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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plato's causal theory of the nature of man in the Timaeus, 69a6-92c9

Hermannsson, Níels January 2016 (has links)
Timaeus 69a6-92c9 is a causal theory of the nature of man. Demigods, created heavenly bodies, take over soul and four elements, structured by a divine, good craftsman, who uses mathematical processes on things of two unlike origins. Imitating their creator, the demigods build man and leave him to run his life. What each individual man ‘takes over’ varies as does his individual and society’s handling of it, resulting in human lives ranging from the god-like to the murkiest low-life. This, through cycles of reincarnation, diversifies fauna bringing life, and extending the influence of reason into every elemental region; in a word it brings the heavens down to earth. Presented as anatomy, physiology, nosology and care of man, this is ancient Greek medical theory in the widest sense, including the use of hypothesis and claims about the soul. It mentions but stops short of addressing social and political levels. As cosmogony it is concerned with a micro-cosmos, but as cosmology with the running of this micro-cosmos within the macro-cosmos and as a part serving its overall being and purpose, as an organ serves and is served by the whole body of which it is an inner part. As a medical theory it brims with debated issues. Has Plato successfully answered the objections against using hypotheses, raised in On Ancient Medicine (Ch. III)? Is Aristotle’s objection to the theory of breathing a challenge to Plato’s analogy of macro- and micro cosmology? Why did Plato, unlike Galen later, chose to include soul in medicine, and to emphasise the elements, rather than the humours? Does movement as a cause of change and the different kinds of movements available for man’s self-care (Ch. V), mirror the intellectual and motivational division of human soul? Is the shaking receptacle a paradigm for vital human self-reflection? Chapter I discusses how introductions to English translations of the Timaeus reflect the old debate on keeping either to the heavens or to earth, to theology or to physics. Chapter II contains an introductory discussion on the Timaeus as a whole, with emphasis on its structure. In chapters III on anatomy, IV on physiology and in V on diseases and care of man, I focus on the structure of the causal account with regard to man as a mixed being. Using other texts purely for contrast and comparison I keep, to the extent possible, to the Timaeus, and mostly to 68e1-92c9. I argue that the transition between demiurgic and lesser gods’ causation at the junction of our main text and the previous lines, later carries over from the demigods to man’s self-care, individually and collectively, and that it mirrors the division of labour between Timaeus, Critias and Hermocrates, as natural philosophers, whereas Socrates, the fourth participant is a philosopher of a different kind along the line of division drawn at 29b. This thesis offers an outline of an argument for re-evaluating the Timaeus on the nature of man, particularly with regard to its formal logical side and its relation to rational persuasion.

Avkastning med ansvar : vikten av ett ansvarsfullt ägande / Responsible Investment : the importance of a responsible ownership

Lundin, Sara, Vesterlund, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
Traditionally, it has been argued that companies are only responsible towards their shareholders, to maximize the profits. But lately it has changed into another way of responsibilty. It has become of great importance to demonstrate sustainable long-term values for stakeholders to identify with. This thesis aims to clarify the banks’ definition of responsible investment and what criteria they assume when talking about such kind of investments. Furthermore, the thesis intends to examine how the banks in their role as an agent can contribute so their customers can achieve responsible investments. The issues dealt with are: What criterias must a responsible investment meet according to the Swedish banks? and How can the Swedish banks contribute so their clients' investments falls under what is defined as responsible investment?The conclusions of this study show that to conduct a dialogue with companies that violate norms and principles is considered more responsible, than to exclude companies and divest holding. A responsible investment is thus an investment on which banks are active owners and influence companies through dialogues. / Traditionellt sett har det hävdats att företag endast har ett ansvar gentemot aktieägarna. I takt med globaliseringen och en ökad medvetenhet om hur företag påverkar omvärlden, blir trycket allt större på att organisationer och företag ska ta ett ansvar bortom årets resultat. Påtryckningarna kommer främst från företagens intressenter och utgörs av deras krav på företagets verksamhet. För att ett företag ska kunna överleva i en föränderlig omvärld är det av stor vikt att företaget kan uppvisa hållbara värderingar som intressenterna långsiktigt kan identifiera sig med. Företagsledningen måste därför acceptera att det finns andra mål än vinstmaximering och vara redo att arbeta med flera parallella målsättningar av olika slag. Det är genom detta arbete som företaget måste hitta vägar att möta dessa krav och på så vis axla sitt ansvar gentemot omvärlden. SRI, Socially Responsible Investment, går i linje med att företagen ska förmå att ta sitt ansvar. SRI medför att aktieägarna genom sina investeringar ges en möjlighet att utöva påtryckningar på företagen, att integrera CSR-arbetet i sin verksamhet, samtidigt som de får ekonomisk avkastning. På en internationell nivå är FN:s principer för ansvarsfulla investeringar, UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), kanske det mest betydelsefulla initiativet för att kombinera ett ansvarsfullt agerande med ekonomisk avkastning. Principerna förser investerare med ett ramverk för att ställa krav på företagen att implementera ett arbete avseende miljö- och socialt ansvar, samt frågor som rör bolagsstyrning i företagens verksamheter. Denna uppsats syftar till att bringa klarhet i vad som, enligt de ledande bankerna i Sverige, avses med ansvarsfulla investeringar och vilka kriterier bankerna utgår från när de talar om den här typen av investering. Vidare studeras hur bankerna i sin roll som agenter kan verka för att kundernas placeringar blir ansvarsfulla investeringar. Frågeställningarna som uppsatsen behandlar lyder: Vilka kriterier utgår Sveriges ledande banker från när de definierar en ansvarsfull investering? samt Hur kan Sveriges ledande banker verka för att deras kunders placeringar faller inom ramen för ansvarsfulla investeringar? Studien visar att de ledande bankerna i Sverige följer Principles for Responsible Investments när de talas om ansvarsfulla investeringar. Respondenterna och bankerna har genomgående definierat en ansvarsfull investering som en investering där ägaren är aktiv i sin roll och påverkar bolagen att leva upp till ESG-kriterierna. Bankerna är i sin roll som agenter av stor betydelse för dialogen med bolagen för att kundernas placeringar faller inom ramen för ansvarsfulla investeringar. Att föra en dialog med bolag som bryter mot normer och principer anses mer ansvarsfullt än att exkludera bolagen och avyttra innehavet.

