecting VO recovery from NFCRs using vertical well steamflooding. The governing equations are written for the matrix and fractured medium, separately. Uncertainties associated with the shape factor for the communication between the matrix and fracture is eliminated through setting a continuity boundary condition at the interface. Using this boundary condition, the solution method employed differs from the most of the modeling simulations reported in the literature. A Newton-Raphson approach was also used for solving mass and energy balance equations. RF and CSOR were obtained as a function of steam injection rate and temperature and characteristics of the fractured media such as matrix size and permeability. The numerical solution clearly shows that fractures play an important role in better conduction of heat into the matrix part. It was also concluded that the matrix block size and total permeability are the most important parameters affecting the dependent variables involved in steamflooding. A hybrid Artificial Neural Network model optimized by co-implementation of a Particle Swarm Optimization method (ANN-PSO) was developed, presented, and tested in this research work for the purpose of estimation of the CSOR and RF during vertical well steamflooding in VO NFCRs. The developed PSO-ANN model, conventional ANN models, and statistical correlations were examined using field data. Comparison of the predictions and field data implies superiority of the proposed PSO-ANN model with an absolute average error percentage < 6.5% , a determination coefficient (R2) > 0.98, and Mean Squared Error (MSE) < 0.06, a substantial improvement in comparison with conventional ANN model and empirical correlations for prediction of RF and CSOR. This indicates excellent potential for application of hybrid PSO-ANN models to screen VO NFCRs for steamflooding. This is the first time that the ANN technique has been applied for the purpose of performance prediction of steamflooding in VO NFCRs and also reported in the literature. The predictive PSO-ANN model and statistical correlations have strong potentials to be merged with heavy oil recovery modeling softwares available for thermal methods. This combination is expected to speed up their performance, reduce their uncertainty, and enhance their prediction and modeling capabilities. An integrated geological-geophysical-geomechanical approach was designed, presented, and applied in the case of a NFCR for the purpose of fracture and in situ stresses characterization in NFCRs. The proposed methodology can be applied for fracture and in situ stresses characterization which is beneficial to various aspects of asset development such as well placement, drilling, production, thermal reservoir modeling incorporating geomechanics effects, technology assessment and so on. A conceptual study was also conducted on geomechanics effects in VO NFCRs during steamflooding which is not yet well understood and still requires further field, laboratory, and theoretical studies. This can be considered as a small step forward in this area identifying positive potential of such knowledge to the design of large scale thermal operations in VO NFCRs.

Estudo do processo de combust?o in-situ em reservat?rios maduros de ?leos m?dios e leves (high pressure air injection)

Catonho, Humberto Sampaio 29 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HumbertoSC_DISSERT.pdf: 7792135 bytes, checksum: 5204c60825f60e9f74c5f24e46e8aa4e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-29 / Nearly 3 x 1011 m3 of medium and light oils will remain in reservoirs worldwide after conventional recovery methods have been exhausted and much of this volume would be recovered by Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The in-situ combustion (ISC) is an EOR method in which an oxygen-containing gas is injected into a reservoir where it reacts with the crude oil to create a high-temperature combustion front that is propagated through the reservoir. The High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) method is a particular denomination of the air injection process applied in light oil reservoirs, for which the combustion reactions are dominant between 150 and 300?C and the generation of flue gas is the main factor to the oil displacement. A simulation model of a homogeneous reservoir was built to study, which was initially undergone to primary production, for 3 years, next by a waterflooding process for 21 more years. At this point, with the mature condition established into the reservoir, three variations of this model were selected, according to the recovery factors (RF) reached, for study the in-situ combustion (HPAI) technique. Next to this, a sensitivity analysis on the RF of characteristic operational parameters of the method was carried out: air injection rate per well, oxygen concentration into the injected gas, patterns of air injection and wells perforations configuration. This analysis, for 10 more years of production time, was performed with assistance of the central composite design. The reservoir behavior and the impacts of chemical reactions parameters and of reservoir particularities on the RF were also evaluated. An economic analysis and a study to maximize the RF of the process were also carried out. The simulation runs were performed in the simulator of thermal processes in reservoirs STARS (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator) from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The results showed the incremental RF were small and the net present value (NPV) is affected by high initial investments to compress the air. It was noticed that the adoption of high oxygen concentration into the injected gas and of the five spot pattern tends to improve the RF, and the wells perforations configuration has more influence with the increase of the oil thickness. Simulated cases relating to the reservoir particularities showed that smaller residual oil saturations to gas lead to greater RF and the presence of heterogeneities results in important variations on the RF and on the production curves / Aproximadamente 3 x 1011 m3 de ?leos m?dios e leves restar?o nos reservat?rios ao redor do mundo ap?s a aplica??o dos m?todos convencionais de recupera??o e grande parte desse volume seria recuper?vel com o uso de m?todos especiais. A combust?o in-situ (CIS) ? um m?todo de recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo no qual um g?s que cont?m oxig?nio ? injetado no reservat?rio onde reage com o ?leo cru para criar uma frente de combust?o de alta temperatura que se propaga pelo reservat?rio. O m?todo HPAI (High Pressure Air Injection) ? uma denomina??o particular do processo de inje??o de ar aplicado em reservat?rios de ?leos leves, onde as rea??es de combust?o s?o dominantes entre 150 e 300?C e a gera??o de flue gas ? o principal fator de deslocamento do ?leo. Um modelo de simula??o de fluxo de um reservat?rio homog?neo foi constru?do para o estudo, o qual foi inicialmente submetido ? produ??o prim?ria, por 3 anos, e em seguida, ao processo de inje??o de ?gua por mais 21 anos. Nesse ponto, com a condi??o madura estabelecida no reservat?rio, foram selecionadas tr?s varia??es desse modelo, de acordo com o fator de recupera??o (FR) obtido, para o estudo da t?cnica de combust?o in-situ (HPAI). Em seguida realizou-se uma an?lise de sensibilidade sobre o FR de par?metros operacionais pr?prios do m?todo: vaz?o de inje??o de ar por po?o, concentra??o de oxig?nio no g?s injetado, esquema de inje??o de ar e configura??o dos canhoneados dos po?os. Essa an?lise, para um per?odo adicional de at? 10 anos produ??o, foi efetuada com o aux?lio da t?cnica de planejamento composto central. O comportamento do reservat?rio e os impactos de par?metros envolvendo as rea??es qu?micas e de particularidades de reservat?rio sobre o FR tamb?m foram avaliados. Adicionalmente foram elaborados uma an?lise econ?mica e um estudo de maximiza??o do FR do processo. As simula??es foram realizadas com o simulador de processos t?rmicos em reservat?rios STARS (Steam, Thermal and Advanced Process Reservoir Simulation) da CMG (Computer Modelling Group). Os resultados mostraram que os FR incrementais foram baixos e que o valor presente l?quido (VPL) ? impactado negativamente pelos elevados investimentos iniciais para compress?o do ar. Observou-se que a ado??o de maiores concentra??es de oxig?nio no g?s injetado e do esquema de inje??o de ar tipo five spot tende a favorecer o FR, e que a configura??o dos canhoneados dos po?os apresenta influ?ncia crescente com o aumento da espessura porosa com ?leo do reservat?rio. Casos simulados referentes ?s particularidades de reservat?rio indicaram que menores satura??es residuais de ?leo ao g?s levam a FR maiores e que a exist?ncia de heterogeneidades resulta em varia??es consider?veis nos FR e nas curvas de produ??o

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