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The Role of the Social Factors in Generating Innovation within Mature Industry Supply Chains � A Case StudyBurgess, Kevin, kezmoon@bigpond.com January 2008 (has links)
Supply chain literature has increasingly argued that supply chains are being used by a wide range of industries to generate innovations which deliver competitive advantage, and that social factors such as trust and collaboration play a key role in making effective supply chain management (SCM). Closer examination of the research suggests that much of this literature is based on studies of industries which deliver consumer products and these studies are predominantly conducted within a positivist research framework. This research bias has resulted in far less attention being paid to studies of mature industrial markets. This case study seeks to redress such bias by posing an overall question regarding the role of social factors in innovation within a well established supply chain which existed across three mature, capital intensive industries � steel manufacturing, transport and railroad track construction and working outside the positivist paradigm by using a m ultidisciplinary research approach within a �critical realist framework�. In responding to the overall research question, three subordinate questions were explored. Firstly, how well suited are present corporate governance structures of individual organisations to deal with the newly emerging interconnected organisational structures in order to support the generation of innovations within supply chains? Secondly, what has been the impact of the widespread adoption of information technology in generating innovation in supply chains? And thirdly, what is the role played by interorganisational social networks in generating innovations within supply chains? The overall findings were that the social factors played a far more important role than had hitherto been acknowledged in either supporting or inhibiting innovation within supply chains. Corporate governance was seen to generally inhibit innovation between organisations. The claims of much of the SCM literature which asserts a strong link between IT and innovation in supply chains was not supported. In fact, it was found that the majority of subjects preferred to get information through social systems. The role of interorganisational networks (IONs) was found to be most effective at generating incremental innovations aimed at maintaining operational efficiency. A critical realist research approach was able to uncover some difficulties associated with a purely positivist research paradigm which restricts investigation to the empirical level of ontology. The critical realist approach was able to explore social causal mechanisms and structures which were not as readily accessible at the empirical level of inves tigation. It was found that multiple realities existed across the supply chain, and that the positivist assumption of a mono reality which underpins much of the enterprise resource planning (ERP), process management and governance approaches was in fact inhibiting the ability of the social system to be innovative and ultimately driving up costs. In fact a process management approach supported by information technology and operating within present corporate governance structures created conflicting goals which increased complexity. A key finding of this study was how the open social system of the supply chain used dynamic relationships to overcome the rigidities and complexity of a closed systems logic embedded in the formal governance and information systems.
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Samhällets system : Långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd ur ett systemteoretiskt perspektivSvensson, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna C-uppsats är att genom Pincus och Minahans resursinriktade systemteori undersöka innebörden av hur samhälleliga system tillgodoser hjälpbehov för klienter som uppbär försörjningsstöd under lång tid. Målet är att skapa en strukturerad bild av vad som är bidragande faktorer till långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd samt hur samhälleliga system arbetar med insatser gällande dessa faktorer. Frågeställningarna är följande: Vilka hjälpbehov framträder genom journalerna för undersökningsgruppen? Hur adresseras dessa av samhälleliga system och vilka slutsatser kan man dra av detta? Resultatet visar att hjälpbehoven som tillgodoses är av olika karaktär och att det samhälleliga resurssystemet ibland ersätter formella och informella resurssystem när dessa inte är välfungerande. Slutsatsen visar att samhälleliga system kan motarbeta varandra och att detta då blir till men för den enskilde. Slutsatsen visar också att preventivt arbete för att förhindra att långvarigt beroende av försörjningsstöd uppstår är viktigt. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to use Pincus and Minahans resource-oriented systems theory to examine how societal systems are meeting the needs of the clients who are longterm dependant on social benefits. The aim is to create a structured image of the factors that lies behind a longterm dependance on social benefits, and also how societal systems are working with interventions concerning these factors. The questions are as follows: Which needs for support can be identified among the studied group? How are these needs addressed by the societal systems, and what conclusions can you draw from this? The result shows that needs that are met by societal systems are of different sorts. It also show that societal systems sometimes replaces private and organizational systems, when thees are malfunctioning. The conclusion shows that societal systems can work against each other and that this can become troublesome for the clients. The conclusion also shows that preventive interventions are important when working with hoe to make longterm dependance on social benefits less occurring.