Semi-Informed Multi-Agent Patrol Strategies

Hardin, Chad E. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The adversarial multi-agent patrol problem is an active research topic with many real-world applications such as physical robots guarding an area and software agents protecting a computer network. In it, agents patrol a graph looking for so-called critical vertices that are subject to attack by adversaries. The agents are unaware of which vertices are subject to attack by adversaries and when they encounter such a vertex they attempt to protect it from being compromised (an adversary must occupy the vertex it targets a certain amount of time for the attack to succeed). Even though the terms adversary and attack are used, the problem domain extends to patrolling a graph for other interesting noncompetitive contexts such as search and rescue. The problem statement adopted in this work is formulated such that agents obtain knowledge of local graph topology and critical vertices over the course of their travels via an API ; there is no global knowledge of the graph or communication between agents. The challenge is to balance exploration, necessary to discover critical vertices, with exploitation, necessary to protect critical vertices from attack. Four types of adversaries were used for experiments, three from previous research – waiting, random, and statistical - and the fourth, a hybrid of those three. Agent strategies for countering each of these adversaries are designed and evaluated. Benchmark graphs and parameter settings from related research will be employed. The proposed research culminates in the design and evaluation of agents to counter these various types of adversaries under a range of conditions. The results of this work are agent strategies in which each agent becomes solely responsible for protecting those critical vertices it discovers. The agents use emergent behavior to minimize successful attacks and maximize the discovery of new critical vertices. A set of seven edge choosing primitives (ECPs) are defined that are combined in different ways to yield a range of agent strategies using the chain of responsibility OOP design pattern. Every permutation of them were tested and measured in order to identify those strategies that perform well. One strategy performed particularly well against all adversaries, graph topology, and other experimental variables. This particular strategy combines ECPs of: A hard-deadline return to covered vertices to counter the random adversary, efficiently checking vertices to see if they are being attacked by the waiting adversary, and random movement to impede the statistical adversary.

...And who sewed your clothes? : Alienation in the time of division of labour – A Marxist analysis on two contemporary Swedish fashion brands

Nyfeler, Judith Katharina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions of Marx’s concept of alienation in regards to the semi-aware state of it in contemporary society. In the fashion industry, one of the most globalised businesses, the supply chains are getting larger, tasks are being outsourced and labour is divided on several dozens of workers involved, relationships are socially and geographically dispersed. Hence, companies establish departments for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and by this “cleaning” the supply chain according to international laws and conventions. Division of labour fragments the supply chains and third parties are in charge to audit and inspect factory sites, reporting the findings to the company’s CSR manager and by this increasing transparency and authenticity. Meanwhile being unaware of the fact that alienation happens in a definitive state in the fashion industry, companies counteract not only by communication their endeavour which CSR is executing but also by publishing CSR agendas and policies online. This phenomenon is demonstrated on two Swedish fashion brands, Filippa K and Cheap Monday. After all, I argue, Marx might be challenged in various points of his theory, however, he appears not being completely wrong when it comes to alienation. Further, I claim, that the old-fashioned (and forgotten?) theory of alienation ought to be revived for the understanding of issues on the production side, branding narratives and storytelling marketing strategies as well as end-consumers increasing awareness and education in such realms.