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Implementation Constraints of ERP Systems in Developing CountriesFissha, Hanna Mekuria January 2024 (has links)
Globally, the use of ERP systems has increased significantly. Organizations in developed and developing countries are pursuing ERP systems to stand out globally for facilitating their growth beyond their previous inhouse systems. Even if public organizations were not the main target of ERP systems, as ERP systems were first developed for manufacturing organizations, due to the countless benefits gained from the utilization of the systems they became part of the worldwide trend of implementing ERP systems long ago. These organizations have different culture and encounter numerous challenges due to several reasons. The purpose of this study was to explore ERP system implementation challenges by developing countries’ public sector organization’s and identify which critical factors has high impact in the success or failure of the implementations. The participants were 11 experienced IT experts with adequate knowledge on the ERP currently or previously involved in ERP implementation in Ethiopia, chosen case country in public sector organizations. The results of this study are comprised of systematic literature review and qualitative analysis, and data were collected using documentary search and semi-structured online interviews, respectively. Through deductive thematic analysis, themes were identified which are presented in 5 categories: critical success factors, ERP systems pre-implementation challenges, during implementation challenges, post implementation challenges, success of ERP system implementation and its measurements. The results are discussed based on comparison of the literature findings and qualitative analysis.
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A conceptual review of organisational learning orientation as an antecedent to knowledge transfer during an ERP implementationChagan Momade Aly, Shareen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Information Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This research aims to present a discussion of the relevant literature with regard to the relationship between organizational learning orientation, knowledge transfer and ERP implementations with the purpose of determining whether or not a learning orientation is an antecedent to knowledge transfer in ERP implementations, and could be added to the critical success factors for ERP implementations.
The research strategy selected for this study is a conceptual review. The rationale for using this strategy was to gain an in-depth understanding of the available literature. Thereafter this information was structured to enable solving the problems of identifying the barriers that impact the creation of a learning organization. It was also determined whether there are learning activities and initiatives that foster a learning orientation and whether there are knowledge transfer barriers that prevent the knowledge from being transferred even if the organization has a learning orientation.
The study identified that the literature around organizational learning, knowledge transfer and ERPs was filled with constructs regarding positive correlations between learning, knowledge transfer and technology implementations. However, the review could not conclusively identify any strong correlation to support organizational learning as an antecedent to knowledge transfer in an ERP implementation.
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Adoption Factors Impacting Human Resource Analytics Among Human Resource ProfessionalsVargas, Roslyn 01 January 2015 (has links)
In today’s fast paced, ever-changing world, one cannot help hearing the terms Big Data and analytics. The Internet holds vast amounts of data and this data, for example in retail, is being used to predict shopping habits, current needs, trends, and more. Why should this be limited to the retail side of an organization? Today, there is a more significant push for Human Resource (HR) professionals to be strategic business partners, and, therefore, HR professionals need to work on leading, not lagging, in the area of measurements and analytics. Some organizations that have adopted the use of analytics in their HR departments have been extremely successful. If this is the case, why are not more HR professionals adopting the use of human resource analytics (HRA)?
The purpose of this study is to gain insight as to the reasons why more HR professionals are not using HRA to improve organizational performance and to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. An exploration of prior research was performed and resulted in the development of a model representing factors that impact the adoption of HRA. The model was then tested for content validity and reliability using Partial Least Squares of Path Modeling. Results of the study of 302 HR professionals, currently working in the field of HR, suggest the hypotheses testing social influence, tool availability, effort expectancy, performance expectancy, and quantitative self-efficacy as factors impacting the adoption of HRA were all significant. Conversely, the factors data availability, fear appeals, and general self-efficacy were not significant. Findings indicate that the factors impacting the adoption of HRA are not only in the hands of the HR professional but, to some extent, the organization as well. If organizations truly want to adopt HRA, they must make available to the HR professionals the tools, data, resources, and support necessary. This study contributes to the literature on individual-level adoption, specifically of HRA. Implications for theory and practice are discussed, as well as further research.
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Estudio de la ósmosis inversa operada a baja presión como tratamiento de una fuente natural contaminada por actividad minera, en la micro cuenca Milluni en Bolivia, para el abastecimiento de agua segura a poblacionesAlvizuri Tintaya, Paola Andrea 16 January 2023 (has links)
[ES] La problemática de los metales pesados en cuerpos de agua superficial se ha observado a nivel mundial y ha sido objeto de múltiples estudios. La presencia de metales en concentraciones por encima de los límites establecidos adquiere mayor relevancia cuando estos se encuentran en fuentes de agua para abastecimiento público. Esta investigación toma como área de estudio a la Microcuenca Milluni, la cual se encuentra cercana de actividades mineras pasadas e ilegales que afectan directamente sobre sus recursos hídricos. Milluni está ubicada en el departamento de La Paz y es una fuente natural de agua para dos ciudades importantes de Bolivia, La Paz y El Alto (540 000 habitantes aproximadamente). El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es estudiar la implementación de la Ósmosis Inversa (OI) operada a bajas presiones como alternativa sostenible de tratamiento para eliminar la contaminación minera en las aguas de Milluni. Adicionalmente se busca contribuir a la gestión de recursos hídricos, con énfasis en el control de la de calidad de agua en la zona.
Esta investigación doctoral se desarrolló en cuatro etapas. En la primera etapa se hizo la caracterización de los cuerpos de agua superficiales para identificar el metal pesado más peligroso presente en Milluni. Para ello, se diseñó un programa de monitoreo considerando las particulares características y limitaciones en la gestión del agua del área. En la segunda etapa del estudio se formularon dos mecanismos para fortalecer la gestión del agua de Milluni, planteando complementar el programa de monitoreo tradicional con la herramienta de teledetección de contaminantes e identificar las partes interesadas de Milluni, para contribuir a la toma de decisiones de la zona. En la tercera etapa de la investigación se diseñó, montó y puso en marcha una planta piloto de OI, tecnología seleccionada debido a su alta eficiencia en la separación de compuestos iónicos del agua. Además, se realizó un diseño de experimentos para estudiar el comportamiento y eficiencia de una membrana tipo ULP 2540 Marca Keensen. Finalmente, en la cuarta etapa se desarrolló un análisis estadístico de los resultados experimentales obtenidos, y la validación de los mismos por medio de un modelo matemático basado en el modelo de concentración de polarización de Spiegler-Kedem. El modelo incluyo un factor de ajuste de temperatura tipo Arrhenius, para obtener una predicción precisa del rendimiento del proceso.
Esta tesis doctoral concluye que es posible remover el arsénico presente en aguas sintéticas utilizando la OI operada en condiciones sostenibles de presión (presiones bajas). Se ha demostrado que el uso de esta tecnología a baja presión no afecta a la eficiencia de separación del proceso y contribuye a disminuir el costo energético durante la operación. Este aporte es significativo en situaciones donde se cuenta con pocos recursos económicos y existen riesgos inminentes sobre la salud pública y los ecosistemas, como es el caso de la contaminación del agua por arsénico en Milluni, Bolivia. / [CA] La problemàtica dels metals pesats en cossos d'aigua superficial s'ha observat a nivell mundial i ha segut objecte de múltiples estudis. La presència de metals en concentracions per damunt dels llímits establits adquirix major rellevància quan estos es troben en fonts d'aigua per a abastiment públic. Esta investigació pren com a àrea d'estudi a la Microcuenca Milluni, la qual es troba propenca d'activitats mineres passades i illegals que afecten directament sobre els seus recursos hídrics. Milluni està ubicada en el departament de la Pau i és una font natural d'aigua per a dos ciutats importants de Bolívia, La Pau i L'Alt (540 000 habitants aproximadament). L'objectiu d'esta tesis doctoral és estudiar l'implementació de la Òsmosis Inversa (OI) operada a baixes pressions com a alternativa sostenible de tractament per a eliminar la contaminació minera en les aigües de Milluni. Adicionalment es busca contribuir a la gestió de recursos hídrics, en émfasis en el control de la de calitat d'aigua en la zona.