Involuntary consent

Futter, Dylan Brian 24 May 2013 (has links)
In this dissertation I take exception with a widely held philosophical doctrine, according to which agents are only blameworthy for the bad actions they have chosen to bring about. My argument strategy is to present cases in which agents are blamed for involuntary actions that are not in any way connected to their culpable and voluntary choices. These failures correspond, I suggest, to occasions of culpable ignorance where agents have been negligent or careless. More specifically, I claim that violations of natural duties of respect and consideration, and certain acquired role-type duties, are blamed without any voluntary consent. If my examples are persuasive, then the point is reached where a normative principle of 'voluntary consent' does not in fact coincide with people's actual practices and 'considered judgements'. In the final sections of the dissertation, I argue against the plausibility of keeping the principle and revising our judgements. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in

Good Guys Don't Always Finish Last: The Moderating Role of Brand Extension Fit on Product Evaluations Based on Corporate Ability (CA) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Associations

Johnson, Zachary Scott 01 January 2011 (has links)
Termed corporate associations, consumer corporate brand perceptions influence evaluations of new products made by consumers. Corporate associations are conceptualized as falling within two categories (Brown and Dacin 1997): a corporation may develop a reputation for Corporate Ability (CA) by developing quality products or for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through its corporate commitment to societal obligations. Past research suggests that product-related CA associations lead to more favorable product evaluations than CSR, which is a contextual association that is less product-related. However, past research has been limited to line extensions, which are evaluated in a piecemeal cognitive process. Unlike line extensions, evaluations of brand extensions include an intervening categorization process that determines consumers' evaluative strategies. This research merges the corporate association and brand extension literature streams and, in four studies, contributes to the literature by establishing that brand extension fit moderates the influence of corporate associations on product evaluations. This finding is developed further by demonstrating that both individual differences (self-construal) and brand-related attributes moderate this interaction.

The Need for Post-conflict Investigatory Mechanisms in the R2P Doctrine

Navaratnam, Kubes 12 January 2011 (has links)
In the wake of atrocities arising from internal armed conflicts in the 1990s, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty introduced the Responsibility to Protect doctrine (“R2P”) as a solution to reconcile the notion of state sovereignty with the need to protect citizens. The lack of available protection for internal armed conflicts and the subsequent evolution of the humanitarian intervention debate facilitated the unanimous acceptance of R2P’s fundamental principles by all UN member states. This paper examines the development of the R2P doctrine and its current status as customary law. By identifying its inadequacies, the paper raises questions of the doctrine’s viability in fulfilling the emerging norm of the collective responsibility to protect. In order to remedy these shortfalls and ensure the doctrine’s effectiveness, the paper argues the need to incorporate post-conflict investigatory mechanisms into the R2P.

The Need for Post-conflict Investigatory Mechanisms in the R2P Doctrine

Navaratnam, Kubes 12 January 2011 (has links)
In the wake of atrocities arising from internal armed conflicts in the 1990s, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty introduced the Responsibility to Protect doctrine (“R2P”) as a solution to reconcile the notion of state sovereignty with the need to protect citizens. The lack of available protection for internal armed conflicts and the subsequent evolution of the humanitarian intervention debate facilitated the unanimous acceptance of R2P’s fundamental principles by all UN member states. This paper examines the development of the R2P doctrine and its current status as customary law. By identifying its inadequacies, the paper raises questions of the doctrine’s viability in fulfilling the emerging norm of the collective responsibility to protect. In order to remedy these shortfalls and ensure the doctrine’s effectiveness, the paper argues the need to incorporate post-conflict investigatory mechanisms into the R2P.

Study of the work of the Hungarian Baptist Aid with a special stress on the relationship between the social responsibility and evangelism

Nagy-Ajtai, Erzsébet 02 1900 (has links)
In this study we studied how holistic mission should be accomplished. May we speak about social and evangelical mandates? This search is done through the examination of a Christian relief organisation, the Hungarian Baptist Aid. Our main research question was: Is the work of this service holistic? Although we concluded in the light of David Bosch's mission interpretation that their mission is not yet holistic, the model of Hungarian Baptist Aid is encouraging how we could multiply our resources that are placed in God's hand. How we can see a commission that seemed impossible can become possible, and how we can find our way in God's mission. / Christian Spirituality, Curch History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Study of the work of the Hungarian Baptist Aid with a special stress on the relationship between the social responsibility and evangelism

Nagy-Ajtai, Erzsébet 02 1900 (has links)
In this study we studied how holistic mission should be accomplished. May we speak about social and evangelical mandates? This search is done through the examination of a Christian relief organisation, the Hungarian Baptist Aid. Our main research question was: Is the work of this service holistic? Although we concluded in the light of David Bosch's mission interpretation that their mission is not yet holistic, the model of Hungarian Baptist Aid is encouraging how we could multiply our resources that are placed in God's hand. How we can see a commission that seemed impossible can become possible, and how we can find our way in God's mission. / Christian Spirituality, Curch History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

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