Esta investigació doctoral es va desenrollar en quatre etapes. En la primera etapa es va fer la caracterisació dels cossos d'aigua superficials per a identificar el metal pesat més perillós present en Milluni. Per a això, es va dissenyar un programa de monitoreo considerant les particulars característiques i llimitacions en la gestió de l'aigua de l'àrea. En la segona etapa de l'estudi es varen formular dos mecanismes per a enfortir la gestió de l'aigua de *Milluni, plantejant complementar el programa de monitoreo tradicional en la ferramenta d' teledetección de contaminants i identificar les parts interessades de Milluni, per a contribuir a la presa de decisions de la zona. En la tercera etapa de l'investigació es va dissenyar, va montar i va posar en marcha una planta pilot de OI, tecnologia seleccionada per la seua alta eficiència en la separació de composts iònics de l'aigua. Ademés, es va realisar un disseny d'experiments per a estudiar el comportament i eficiència d'una membrana tipo ULP 2540 Marca Keensen. Finalment, en la quarta etapa es va desenrollar un anàlisis estadístic dels resultats experimentals obtinguts, i la validació dels mateixos per mig d'un model matemàtic basat en el model de concentració de polarisació de Spiegler-Kedem. El model incloc un factor d'ajust de temperatura tipo Arrhenius, per a obtindre una predicció precisa del rendiment del procés.
Esta tesis doctoral conclou que és possible remoure l'arsènic present en aigües sintètiques utilisant la OI operada en condicions sostenibles de pressió (pressions baixes). S'ha demostrat que l'us d'esta tecnologia a baixa pressió no afecta a l'eficiència de separació del procés i contribuïx a disminuir el cost energètic durant l'operació. Este aporte és significatiu en situacions a on es conta en pocs recursos econòmics i existixen riscs imminents sobre la salut pública i els ecosistemes, com és el cas de la contaminació de l'aigua per arsènic en Milluni, Bolívia. / [EN] The problem of heavy metals in surface water bodies has been observed worldwide and has been the subject of multiple studies. The presence of metals in concentrations above the established limits becomes more relevant when they are found in water sources for public supply. This research takes the Milluni Micro-basin as a study area, which is close to past and illegal mining activities that directly affect its water resources. Milluni is located in the department of La Paz and is a natural source of water for two important cities in Bolivia, La Paz and El Alto (approximately 540,000 inhabitants). This doctoral thesis aims to study the implementation of Reverse Osmosis (RO) operated at low pressures as a sustainable treatment alternative to eliminate mining contamination in Milluni waters. Additionally, it seeks to contribute to the management of water resources, with an emphasis on the control of water quality in the area.
This doctoral research was developed in four stages. In the first stage, surface water bodies were characterized to identify the most dangerous heavy metal present in Milluni. For this, a monitoring program was started considering the particular characteristics and limitations of water management in the area. In the second stage, two mechanisms were formulated to strengthen Milluni's water management, proposing to complement the traditional monitoring study program with the contaminant remote sensing tool and to identify the invited parties of Milluni to contribute to the decision-making of the area. In the third stage of the investigation, a RO pilot plant was worked on, assembled, and started up, a technology selected due to its high efficiency in separating ionic compounds from water. In addition, a design of experiments was carried out to study the behavior and efficiency of a ULP 2540 Keensen brand membrane. Finally, in the fourth stage, a statistical analysis of the experimental results obtained was presented, and their validation using a mathematical model based on the Spiegler-Kedem polarization concentration model. The model includes an Arrhenius-type temperature adjustment factor to accurately predict the process performance.
This doctoral thesis concludes that it is possible to remove the arsenic present in synthetic waters using the RO operated under sustainable pressure conditions (low pressures). It has been shown that the use of this technology at low pressure does not affect the separation efficiency of the process and contributes to lower energy costs during operation. This contribution is significant in situations with few economic resources and imminent risks to public health and ecosystems, as is the case of water contamination by arsenic in Milluni, Bolivia. / Alvizuri Tintaya, PA. (2022). Estudio de la ósmosis inversa operada a baja presión como tratamiento de una fuente natural contaminada por actividad minera, en la micro cuenca Milluni en Bolivia, para el abastecimiento de agua segura a poblaciones [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191428
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